Chapter 9 - The Quality of Our Faith
Sermon preached by Ellen G. White at Ottawa, Kansas, on Sabbath, May 11,1889, just a few months after the Minneapolis General Conference session, representing her simple, practical presentation of the subject. On file as manuscript 1, 1889.
133. Read John 3:1-16. How do these verses tell us how to get to heaven? (63)FW-SG 20.1
134. Write down the state of the disciples when Jesus had been crucified. (63)FW-SG 20.2
135. Write down the state of the disciples when Jesus had been resurrected. (63-64)FW-SG 20.3
136. The Pharisees and others in the disciples’ time as well as people throughout time interpreted the disciples’ teaching that they had been with and learned of Jesus. What other things were noticed? (64)FW-SG 20.4