Lt 146, 1905
Olsen, O. A.
Takoma Park, Maryland
May 24, 1905
This letter is published in entirety in KC 19-20.
Elder O. A. Olsen,—
I desire that all should understand matters in the right light. The messages given at the conference of 1901, and since that time, that our sanitariums should not be linked up with the Medical Missionary Association at Battle Creek, were plain enough to be understood by all our medical workers. Had our physicians, whom God has greatly honored by giving them light and encouragement, listened to the counsels and warnings then given them, they would have saved themselves and our people generally from many perplexities and temptations. The Lord designed that these men should be His physicians, light bearers to the world; but they have misappropriated the words of warning, and the enemy has been permitted to work a strange work among those who should have stood as standard-bearers of the truth.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 1
The book Living Temple contains specious, deceptive sentiments regarding the personality of God and of Christ. The Lord opened before me the true meaning of these sentiments, showing me that unless they were steadfastly repudiated, they would deceive the very elect. Precious truth and beautiful sentiments were woven in with false, misleading theories. Thus truth was used to substantiate the most dangerous errors. The precious representations of God are so misconstrued as to appear to uphold falsehoods originated by the great apostate. Sentiments that belong to the revealings of God are mingled with specious, deceptive theories of satanic agencies.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 2
In the controversy over these theories it has been asserted that I believed and taught the same things that I have been instructed to condemn in the book Living Temple. This I deny. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I say that this is not so.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 3
Truths are being used to serve the purpose of upholding theories that I have repeatedly condemned. There are those who persist in taking the precious representations given me by God and weaving them in with sentiments that God never designed should be presented to His people. I protest against this use of my writings, and I am forced to speak to this conference, saying, Be not deceived; God is not mocked; he who misplaces and misapplies the precious things of God is sinning against heaven.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 4
I had hoped that these matters would be straightened out at this conference. I hoped that after the many decided warnings that have been sent to our medical workers at Battle Creek, they would take a stand for the right and remove the stumbling blocks out of the way. But another opportunity has passed by unimproved; and I can not and will not keep silent. The truth of God is imperilled. The students who have gone to Battle Creek to obtain an education in medical missionary lines are in danger of receiving specious errors. In the name of the Lord I say to our people, Let your children receive instruction in medical missionary lines from those who are true and loyal to the faith which has been delivered to the people of God under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Amidst the perils of these last days, this truth is to shine forth as a lamp that burneth.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 5
When Dr. Kellogg receives the messages of warning given during the last twenty years; when he is sincerely converted; when he acts as a consistent, level-headed Christian worker; when his energies are devoted to carrying forward medical missionary work in right lines; when he bears a testimony that has in it no signs of double meaning or of a misconstruction of the light God has given, then we may have confidence that he is following the light. But until then, we have no right to regard him as a safe leader in the interpretation of the Scriptures. He will confuse minds and will commingle specious scientific errors with the instruction that he gives. It is not right to allow this seductive influence to be breathed by men and women who are training to be Christian missionaries; for thus they will be deceived and led away from the truths that Christ gave to John to give to the churches.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 6
It has been presented to me that in view of Dr. Kellogg’s course of action at the Berrien Springs meeting, we are not to treat him as a man led of the Lord who should be invited to attend our general meetings as a teacher and leader.20LtMs, Lt 146, 1905, par. 7