“A Solemn Covenant with God
“Eternal and ever-blessed God: I desire to present myself before thee with the deepest humiliation and abasement of soul. Sensible how unworthy such a sinful worm is to appear before the Holy Majesty of Heaven, the King of kings and Lord of lords, ... I come therefore acknowledging myself to have been a great offender. Smiting on my breast and saying with the humble publican, ‘God be merciful to me a sinner,’ ... this day do I with the utmost solemnity surrender myself to thee. I renounce all former lords that have had dominion over me, and I consecrate to thee all that I am, and all that I have.... Use me, O Lord, I beseech thee, as an instrument of thy service; number me among thy peculiar people. Let me be washed in the blood of thy dear Son, to whom, with thee, O Father, be everlasting praises ascribed by all the millions who are thus saved by thee. Amen.”LELJB 190.1
Done on board the brig Empress, of New Bedford, at sea, Oct. 4, 1824, in latitude 90° 50’ north, and longitude 34° 50’ west, bound to Brazil.LELJB 190.2