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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 18 (1903)

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    Lt 110, 1903

    Richardson, Edwin


    June 20, 1903 [typed]

    Previously unpublished.

    Edwin Richardson
    Woodward, Oklahoma

    My dear brother,—

    Your letter stating that you would make me over some property—which is valued at one thousand dollars or that, if I chose, I could have the money itself to use in the work of God—has been read to me by my secretary. I had been asking my heavenly Father to open the way for me to prepare books and to provide means for the translation of these books into foreign languages. I have many precious things that I wish to place before the people in book form, and when I received your letter, it seemed like an answer to prayer. Your liberal offer I gratefully accept. The money will be of great help to me.18LtMs, Lt 110, 1903, par. 1

    We need money just now very much. There is a great work to be done. Many are calling for the truth. Calls come from different places asking for a gospel minister. Souls are hungry for the bread of life.18LtMs, Lt 110, 1903, par. 2

    I am thankful to the Lord, my brother, that He put it into your heart to give this money to His cause. The Lord will move upon the hearts of His people who have means, and they will give of their means to prepare the way for the publications containing the light of present truth to be carried to the world. God will open ways whereby the gospel messages shall be given to every nation and kindred and tongue and people. In this great work we have a part to act. We must be wide-awake. We have no time to loiter. The terrible disasters that have recently taken place in different parts of America speak in solemn warning, saying, “Be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.” [Matthew 24:44.] Time is golden. The hours of probation are fast passing. We can not afford to be found sleeping on guard.18LtMs, Lt 110, 1903, par. 3

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