Lt 261, 1907
White, W. C.
St. Helena, California
August 25, 1907
Previously unpublished.
W. C. White
My dear Son:
I would be so glad to see you and I cannot; would be pleased to hear from you. Where you are I do not know, but I have sent much matter to you at Denver and Boulder. I suppose that your hard pull will be at Denver, because the men who have been determined to make it as hard as possible for Brother Wilcox will not yield their hearts to the Lord. I wish that they would give their hearts to the Lord and be converted. But we must have some strong men to stand by Elder Wilcox. He has done nobly because he has made the Lord his trust, and I hope and pray that those who have been so long in darkness may come to the light. This is a work that needs to be done for Elder Place. He has strengthened the hands of the ones who have been working counter to the Lord.22LtMs, Lt 261, 1907, par. 1
When we see the strange things that have been brought in, we are just reminded that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of man shall be revealed. I am so sorry for Dr. Place, but his present condition has been increasing for years until the Lord shall withdraw His Holy Spirit and leave the contending elements to destroy themselves. I wish there would be a breaking up of the fallow ground of the heart, and that there would be such a renovation of mind, soul, and spirit as has never been seen before in Denver and in Boulder. Those who have their determined will, as have been represented to me—who have self at the helm—will soon, very soon, be left to their own evil surmising; and the Lord will put His Spirit in men who feel their own weakness and dare not rely upon men so strong in their own will and way that they are left to themselves.22LtMs, Lt 261, 1907, par. 2
I call upon our churches in Denver, Colorado, and in Boulder. He who is the Truth has in His Word declared He is the Life. Ye are complete in Him who is Truth. Walk hopefully but humbly before God; break this terrible spirit that is striving for the mastery in every place possible. New methods and new ways will be brought in; but listen not to ministers or to doctors who would revamp the workers, for God forbids it. What a sad thing it is! Men who have capabilities could do a good and righteous work, if sanctified under the Holy Spirit’s guidance—if self would die. Our sanitarium would be worked in such a way as to present a practical embodiment of Christian principles.22LtMs, Lt 261, 1907, par. 3
I am to speak to the men to whom the Lord has sent the testimonies of their mistakes. Shall they give evidence of decided change of heart, mind, words, and characters? When this is done there will be the evidence that Christ Himself stands at the head of the working forces. Holy angels supervise the work in every department, and all that is done in every line and in their different departments is to bear the impress of heaven, to show forth the excellence of the character of God. God has positively ordained that His work shall be presented to the world, bearing the heavenly signature. There must be a reformation in our churches and sanitariums. They are to be a sign unto the world of the heavenly influence over the violent, personal influences that are revealed, showing the plain distinction between him who serveth God and him who is controlled by satanic agencies.22LtMs, Lt 261, 1907, par. 4
I am charged to say, Every provision is made for every soul in all holiness, in all goodness, and in meekness to demonstrate the superiority of heaven’s principles in all transactions, in every line of business. There is a purity of character that is of heavenly extraction. This the church in Denver must have or they will soon be ranked with satanic agencies. This must be the character of every sanitarium, and no violent, uncontrollable disposition must be permitted in the church or in the sanitarium. The Lord cannot accept in the heavenly courts those who venture to make the lives of others unpleasant by uncontrollable disposition.22LtMs, Lt 261, 1907, par. 5
I am charged with a message: Christ gave His life to purchase every soul from the hand of the evil tyrant, and if a man or woman has reverence and gratitude to God for the great gift of Jesus Christ—that He could make it possible for them to be partakers of His divine nature, escaping the corruptions that are in the world through lust—that man or woman will, if saved, show a decidedly heavenly character in this world, demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit in change of disposition. Then they will not be classed with the army of rebellious ones and receive their portion with hypocrites and unbelievers. Every spot and wrinkle of our characters that is offensive must be made white and tried.22LtMs, Lt 261, 1907, par. 6