Ms 137, 1902
Diary/“During the past night I have ...”
“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California
October 26, 1902
Portions of this manuscript are published in 5Bio 203. +
During the past night I have slept but little. I feel grateful to God for His goodness and love. I thank Him for permitting me to have a part in the work of preparing the way for His second coming.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 1
I have spent the greater part of the night praying that the Lord, by some way of His own choosing, will open Dr. Kellogg’s understanding, that he may see that he is departing from the faith. Unless he is led to realize his true spiritual condition, he will walk away from Christ into false paths. I am greatly burdened by the thought that those connected with the doctor in medical missionary work do not see that he is not standing on the platform of Bible truth. Unless there is a change, grave errors will be brought in. These will be rejected by some, but by others they will be accepted. Dr. Kellogg will have a sad account to give unless he sincerely repents for lifting himself up unto vanity and assuming over souls a power that has hurt them spiritually.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 2
Dr. Kellogg has favored those who have consented to follow his plans, and he has disparaged those who have differed from him in their understanding of what constitutes medical missionary work. Of those who have not shaped their work to suit his devising, it has been declared that they are not in harmony with medical missionary work. But these assertions are not always the truth. Dr. Kellogg has no right to attach to the work his own plans and methods, and then claim that those who do not in all things act in harmony with his ideas are not medical missionaries.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 3
Dr. Kellogg has woven so much of himself into some lines of the medical missionary work that it is sick, diseased, needing the care of the great Physician. When Dr. Kellogg does the work of a true medical missionary, as heaven designs he shall, the showing will be of a very different character from what it now is.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 4
If Dr. Kellogg would see himself as the Lord sees him, he would be greatly ashamed and humiliated. He would see—as all must see who are enlightened by the Holy Spirit—that self-denial and genuine humility are the first requisites for the success of medical missionary work. God acknowledges only the work that bears His seal.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 5
Had our brother, who has assumed responsibilities that God has not laid upon him, devoted his labors to that which for years God has bidden him to do, he would now be a much safer man to entrust with large responsibilities. He does not discern the truth for this time. He has been framing false theories, and by these he governs himself. Then when new theories present themselves to his mind, he stands hesitating and undecided. He thinks and claims that he is right, but he does not understand what is the testing truth for this time. Unless he changes, he will be unsafe as a leader. He who stands as a leader of God’s people should do nothing that will mislead, nothing that will bring in false theories and sentiments.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 6
It becomes those who are associated with Dr. Kellogg to watch and pray, else they will be found building on sliding sand. Dr. Kellogg interprets the Scriptures according to his own ideas. He is the subject of strong temptation, and unless he places himself where God can guide and control him, he will do a strange work.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 7
Not all Dr. Kellogg’s works have been perfect before God. The Lord has given me messages for him, to encourage him, to point out his mistakes, and to place him where he would have clear light in regard to the testimonies that the Lord was giving His people. But he did not take heed. The Lord gave him evidence that the testimonies that He was sending His people were true. But Dr. Kellogg would not accept the cautions and reproofs given him, when they did not coincide with his own ideas and judgment.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 8
When at the last General Conference, the light came to him, he should have confessed his mistakes and errors, that he might have been converted. But he refused to humble himself and began to build himself up in his own purposes. The work that should have been done at the General Conference was not done. Had Dr. Kellogg taken his stand as one determined to cleanse his soul from all impurity, from all that he knew to be wrong, there would have followed a reformation that would have placed the medical missionary work on a proper basis, where it would have been all that its name means.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 9
The Lord has a great work to accomplish through His faithful medical missionaries. But in order for them to do this work, they must be converted, body, soul, and spirit. God has made provision for every possible emergency. He will furnish help to all who walk and work in purity of heart. There is no lack to those who walk uprightly.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 10
Dr. Kellogg occupies a position of great responsibility. Many are looking to him as one able to comprehend the truth. But he misleads and has misled minds in regard to his work. He cannot meet his high responsibilities unless he is converted. That which he most needs is a knowledge of God’s will concerning himself—a knowledge of how to speak, how to teach, how to control his spirit. He needs to learn how to place in the Lord’s ministers the confidence that he desires them to place in him. The Lord calls upon Dr. Kellogg to step into line with his brethren, the ministers and teachers who are carrying forward a work that the Lord has given them just as verily as He has given Dr. Kellogg a work. These ministers and teachers are conscientiously trying to serve the interests of the cause of God, and this Dr. Kellogg also is to do.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 11
The rich and wonderful provisions of the gospel embrace the medical missionary work. This work is to be to the third angel’s message as the right arm to the body. But Dr. Kellogg has made it the head. In this he has done wrong.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 12
Dr. Kellogg has made mistakes. He has been reproved by the Lord because he has not watched unto prayer, because he has forgotten that he is wholly dependent upon God and amenable to Him, and that he is to follow in Christ’s footsteps. If he fails properly to represent the great medical missionary, if he does not keep the way of the Lord, doing his utmost to prepare a people to become members of the royal family, he leads away from Christ and from the truth for these last days. God desires Dr. Kellogg in his work to proclaim the last warning message of the gospel. When he leaves the principles of present truth out of his work, skepticism runs through his work, and God cannot endorse it.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 13
The principles of the gospel are to be studied and practiced by our people, that the line of demarcation between him that serveth God and him that serveth Him not may be kept unmistakably distinct. A close examination of God’s will will unfold the riches of the grace of Christ, which is to be received and imparted by God’s people. Dr. Kellogg needs the pure Bible truth. If he will seek the Lord most earnestly, God will be found of him. But without a change of heart, he will separate himself from Seventh-day Adventists, unless he is allowed to rule according to his own mind and judgment.17LtMs, Ms 137, 1902, par. 14