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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 17 (1902)

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    Lt 167, 1902

    Evans, Brother and Sister [I. H.]

    “Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California

    October 26, 1902

    Portions of this letter are published in 3MR 240.

    Dear Brother and Sister Evans,—

    We received your letter in regard to a sanitarium all ready to be occupied so that work could be begun at once. I am sure that we ought to secure the control of this place if possible.17LtMs, Lt 167, 1902, par. 1

    The place that the Brethren Moran selected on that hill corner, I have no hesitancy in saying Seventh-day Adventists should have nothing to do with in purchasing. When I saw the place, I was much distressed to think that any of our people should select such a situation. It is forbidding in every way.17LtMs, Lt 167, 1902, par. 2

    The Sierra Madre Villa property, as described by you, has the advantages that have been outlined to me. Land is a great advantage. And the opportunity to secure a furnished building is a wonderful chance if the conditions are reasonable. If it can be secured, it will be far more favorable than Mr. Hall’s place at Monrovia.17LtMs, Lt 167, 1902, par. 3

    The question now before us is, Shall we try to secure the places that seem desirable in price and location, when we cannot tell where our money is coming from? Brethren Daniells, Knox, and others are opposed to the increasing of debts. But I am not prepared to say that we should not, under any circumstances, purchase land to which the Lord seems to have directed our minds, when there is no hindrance but the question of ready money, and which property, in the providence of God, we could soon pay for. We have to guard against mistakes on both sides. If we see a good opportunity to secure a building, as in Paradise Valley, I think it should be purchased. Henry Kellogg has visited the place, and he is much pleased with it. He may decide to locate there, if he can purchase a home at reasonable rates.17LtMs, Lt 167, 1902, par. 4

    I hope you are all as well as usual. I have written a few lines to your mother, who is sick upon her bed. I seemed called out to address her, and I hope that the few lines written will be a comfort to her. I have some things to write to Brother and Sister Moran as soon as I can. I have been closing up the books that I have been getting out. One is another volume of the Testimonies and the other is entitled Education. Both will be out soon.17LtMs, Lt 167, 1902, par. 5

    May the Lord bless you all. I will write again soon.17LtMs, Lt 167, 1902, par. 6

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