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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 17 (1902)

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    Lt 151, 1902

    S. D. A. Mission Board

    San Diego, California

    September 25, 1902

    Previously unpublished.

    To the S. D. A. Mission Board

    Dear Brethren,—

    I wish to make a statement regarding the use that shall be made of the two thousand dollars left by Sister Aurora B. Lockwood, which she has placed in the hands of the Mission Board.17LtMs, Lt 151, 1902, par. 1

    Sister Lockwood and I had a conversation regarding this at the Nashville Union Conference, in which she said to me: “I want that money to go to the Southern field, a portion to help in the publishing work, and a portion to support the missionary work among the colored people. I do not know which may need help the most; but when you sell your place and can spare the money, I wish you to have it used where, in your judgment, it will do the greatest good in the South. Now I will not trouble my mind further about this matter, but will leave it with you.”17LtMs, Lt 151, 1902, par. 2

    I said to her, “I will do as you wish, and let you know how the money is appropriated.”17LtMs, Lt 151, 1902, par. 3

    It is my desire that this money shall be placed at once where most needed; and my judgment is that one half should go to the support of the publishing work, and one half to the support of the schools among the colored people under the direction of the Missionary Society. Please attend to this matter without delay.17LtMs, Lt 151, 1902, par. 4

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