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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 17 (1902)

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    Lt 166, 1902

    Whitelock, T. S.

    St. Helena, California

    October 23, 1902

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother Whitelock,—

    Your letter has been read to me, and I would say that I think we should make arrangements to purchase the place if it is offered at a reasonable figure. Brother H. W. Kellogg says that he will bear half the cost of the land that was once included in the property, but that has since been sold. Find out what this land can be bought for.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 1

    There is no need to hurry matters, but we should not lose our opportunity by needless delays. It will be well if you can arrange to make time payments. Once the place is secured, we can furnish it little by little as we have means at our command. This part of the work must be done by degrees. To furnish the building all at once would mean a very heavy expense. And in buying furniture, the strictest economy must be practiced. We must not place ourselves where we are bound by a heavy debt. Thus we would place a yoke on our necks that will not be agreeable to bear. In every move we make we must study economy. To economize wisely is a lesson that it seems difficult for us to learn.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 2

    Sister Hall, who is now with me, would be a great help in buying furniture for the building. For many years she did the buying for the Battle Creek Sanitarium, and her experience would be of great value. Brother Henry Kellogg is very much interested in that property, and I think that he will help us in purchasing it. But we must make haste slowly. It will take time to do all that will need to be done. We must not incur a large debt. I am as anxious as ever that the place be secured; but after it is secured, we shall have to take time to fit it up. Patience and wisdom will be needed in this part of the work. If we move gradually and prayerfully, God will be with us.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 3

    We must watch and pray, asking the Lord to direct us. Seeing that moves so unwise have been made by some in the South, we cannot wonder at Brother Knox’s writing as he did. But I hope you will not feel, because he has written thus, that you are to fold your hands, making no further effort to do anything. If the Lord wants us to have these places, He will work with us to secure them.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 4

    Be of good courage in the Lord, and believe that everything will came out all right. I know it is hard to get means, but the Lord will help us.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 5

    Please ascertain the price of the property adjoining the Sanitarium property, and let me know.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 6

    Since returning from the South, I have had some sickness, but I think I shall recover soon.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 7

    With much love to yourself and your wife,17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 8


    Please tell Sister Johnson that I will write to her soon. I thank her for her kindness to me while in San Diego. I very much appreciated it.17LtMs, Lt 166, 1902, par. 9

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