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    March 17, 1890

    “Letter to the Hebrews. Chapter 10:21-25” The Signs of the Times, 16, 11.

    E. J. Waggoner

    (Lesson 26, March 29, 1890.)

    1. Where is our High Priest? See Hebrews 8:1, 2.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.1

    2. To what purpose did he go to heaven as a priest? Hebrews 9:26.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.2

    3. Are we said to go into the sanctuary, or holies? Hebrews 10:19.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.3

    4. How may we approach the throne? Verse 22, first part.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.4

    5. How does faith come? Romans 10:17.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.5

    6. What is necessary to full assurance of faith? See note.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.6

    7. What is a true heart? Ans.-A heart that clings to the ground of faith, the word of God.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.7

    8. What is said to be done to the heart? Hebrews 10:22.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.8

    9. What is said to be sprinkled upon the heart to purify it? See 1 Peter 1:2; Hebrews 12:24.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.9

    10. Is the heart literally sprinkled with blood?SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.10

    11. How is the blood of Christ applied to our hearts? Ans.-By our faith and the work of the Holy Spirit.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.11

    12. What is said to be done to the body? Hebrews 10:22, last part.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.12

    13. Is the body literally washed with water?SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.13

    14. Is either of these words ever used for baptism? Ans.-They are not. Washing is used for the object or end of baptism in Acts 22:16. Baptism describes the action, by which the washing was accomplished.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.14

    15. How should we hold our profession of faith? Hebrews 10:23.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.15

    16. What is said of him that wavereth? James 1:6.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.16

    17. Why are we encouraged to hold fast without wavering? Hebrews 10:23, last part.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.17

    18. What is meant by considering one another? Ans.-Having regard for; watching over for good. Verse 24.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.18

    19. What is meant by provoke? Ans.-To incite; to stimulate.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.19

    20. Unto what should we incite one another?-Ib.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.20

    21. What should we not forsake? Verse 25.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.21

    22. What should we do in our assemblies?-Ib.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.22

    23. Is the duty to exhort one another confined to meetings?SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.23

    24. Does the apostle specify any particular time for assembling?SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.24

    25. What special reason is given why we should exhort one another?SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.25

    26. To what day does the apostle here refer? Ans.-The day of which he has spoken, when our Redeemer will come again. He has introduced no other.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.26

    27. Is it, then, true that we can see the day approaching? Matthew 24:3, 32, 33, etc.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.27


    Many people mistake strong feeling for an assurance of faith, though they are essentially different. Strong feeling may be an accompaniment of faith, though it is not faith itself. And many suppose that there can be no faith without a happy state of feeling, which is a great mistake. Paul had great faith, though circumstances caused him to have great heaviness and continual sorrow of heart. Romans 9:2. Compare Isaiah 50:10; Matthew 5:4. Faith rests entirely upon the word of God, but feeling is often the outgrowth of impressions, produced in various ways. Self-complacency, deep satisfaction over one’s own experience, is very often mistaken for assurance of faith, while, oftentimes, the individual has no faith at all-no clear conception of the teachings of God’s word. Full assurance of genuine faith is unwavering confidence in God, with knowledge of his word and implicit belief of the word. The clearer the word is to our understanding, the better is the chance for full assurance of faith; for how can we have faith in that of which we are ignorant? The mystical system of interpreting the Scriptures, by which they are made to mean anything that can be imagined, precludes faith. Under that system the mind is filled only with fancies, while faith is something substantial. This subject is fully considered in the next chapter.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.28


    “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together.” God has made man a social being. Intercourse with his fellows is a law of his nature, and man cannot reach his full development as a man without this. This is especially true as regards Christian character. God has set in his church different gifts, which are likened to different members, or parts of the human body. (See 1 Corinthians 12.) As each part of the body is mutually dependent to a greater or less extent on every other part in order to full and perfect development, so the various members and gifts in the church need the aid and instruction to be received from all. They are to “edity [or build up] one another” (1 Thessalonians 5:11); to “comfort one another” (chap. 4:18); and, if connected with Christ, the head, they will in this way be “fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love” (Ephesians 4:16).SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.29

    He who thinks to live a Christian life, separate from his kind, will find himself dwarfed in the end. That hill of corn, or maize, best filled and more nearly perfect is not found alone, or on the outskirts of the cornfield, but in the middle of the field. The pollen of its neighbors fertilizes then every kernel represented by the “silks.” One hill standing alone will be wanting. It needs the aid and abundance of the many to supply its wants; as it also may unite with the many in supplying others needs. Stones become polished by contact; characters are somewhat similar. Therefore the people of God should meet together to warn, exhort, instruct, and comfort, and so build one another up in the most holy faith. He who can meet with others of like precious faith and fails to do so, will bring only barrenness to his soul.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.30

    But someone will say: “I am all alone. I live near no one who believes as I do. Those truths so dear to me I cannot talk with others. What shall I do? Am I to grow spiritually poor because of that which is not my fault?” Not at all. God asks no more of us than what it is possible for us to perform through grace. If we can meet with the living members of Christ’s body, that is our duty; if we cannot, there are other means which God will provide. There are his holy word, the writings of his faithful servants in good books and papers; there is the soul communion with him. God “giveth more grace” to the lonely ones who trust him and improve their opportunities. Neither are those who do meet with each other, to neglect the aids of the word of God, prayer, and instructive reading. Greater privileges bring greater responsibilities.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.31

    “And so much the more as ye see the day approaching.” This does not mean that we should meet more and more frequently, continually increasing the times of assembling; for this would after awhile lead to continuous meeting; and continuous meeting alone will not develop Christian character. The character must be settled, hardened, established, by meeting in the grace and strength of Christ the trials and conflicts of life. It means that we should so much the more not forsake the assembling of ourselves together and exhorting one another. As the day of God draws near, perils thicken around the little flock; the enemy brings upon them sorer temptations. So much the more ought they not to neglect every means of grace. Courage and faith in God should be their watch word.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.32

    Yet as the day draws near there will be strong temptations not to do this; there will be apparent duties to plead, physical disability or physical disinclination will be presented as an excuse. The “enchanted ground” lies just before the land of Beulah. And as Christian and Hopeful could only resist its influence by talking over the things of God, so will the people of God in the last days have to use every means of grace or be overcome by its baneful, deadly opiate. Prudence and safety demand a fulfillment of duty in meeting together whenever possible.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.33

    There is another side. God makes precious promises to those who will do this. When only two or three meet in his name there will the Lord be. Matthew 18:20. And in speaking of the time when “that day” is near, the Lord thus speaks through the prophet: “Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another; and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that servth him.” Malachi 3:16, 17.SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.34

    We can see, or perceive, that the day of the Lord is approaching by the signs which God has given in his prophetic word, compared with the condition of things in the last days. The multiplying events in the physical world, in Church and in State, will show the fulfillment of God’s word, and will thereby strengthen faith and assure us that the day is nigh. It will, however, be ushered in by no great physical portent or omen. God will decide the time in heaven, Christ will leave his priestly throne; and the eternal fiat will go forth (Revelation 22:11, 12). That day will come upon the earth as a thief (2 Peter 3:10), but it will not overtake the faithful, watchful brethren in Christ (1 Thessalonians 5:3). The thief spoils the house of him who sleeps and watches not; but to the faithful watcher every sign and omen is noted. “Let us not sleep as do others, but let us watch and be sober.”SITI March 17, 1890, page 155.35

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