Lt 116, 1907
Campbell, M. N.
St. Helena, California
March 23, 1907
This letter is published in entirety in PC 119-122.
Elder M. N. Campbell
Battle Creek, Michigan
Dear Brother:
We have received and read the interesting letters from you and Brother Amadon. We feel deeply grieved at the course that Frank Belden has pursued. That my nephew should urge his unsanctified opinions in such a persistent manner causes me much sorrow of heart. This is a repetition of the way in which he conducted himself when he had plans of his own to carry at the Review and Herald office. His actions reveal the spirit that controls him. I feel sorry for him beyond anything that I can express, and I ask you to pity him and to pray for him. His mother was my sister, and a sincere, devoted Christian.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 1
There have been presented before me scenes that often occurred in the Review and Herald office when Frank Belden had some plan that he desired to carry out. He would determinedly stand up and with a loud voice continue to talk until he had fully presented his ambitious plans before his brethren; and I am sorry to say that very often these plans were adopted. He did more than any other one man in the office to bring in wrong sentiments and carry out his own plans. These plans, when afterward brought to bear upon himself, he did not find so agreeable. I feel sad when I think of the record he must meet of impetuous action and the surrender of those principles that his uncle James White and I have ever striven to maintain. Frank Belden has excellent talent, and had he walked humbly with his God, the Lord would have used him to His name’s glory.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 2
In the Saviour’s life is given us a pattern of the character we are to attain. He met the severest temptations of an obstinate foe and in spite of powerful and sorcerous delusions made His path plain.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 3
The simplicity of the work of the Messiah gave unmistakable evidence of His mission. He swept away the errors that existed in the religious world with a confidence and tact that could not be gainsaid. He would have truth stand out clear and free from every error with which Satan would try to enshroud it. He presented heaven-born principles so clearly before the minds of the people, that the way to heaven was made clear and plain, and he who missed the way had no excuse.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 4
To the forerunner of Christ was given the message, “Repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” [Matthew 3:2.] The work of the herald of Christ was the continuous effort to destroy the popular delusion concerning the coming Messiah, and to show that repentance and forsaking of sin are necessary preparations for the coming kingdom. This work constituted the preparation for the establishment of the true church.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 5
On coming to the temple at the opening of His ministry, Christ repaired to the temple and found His Father’s house desecrated by worldly traffic. He drove out from the temple courts the buyers and the sellers, and the priests and rulers. He “poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables, and said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not My Father’s house a house of merchandise.” [John 2:15, 16.] The money taken by the dealers for the sacrificial offerings was robbery of the people; and they had made the house of God a den of thieves, and with a stern rebuke Christ exposed their extortionate traffic.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 6
By expelling the worldly traffickers who were profaning sacred things, Christ would impress upon those who were to compose His church on earth that name and position weigh as nothing in the scale with virtue and purity of character, with honesty and righteous dealing.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 7
What excuse will be rendered to God by those who, having had every advantage of the knowledge of the precious truth for this time, disregard the Word of God and go contrary to His expressed will, violating the principles of the divine law so definitely stated?22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 8
I feel more sorry than I can express that my own nephew should so boldly place himself in opposition to all the light that has been given. He has steadily pursued his own way for so long, and has expressed his own opinions so often, that he now ridicules truth, and discards that which once he respected. I have had presented distinctly before me the past, present, and future of those who have thus departed from the faith.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 9
I was instructed to write out the truth as it was revealed to me, and point by point give it to the people. I have done this, and still there is much to present that the truth may be made simple and plain. The work God has given me to do is to stand firmly and intelligently for that which I know to be truth. That which I have given to the people was given in the purpose of God, to strengthen the believers, that they might not be led away by seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 10
I have no appeals to make to those who have once stood firmly for the truth, but who have now departed from the faith and refuse a “Thus saith the Lord.” My books contain the light that God has given me, and they are my argument. Those who, having believed their testimony in the past, now cast it aside will have no excuse to render for their course; for today as then the light shines clearly, declaring what is truth.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 11
There is much more that I wish to write to our people, but what I shall write will only be a confirmation of the messages given in the past. I shall be called once more to give the light to those who are departing from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and moving in strange paths. But the Lord has shown me that all that can be given to these souls is but a repetition and confirmation of the truths that have already been placed impressively before them. Not one principle of the truths we have held in the past can be denied.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 12
The men in Battle Creek who are taking their position against the warnings of the Spirit of God have received message after message, but with some there has been no change. O that they would make a covenant with God and humble their hearts before Him. O that they would repent of the time they have lost in taking up a work that God has not given them to do. O that Frank Belden would see his mistakes and repent.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 13
Who will give evidence that they want to know the will of God concerning them? Who are willing to receive the message of the Lord which has been coming to them through His servant to point out their errors? O that these men would see themselves as the Lord sees them. They have an earnest work to do in repenting before God of the harm they have done to themselves and others.22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 14
The prophet Isaiah, in the fifty-eighth chapter of that book, delineates the case of these men. They need to repent and afflict their souls before God. Now is their time to contemplate the Saviour’s life of humiliation and His death of suffering. The cross of Christ was needed to bring salvation within our reach and to make our redemption certain. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [John 3:16.]22LtMs, Lt 116, 1907, par. 15