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    FEBRUARY 8, 1890. Hebrews 9:1-7

    1. What does the apostle say that the first covenant had? Hebrews 9:1.SSW 21.2

    2. Were these a part of that covenant? See Exodus 19:3-6; 24:3-8.SSW 21.3

    3. What is meant by ordinances of divine service? Ans.—Ceremonies of divine appointment. There is no divine service without divine appointment.SSW 22.1

    4. What is meant by a worldly sanctuary? Ans.—A sanctuary of the world, in distinction from the one in heaven.SSW 22.2

    5. Where is the only real sanctuary? Hebrews 8:1, 2.SSW 22.3

    6. What relation did the worldly sanctuary and its services sustain to the heavenly? Verse 5.SSW 22.4

    7. How many apartments were in the tabernacle? Hebrews 9:2, 3.SSW 22.5

    8. What were the two apartments called?—Ib. See note.SSW 22.6

    9. What was in the holy? Verse 2; Exodus 40:23-27.SSW 22.7

    10. What was in the holiest of all? Hebrews 9:4.SSW 22.8

    11. What was in the ark? Compare Exodus 25:31; 1 Kings 8:9. See note.SSW 22.9

    12. What was the cover of the ark called? Hebrews 9:5; Exodus 25:21.SSW 22.10

    13. Why was it called the mercy-seat? Ans.—It was there that mercy was dispensed. The sanctuary was God’s dwelling-place; the ark represented his throne; and from his throne he dispenses grace, or favor, or mercy. See Hebrews 4:16.SSW 22.11

    14. How often did the priests go into the sanctuary? Hebrews 9:5.SSW 22.12

    15. How often was there service in the most holy? Verse 7.SSW 22.13

    16. Why was this service performed?SSW 22.14

    17. What alone is sin? 1 John 3:4.SSW 23.1

    18. What was the basis of the old covenant?SSW 23.2

    19. What, then, was it that made it necessary for that covenant to have ordinances of divine service connected with it?SSW 23.3

    20. Does the new covenant have ordinances of divine service? Hebrews 9:1. The word “also” indicates that it had already been shown that the second covenant had ordinances of divine service. This was done in chapter 7, 8.SSW 23.4

    21. Then what must be the basis of the second covenant?SSW 23.5


    Hebrews 9:1 is a text that hinders many from seeing that all of God’s blessings to man are gained by virtue of the second covenant, and not by the first. That text reads: “Then verily the first covenant had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.” This, together with the fact that when men complied with these ordinances of divine service, they were forgiven (Leviticus 4), seems to some conclusive evidence that the old covenant contained the gospel and its blessings. But forgiveness of sins was not secured by virtue of those offerings; “for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.” Hebrews 10:4. Forgiveness was obtained only by virtue of the promised sacrifice of Christ (Hebrews 9:15), the Mediator of the new covenant, their faith in whom was shown by their offerings. So it was by virtue of the second or new covenant that pardon was secured to those who offered the sacrifices provided for in the ordinances of divine service connected with the old or first covenant.SSW 23.6

    Moreover, those “ordinances of divine service’ formed no part of the first covenant. If they had, they must have been mentioned in the making of that covenant; but they were not. They were connected with it, but not a part of it. They were simply the means by which the people acknowledged the justice of their condemnation to death for the violation of the law which they had covenanted to keep, and their faith in the Mediator of the new covenant.SSW 23.7

    In brief, then, God’s plan in the salvation of sinners, whether now or in the days of Moses, is: The law sent home emphatically to the individual, to produce conviction of sin, and thus to drive the sinner to seek freedom; then, the acceptance of Christ’s gracious invitation, which was extended long before, but which the sinner would not listen to; and lastly, having accepted Christ, and being justified by faith, the manifestation of the faith, through the ordinances of the gospel, and the living of a life of righteousness by faith in Christ.SSW 24.1

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