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Letters and Manuscripts — Volume 25 (1910 - 1915)

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    Lt 76, 1911

    United Laborers in Portland

    St. Helena, California

    September 10, 1911

    Previously unpublished.

    To the united laborers in the cause of God in Portland

    Dear Brethren and Sisters:

    The Lord has given me decided evidence concerning the work of Brother and Sister Haskell. He has shown me that they should stand unitedly in defense of the truth, and to act as burden-bearers, occupying positions of trust in His cause.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 1

    The Lord signified that Brother and Sister Haskell should carry large responsibilities in connection with the work in California, and He enabled them to fill positions of large trust acceptably. For two years He encouraged and sustained them in carrying heavy burdens in this state. The God of Israel was their Counselor; for they sought Him earnestly. I thank God that they were strengthened to do this work.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 2

    After a long period of unremitting labor, these responsibilities were removed, in harmony with instruction given me that changes must be made, and that the responsibilities borne by Elder Haskell and his wife must be carried by others.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 3

    We have been thankful that the Lord gave to His people in California true helpers at a time when they greatly needed help. We have reason for gratitude that Elder Haskell and his wife carried their responsibilities faithfully. Their influence was of great benefit to the cause at that particular crisis.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 4

    Brother and Sister Haskell are now filling an important place in the work at Portland, Maine. We are confident that they can give to the work there the help that is most needed. We recommend them to our people in fullest confidence, as workers whose labors will add strength and stability to the cause of present truth. And if our brethren and sisters in Portland will take hold with them to do what needs to be done, an effective work will be accomplished.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 5

    Let not the spirit of jealousy among church members hinder the efforts that should be put forth. Let all differences be put away, that the advancement made may be real and lasting. The time has come for the workers to unite, with all their capabilities, to carry the work in Portland. If they will lay hold of the Strength of Israel; if they will unite in seeking for Christlike unity among themselves, they will do a work that will glorify God.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 6

    Let not self stand in the way of the advancement of the message. Let your prayers and supplications go up to God for grace and strength to labor unselfishly and wisely. Make every possible sacrifice that the third angel’s message, with all its attendant truths, may be clearly presented before the people. Let the temperance truth stand forth in exalted dignity. Never by one jot or tittle of your influence encourage the sale of liquor. For years the people in Maine have stood on the Lord’s side of this important question. We speak to you from St. Helena, my brethren and sisters, counseling you to walk in every ray of light that shines upon your pathway.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 7

    God made the great gift to the world of His only Son, that He might save men and women from the miseries brought upon the human race by self-indulgence and sin. The evil of intemperance is again seeking to gain pre-eminence in the state of Maine. Let our people arouse and open a vigorous campaign against the use of liquor in any form. Let them keep on the right side of this question. Thousands of men and women are being tempted who may be saved from ruin by faithful effort on your part. Will you not make this effort?25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 8

    As a people God has given us a message and an experience on this question. And now shall we not do our part to oppose this evil? Shall we not rally around the standard, and lift the banner high, that this great evil may be pressed back, and men and women be saved from ruin? Let us do all we can to prevent the spread of the liquor traffic, which is the curse of our beautiful cities.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 9

    Every effort will be made by the enemy to block the wheels of Providence; but let your faith be manifest unto all. Let all seek the Lord in earnest prayer, that He may cause His work to triumph. If His people will harmonize in their labors and their plans for labor, letting the light of temperance shine forth clearly, their efforts will tell to the glory of God.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 10

    I am instructed to say to our workers, Perfect the gift of speech. Speak slowly and fervently, never hurriedly. Learn how to lift up your voice in earnest prayer, and in ministering truth to the people. Train every capability to do service for God. Honor the Lord who has made His commandment-keeping people His messengers to the world.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 11

    Resolve that you will give to the Lord all that He requires of you. Let ministers and teachers and workers in every line ask God to help them to be true ministers in word and action. Offer to Him the sacrifice of faith and devotion. By self-denial render to Him your gifts and offerings. Thus you may thank him for His great and unspeakable Gift to you. “God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [John 3:16.] Let your hearts be filled with gratitude for this wonderful Gift, in which God has poured out all heaven to you.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 12

    When you come to God in prayer, present your petitions with hearts that are broken and subdued. Pray with intensity of desire. We need something more than formal prayers if we would receive the fulness of the grace and power of God. Let the Holy Spirit take possession of the powers of mind and body. Seek the Lord for the gifts of His grace; and His Spirit, which is a present help in every time of need, will make your service for Him effectual.25LtMs, Lt 76, 1911, par. 13

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