FEBRUARY 22, 1890. Hebrews 9:15-20
1. What was effected by the blood of the old covenant?SSW 26.1
2. Was any sin ever removed by that covenant?SSW 26.2
3. What can the blood of Christ accomplish?SSW 26.3
4. What provision is made for transgressors under the first covenant? Hebrews 9:13.SSW 26.4
5. What law did they transgress under the first covenant?SSW 26.5
6. Then if Jesus is Mediator for their transgressions, in behalf of what law is he the Mediator?SSW 27.1
7. By what means did he become their Redeemer? Verse 15.SSW 27.2
8. Who are meant by them which are called? Ans.—All, of all ages and nations, to whom the word of salvation comes, or whom the Spirit of God moves to accept the word. See Acts 2:39.SSW 27.3
9. What may they receive through the priesthood of Christ? Hebrews 9:15. See note.SSW 27.4
10. What is necessary where there is a testament? Verse 16.SSW 27.5
11. Why is this the case? Verse 17.SSW 27.6
12. How was the old covenant ratified? Verse 18.SSW 27.7
13. What did Moses speak to the people? Verse 19.SSW 27.8
14. Where is this transaction recorded? Exodus 24:3-5.SSW 27.9
15. What did Moses send young men to do? Verse 5.SSW 27.10
16. Of what did their burnt-offerings consist? Compare Hebrews 9:18.SSW 27.11
17. What did Moses do with the blood?—Ib., Exodus 24:6, 8.SSW 27.12
18. With what did he sprinkle the blood?SSW 27.13
Verse 15 has a fund of instruction underlying the first glance at the language. It is made very sure that Jesus is the Mediator between the people who lived under the first covenant, and the law which God proclaimed to them, of which they were transgressors. And it is absurd to suppose that God will judge the family of Adam, moral agents, by different moral standards. It is the law given to the Jews, which David says is perfect, that it is righteousness, etc. It is the same law that Solomon says contains the whole duty of man, and by which God will bring every work into judgment. The commandments given to Israel in the wilderness are the lively oracles which Stephen said they received to give unto us. Acts 7:38.SSW 27.14
In verse 15 is again introduced the contrast which was so successfully argued in chapter 4. Though the children of Israel rejoiced that they had had rest from their wanderings, and that the Lord had subdued their enemies before them, and given them homes for themselves and their children, they were yet subject to cares, to sickness, pain, and death. Joshua gave them a temporal rest. But a greater than Joshua had become the leader of his people, and the rest that remains is an eternal inheritance. And God is so wise and merciful in the provisions of his grace that the faithful even under the first covenant may share their inheritance.SSW 28.1