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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 22 (1907)

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    Ms 194, 1907

    Remarks/To New Students at Loma Linda

    Loma Linda, California

    November 9, 1907

    Previously unpublished.

    Remarks to New Students

    (Remarks of Mrs. E. G. White to new students, Loma Linda, Cal., Sabbath morning, November 9, 1907.)

    We are glad to hear of the coming of our friends, that they may receive an education to be prepared to do the very work that should be done to enlighten those that are in darkness. We want to have a missionary spirit.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 1

    Now, Christ has furnished us with all encouragement. He says, “Come unto me ... my yoke.” Be sure what yoke you have got, whether it is Christ’s yoke or one you have formed for your own neck. “Take my yoke upon you ... unto your souls.” [Matthew 11:28, 29.]22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 2

    These words are very short, but they comprise a great deal, and let us every one make of these words all that it is our privilege to make. First we come to Jesus, and then we are willing to receive of Him that consolation from His Word, and that faith in Him which will remove from us everything that would cause us difficulties and trials if we looked at them, and dwelt upon them, and insist on carrying them.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 3

    Our minds are susceptible of influences, and other minds all around us are susceptible of influences. Our actions will testify that we are obeying the words of Christ, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden.” [Verse 28.]22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 4

    Then He says, “Take My yoke upon you. You have got a yoke that I have not put upon you, now take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me, for ... of heart,” and then the positive promise is, “Ye shall find rest unto your souls.” [Verse 29.] That is what we want. Let every one of us seek to have an experience of his own and of her own, that we can realize that we have a helper in Jesus Christ, that He does not want us to live in an atmosphere of unbelief, He does not want us to live in an atmosphere of doubt and questioning. He wants that every soul of us should come to Him as little children, that we shall ask of Him as little children ask of their parents, and that we shall believe that we shall find relief and not talk darkness. Let us not talk unbelief when we see things that do not just exactly please us. Let us be sure and not do these things ourselves. Let us learn a lesson from the defects that may be seen in others, that we will not create a thread of unhappiness or any thread of thoughts that shall cause disturbance to the minds of any one. Now, we can be missionaries in this way, every one of us. We can keep our tongues as with a bridle while the wicked are before us, those that cannot anticipate what we are doing.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 5

    We are trying to win a crown of life that fadeth not away, and we want to keep our minds upon the terms of how we can obtain that crown, and it is ever by our looking unto Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. While we are striving with the devil, we must remember that the devil is just as busy as he can be, and as the world is coming near the close of this earth’s history, he will try to get possession of every mind, and he will put thoughts into your minds, you may be sure of it. Just keep that mind set upon the Lord, and say, Lord Jesus, I look unto Thee. I come unto Thee, I want to be molded and fashioned by looking unto Jesus, who is the Author, and the what? The Finisher of our faith.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 6

    Now if we will, we may come like little children, ready to learn, not have our preconceived ideas and opinions, that we think we must carry out. No. Let us pray much. Let us remember that Christ has invited us to come, and we will come, and we will place ourselves in right relation to God as His little children.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 7

    He took a child. He heard the disciples striving which should be the greater among them, and He took a little child, and set him in the midst, and said to them, “Unless ye become converted, and become as this little child, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven.” [Matthew 18:3.]22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 8

    We are to watch out words, watch our actions, and so to give no occasion to those that are around us by planting a seed in their mind. We do not want to plant one seed of an objectionable character in the mind of any soul. But we want to draw from Christ that strength, that grace, that beauty of character that we see in Jesus Christ, that restfulness that He wants us to have. It is to commit the keeping of our souls unto God as unto a faithful Creator that He may take charge of you. If you will give Him a chance, He will take you close to Himself, and educate and train you.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 9

    But while you are associating together do not utter words of complaint about this thing or that thing, or this body or some other body. No. But let us keep our tongues as with a bridle, and let our words be of an encouraging character. If one speaks discouragingly, we can speak encouragingly, and make the best of everything. And we shall find we shall make our path so much easier that if we were dwelling upon the defects that we see in any around us. If we see defects, and think they are defects, let us turn it to our own instruction, that we will not make these defects ourselves. We will not do it.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 10

    The Lord can let His blessing rest upon us, and we want that everyone who shall have anything to do in connection with the work here shall rise higher and higher in intelligence. There is a ladder to climb, a lowest round that we can begin to climb, and the highest round reaches to the throne of God. Therefore we want an education that shall be of that character that every day we shall learn something that will give us a correct impression of the character of God, of the character that we must have in order to become children of God. And we never can get to the top round of the ladder to step off in a unity with the royal family unless we heed the words of Christ, “Come unto Me,” ... I will, there is a positive, ... “I will give you rest. Take My yoke ... unto your souls.” [Matthew 11:28, 29.] Now will we come? God help us that every one may come just as you are, feeling unworthy. But do not talk your doubts, because then you are sowing the seed of doubt.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 11

    Do not talk your unbelief, you are sowing the seeds of unbelief, and do not criticize, for then you are sowing the seeds of criticism. But just keep your eyes fastened upon the pure and lovely character of Christ, and His blessed promise, and you will find that you are gaining, gaining continually in strength and knowledge, and you are fitting for what? Co-laborers with Jesus Christ. We are taking His yoke. “Learn of Me,” He says, “For I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” [Verse 29.]22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 12

    Now hide in Jesus Christ. Hide in Him and think of Christ. Pray much. Do not talk a great deal. But pray much, and looking unto Jesus, who is the Author and the Finisher of our faith. By beholding we become changed into His divine image.22LtMs, Ms 194, 1907, par. 13

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