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Abdomen. The lower belly, or that part of the body which lies between the thorax and the bottom of the pelvis.HBH 214.1
Ablution. Cleansing by water; washing of the body externally.HBH 214.2
Abortion. A miscarriage, or producing a child before the natural time of birth.HBH 214.3
Abscess. A cavity containing pus, or a collection of matter; as a common boil or felon, or any swelling that has come to a head.HBH 214.4
Absorbent. In anatomy, a vessel which imbibes; in medicine, any substance which absorbs or takes up the fluids of the stomach and bowels.HBH 214.5
Accoucher. A man who assists women in child-birth.HBH 214.6
Acuminate. Taper-pointed; the point usually inclines to one side.HBH 214.7
Acetabulum. The socket that receives the head of the os femoris, or thigh bone.HBH 214.8
Acid. Sour; sharp or biting to the taste, as acetous acid, or vinegar; citric acid, obtained from lemon, etc.HBH 214.9
Acidity. The quality of being sour; tartness, or having a sharpness to the taste.HBH 214.10
Acrid. Sharp, pungent, bitter; biting to the taste.HBH 214.11
Actual Cautery. A surgical operation, performed by burning or searing with a hot iron.HBH 214.12
Acupuncture. A surgical operation, performed by pricking the part affected with a needle.HBH 214.13
Acute. Sharp, ending in a sharp point; acute diseases are of short duration, attended with violent symptoms; it is opposite to chronic.HBH 214.14
Adhesive. Sticky, tenacious, apt or tending to adhere.HBH 214.15
Adhesive Plaster. Sticking plaster.HBH 214.16
Adhesive Inflammation. That kind of inflammation which causes adhesion.HBH 214.17
Adjuvant. An assistant; a substance added to a prescription to aid the operation of the principal ingredient or basis.HBH 215.1
Adult Age. A person grown to full size or strength; manhood or womanhood.HBH 215.2
Affection. Disorder, disease, malady.HBH 215.3
Affusion. The act of pouring upon or sprinkling with a liquid substance.HBH 215.4
Albumen. The white of an egg. A principle of both animal and vegetable matter.HBH 215.5
Alkali. A substance which is capable of uniting with acids and destroying their acidity. Potash, soda, etc., are alkalies.HBH 215.6
Alimentary. Having nourishing qualities, as food.HBH 215.7
Alimentary Canal. The intestine, by which aliments are conveyed through the body, and the useless parts evacuated.HBH 215.8
Alterative. A medicine which gradually changes the condition of the system, restoring healthy functions without producing sensible increase of the evacuations.HBH 215.9
Alternate. When branches and leaves issue singly from opposite sides of the stem, in regular order, first on one side of the stem and then on the other, they are said to be alternate.HBH 215.10
Alveola. The socket in a jaw in which a tooth is fixed.HBH 215.11
Alvine. Pertaining to the intestines.HBH 215.12
Amaurosis. A loss or decay of sight, without any visible defect in the eye, except an immovable pupil.HBH 215.13
Amenorrhea. An obstruction of the menstrual discharges.HBH 215.14
Ament. Flowers on chaffy scales and arranged on slender stalks.HBH 215.15
Amplexicaulis. The basis, clasping the stem.HBH 215.16
Amputation. The act or operation of cutting off a limb, or other part of the body.HBH 215.17
Anasarca. Dropsy of the skin and flesh.HBH 215.18
Anastomose. To communicate with each other.HBH 215.19
Anchylosis. Stiffness of a joint.HBH 215.20
Aneurism. A soft, pulsating tumor, arising from the rupture of the coats of an artery.HBH 215.21
Angina Pectoris. A peculiar, nervous affection of the chest.HBH 215.22
Angina Tonsillaris. Inflammation of the tonsils.HBH 215.23
Angina Trachealis. Inflammation of the wind-pipe, or croup.HBH 215.24
Annual. Yearly. An annual plant grows from the seed to perfection and dies in one season.HBH 215.25
Annulated. Surrounded by rings.HBH 215.26
Anodyne. Any medicine which allays pain and procures sleep.HBH 215.27
Antacid. A substance to counteract acids, as an alkali.HBH 215.28
Anthelmintic. A worm-destroyer; a worm medicine.HBH 215.29
Antibilious. Counteraction of bilious complaints.HBH 216.1
Antidote. A protective against or remedy for poison, or any thing noxious taken into the stomach, or any disease.HBH 216.2
Antidysenteric. A remedy for dysentery.HBH 216.3
Antiemetic. A remedy to check or allay vomiting.HBH 216.4
Antilithics. A medicine to prevent or remove urinary calculi or gravel.HBH 216.5
Antimorbific. Any thing to prevent or remove disease.HBH 216.6
Antiscorbutic. A remedy for the scurvy.HBH 216.7
Antiseptic. That which resists or removes putrefaction or mortification.HBH 216.8
Antispasmodic. That which relieves spasms, cramps, and convulsions.HBH 216.9
Antisyphilitic. Remedy against syphilis, or the venereal disease.HBH 216.10
Aperient. A gentle purgative or laxative.HBH 216.11
Apex. The top or summit; the termination of any part of a plant.HBH 216.12
Aroma. The fragrance of plants and other substances, experienced by an agreeable smell.HBH 216.13
Aromatic. A fragrant, spicy plant, drug, or medicine.HBH 216.14
Arthrodia. A joint movable in every direction.HBH 216.15
Articulated. Having joints.HBH 216.16
Ascarides. Pin worms, or thread worms, always found in the lower portion of the bowels, or anus.HBH 216.17
Ascites. Dropsy of the belly.HBH 216.18
Assimilation. The conversion of food into the fluid or solid substances of the body.HBH 216.19
Asthmatic. A person troubled with asthma, or a difficulty of breathing.HBH 216.20
Astringent. Binding; contracting; strengthening; opposed to laxative.HBH 216.21
Atony. Debility; want of tone; defect of muscular power.HBH 216.22
Atrophy. A wasting of flesh and loss of strength, without any sensible cause.HBH 216.23
Axillary. Pertaining to the arm-pit.HBH 216.24
Axillary Glands, situated in the arm-pit, secrete a fluid of peculiar odor, which stains linen, and destroys the color of clothing.HBH 216.25
Balsamic. Medicines employed for healing purposes.HBH 216.26
Belching. Ejecting wind from the stomach.HBH 216.27
Biennial. In botany, continuing for two years, and then perishing, as plants whose roots and leaves are formed the first year, and which produce fruit the second.HBH 216.28
Bifurcation. Division into two branches.HBH 216.29
Biternate. Doubly ternate, or having six leaves on the leaf stalk.HBH 217.1
Bract. A small leaf growing near the flower, and differing in form and color from the other leaves.HBH 217.2
Bronchial. Belonging to the ramifications of the wind-pipe in the lungs.HBH 217.3
Bulbous. Round, or roundish.HBH 217.4
Cachexia. A bad condition of the body; where the fluids and solids are vitiated, without fever or nervous disease.HBH 217.5
Cadaverous. Having the appearance or color of a dead human body; wan; ghastly; pale; like unto death.HBH 217.6
Calculi. The gravel and stone formed in any part of the body, as the bladder and kidneys.HBH 217.7
Callous. Hard, or hardened; as an ulcer.HBH 217.8
Callus. Bony matter, which forms about fractures.HBH 217.9
Caloric. The element of heat.HBH 217.10
Calyx. The outer covering of a flower.HBH 217.11
Campanulate. Bell-shaped.HBH 217.12
Capillary. Resembling a hair. A fine vessel.HBH 217.13
Capsule. The seed-vessel of a plant.HBH 217.14
Carbonic Acid Gas. A combination of two parts of oxygen with one part of carbon.HBH 217.16
Carminative. A medicine which allays pain, and expels wind from the stomach and bowels.HBH 217.17
Cartilage. Gristle; a substance similar to, but softer than bone.HBH 217.18
Catamenia. The monthly evacuations of females; menses.HBH 217.19
Cataplasm. A poultice.HBH 217.20
Cathartic. A purgative; a medicine that cleanses the bowels.HBH 217.21
Catheter. A tubular instrument for drawing off the urine.HBH 217.22
Caudex. The stock which proceeds from a seed, one part forming the body above ground, and the other the main root below.HBH 217.23
Caustic. Any substance which burns or corrodes the part of living animals to which it is applied.HBH 217.24
Cautery. A burning, searing, or corroding, any part of an animal body.HBH 217.25
Cellular. Consisting of, or containing cells.HBH 217.26
Cerebellum. The hinder and lower part of the brain; the lesser brain.HBH 217.27
Cerebrum. The front and larger part of the brain.HBH 217.28
Cespitose. Growing in tufts.HBH 217.29
Cespitous. Pertaining to turf; turfy.HBH 217.30
Chancre. A venereal ulcer or sore.HBH 217.31
Choleric. Easily irritated.HBH 217.32
Cuticle. The scarf-skin, or outer skin.HBH 218.1
Chronic. Continuing a long time; inveterate; the opposite of acute.HBH 218.2
Cicatrix. A scar remaining after a wound.HBH 218.3
Clyster. An injection; a liquid substance thrown into the lower intestines.HBH 218.4
Coagulation. Changing from a fluid to a fixed state.HBH 218.5
Coalesce. To grow together; to unite.HBH 218.6
Colliquative. Weakening, as sweat; applied to excessive evacuations, which reduce the strength and substance of the body.HBH 218.7
Coma, or Comatose. Lethargy; strongly disposed to sleep.HBH 218.8
Combustion. Burning with a flame.HBH 218.9
Concave. Hollow. A concave leaf is one whose edge stands above the disk.HBH 218.10
Concrete. A compound; a united mass.HBH 218.11
Confluent. Flowing together; meeting in their course.HBH 218.12
Congenital. Begotten or born together.HBH 218.13
Conglobate. Formed into a ball.HBH 218.14
Connate. United in origin; united into one body.HBH 218.15
Constipation. Obstruction and hardness of the contents of the intestinal canal.HBH 218.16
Constriction. A contraction, or drawn together.HBH 218.17
Contagious. Catching, or that may be communicated.HBH 218.18
Contusion. A bruise.HBH 218.19
Convalescent. Recovering health and strength after sickness or debility.HBH 218.20
Convoluted. Rolled together, or one part on another.HBH 218.21
Cordate. Having the form or shape of a heart.HBH 218.22
Cordial. Any medicine which increases the strength and raises the spirits when depressed.HBH 218.23
Coriaceous. Tough or stiff, like leather.HBH 218.24
Corolla. The inner covering of a flower.HBH 218.25
Corpse. The dead body of a human being.HBH 218.26
Corroborant. A medicine that strengthens the human body when weak.HBH 218.27
Corrosive. That which has the quality of eating or wearing gradually.HBH 218.28
Corrosive Sublimate. An acrid poison of great virulence.HBH 218.29
Cortex. The bark of a tree or plant.HBH 218.30
Corymb. A cluster of flowers at the top of a plant, forming an even, flat surface.HBH 218.31
Crassamentum. The thick, red part of the blood.HBH 218.33
Crepitus. A sharp, abrupt sound.HBH 218.34
Cuneiform. Having the shape or form of a wedge.HBH 218.35
Cutaneous. Belonging to the skin.HBH 218.36
Decarbonize. To deprive of carbon, or coal.HBH 219.1
Decoction. Any medicine made by boiling a substance in water to extract its virtue.HBH 219.2
Delirium. Disorder of the intellect; wildness or wandering of the mind.HBH 219.3
Demulcent. A mucilaginous medicine, which sheathes the tender and raw surfaces of diseased parts.HBH 219.4
Deobstruent. Any medicine which removes obstructions, and opens the natural passages of the fluids of the body.HBH 219.5
Depletion. Blood-letting.HBH 219.6
Depuration. The cleansing from impure matter.HBH 219.7
Derm. The natural covering of an animal, or skin.HBH 219.8
Detergent. A medicine that cleanses the vessels or skin from offending matter.HBH 219.9
Diagnosis. The distinction of one disease from another by its symptoms.HBH 219.10
Diagnostics. The symptoms by which a disease is distinguished.HBH 219.11
Diaphoresis. Increased perspiration, or sweat.HBH 219.12
Diaphoretic. Sweating; any medicine which produces sweating.HBH 219.13
Diaphragm. The midriff, or muscular division between the chest and belly.HBH 219.14
Diarrhea. A morbidly-frequent evacuation of the intestines.HBH 219.15
Diathesis. The disposition of the body, good or bad.HBH 219.16
Dichotomous. Regularly divided by pairs from top to bottom.HBH 219.17
Digest. To dissolve in the stomach; or, in medicine, to make a tincture.HBH 219.18
Digitate. Divided, like fingers.HBH 219.19
Diluent. That which thins, weakens, or reduces the strength of liquids.HBH 219.20
Diluting. Weakening.HBH 219.21
Discuss. To disperse, or scatter.HBH 219.22
Discutient. A medicine which scatters a swelling or tumor, or any coagulated fluid or body.HBH 219.23
Diuretic. A medicine which increases the flow of the urine.HBH 219.24
Drastic. Powerful, efficacious.HBH 219.26
Duodenum. The first of the small intestines.HBH 219.27
Efflorescence. Eruptions, or a redness of the skin, as in measles, small-pox, etc.HBH 219.28
Effluvia. Exhalations from substances, as from flowers, or from putrid matter.HBH 219.29
Electuary. Medicine composed of sugar or honey, and some powder, or other ingredient.HBH 219.30
Eliminating. Discharging, or throwing off.HBH 219.31
Emetic. Any medicine which produces vomiting.HBH 220.1
Emaciation. Gradual wasting of the flesh, leanness.HBH 220.2
Emmenagogue. A medicine which promotes the menstrual discharges.HBH 220.4
Emollient. A softening application which allays irritation.HBH 220.5
Emulsion. A soft, milk-like remedy, as oil and water mixed with mucilage or sugar.HBH 220.6
Enteritis. An inflammation of the intestines.HBH 220.8
Entozoa. Intestinal worms; living in some part of an animal body.HBH 220.9
Epidemic. A prevalent disease.HBH 220.10
Epidermis. The outer skin.HBH 220.11
Epigastric. Pertaining to the upper and anterior portion of the abdomen.HBH 220.12
Epileptic. Affected with epilepsy, or the falling sickness.HBH 220.13
Epispastic. An application for blistering.HBH 220.14
Erosion. The act or operation of eating away.HBH 220.15
Errhine. A medicine for snuffing up the nose to promote the discharge of mucous.HBH 220.16
Eructation. The act of belching forth wind from the stomach through the mouth.HBH 220.17
Eruption. A breaking out of humors on the skin.HBH 220.18
Escharotic. Caustic; an application which sears or destroys the flesh.HBH 220.19
Evacuant. A medicine which promotes the secretions and excretions.HBH 220.20
Evacuate. To empty, to discharge from the bowels.HBH 220.21
Exacerbation. An increase of violence in a disease.HBH 220.22
Exanthema. Such eruptive diseases as are accompanied by fevers.HBH 220.23
Excitant. A stimulant.HBH 220.24
Excoriate. To gall, to wear off or remove the skin in any way.HBH 220.25
Excrescence. A preternatural protuberance; as a wart.HBH 220.26
Excretion. Useless matter thrown off from the system.HBH 220.27
Exotic. Introduced from a foreign country.HBH 220.28
Expectorant. Any medicine which promotes the discharge of phlegm, or matter, from the lungs.HBH 220.29
Expectoration. The act of discharging phlegm by coughing or spitting.HBH 220.30
Expiration. The act of throwing out the air from the lungs, as in breathing.HBH 220.31
Extravasation. Effusion; the act of forcing or letting out of its containing vessels.HBH 220.32
Exudation. A sweating.HBH 220.33
Faeces. Excrement; the discharge from the bowels at stool.HBH 221.1
Fauces. The back part of the mouth.HBH 221.2
Febrifuge. Medicines that drive away fever, producing sweat.HBH 221.3
Febrile. Indicating fever, or pertaining to fever.HBH 221.4
Fetid. Having a strong or offensive smell.HBH 221.5
Fetus. The child while in the womb.HBH 221.6
Fiber. A fine, slender substance, which constitutes a part of the frame of animals; a thread.HBH 221.7
Fibril. The branch of a fiber; a very slender thread.HBH 221.8
Filament. A thread; a fiber.HBH 221.9
Filtration. Straining; the separation of a liquid from the undissolved particles floating in it.HBH 221.11
Fistula. A deep, narrow, crooked ulcer.HBH 221.12
Flaccid. Soft and weak; lax, limber.HBH 221.13
Flatulency. Wind in the stomach and intestines, causing uneasiness, and often belchings.HBH 221.14
Flexible. Not stiff; yielding to pressure.HBH 221.15
Flush. A sudden flow of blood to the cheeks or face.HBH 221.16
Flux. An unusual discharge from the bowels.HBH 221.17
Fomentation. Bathing by means of flannels, dipped in hot water or medicated liquid.HBH 221.18
Formula. A prescription.HBH 221.19
Fundament. The seat; the terminating part of the large intestines.HBH 221.20
Fungus. A spongy excrescence, as proud flesh.HBH 221.21
Gangrene. Mortification of living flesh.HBH 221.22
Gargle. A wash for the mouth and throat.HBH 221.23
Gastric. Belonging to the stomach.HBH 221.24
Gland. A soft, fleshy organ, for the secretion of fluids, or to modify fluids which pass through them.HBH 221.25
Gluteus. The large, thick muscle on which we sit.HBH 221.26
Hectic. Habitual; an exasperating and remitting fever, with chills, heat and sweat.HBH 221.27
Hematosis. A morbid quantity of blood.HBH 221.28
Hemoptysis. A spitting of blood.HBH 221.29
Hemorrhage. A flux, or discharge of blood, as from the nose, lungs, etc.HBH 221.30
Hemorrhoids. The piles.HBH 221.31
Hepatic. Pertaining to the liver.HBH 221.32
Herbaceous. Pertaining to herbs.HBH 221.33
Hereditary. That has descended from a parent.HBH 221.34
Herpes. An eruption of the skin; tetters, erysipelas, ring-worm, etc.HBH 221.35
Hernia. A rupture and protrusion of some part of the abdomen.HBH 222.1
Hydragogue. A purgative that causes a watery discharge from the bowels.HBH 222.2
Hydrogen. A constituent of water, being one-ninth-part.HBH 222.3
Hydrogen Gas. An aeriform fluid, the lightest body known. It is fatal to animal life.HBH 222.4
Hydrophobia. A dread of water; the rabid qualities of a mad dog.HBH 222.5
Hygiene. The art of restoring or preserving the health without recourse to medicine.HBH 222.6
Hypochondriac. A person afflicted with debility, lowness of spirits, or melancholy-or, in other words, with the blues.HBH 222.7
Hysterical. Troubled with fits, or nervous affections.HBH 222.8
Idiopathy. A morbid condition not preceded by any other disease.HBH 222.9
Idiosyncrasy. Peculiarity of constitution or temperament; peculiarly susceptible of certain extraneous influences-and, hence, liable to certain diseases which others would escape from.HBH 222.10
Ileum. The lower part of the small intestines.HBH 222.11
Incrassation. Thickening.HBH 222.12
Incubus. The nightmare.HBH 222.13
Indurated. Hardened.HBH 222.15
Infection. Communication of disease from one to another; contagion.HBH 222.16
Inflammation. Redness and swelling of any part of the body, with heat, pain, and symptoms of fever.HBH 222.17
Inflated. Filled or swelled with air.HBH 222.18
Infusion. Medicine prepared by steeping, either in cold or hot water.HBH 222.19
Ingestion. Throwing into the stomach.HBH 222.20
Injection. A liquid medicine thrown into the body by a syringe, or pipe; a clyster.HBH 222.21
Inoculation. Communicating a disease to a person in health by inserting contagious matter in his skin, or flesh.HBH 222.22
Inspiration. Drawing or inhaling air into the lungs.HBH 222.23
Inspissation. Rendering a fluid substance thicker by evaporation.HBH 222.24
Integument. The skin, or a membrane that invests a particular part.HBH 222.25
Intermittent. Ceasing at intervals.HBH 222.26
Lanceolate. Oblong, and gradually tapering toward the outer extremity.HBH 222.27
Larynx. The upper part of the wind-pipe.HBH 223.1
Laxative. A gentle purge; a medicine that loosens the bowels.HBH 223.2
Lethargy. Unusual or excessive sleepiness.HBH 223.3
Leucorrhea. The whites.HBH 223.4
Lesion. A hurt, or wound.HBH 223.5
Liniment. A species of soft ointment.HBH 223.6
Lithontriptics. Solvents of stone in the bladder.HBH 223.7
Lithotomy. The cutting for stone in the bladder.HBH 223.8
Lochial. Pertaining to discharges from the womb after child-birth.HBH 223.9
Lumbago. A pain in the loins, or small of the back.HBH 223.10
Lumbar. Pertaining to the loins.HBH 223.11
Maceration. To dissolve, or soften with water.HBH 223.12
Malaria. Bad air; air which tends to produce disease.HBH 223.13
Manna. A laxative medicine, obtained from the flowering ash.HBH 223.14
Membrane. A thin, white, flexible skin, formed of fibers, and covering some part of the body.HBH 223.15
Menses. The monthly discharges of females.HBH 223.16
Menstrual. Monthly; occurring once a month.HBH 223.17
Menstruum. A dissolvent; any liquid used to extract the medicinal virtue from solid substances.HBH 223.18
Metastasis. A removal of a disease from one part to another.HBH 223.19
Miasma. Malaria; infected atmosphere, noxious to health.HBH 223.20
Morbid. Diseased; not sound or healthful.HBH 223.21
Morbific. Causing disease.HBH 223.22
Mucilage. A slimy, ropy, fluid substance.HBH 223.23
Mucous. A sticky, tenacious fluid, secreted by the mucous membrane.HBH 223.24
Muscles. The organs of motion. They constitute the flesh.HBH 223.25
Narcotic. A stupefying, sleep-producing medicine, often administered to relieve pain.HBH 223.26
Nausea. Any sickness accompanied with an inclination to vomit.HBH 223.27
Nephritic. A medicine for curing diseases of the kidneys.HBH 223.28
Nervine. A medicine that operates on the nerves.HBH 223.29
Normal. Regular, natural.HBH 223.30
Nutritious. Nourishing.HBH 223.31
Oblong. Longer than broad.HBH 223.32
Obtuse. Dull; not acute.HBH 223.33
Omentum. The caul, or covering of the bowels.HBH 223.34
Ophthalmia. Inflammation of the eyes.HBH 223.35
Ossify. To change flesh, or other soft matter, into a hard, bony substance.HBH 223.36
Oxygen. A constituent part (being about one-fifth) of atmospheric air.HBH 224.1
Palpitation. A beating of the heart; sometimes, a violent beating of the same, caused by fear, etc.HBH 224.2
Panacea. A universal medicine.HBH 224.3
Paralysis. A loss of the power of motion in a part of the system.HBH 224.4
Paralytic. Affected with, or inclined to, palsy.HBH 224.5
Paroxysm. A fit of any disease.HBH 224.6
Pathology. The doctrine of the causes, symptoms, and nature of disease.HBH 224.7
Pectoral. Pertaining to the breast. Medicine for the cure of breast and lung complaints.HBH 224.8
Peduncle. The stem that supports the flower and fruit of a plant.HBH 224.9
Perennial. Continuing more than two years; perpetual.HBH 224.10
Pericardium. A membrane inclosing the heart.HBH 224.11
Permeate. To pass through the pores.HBH 224.12
Perspiration. Insensible evacuation of the fluids of the body through the pores of the skin; also, the matter thus discharged.HBH 224.13
Petiole. A leaf-stalk.HBH 224.14
Petechiae. Purple spots on the skin in malignant fevers.HBH 224.15
Pinnate. A pinnate leaf is a species of a compound leaf.HBH 224.16
Plethoric. Fullness, or excess of blood.HBH 224.17
Pleura. A thin membrane, which lines the inside of the chest and invests the lungs.HBH 224.18
Pneumonia. An inflammation of the lungs.HBH 224.19
Polypus. A pear-shaped tumor.HBH 224.20
Prolapsus. A falling down, or falling out, of some part of the body.HBH 224.21
Prophylactic. A medicine to prevent disease.HBH 224.22
Pubescent. Covered with down, or with very fine, short hairs.HBH 224.23
Pulmonary. Pertaining to, or affecting the lungs.HBH 224.24
Pungent. Sharp, piercing, biting, stimulating.HBH 224.26
Purgative. A medicine that evacuates the bowels.HBH 224.27
Purulent. Consisting of pus, or matter.HBH 224.28
Pus. The yellowish, white matter in ulcers, wounds, and sores.HBH 224.29
Putrescent. Becoming putrid, or rotten.HBH 224.31
Pyrosis. A peculiar disease of the stomach, commonly called water-brash.HBH 224.32
Rectum. The last part of the large intestines.HBH 224.33
Refrigerant. A cooling medicine.HBH 225.1
Regimen. The regulation of diet, in order to preserve or restore health.HBH 225.2
Resolvent. A medicine for driving away inflammation, and to prevent tumors from coming to a head.HBH 225.3
Restorative. A medicine for restoring vigor and strength.HBH 225.4
Resuscitate. To recover from apparent death.HBH 225.5
Reticulated. Like net-work.HBH 225.6
Rigid. Stiff; not easily bent.HBH 225.7
Rubefacient. An application which produces redness of the skin.HBH 225.8
Saccharine. Having the qualities of sugar.HBH 225.10
Saliva. Spit, or spittle. It serves to moisten the mouth and tongue, and also the food.HBH 225.11
Salivation. The act of increasing the secretion of saliva.HBH 225.12
Sanative. Healing, or tending to heal.HBH 225.13
Sanguine. Having the color of, or abounding with, blood.HBH 225.14
Scirrhous. Hard; knotty.HBH 225.15
Scorbutic. Pertaining to, or partaking of, the nature of scurvy.HBH 225.16
Scrotum. The pouch, or bag, which contains the testicles.HBH 225.17
Secretion. The act of producing from the blood substances different from the blood itself, or from any of its constituents, as bile, saliva, mucous, etc.; also, the matter secreted.HBH 225.18
Sedative. A quieting, soothing medicine, which allays irritation, and assuages pain.HBH 225.19
Sedentary. Accustomed to, or requiring much, sitting; inactive.HBH 225.20
Seminal. Pertaining to, or contained in, seed.HBH 225.21
Septic. A promotive of putrefaction.HBH 225.22
Serous. Thin, watery; like whey.HBH 225.23
Serum. The watery parts of blood, or of milk.HBH 225.24
Sinapism. A mustard plaster.HBH 225.25
Sinew. That which unites a muscle to a bone.HBH 225.26
Sialagogue. Medicines which excite an increased flow of saliva.HBH 225.27
Slough. To separate from the sound flesh; as the matter formed on a sore.HBH 225.28
Solution. A liquid in which a solid substance has been dissolved.HBH 225.29
Solvent. Having the power of dissolving solid substances.HBH 225.30
Spasm. A violent but brief contraction of the muscles, or fibers.HBH 225.31
Spasmodic. Consisting in, or relating to spasms.HBH 225.32
Stimulant. An exciting agent.HBH 226.2
Stomachic. A strengthening medicine for the stomach, exciting its action.HBH 226.3
Stool. A discharge from the bowels.HBH 226.4
Strangury. A painful and difficult discharge of the urine.HBH 226.5
Stricture. A morbid contraction of any passage of the body.HBH 226.6
Styptic. A medicine which coagulates the blood and stops bleeding.HBH 226.7
Sudorific. A medicine that produces sweat.HBH 226.8
Suppurate. To form purulent matter, or pus; as a boil.HBH 226.9
Suture. The peculiar joint uniting the bones of the skull.HBH 226.10
Syncope. A fainting, or swooning.HBH 226.11
Syphilitic. Pertaining to the venereal disease, or pox.HBH 226.12
Tendon. A bunch of fibers attaching a muscle to a bone.HBH 226.13
Tenesmus. A distressing pressure, as if the bowels must be discharged immediately.HBH 226.14
Tense, or Tension. Stretched, or strained; rigid.HBH 226.15
Tepid. Moderately warm.HBH 226.16
Terminal. Forming the end; growing at the end of a branch or stem.HBH 226.17
Ternate. Three leaves together on a leaf-stalk.HBH 226.18
Tertian. An intermittent fever or disease, in which the fits or paroxysms return every other day.HBH 226.19
Tincture. Medicine dissolved in alcohol, or proof spirits.HBH 226.20
Thorax. The cavity of the chest.HBH 226.21
Tomentose. Downy, nappy; covered with the finest hairs, or down.HBH 226.22
Trachea. The wind-pipe, or breathing passage.HBH 226.23
Translated. Removed from one place to another.HBH 226.24
Transude. To pass through pores or interstices.HBH 226.25
Triennial. Lasting three years.HBH 226.26
Tubercle. A pimple; a swelling, or tumor.HBH 226.27
Tuberous. Consisting of roundish, fleshy bodies, as potatoes.HBH 226.28
Tumefaction. The act of swelling, or forming a tumor.HBH 226.29
Tumor. A distension or enlargement of any part of the body; a swelling.HBH 226.30
Tunic. A membrane that covers or composes some part or organ.HBH 226.31
Typhoid. Resembling typhus; weak, low.HBH 226.32
Typhus. A simple, continuous fever, attended with exhaustion, weakness of pulse, and frequently strong propensities to sleep.HBH 226.33
Ulcer. A sore, discharging pus.HBH 226.34
Umbilic. The navel; or pertaining to the navel.HBH 226.35
Ureter. A duct or tube, through which the urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder.HBH 227.1
Urethra. The canal that receives the urine from the bladder and discharges it.HBH 227.2
Urinary. Pertaining to urine.HBH 227.3
Urine. A fluid secreted by the kidneys, and conveyed from the bladder through the urethra and discharged.HBH 227.4
Uterus. The womb; that part of a female where the child is produced.HBH 227.5
Vaccinate. To communicate the cow-pox to a person by inserting the vaccine matter in the skin.HBH 227.6
Vaccine. Derived from cows.HBH 227.7
Vagina. The canal leading from the external orifice to the womb.HBH 227.8
Varioloid. A modified variety of small-pox.HBH 227.9
Variolous. Pertaining to, or designating the, small-pox.HBH 227.10
Venery. Intercourse of the sexes.HBH 227.11
Vermifuge. A worm-destroyer; or a medicine to expel worms.HBH 227.12
Vertigo. Dizziness, or swimming of the head.HBH 227.13
Vesication. Raising blisters on the skin.HBH 227.14
Vesicle. A small cavity; a little bladder filled with some humor.HBH 227.15
Virus. Contagious matter; poison.HBH 227.16
Viscera. The bowels and internal organs of the body.HBH 227.17
Viscid. Sticky, tenacious, like glue.HBH 227.18
Vitiate. To injure; to impair; to spoil.HBH 227.19
Volatile. Substances which waste away on exposure to the atmosphere.HBH 227.20