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    תַּרְמִית — תִּשְׁעִים


    תַּרְמִית n.f. deceitfulness;—abs. לְשׁוֹן תּ׳ Zp 3:13 (‖ עַוְלָה, כָּזָב), תַּרְמִת Je 8:5; cstr. תַּרְמִית לִבָּם 14:14 Qr (> Kt תרבות), תַּרְמִת לִבָּם 23:26 (‖ שֶׁקֶר); sf. שֶׁקֶר תַּרְמִיתָם the falseness of their calumny ψ 119:118.BDB תַּרְמִית.2


    תֹּ֫רֶן n.m. mast (NH id.; √ unknown; HoffmPh. Inscr. 27 f. conj. תארן, from ארן, v. אֹרֶן);—abs. ת׳, of Tyre as ship Ez 27:5; ת׳ עַל־רֹאשׁ הָהָר Is 30:17 (‖ נֵס), i.e. a (solitary) standard-pole, flag-staff; sf. תָּרְנָם 33:23 (‖ נֵס, חֲבָלִים).BDB תֹּ֫רֶן.2


    תַּרְעֵלָה n.f. reeling (cf. רַ֫עַל);—כּוֹס הַתּ׳ Is 51:17, 22; יַיִן תּ׳ ψ 60:5 drink reeling as wine.BDB תַּרְעֵלָה.2


    תַּרְעֵלָה v. [רעל].BDB תַּרְעֵלָה².2


    תִּרְעָתִים n.pr.m.pl. a Kenite family, 1 Ch 2:55; Θαργαθυμ.BDB תִּרְעָתִים.2


    תְּרָפִים n.m. Zc 10:2 pl. (= pl. majest. NöZMG xlii (1888), 476) a kind of idol, obj. of reverence, and means of divination (√ and etymol.-meaning dub., cf.GFMHast. DB Teraphim SayZA ii. 195 (citing Neubauer, and Assyrian tarpû, spectre), al. √ רפא, cf.רְפָאִים);—always ת׳:—portable and sometimes small Gn 31:19, 34, 35 (called אֱלֹהִים v 30, all E), but in size and shape like a man 1 S 19:13, 16; in household shrine (v. also l.c.) Ju 17:5 (+ אֵפוֹד, cf.GFM Ju), 18:14, 17, 18 (all + אֵפוֹד, פֶּסֶל, מַסֵּכָה), cf.v 20 (om. מַסֵּכָה), Ho 3:4 (+ א׳, מַצֵּבָה, זֶבַח); condemned 1 S 15:23; 2 K 23:24 (+ גִּלֻּלִים); used in divining (by king of Bab.), שָׁאַל בַּתּ׳ Ez 21:26 (+ קִלְקַל בַּחִצִּים, רָאָה בַּכָּבֵד); as giving empty oracles Zc 10:2 (‖ הַקּוֹסְמִים.—Vid. GFMl.c. NowArch. ii. 23 StaBib. Theol. d. A.T. s.v..BDB תְּרָפִים.2


    תִּרְצָה n.pr.f. et loc. (pleasure, beauty);—
    1. f. daughter of Ṣelophehad of Gilead Nu 26:33; 27:1; 36:11; Jos 17:3; Θερσα.
    2. loc. old Can. city Jos 12:24, early cap. of N. Isr. (until Omri) 1 K 14:17 (תִּרְצָ֫תָה), 15:21, 23; 16:6, 8, 9(×2), 15, 17, 23, Θαρσα, usually Θερσα; Menahem’s base of operations 2 K 15:14, 16 (Θαρσ(ε)ιλα) v 14, EusebOnom. 263, 62, ed. Lag cp. Θαραιλα, village of Samaritans in Batanea, and BuhlGeogr. 247 conj. Tesîl, 20 m. E. of Lake Gennesaret, but this too remote); in sim. of beauty (om. 𝔊) Ct 6:4 (‖ יְרוּשָׁלַם);—site not certain; conj. are: Tallûza, just N. of Mt. Ebal (RobBR iii. 302 f.), Tayaṣir, c. 10 m. further NE., > eṭ-Ṭîre, S. of Gerizim (see, on these, GASmGeogr. 355 BuhlGeogr. 203 Aglen Hast. DB s. v.).
    BDB תִּרְצָה.2


    תִּרְצָה v. רצה.BDB תִּרְצָה².2


    תֶּ֫רֶשׁ n.pr.m. eunuch at court of Ahasuerus (Scheft53 cp. OIran. tarša, ‘Begierde,’ used as n.pr. in NPers.);—Est 2:21 6:2; Θαρ(ρ)ας.BDB תֶּ֫רֶשׁ.2


    † I. תַּרְשִׁישׁ n.m. a precious stone, perhaps yellow jasper, or other gold-coloured stone (𝔊 Ex 28:20; 39:13 χρυσόλιθος, so JosAnt. iii, 7, 5 [168], v. PetrieHast. DB Stones, Precious MyresEncy. Bib. Id. § 17 Dr Dn 10:6);—כְּעֵין ת׳ Ez 1:16; כְּעֵין אֶבֶן ת׳ 10:9; in list of gems 28:13; Ex 28:20; 39:13; in sim. of resplendent body Dn 10:6, cf.Ct 5:14.BDB תַּרְשִׁישׁ.2


    † II. תַּרְשִׁישׁ n.pr.
    1. loc. a distant port, site not certainly known (WklAltor. Forsch. v. 445); most Tartessus in Spain Thes (after older authorities) Ges Is i, 719 MeyGesch. d. Alt. i, § 281; other views are: Tyrseni (Etruscans) in Italy, WMMHast. DB Tarshish, Phoenicia RenoufPSBA xvi. 134 ff., Sardinia HalRÉJ xiii. 14; v. also Ency. Bib.Tarshish;— Tarshish, 𝔊 usually Θαρσ(ε)ις (Is 23:1, 14 Καρχήδων = Carthage);—especially in phr. אֳנִיּוֹת ת׳ Tarshish-ships (large, sea-going vessels, fit to ply to Tarshish) Is 2:16 (𝔊 πλοῖον θαλάσσης), 23:1, 14; 60:9; Ez 27:25; 1 K 22:49, ‖ 2 Ch 20:36, 37 (where the ships go to ת׳); אֳנִי ת׳ 1 K 10:22(×2)2 Ch 9:21 (אֳנִיּוֹת), + v 21 (ships go to ת׳); ת׳ alone Is 23:6 Jon 1:3(×2); 4:2 (all c. ה loc.), Gn 10:41 Ch 1:7 (erron. ה loc.), Is 66:19 ψ 72:10 Jon 1:3; בַּת־ת׳ Is 23:10; trading-port Ez 27:12; 38:13, whence comes silver Je 10:9.
    2. m. a. in Benjamin 1 Ch 7:10. b. Persian noble Est 1:14; expl. by Scheft53 as OIran. tṛšus, ‘der Gierige.’
    BDB תַּרְשִׁישׁ².2


    תִּרְשָׁתָא n.m. Tirshathâ, title of Persian governor in Judaea, according to MeyEntstehung d. Jud. 194 al. = His Excellency (read Tarshathâ) otherwise LagSymm. i. 60 (cf. Arm, Stud. §§ 280, 1680).—As Meyl.c., Scheft93 f. (tarśta, the feared, revered) MossHast. DB Tirshatha CheEncy. Bib. Id.;—הַתּ׳ Ezr 2:63 = Ne 7:65, Ne 7:69 (Baer Gi; v 70 van d. H.); of Nehemiah Ne 8:9; 10:1.BDB תִּרְשָׁתָא.2


    תַּרְתָּן n.m. title of Assyrian general = field-marshal (loan-word from Assyrian tartânu, turtânu DlWB 716 TieleGesch. 495 f. PinchesHast. DB Tartan JohnsEncy. Bib. Id.);—Is 20:1 2 K 18:17 (+ רַב־סָרִיס, רַב־שָׁקֵה; only this last in ‖ Is 36:2).BDB תַּרְתָּן.2


    תַּרְתָּ֑ק n.pr.div. of הָעַוִּים, 2 K 17:31; Θαρθακ; not identified, cf.PinchesHast. DB Tartak.BDB תַּרְתָּ֑ק.2


    [תְּשֻׁאָה] n.f. noise (proposes of devastation, storm);—MT only pl. תְּשֻׁאוֹת abs. city noises Is 22:2 (of עִיר הוֹמִיָּה), adv. acc. = (with) shoutings Zc 4:7; so cstr. ת׳ נוֹגֵשׂ לֹא יִשְׁמָ֑ע Jb 39:7 (subj. wild ass); ת׳ סֻכָּתוֹ 36:29 (of thunder); read perhaps sg. תְּשֻׁוָה (= תְּשֻׁאָה) Jb 30:22 Kt, dissolvest me in (or, into) the roar of the storm (‖ make me ride on wind), so Ew Ol De Di Du Bu al.; > תֻּשִׁיָּה Qr AV my substance (?), Du מִתֻּשׁ׳ ‘ohne Halt’ (?).BDB תְּשֻׁאָה.2


    [תְּשֻׁאָה] v. II. שׁוא.BDB תְּשֻׁאָה².2


    תֹּשָׁב v. sub ישׁב.BDB תֹּשָׁב.2


    [תִּשְׁבֶּה] n.pr.loc. (from above √?);—read prob. מִתִּשְׁבֵּה גִלְעָד (or תִּשְׁבֵּי) 1 K 17:1 (for MT מִתּשָׁבֵי) 𝔊 ἐκ Θεσβῶν (𝔊L Θεσσεβῶν) τῆς Γαλααδ, so Jos; Ew Th We Kmp Benz Kit Burney al.; home of Elijah; v. KasterenZPV xiii (1890), 207 ff. cp. mod. Istib, in mts. of Ajlûn, so BuhlG. 257.BDB תִּשְׁבֶּה.2


    תִּשְׁבֶּה, תִּשְׁבִּי v. שׁבה.BDB תִּשְׁבֶּה².2


    תִּשְׁבִּי adj.gent., אֵלִיָּהוּ הַתּ׳ 1 K 17:1; 21:17, 28; 2 K 1:3, 8; 9:36;—ὁ Θεσβ(ε)ίτης.BDB תִּשְׁבִּי.2


    תַּשְׁבֵּץ n. [m.] chequered (or plaited) work;—כְּתֹנֶת ת׳ Ex 28:4.BDB תַּשְׁבֵּץ.2


    תַּשְׁבֵּץ v. [שׁבץ].BDB תַּשְׁבֵּץ².2


    [תְּשׁוּבָה] n.f. return, answer;—
    1. sf. וּתְשֻׁבָתוֹ הָרָמָ֫תָה 1 S 7:17 and his return was (= he returned) to Rama.
    2. especially cstr. לִתְשׁוּבַת הַשָּׁנָה at the return of the year, i.e. of spring, 2 S 11:1; 1 K 20:22, 26; 2 Ch 36:10, לְעֵת תְּשׁ׳ הַשּׁ׳ 1 Ch 20:1 (‖ 2 S 11:1).
    3. answer, pl. abs. תְּשֻׁבֹת Jb 34:36, sf. תְּשׁוּבֹתֵיכֶם 21:34.
    BDB תְּשׁוּבָה.2


    [תְּשׁוּבָה] v. שׁוב.BDB תְּשׁוּבָה².2


    תשׁוה Jb 30:22 v. [תְּשֻׁאָה] sub II. שׁוא.BDB תשׁוה.2


    תְּשׂ֫וּמֶת n.f. (deposit, then, cstr. ת׳ יַד׳) pledge, security, Lv 5:21 (P; ‖ פִּקָּדוֹן).BDB תְּשׂ֫וּמֶת.2


    תְּשׂוּמֶת v. I. שׂום.BDB תְּשׂוּמֶת.2


    תְּשׁוּעָה (†תְּשֻׁעָה 2 S 19:3) n.f. deliverance, salvation = יְשׁוּעָה (formed by false anal., as if from √ שׁוע, in sense of ישׁע; most assign it to שׁוע, but no sufficient evidence for existence of such a √; cf. Köii. 200)—abs. ת׳ 1 S 11:9 + 19 times; cstr. Je 3:23 + 5 times; sf. תְּשׁוּעָתִי Is 46:13 + 2 times; תְּשׁוּעָֽתְךָ ψ 40:11 + 2 times; תְּשׁוּעָתֶ֑ךָ v 17; 71:15;—
    1. deliverance, usually by God, through human agency, especially from oppression 1 S 11:9, and in battle 1 Ch 19:12 (הוֹשׁיע in ‖ cl.), = victory Ju 15:18 (נָתַתָּ ת׳ בְּיַד וגו׳), 2 K 5:1, עשׂה ת׳ י׳ 1 S 11:13 י׳ wrought a great victory, so 19:5 2 S 19:3; 23:10, 12; 1 Ch 11:14 (as acc. cogn. after הושׁיע), Pr 21:31 ψ 33:17 (נושׁע in ‖ v 16); הַנּוֹתֵן ת׳ למלכים 144:10; so in phr. חֵץ־ת׳ ליהוה 2 K 13:17, חֵץ־ת׳ בַּאֲרָם v 17; of national deliverance, from exile, נוֹשַׁע יִשְׂרָאֵל ת׳ עולמים Is 45:17 (DaSynt. § 67 b), 46:13 (‖ צְדָקָה), v 13 (c. נתן; ‖ תִּפְאֶרֶת); in gen. of national success and prosperity Je 3:23 Pr 11:14 = 24:6; of deliverance from personal trouble ψ 37:39 La 3:26 (תְּשׁוּעַת י׳), or of national deliverance under fig. of personal ψ 40:11 (‖ אֱמוּנָֽתְךָ), v 17; 71:15 (‖ צְדָקָה), so י׳ תְּשׁוּעְתִי 38:23; contrasted with י׳’s deliverance is תְּשׁוּעַת אָדָם deliverance of (through) man ψ 60:13 = 108:13, cf. 146:3
    2. more exclusively spiritual in sense, = salvation, appear to be אֱלֹהֵי תְשׁוּעָתִי ψ 51:16, 119:41 (‖ חֲסָדֶךָ), v 81, and כֹּהֲנֶיךָ יִלְבְּשׁוּ ת׳ 2 Ch 6:41 (from כהניה אלבישׁ יֵשַׁע ψ 132:16).
    BDB תְּשׁוּעָה.2


    תְּשׁוּעָה, תְּשֻׁעָה v. ישׁע.BDB תְּשׁוּעָה².2


    [תְּשׁוּקָה] n.f. longing;—of woman for man, אֶל־אִישֵׁךְ תְּשׁוּקָתֵךְ Gn 3:16 (J); of man for woman, אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְאֵלַי תְּשׁוּקָתוֹ Ct 7:11; of beast to devour, fig. אֵלֶיךָ תְּשׁוּקָתוֹ Gn 4:7 (J). (𝔊 ἀποστροφή Gn, ἐπιστροφή Ct, whence NesMarg. 6 proposes תְּשׁוּבָתֵךְ Gn 3:16, which Ball Hpt reads in all; but how explain the unusual and striking word in MT?).BDB תְּשׁוּקָה.2


    תְּשׁוּקָה v. III. שׁוק.BDB תְּשׁוּקָה².2


    תְּשׁוּרָה n.f. gift, present(?) (from above √ = thing brought, offered? very dubious);—ת׳ 1 S 9:7 (meaning inferred from context).BDB תְּשׁוּרָה.2


    תְּשׁוּרָה v. I. שׁור.BDB תְּשׁוּרָה².2


    תֶּ֑שִׁי Dt 32:18 v. [שָׁיָה].BDB תֶּ֑שִׁי.2


    תֻּשִׁיָּה v. תּוּשִׁיָּה sub ישׁה.BDB תֻּשִׁיָּה.2


    תְּשִׁיעִי, תְּשִׁעִי m. תְּשִׁיעִית f. adj. num. ord.18 ninth;—בַּיּוֹם הַתְּשִׁיעִי Nu 7:60, הַתּ׳ of series of men 1 Ch 12:12; 27:12, of lot 24:11; 25:16; הַחֹדֶשׁ הַתּ׳ Je 36:9, 32; Zc 7:1; 1 Ch 27:12; Ezr 10:9, ח׳ om. Hg 2:10, 18; הַשָּׁנָה הַתְּשִׁיעִית Lv 25:22 + 3 times, בִּשְׁנַת הַתּ׳ (Ges§ 134 p) 2 K 17:6 25:1.BDB תְּשִׁיעִי.2


    תֵּ֫שַׁע, תִּשְׁעָה n.m. et. f. a nine, nonad (NH = BH; Assyrian tišit (fem.), nine, tešû, ninth; Sab. תסעת nine, תסעי ninety HomChr 48; Liḥy. תסע DHMEpigr. Denkm. Ar. 52, Arabic تِسْعٌ, Ethiopic ትስዑ Aramaic תְּשַׁע, ܬܫܰܥ, Nab. Palm. תשע Lzb388, Mand. (א for ע; sometimes ע pref.) תשא, עשתאM 188, all nine);—m. c. n.f. abs. תֵּ֫שַׁע Dt 3:11 + 20 times, cstr. תְּשַׁע Ju 4:3 + 18 times; f. c. n.m. abs. תִּשְׁעָה 2 S 14:8 + 13 times, cstr. תִּשְׁעַת Jos 13:7 + 2 times (these include 9 + 10 = 19);—nine (Hex chiefly P);
    1. no other num.: a. before n.pl. תֵּ֫שַׁע אַמּוֹת Dt 3:11, ת׳ שָׁנִים 2 K 17:1 Gn 11:19, ת׳ הַיָּדוֹת Ne 11:1, תִּשְׁעָה חֳדָשִׁים 2 S 24:8, תִּשְׁעַת הַשְּׁבָטִים Jos 13:7 (JE?), cf.14:2 Nu 34:13 (both P); after n.pl. עָרִים תֵּ֫שַׁע Jos 15:44, 51; 21:16 (all P), פָּרִים תִּשְׁעָה Nu 29:26 (P); n. om. 1 Ch 3:8. b. = ordin. בְּתִשְׁעָה לַחֹדֶשׁ 2 K 25:3 + 3 times on the ninth (day) of the month; שְׁנַת־תֵּשַׁע לְ 18:10 the ninth year of.
    2. 9 + 10 = 19, c. n.f. תְּשַׁע־עֶשְׂרֵה שָׁנָה Gn 11:25, עָרִים תְּשַׁע־עֶשְׂרֵה Jos 19:38 (both P), as ordinal שְׁנַת תְּשַׁע־עֶשְׂרִים שָׁנָה לְ 2 K 25:8Je 52:12; c. n.m. תִּשְׁעָה עָשָׂר אִישׂ 2 S 2:30, cf.(as ordin., גּוֹרָל om.) 1 Ch 24:16; 25:26.
    3. 900 = תְּשַׁע מֵאוֹת Ju 4:3 + 14 times
    4. c. tens (20, 30, etc.): ת׳ foll. 2 K 14:2 + 10 times, precedes Gn 11:24 + 6 times, cf.Köii. 1. 215 ff.
    BDB תֵּ֫שַׁע.2


    תִּשְׁעִים20 n. indecl. ninety (archaic pl., DHMZMG xxxvii (1883), 9 f. PrätBAS i. 376, but cf.Ges§ 97 f.);—before n. sg.: שָׁנָה Gn 5:9; 17:17 +, אַמָּה Ez 41:12, יוֹם Ez 4:5, 9; less often after n.pl. אֵילִים Ezr 8:35, cf.Dn 12:11; in combination, ת׳ precedes units 1 S 4:15 + 7 times; foll. Gn 5:17, 30; ת׳ foll. 100 Ez 4:5, 9 + 4 timesBDB תִּשְׁעִים.2

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