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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 22 (1907)

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    Lt 336, 1907

    Hopkins, Hannah E. Sawyer

    St. Helena, California

    October 17, 1907

    Portions of this letter are published in 6Bio 135.

    Mrs. H. E. Sawyer-Hopkins
    685 Elnora Street, cor. 6th
    Pomona, California

    Dear Sister Hopkins:

    I have just read your letter and now respond. We are in need of this very sum. Sister McDearmon entrusted to me the charge of three hundred dollars for the southern field. Now the same must be passed over to that field, as it is called for. Therefore if you return this money just now, I shall not have to hire of the bank. This must be sent to the South at once; so you may return to me your trust, which I will gratefully receive back until you call for it. We are being drawn upon just now, and I do not wait at all. At the same time your money was called for, I had another similar call for a similar sum.22LtMs, Lt 336, 1907, par. 1

    I would be very glad to advise you; but as I am not on the ground, I would not draw a bow at a venture. One thing I would advise; if you purchase, get a home built, if you can, for the time of building and the money invested makes quite an outgo of means. I am not able to write much today. I think your plan is good to send to your friends who have been befriended by you, and invite them to help you, for they can but refuse; but it may be they will send you a donation. The Lord may move upon hearts to do this.22LtMs, Lt 336, 1907, par. 2

    I am not well today and cannot say much with my pen. I hope Robert and you will keep well.22LtMs, Lt 336, 1907, par. 3

    At the present time we are feeling a dearth of means. We respect you both as the Lord’s children, and He will have a care for you.22LtMs, Lt 336, 1907, par. 4

    Your sister in the faith.22LtMs, Lt 336, 1907, par. 5

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