Lt 267, 1902
White, W. C.
“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California
November 17, 1902
Previously unpublished.
Dear Son Willie C. White,—
I have been up since quarter after one o’clock. It is now five o’clock.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 1
Edson purposed to start this morning for Nashville. He did not care to stop at Battle Creek. But in the night season, the matter was presented to me that it was his privilege to be present at that meeting; again he was represented as bearing testimony in that meeting. I told him this morning it was best for him to go, and he will go through Battle Creek and stop a couple of days. I hope opportunity may be given him to correct some statements and present them in truth.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 2
Edson was invited to speak at the Sanitarium and all seemed interested and pleased. There was a family from the South that are wealthy people who are delighted with the place, and an excellent impression was made upon their minds. They spoke upon the discourse, said they never heard anything like it before. Edson has been greatly blessed on the Sabbath in speaking. He also spoke before the workers in the Food Factory. I hope the blessing of the Lord will go with him. He has not talked with me in regard to difficulties. We have had no time.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 3
I have been getting out matter from my diaries and have been having it copied in regard to the position to be taken in the work and how it is to be carried. There is much yet to be coming from my books that will be copied. I have now decided to put into a book to circulate among our people the history of the work, for stories have been circulated that place matters concerning the work in the field in a highly exaggerated light. It has been represented to me that hands were outspread to take up means that hearts have been stirred to give, and appropriate the same as has been done in the past to keep up the misappropriation. I shall now try to get out this matter that all may understand that God’s purpose is not after the will and ways of men. I am enabled to send this matter and have much more to come, written months back. I would like to be with you but this cannot be.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 4
We have had but little time together, but I am very glad for this visit from Edson. We missed you very much and I did want you to be here, but Edson will meet you in Battle Creek. And may the Lord bless the meeting is my prayer. Emma stays with me a few weeks. I hope and pray the Lord will bless you abundantly in your councils.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 5
May and the children were here to dinner. Sunday was Emma’s birthday. We had a pleasant time together.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 6
Oh, I hope that the burden I have carried will cease soon. I want that report of the conversation here to be placed in your hand, for I am instructed to recall it, for it was not the will of the Lord I should stand in any such position. Elder Daniells has a copy, and I must have it; please to do this errand for me. I told Brother Clarence not to put the copy in his hands until I looked it over thoroughly.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 7
I am thankful for the good meeting you are having. May the Lord let His blessing come to you all abundantly is my prayer. I hope you will keep well.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 8
In much love.17LtMs, Lt 267, 1902, par. 9