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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 22 (1907)

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    Lt 212, 1907

    Starr, Lillis Wood

    St. Helena, California

    June 15, 1907

    Previously unpublished.

    Dear Sister Starr:

    I would be glad to hear from you to know how your work is progressing and how you are situated. I think some provision should be made for your children, in securing them good places. How is your husband? I hope you will keep us informed as to the condition of his health. I think, whenever it is possible, it would be well for you to have some one connected with you in your work.22LtMs, Lt 212, 1907, par. 1

    Brother Reaser has written to us, telling us of the work he proposes for you to do. I see light in his plan. A good work can be done in San Diego, and the weather is not unpleasantly warm in the summer. There is almost always a cool breeze blowing off the waters. I trust that you will be able to try this plan and thus escape the heat of the summer weather.22LtMs, Lt 212, 1907, par. 2

    The blessing of the Lord will attend your work if you seek to become a spiritual helper. I have been on the Coronado Island, and when there I longed to give the message of truth to those people. I may be able to go there sometime, but it will not be at present. In some respects I believe your advantages for accomplishing a good work there will be greater than where you now are. This is just as favorable an opening as you could ask for. May the Lord help you to come to a wise decision.22LtMs, Lt 212, 1907, par. 3

    There is no lady physician in the sanitarium, and your presence there will be much appreciated. You will find plenty to do in making known the true principles of health reform. And our own people need special help, which you are able to give. You need to be in a place where your husband can have treatment, and where your children can have attention, and there you can secure the services of a girl to care for them. Wherever you go, you will be able to sell Christ’s Object Lessons to help in the work.22LtMs, Lt 212, 1907, par. 4

    In haste.22LtMs, Lt 212, 1907, par. 5

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