Lt 24, 1907
Daniells, A. G.
February 4, 1907 [typed]
Portions of this letter are published in 2MR 186; 6Bio 120. +
Elder A. G. Daniells
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Dear Brother Daniells:
I have just read your letter of January 18 to W. C. White, in which you speak concerning organization and point out that efforts are being made to confuse our people on every possible point.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 1
I have received instruction from the Lord that at this time we need to humble our souls before God. We need to carefully study the present situation. We must not send off our men of experience and understanding so as to leave the citadel unguarded. We need at Battle Creek men who know when to speak and when to keep silent. A strong testimony should be borne there all the time regarding proper organization. Our brethren in responsibility there should be instructed, regarding this matter, and taught to give the trumpet a certain sound. It is high time for us to stand watching, clad in all the armor of God.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 2
The movements of Elder A. T. Jones must be carefully watched. Meet him with a plain declaration of the truth. The Word of God must be our weapon of warfare.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 3
Let us now seek the Lord in earnest prayer that He will direct in all matters regarding our new buildings. If the work does not come out just as we expected it would, let us bear in mind that even this may be in the Lord’s plan. Do not let us seek to reprove; do not let us spend time in regretting what has been done; for in the end it may prove a blessing.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 4
I am bidden to say to our brethren and sisters, Let no contention arise over the work already done that you cannot help. The thing is done; make the best of it. As the Lord’s dear children, we need now to seek Him in most earnest, humble prayer; and in accordance with His promise, He will bring the Spirit upon us in rich measure.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 5
Brother Daniells, draw nigh to God; tell your people to draw nigh to God. Let every soul claim the promise, “Ask, and ye shall receive; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” [Matthew 7:7.] “This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” [1 John 5:4.] We need to hang our helpless souls on God, trusting Him as little children trust their parents.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 6
To our laborers I say, Take care of your health. I am taking care of my health; and I scarcely suffer any pain. I awake early in the morning, sometimes at two, often at three. I consider it a great blessing if I can sleep until four o’clock. As soon as I rise in the morning, I prepare myself for work. My pen is in my hand much of the time during the day. For the past week I have had no fire in my room, and my windows have been open all day. We have had rain for almost a month. One day the sun shone out as warmly as in summer; but this weather did not last. In the night the rain came on again, and the sky has not been clear for several days.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 7
The end is near, and I am seeking the Lord earnestly for wisdom and grace to do my allotted work. The words come to me, “Wake up the churches.” False doctrines are being presented as of great importance and are being secretly introduced to undermine the faith of those who are not on guard. We have been cautious, and must continue to be, in regard to what we accept as truth.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 8
The Word of the Lord has guided our steps since the passing of the time in 1844. We have searched the Scriptures; we have built solidly; and we have not had to tear up our foundations and put in new timbers. There is always safety in presenting a “Thus saith the Lord.” We must put our trust in a “Thus saith the Lord” and be well established in the faith.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 9
With this I send you a copy of what I have written to Elder Olsen. I verily believe the Lord has arranged matters so that Dr. Kress and his wife can come to America. Dr. James is to unite with Brother Semmens in Adelaide, and Dr. Richards and his wife take up work at Wahroonga. This we hope will be for the good of the work all round.22LtMs, Lt 24, 1907, par. 10