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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 17 (1902)

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    Lt 199, 1902

    White, W. C.

    “Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California

    December 14, 1902

    Portions of this letter are published in 9MR 47-48.

    Dear son Willie,—

    I have just received from Dr. Whitelock the enclosed letter. It is in regard to the offer that has been made on the Potts’ Sanitarium. After reading it, I first thought that I would write to the doctor to close the bargain at once, but I finally decided to send his letter to you, and to ask you to telegraph to Dr. Whitelock your decision in regard to the matter.17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 1

    I have no hesitation in saying that I think we should purchase the property. When it was offered for sixteen thousand dollars, I thought that we ought not to let it go; and now that it is offered for eleven thousand dollars, the lowest price ever put on it, I am sure that God’s providence is moving in the matter. I would telegraph at once, if I were you, to Dr. Whitelock to accept the offer. There should be no delay. The offer is more favorable than I expected it would be.17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 2

    I have begun another letter to you, but cannot finish it today. I will send this short note out tonight, that it may leave in tomorrow morning’s mail. I enclose a copy of the letter I have written to Dr. Whitelock.17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 3

    Be careful not to have too large a number in the Stock Company. It would not be best to have the property owned by too many.17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 4

    If the place should be purchased, I would be glad if Henry Kellogg and his family could make their home there. And after you come home, you may perhaps think it well for us to go there for a while, taking our workers with us. Sister Hall could go and could help the Sanitarium workers to get the building ready for patients. Her experience would be of great value; for careful, economical planning will be needed. But you may think it best for us to remain at home, where we have facilities for work, and do that which needs to be done.17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 5

    I cannot write much more this evening. I must go to bed; for I have been awake since eleven o’clock. Last night I found at my door your letter and a copy of Testimony No. 35. I was glad to hear from you. I hope you will guard carefully against taking cold. It made me very sad to read what you wrote about being about to talk just a little to the students while at Berrien Springs. You must not expose yourself. It is too serious a matter for you to run any risks. It pays to cherish every jot of strength that you have. Refuse to sit up late at night on Committee meetings. Give your body a fair chance, and you will then have much clearer spiritual discernment. I hope that you will be more concerned in regard to standing on vantage ground physically. “This one thing I do,” Paul said. [Philippians 3:13.]17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 6

    May God help us to move understandingly, and may He bless you, is my prayer. Good night.17LtMs, Lt 199, 1902, par. 7

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