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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 20 (1905)

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    Ms 168, 1905

    Warnings Against Binding Our Medical Institutions Together By Contracts



    Previously unpublished. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    In the night season I have had visions of the work of God and of how that work should be carried on. I do not give testimonies to individuals, only as the Lord presents the case before me in a clear representation. There are some things that I am charged to understand, that I may know what advice and counsel to give. Representations have been given me of the work that has been done under the seducing influence of satanic agencies, through the influence of mind upon mind, and I have given many warnings; for the situation was clearly opened up before me in vision.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 1

    I would never make the statements of that which the Lord has revealed to me in the day time, and more frequently in the night, of the work going on in various places, unless charged to do this in approval or disapproval. For years a work has been carried on that is not according to the commandments of God, and I must bear testimony regarding these things.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 2

    Read the tenth chapter of Acts. I am instructed in ways similar to the way in which those mentioned in this chapter were instructed. In vision I am shown what I should speak. This is repeated again and again.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 3

    I was shown in vision that a document would be sent to Australia for doctors and other sanitarium workers to set their names to. I was shown the result, the outcome of signing such documents, and I was warned that our brethren should not attach their names to them; for this would prove a yoke of bondage and a snare.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 4

    When I awoke from this vision given me, my flesh was as cold as marble, and for a time I lay still, unable to communicate with any one. I feared that I was dying, and yet I had messages that the angel of God had given me to give to our people, ministers and physicians. I asked the Lord to spare my life until I could give the warning to His people. In the words given to Isaiah, I was to “cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 5

    Again and again, as on this occasion, very much light was given me in the visions of the night. I was to speak to Dr. Braucht, to Dr. Caro, and to Brother Sharp. These were within reach.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 6

    As I lay there, I had called and called for help, but no one heard me, and I lay there until early morning. Then I told members of my family to send for Dr. Caro and Brother Sharp. I must see them at once. I thought at first that it was my dying charge.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 7

    Early in the morning they came to my room, and I told them the message that I had received in the visions of the night and what they must do. They must be on guard, and they must not put their signature to those papers. These men can bear testimony to the words I gave them in warning.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 8

    In a few days the message came and was read by these brethren, just as I had told them, that the documents that would be sent were not to receive their signatures; for it meant placing a yoke upon their necks, placing them to be worked by another’s mind.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 9

    Then again, I have been shown in vision the case of Dr. Kellogg, his long searching into scientific problems, when, I was instructed, he would better have been humbling his soul before God. I was shown the angel of evil close by his side, teaching him to seduce other souls. And this art of seducing has been exercised by him and will increase unless he is soundly converted.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 10

    The Lord has presented to me in vision Dr. Reed and Dr. Paulson; and again and again I have had visions regarding other men, of which I will not now stop to give the particulars.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 11

    When I was in Takoma Park, living in Carroll House, many things were presented to me in vision, one of them a committee meeting held during the night hours in the Battle Creek Sanitarium. That meeting was conducted by Dr. Kellogg. Many of the physicians were present, and W. C. White, having been sent for to attend a special council, was reined up in this committee meeting. O what agony of mind I suffered as I was viewing the way in which Dr. Kellogg conducted that meeting. I may sometime describe it, but not now.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 12

    I have told Willie that if ever plans were made for him to go into another night session with Dr. Kellogg, and I knew it, I would certainly exercise all the power God would give me to break up such an interview. Evil angels were there, and if the physicians present had had their true senses about them, they would have understood the spirit and influence of the actions of Dr. Kellogg and of the words spoken by him on that occasion.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 13

    This was a vision given me of God. I know the seducing power of Dr. Kellogg’s adviser, and I have no other name to give it but the seductive influence of satanic agencies. Dr. Kellogg has dealt in this influence to a greater or less degree. He has not changed, except to be more secretive. I have not one ray of hope regarding him, unless he understands that through satanic agencies he is striving for power over human minds. This has been shown me.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 14

    Read in Patriarchs and Prophets and Great Controversy the history of the first great apostasy. The instruction that these books contain was printed for your admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. It was this secretive power of the scientific operation of mind upon mind that I had to meet under the direction of the Spirit of God. I am so sorry that so many valuable minds have been already spoiled. There are those who will never come out of the darkness of infidelity through his seed sowing.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 15

    I have been sorry that I ever asked Elder A. T. Jones to try to save Dr. Kellogg. I was trying with all my power in prayer to save him. I told Brethren Reed, Paulson, and A. T. Jones that the enemy, through Dr. Kellogg, had been weaving his deceptive influence over their minds. This deceptive spiritualistic influence exercised over God’s servants was similar to the influence that was exercised by Satan in the garden of Eden.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 16

    A study of Patriarchs and Prophets and Great Controversy will show the way in which Satan worked. That men living in these last days, with the Old and New Testaments in their possession, should act out the very same representation, as shown me in warnings and reproofs given me in vision for our people, is wonderfully strange to me. What is the use, I asked myself, to try to make men see, after all the evidence that God has given them in all the publications that the Lord has given me to publish to the world.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 17

    Before the General Conference of 1901, the Lord gave me a special vision, telling me to go to Battle Creek, for I could help Dr. Kellogg. I went to Battle Creek and bore my testimony. Prior to the three first messages that I bore, in which I gave the special light that the Lord had given me, I had no conversation with Dr. Kellogg in regard to the situation in Battle Creek or upon any religious subjects at all.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 18

    The power of God came upon me, and I bore the messages God had given me to bear. There was a great and good work done.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 19

    I was staying in Dr. Kellogg’s house—his family was in another home—and one day, after I had spoken under the influence of the Spirit of God, he came to my room; and as he stood warming himself by the steam coils, he said, “I am delivered. In the past it has seemed as if there were a band of iron about my brain, but that band is broken.” I rejoiced with him. He said, “While you were speaking today, my brother Willie, who sat beside me, turned to me and, with tears running down his face, said, ‘Sister White speaks under the inspiration of the Spirit of God.’ I was sure that this was so, and the whole congregation felt this. The remarks that were made by [you] thrilled me through and through.”20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 20

    I believed that Dr. Kellogg was indeed converted. But near the close of our stay in Battle Creek, a paper was brought in for my inspection, to which the names were to be attached. I was lying on my bed at the time; for I was much worn. I had borne up under the great taxation. When I saw this document, my heart sank like lead. I knew that while I was in Australia, I had had a vision regarding a similar document, which I was instructed our brethren were not to sign. They were in no case to bind themselves under the obligations therein specified.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 21

    It was revealed to me that either party could be oppressive, but neither party was to make themselves a prey for the enemy. Again the Lord had presented to me in the visions of the night that not one sanitarium should be brought under the obligations expressed in that paper, for the Spirit of the Lord had not led to the forming of such a document. It is to never be; for unless the sanitarium in Battle Creek has a thoroughly converted, sanctified manager, there would be very strange things take place; for our leading men are becoming estranged from Bible truth. Dr. Kellogg knows not what is the truth. He is walking in false paths, and his example the Lord will not accept. I have had light given me that this is not the end of the matter. Souls will be seduced into errors and go a warfare at their own charges. I am instructed to warn our brethren and sisters: Battle Creek managers need first to be under control to God before they feel competent to manage other institutions.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 22

    This document was brought again for our approval after I supposed that Dr. Kellogg was converted. I felt afraid, distressed. I decidedly objected to one stroke of the pen’s being put to any such document. While lying exhausted on the bed, that same paper was again presented. I had no physical or mental strength left in me. Elder Prescott, Elder Daniells, and W. C. White were present. I said, “You should bring no such papers before me. I am in a state of great exhaustion. You brethren know what I have said, and my position is unchanged.”20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 23

    They said they wished to read it to me.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 24

    I said, “No; I cannot hear it. You must not urge me.” I said, “I have promised Judge Arthur that I would call on him before leaving, and I must now do this.” I felt that I must get out of the house. There was then but a short time before we had to take the train. I called on Judge Arthur. He was sick. I said, “I cannot talk much, but I will have a season of prayer with you if it would be agreeable.”20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 25

    He said that was just what he wanted. He sent to the school for his children, and they came. We bowed in prayer and the blessing of the Lord came upon us. I felt the power of God in a marked manner. We all felt it. Judge Arthur got up from that sick bed, healed.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 26

    We then went to the cars, and as soon as I was seated I felt that the special canopy of God was over me. Through the entire journey to Indianapolis I was shut in with God. In the night season the Lord gave me a vision of the dangers of the same persons I had previously mentioned in a meeting in the college building—some who had been advocating the doctrine of holy flesh. I never bear any such testimony unless a vision is given me in representation and words are spoken to me to be spoken to the one whom the Lord has presented before me. I saw some things which evidenced that my testimony regarding some things must be spoken then and there. I spoke just as the Lord had directed me to, saying that a spirit of fanaticism had come in and would certainly spoil the churches and the camp-meetings that would be held unless those who were cherishing that spirit were converted. The doctrines that these people were advocating were similar to those that I was called to rebuke in my first labors. I then had an experience in meeting spiritualistic sentiments after the period of 1844.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 27

    I was shown that I must present before the brethren and sisters in Indianapolis matters which I presented in New Hampshire and Vermont, Boston and New Bedford. In my first labors I had testimonies to bear regarding fanaticism in many places. The Spirit of the Lord was in the meetings held.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 28

    From Indianapolis we went to Des Moines. I bore the message the Lord gave me in the night season. I was shown that the enemy would make every effort possible to keep up divisions among God’s people. I gave the brethren the message God had given me for them, and we had a very earnest meeting. I told them they must humble themselves; that they must come to God, confessing their own sins; that the Lord would have them give up their hard feelings against Dr. Kellogg. The Lord was moving upon Dr. Kellogg to come into line, and we must all help him. The Lord was moving just as surely upon our church members. I told them that all this disunion and jealousy and evil surmising must be put away, and they must come into working order with Dr. Kellogg and he with them. The wrongs were not all on one side. There was a mutual work to be done. Those who had not received the principles of health reform that the Lord had presented before His people were doing God dishonor. They were injuring themselves and hindering the message God had given regarding health reform.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 29

    This message of the need of health reform had been clearly presented to me at a time when I was an invalid. God then presented to me the subjects which are contained in How to Live. I changed my course, gave up the use of flesh meat, and lived on simple, nourishing food. Instruction was also given me that drug medication must not come into our sanitariums. There were simple herbs that could be used, which would not leave any injurious aftereffects on the system. The use of water in case of sickness meant work, and it meant healing.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 30

    The principles of healthful living were given me directly from the Lord, and it was God’s purpose that His people should realize the great blessings that would come from obeying these principles; but there were among us some who had not received these principles, and who had opposed those advocating them, and they were working against reforms that the Lord had brought in.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 31

    I bore these testimonies in Indianapolis, in Des Moines, and in College View. I said all possible to bring about unity, and to prevent our people from pulling apart, declaring that the Lord would have unity prevail. Afterward letters came to me saying that Dr. Kellogg was kindly received and that nothing seemed to be standing in the way of unity.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 32

    I will here state that when I found that Dr. Kellogg was pushing the work of binding our sanitariums and treatments rooms to one association, I knew what to expect. The Lord had said in vision, “Dr. Kellogg is My physician, and you can help him.” But Dr. Kellogg would not receive the testimonies sent by God. He had stood as did Solomon, following a course of action that God has forbidden. Truth will triumph in every soul that will give it the right of way.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 33

    The representation of the work done at College View by Dr. Kellogg gave me distress and pain. I have the matter all written out. On one occasion when my burden of soul was great concerning matters, that were opened before me in Australia, of things which had taken place in Battle Creek concerning College View, Dr. Kellogg went over the whole recital of matters. There were things I was instructed should be adjusted in business transactions, but Dr. Kellogg was very calm through the transaction, for had he not a document in his pocket that these men with whom he was dealing had signed? Could he not carry everything by appealing to law? This is one of the reasons why those who understood the proceedings of Dr. Kellogg on that occasion were not much excited, for they knew just how the matter would turn.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 34

    But in the visions of the night this matter was presented to me as a matter that in no case should be repeated, because the Lord would not have any matter treated in this way among the church members of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. His people are to carry on their business transactions in a way altogether different from the way in which business matters are carried on by worldlings. In every case we are to act according to a high, holy, sanctified rectitude. Not one vestige of oppression or selfishness is to come in to any of our churches. All business transactions are to be performed in accordance with the law given by the great Ruler of the universe. We are to show no unrighteousness in judgment; and before any man who is in a responsible position shall feel at liberty to carry out a business transaction, he should inquire: Is this transaction of such a character that I shall not be ashamed to have it appear in the day of judgment, when the law in the ark shall be brought forth and my deeds compared with the words the Lord gave to Moses while he was forty days in the mount? Is this transaction according to the ten holy precepts engraved by the finger of Omnipotence? It is best to make this inquiry now before the words of (Revelation 22:10-12) shall be spoken. This instruction has been given me on similar occasions when the law of Jehovah has been discarded because the man who moves unjustly is sustained by the lawyer’s interpretation of the law. There is a law that shall judge every man according to God’s standard. His holy precepts are without a flaw.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 35

    That room in which these things were transacted has its record to present when every man’s case shall be tried by a law emanating from the mind of Jehovah. All our actions are weighed in scales that are unerring. This was presented to me. I spoke of that meeting which was unjust and greatly displeasing to God. The day is coming when those present at that meeting will see the transactions that there took place clearly defined in the light of God’s law.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 36

    In a conversation Dr. Kellogg presented his vindication of the course he had taken. Then I knew the man did not yet understand the words and ways and works of God. I said, “I have no strength to say anything to you. When the Lord shall give me a representation varying from what I have written you, I will surely let you know it.”20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 37

    Later I met Dr. Kellogg at my home in St. Helena, and he repeated his statements of the matter without retraction or confession and in contradiction of the light God has given me. Willie was present. I said to Dr. Kellogg, “I have no change to make in my testimony. Let God be true and every man a liar.” Those were my last words to him.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 38

    God has vouchsafed mercy to all who err. In His great love wherewith He was loved us, He pardons the transgressions of all who will humble themselves and confess their sins.20LtMs, Ms 168, 1905, par. 39

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