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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 21 (1906)

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    Lt 407, 1906

    Kress, Brother and Sister [D. H.]

    St. Helena, California

    January 22, 1906

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Brother and Sister Kress:

    I must begin this morning to write to our friends in Australia. I will not write much because I have been writing so much to meet emergencies in Battle Creek. I have been doing solid, hard work and will now lay all that aside and say the writings that shall come with this mail mean very much to us; and as you read the copies sent to Battle Creek, you can understand all. I am as a cart beneath sheaves, worn and weary. I have great desire to go on to my next volume of Old Testament history and will preserve all the strength the Lord gives me to write the particulars that shall be brought into the book and be immortalized. You may copy that which you think is calculated to do good; and I say, Be on guard every moment. Let not a seed of these tares that are [being sown] come in to be entertained in your minds.21LtMs, Lt 407, 1906, par. 1

    I thank you, Brother Kress, for the copies sent me of your letters to Dr. Kellogg. I greatly fear that his stubborn resistance to the messages God has given will fasten him in the enemy’s power where relief will never come to him. You handled his case wisely. He seems the most determined man to carry out his own will, his own ways, that I have ever had to deal with. But I must leave him with the Lord. I have to carry a continuous load and burden. For a few days it has seemed my power was gone to labor longer, [to] save the flock from all these specious underhanded workings of the enemy. But Tuesday night the spell was broken, and I have written all day Tuesday as fast as my pen could go until the mail closed. I felt so thankful. The precious Scriptures came with such power to my soul that I knew positively that the power of God was working in my behalf, and I had clear brain and was greatly blessed of the Lord.21LtMs, Lt 407, 1906, par. 2

    Elder Haskell left us this morning. He has been with us one month. He had much work laid out for himself to do, but he did not do it. For weeks he had been afflicted with boils and he, by invitation, came to Loma Linda and San Diego and Paradise Valley. [He] tarried not long, but came to my retired home and took treatment for a time at the St. Helena Sanitarium; but the affliction was upon him so severely he had to take [to] his bed; and his wife has been his faithful nurse and given him treatment for four weeks. He tried to speak last Sabbath, but the windows were closed. He looked, they said, colorless as a dead man and had to sit on the sofa. They opened the windows, and he tried again, but could only stand about three minutes—gave it up. He has had much lameness in his limbs, but could get up and sit up betimes. Yesterday he was to go to his wife’s sister’s at Hanford, but he had to give up; and this morning, Wednesday, he left us. We have had a precious time calling up the experiences we have had together in the earlier part of our work. We [could] both [relate] much of the wonderful working of the grace of God which has confirmed us in every point of our faith under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and we knew and could testify of the great working of the Lord in such wonderful power in the early period of this work, which has established, strengthened, settled us where not a pin or pillar can be moved in our experience in the great living, testing truths for this time. All the power and glory of God was revealed in the descent of the Holy Spirit as on the day of Pentecost, and we can never, no never lose our position in believing the facts of Bible truth. Notwithstanding specious, seducing sentiments are coming in, we hold the beginning of our confidence firm unto this time, and shall unto the end.21LtMs, Lt 407, 1906, par. 3

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