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    8. What are some of the responsibilities of parents to their children and children to their parents?

    It is perhaps impossible to overemphasize the importance of the home! The family should be a safe place where father and mother express affection, affirm and correct their children, and help them to establish their identity and value through Christ. Here the parents can reveal the character of God to their children in how they treat each member of the family, whether patient, kind and loving, or quarreling, angry and even cruel.JTL14 5.9

    Scripture has given the husband and father the responsibility of being head and priest of the household, loving and protecting his wife and children as Christ loves and protects His church. As Christ went to the cross in servanthood, so the husband is to lead sacrificially, with the mind of Christ. Morning and evening he is to gather his family together and lead them in praising God and petitioning His protection and guidance over each family member.JTL14 5.10

    Motherhood is the closest thing on earth to being in partnership with God. Educating her children to love Jesus and develop the fruits of the Spirit is a precious work. She must teach her children to respect and obey her, that their household will honor God. The mother is not to be a slave to her family but is to delegate responsibilities so her children will grow to be responsible and thoughtful adults. Through patient and consistent teaching and discipline, children must learn to share, respect property, and observe and respond to the needs of others. The mother may have many responsibilities but her most sacred duty is to prepare her children for life eternal with Christ.JTL14 5.11

    Children have a right to their parents’ companionship and temporal support, as well as their unconditional and accepting love. Likewise, children should honor and respect their parents, and, as adults, show tender care for them as they age.JTL14 5.12

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