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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 17 (1902)

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    Ms 226, 1902

    Our Denominational Book Work



    Previously unpublished.

    A Word to Canvassers

    There is a subject upon my mind of which I have said but little. It is that of warning our brethren in regard to the handling in the future of Dr. Kellogg’s health books as they have been handled in the past. The painstaking efforts that have heretofore been given to the sale of Dr. Kellogg’s books should now be placed upon our own, and thus means be brought in that will enable us to open fields where the truth has not yet been carried.17LtMs, Ms 226, 1902, par. 1

    It is now time for us to say to our workers, Handle those books that will bring in a revenue that can be used in reaching souls with the truth. The colporteurs who are handling denominational books are sowing the seeds of truth, proclaiming the last message of warning to a fallen world. Too much time has been spent in handling the books of Dr. Kellogg. The Lord now calls upon us to use this talent in scattering the seeds of truth that will save a perishing world.17LtMs, Ms 226, 1902, par. 2

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