The autumn of 1855 found me much reduced in strength, in consequence of incessant toil and care, editing, publishing, journeying and preaching. Very many gave me over to die of consumption. A change seemed necessary. Heavy debts were upon me, in consequence of printing large editions of our publications. In this state of things I called upon my brethren to take the cares and responsibilities of the Office from me, and advised them to remove it to some more favorable locality. The truth had been taking strong hold in Michigan, and the brethren in that State came nobly forward in that time of need, and took the responsibilities of the Office upon themselves. At a conference of the friends of the cause in Michigan and Indiana, held in Battle Creek, Mich., September 23, 1855, I offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:LIFIN 297.1
“1. That the Advent Review Office still remain the property of the church.LIFIN 297.2
“2. That the Advent Review Office be removed to Battle Creek, Mich.LIFIN 297.3
“3. That a financial committee of three be chosen, whose duty it shall be to move the Office, and publish the Advent Review.LIFIN 297.4
“4. That D.R. Palmer, of Jackson, Henry Lyon and Cyrenius Smith, of Battle Creek, be that Committee.”LIFIN 297.5
A building was immediately erected, and steps taken for the removal of the Office.LIFIN 298.1
A General Conference was held at Battle Creek, November 16, 1855, which sanctioned the doings of the conference of September 23, 1855, and elected Uriah Smith resident editor of the Review. The last paper published in Rochester, N.Y., was dated October 30, 1855, and its publication was resumed in Battle Creek, December 4, following. The expenses of the new building, and the removal of the Office, were promptly met, and soon the publishing department was in a prosperous condition.LIFIN 298.2