Lt 420, 1907
White, W. C.
St. Helena, California
August 29, 1907
Previously unpublished.
Dear Son Willie:
I have a message that I found in my diary yesterday, in regard to the book Christ’s Object Lessons. This was for the express purpose of giving in every school the opportunity to aid the ones who needed an education, to obtain it by using the book Christ’s Object Lessons.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 1
There is ever a changing multitude in Los Angeles. This book, presented by students of the school, will teach them how to become missionaries. It is not God’s plan to beg of the people money to free the school from debt, when He has made provision that the sale of this book, if appreciated, will lift every debt and be a means of bringing many souls to the knowledge of the truth. This book should come into circulation, for it contains precious truth for the people.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 2
Let there be no more calls for money for the schools. This order of things must be changed. God has made provision whereby the students can act a missionary, interested part for themselves. Elder Reaser might have worked in this line. Missionary fields are calling for help everywhere in foreign fields. And here, when everything is made ready to their hands, they turn aside from the beautiful gift the Lord signified I could give, with the help and assistance of the publishers of the book, that it could be a great blessing to the schools in handling it, the precious gift, themselves.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 3
Let there be no more calls for the schools when the Lord has provided for this emergency.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 4
I have a long article, just found, which I cannot get copied before Sabbath. I send you, W. C. White, a copy of a letter to Elder Burden, and next week I will send the articles from Diary, written in 1906.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 5
I am to say, not one dollar of this gift of Object Lessons have I used for my own benefit. It was a free gift. And I want it appreciated.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 6
Can write no more now. God bless you in your work. And tell Elder Reaser not to get in the way of calling for means when God Himself has provided means. He may sell all the books possible for this object, and let no more means be drawn from the Lord’s treasury.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 7
I have no copy of this.22LtMs, Lt 420, 1907, par. 8