Lt 112, 1903
Burden, Brother and Sister [J. A.]
“Elmshaven,” St. Helena, California
June 21, 1903
Portions of this letter are published in TDG 181; 8MR 58.
Dear Brother and Sister Burden,—
I must not let this mail go without writing you a few lines. I have sometimes hoped that I should see you before this. But though we cannot see each other, I thank the Lord that we can communicate by writing.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 1
This year we have had a few cherries of good quality, but not nearly as many as we had last year. We have almost no apples or peaches on our trees. Soon after we came here we set out some loganberry bushes and were so much pleased with their yield last year that we set out more plants. We had less rain than usual this spring, but the loganberry bushes are doing well. They stand the drought better than blackberries or strawberries. We have already put up sixty quarts of loganberries and are canning more today. From our place we have had all the peas we could use in our family, and have also sold some. We are now picking string beans, and soon the tomatoes will be ripe. We did not realize as much from the strawberries as last year. We had not sufficient water for them. We can get either white or red cherries near St. Helena for four cents a pound by picking them ourselves.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 2
The weather for a few days in May was very warm, but the nights are generally cool.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 3
I was under a heavy strain during the Conference in Oakland. The Lord put His Spirit upon me, both when I spoke and when I offered prayer in the congregation. I am so thankful that I was not prostrated.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 4
I visited Healdsburg at the close of the school. We were much pleased with what we saw of the school. It has made rapid advancement, and teachers and students are reaching higher and still higher in spiritual lines. During the past term there have been some remarkable conversions in the school. Lost sheep have been found and brought back to the fold.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 5
The closing exercises passed off very nicely. I am very glad that Prof. Beardslee is educating the students to sing. Good singing adds much to the worship of God. The Lord strengthened me to speak to a large audience in the church Sabbath morning. I had been unable to ride for some time, owing to hip and spine difficulties, and during the drive home I became very weary. But I am so grateful to my heavenly Father that He strengthens me.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 6
Recently, open-air meetings have been held by our brethren at Calistoga. The first meeting was held on Sunday, June 7, in the park near the hot springs. I spoke in the afternoon. I had much freedom in speaking. We had a good audience, among whom were several from outside. The people seemed to enjoy the meetings very much, and appointments were given out that meetings would be held in the same place the following Sabbath and Sunday. I spoke on both days. There were more present on the second Sunday than on the Sunday before. There are earnest Christian people in our church at Calistoga, and they feel a great desire to carry the truth to those in places who have not heard it.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 7
We expect to continue these open-air meetings. The next one will be held near St. Helena, if a suitable place can be found. We desire to do all we can to warn those around us of the soon coming of the Saviour. I believe much good will be accomplished as we take up this work. My heart is drawn out for those in darkness, who know not the truth. We are not to hover over the churches. The members must be aroused to do their duty, to bear the last message of mercy to a world ready to perish.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 8
Yesterday I spoke in the Sanitarium chapel. The room was crowded, many extra chairs being brought in to accommodate the people. I felt the power of the Spirit of God upon me and was able to speak the words of the Lord to the people with great earnestness. I will send you a copy of the sermon when it is written out.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 9
I hope soon to visit the soldiers’ home at Yountville. For several months a company of workers has been going there every other Sabbath to hold a song service. At first only a few attended the services, but now there are from seventy-five to one hundred present every time. Sometimes a thirty-minute talk on some Bible subject is given. At a meeting held a few weeks ago, the soldiers were asked if they would like to have a short Bible study after the song service. About a dozen said they would. But when the time came for the reading to be held, over fifty were present.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 10
The workers take reading matter with them, and when the soldiers are asked whether they would like it, their faces light up, and their hands are eagerly stretched out to receive the books and papers.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 11
Last Sabbath one intelligent-looking man in the home said to one of our brethren, “Before you came here to sing for us, I spent nearly all my time in drinking and carousing with my companions. But since you have been coming here, I have found a much better way to employ my time. I have given up liquor drinking and am spending my spare time in reading the Desire of Ages.”18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 12
Miss Peck has been teaching the church school here. She has had about forty pupils. The discipline of the school has been excellent. Miss Peck will not tolerate disorder. She is firm and just in her management, and the school has done the children great good.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 13
A few weeks ago, about twenty of the children from the school went to Yountville to sing before the soldiers. Mr. Moonie lent them a large stage wagon for the trip. Sister Peck had drilled the children thoroughly, and the soldiers were greatly pleased and interested. They are now asking that the children may come again.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 14
We hope that the work for the soldiers will go forward. Several are interested, and those in charge of the home recognize the good work that is being done. I fully believe that some of these old men, perhaps many, will be saved.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 15
I wish that all our people could see the many doors that are open before them. Beside all waters we are to sow the seeds of truth. O how my soul is drawn out for sinners, that they may be won for Christ. If those who have received the truth would exercise a living faith in Christ, if they would realize that they are to be His workers, wholly consecrated to His service, what a work might be done! When God’s people surrender themselves unreservedly to Christ, they will use every power of mind and body to His name’s glory; and His work will make rapid advancement.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 16
Paul, speaking of himself and his Christian brethren, said, “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” [Romans 14:7, 8.]18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 17
Faith in action is mighty. When we cherish the faith that works by love, we shall value aright the love of Him who gave His life to save a perishing world. Looking unto Jesus, beholding His excellence, His great offering of love, we shall seek for His sufficiency, His grace, His sympathy, His forbearance. Our souls will hunger and thirst for the love that cannot be expressed.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 18
Christ is able to supply all our necessities. He will be all in all to the heart that longs for salvation. He is worthy to be loved and adored. Let us honor Him by our profession of faith, by seeking for His power, His grace, and His glory. All who fully realize the privileges that are theirs will let their light so shine before the world that men, seeing their good works, will glorify their Father which is in heaven.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 19
The cross of Calvary is our hope and crown of rejoicing. Let us trust in Christ. Let us humble ourselves before Him and walk circumspectly. He gave Himself for us. He asks us to give ourselves to Him, that He may mold and fashion us.18LtMs, Lt 112, 1903, par. 20