During 1937, two lines of work, both of major importance, were being carried forward. The first was the completion of the series of articles for the review and herald, written by Elder W. C. White, presenting the story of the life and work of James and Ellen White. The other was the gathering of material for the book, “Counsels on Diet and Foods,” now on the press. This latter work was completed some months ago, which left the work of completing the biographical sketches as the principal endeavor for the last six months of the year. In the midst of this work, Elder W. C. White was suddenly called to lay down life’s burdens and leave to others the finishing of these tasks.HEVI 121.10
Now that Elder White and three of his associate trustees (Brethren Daniells, Jones and Crisler) have passed to their rest, the question naturally arises, What of the future? In Sister White’s will she made provision of the perpetuation of this board of trustees by authorizing the original group to fill vacancies as they should occur. Consequently, this board has been maintained and has continued to function, and still functions.HEVI 122.1
Several years ago the board of trustees, realizing that advancing age would probably make it necessary for some of them soon to lay down their responsibilities, and facing the future needs of the work, entered into a contract with the General Conference Corporation whereby the properties of the Estate would be transferred to Washington. In counsel with the General Conference officers, they worked out plans and policies whereby the future interests of the work of the White Estate would be safeguarded. Sister White’s plan for the perpetuation of this board has proved to be a most wise one indeed. This board must continue to function, and to do the work outlined for it as originally planned by Sister White. As we look back now upon the plans and policies outlined by the original board of trustees for carrying forward the work in the future, we recognize the special providence of God in the whole arrangement.HEVI 122.2
The death of Elder W. C. White, who for so many years was the principal custodian of the E. G. White writings, creates no serious crises in the work of the Ellen G. White Estate. We all recognize, however, that the passing of Elder White does bring a great loss to our work, and particularly to the work of the White Estate. His long years of experience in connection with this work fitted him in a very special way for the responsibilities which he carried. There is no one living today with the same background of experience that was his.HEVI 122.3
As the way has been so clearly marked out, however, the present trustees of the White Estate are not at a loss to know what steps should be taken in their work. They are proceeding to carry out the plans that were so carefully laid in the past. Shortly after Elder White’s death, the members of the trustees met and chose Brother Arthur White, son of W. C. White, who for eight years was his assistant in the work of the Estate, to fill the vacancy on the board of trustees created by Elder White’s death, and also to act as its secretary.HEVI 122.4
At the same meeting the trustees recommended to the General Conference that in fulfilling the plans that had been laid for the future work of the Estate, immediately steps be taken for the removal of the files and the work of the White Estate from St. Helena to the General Conference head quarters. It is planned that this transfer shall take place during January of 1938. The work of the Estate to be carried on in the future in Washington will be under the direction of the following board of trustees: F. M. Wilcox, J. L. McElhany, M. E. Kern, A. L. White and Steen Rasmussen.HEVI 122.5
The valuable files which have been housed for a number of years in the fireproof vaults at Elmshaven, St. Helena, California, will be safely stored in a vault in the General Conference office building. It is planned to construct a vault for the permanent storage of these files in the building planned for the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary. The work of the Estate will continue with only a few weeks’ interruption because of changing the location of its place of work.HEVI 122.6
We are glad to give to all the readers of the REVIEW this explanation of the reasons for the removal of this work to Washington.HEVI 122.7
It will be a source of great satisfaction to all our believers to know that Sister White, years ago, made provision for the continuation of the work of preparing and circulating her writings, also to know that the trustees, in carrying out their part of the work under the terms of her will, had the forethought to provide for any emergency that might arise, and thus safeguard to the denomination as a whole the writings of the Spirit of prophecy. They are a trust for the whole denomination. It will be the purpose of this board of trustees to do all in their power to maintain the sacredness of the trust reposed in them in the custody of these writings. J. L. McELHANY, President of the General Conference. The Review and Herald, September 16, 1957.HEVI 122.8