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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 22 (1907)

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    Lt 234, 1907

    Nicola, Brother and Sister [C. C.]

    St. Helena, California

    August 2, 1907

    Previously unpublished. +NoteOne or more typed copies of this document contain additional Ellen White handwritten interlineations which may be viewed at the main office of the Ellen G. White Estate.

    Dear Brother and Sister Nicola:

    Three or four weeks ago I sent you quite a lengthy letter addressed Melrose. Have you received this letter? I sent it to Melrose, as I was not certain of your whereabouts. In that letter I expressed my earnest desire that you might connect with the sanitarium at Loma Linda. You were presented to me as the very ones who were adapted for the work in that place. I wish to renew my request that you take up the work there.22LtMs, Lt 234, 1907, par. 1

    I have been shown that Dr. Paulson is so connected with the opposing element at Battle Creek, that God is not honored by his course. He has been warned of his danger, but he does not place himself decidedly on the side of truth and evidence. I have a great desire to meet you; for I have been shown the danger you are in of taking your position on the wrong side.22LtMs, Lt 234, 1907, par. 2

    I long to see our people aroused. I long to see them moved by the Spirit of God. It is the grace of Christ that we must have. My soul pants for the water of life. We may each have this, if we will. Self is seeking for recognition; but self must die and the Spirit of God take possession of the human heart.22LtMs, Lt 234, 1907, par. 3

    I urge you to accept the proposition to take up work at Loma Linda, and to do it in the name of the Lord. I know the Lord will be your helper if you place yourselves in right relation to Him and plant your feet on the eternal Rock. I pray that God may help you to make a right decision. I want to see you standing on vantage ground.22LtMs, Lt 234, 1907, par. 4

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