Ms 175, 1902
Justice in Sanitarium Management
Previously unpublished.
The Lord would have stewards appointed in our sanitariums who would be faithful to care for the outgoes and the incomes, in faithful discharge of stewardship, faithful to heed every principle of His law. His work of administration is not to be carelessly left for other burdens God has not appointed him to carry.17LtMs, Ms 175, 1902, par. 1
Dr. K has been unfaithful and has lost much of the provision God has made in behalf of aiding other institutions that are to be created. This duty was to be faithfully discharged. The Lord has moved upon men to make donations to the sanitarium, and the close dealings with the helpers have been oppressive and the management that has been introduced is not in the order of the Lord. There has not been acceptable stewardship. God has spoken to them again and again, and they have not heeded His Word but in self-confidence have pursued their own course.17LtMs, Ms 175, 1902, par. 2
The Lord designs that His people should be faithfully dealt with, and the course pursued toward them has dishonored God. The justice and the judgment and the equity that should have been seen have not been shown. It stands registered in the books of heaven, and the truth will be revealed. Note what a difference God has signified. He has shown His displeasure. When reproof comes to men in responsibility, if they are themselves unfaithful to heed the words of God to correct the evils in themselves, the reformation must commence. They do shabby work.17LtMs, Ms 175, 1902, par. 3
That which was said to the priests is applicable to all who do unfaithful work with the Lord’s money. “But cursed be the deceiver,” which brings offerings that God will not accept. “I am a great King, saith the Lord of hosts, and My name is dreadful among the heathen.” [Malachi 1:14.] Let men—ministers and doctors—who claim to be what they are not, fear the Lord God of hosts first themselves for the profanation of the holy things of God with which they were intrusted and for the deceptive words of men. This is the science Satan used in the deceiving of Adam and Eve and introducing sin into the family of heaven. The same deception is being exercised, and every supposed victory they gain in this line means defeat and estrangement from God and a binding up with the father of lies.17LtMs, Ms 175, 1902, par. 4
In this our day we do well to be afraid to trust in men who evidence they trust not in God, neither do they honor Him. They make every effort to favor themselves and to stand as exalted, but great will be their condemnation. There are men who sustain men in unlawful actions, and it is because they trust in men and do not do honor to God. There cannot be a greater contempt revealed among those who have had light and knowledge, whose scientific research is conducted by the father of lies. God’s name, His law, His ordinances are degraded before men. They ill used His holy and reverend things and hid and sold His precious treasures to carry out their own way and their own will.17LtMs, Ms 175, 1902, par. 5
I shall call things by their right name. They cannot, by their daring course of action to undermine, take one jot from the Lord’s purity, but will take it away from their own characters. God’s purity is made nothingness with men who have accepted the deceiving methods of Satan. They will educate and plan for others to do evil works and will share alike the punishment of God. Not one will be excused when the curtain is rolled up and the true penalties are meted out.17LtMs, Ms 175, 1902, par. 6