March 12, 1891
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WEDNESDAY morning at 9 o’clock, Elder H. P. Holser requesting, on account of ill health, to be excused from speaking in regard to the work in Russia, the hour was occupied by Brother W. A. Spicer and Elder S. N. Haskell on the work in England and the British colonies. Of the progress of the work in England, Brother Spicer spoke as follows:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.1
There have been but few laborers devoting their whole time to the work in Great Britain during the last eighteen months. During the greater part of the time but one ordained minister has been in the field. Yet advancement has been made. Last Conference 160 church members were reported. The present membership is 195. There has also been a spiritual growth among the churches generally, as our people have gained an experience in the truth from year to year. One of the evidences of this, which may be presented in figures, is in the amount of tithes paid during the last three years, the figures being respectively $700, $1,226, $2,014.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.2
During the year, tent meetings and other public efforts have been made in Ireland by Brethren Hutchinson and Hope, and companies have been raised up in Banbridge and Tandragee and in Colerdine. At the latter place one of the Bible workers from London also labored to good advantage for a few weeks. The brethren there are laboring to bind off the work, and it is expected that two churches will be organized in Ireland this spring.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.3
Some elements of opposition which the work in England has experienced during the past year or two, have come to naught, and left our brethren even more firmly established in the truth, and with greater confidence in the work than ever before.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.4
In London the Bible work has been carried on with the same blessing of the Lord that has attended it in years past. The London church now numbers 81 members. Brother Arnold’s work in London last spring and summer was a helpful auxiliary to the Bible work. Wherever he made deliveries of books, effort was made to secure appointments for the Bible readers, and with good success. Quite a number who were first reached in this way are now in the truth, and much is still being done in following up these interests.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.5
The church in London has recently organized committees to take financial and other responsibilities in connection with its work, and weekly mothers’ meetings have been established. The church has been encouraged also to see more men taking hold of the truth, and the Lord has seemed to bless especially in opening the way for these brethren to retain their business positions, or to engage in business independently.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.6
The work of distributing our literature has continued with increased success. The canvassing work is an encouraging feature which will be especially considered when the special demands for Great Britain are presented. In Liverpool, Brother Drew has been selling more publications on the ships than ever before. Others are successfully engaged in selling the English paper, the Present Truth. Many in Britain have been reading, and the way is being widely opened for ministerial labor.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.7
The prospects for the future of the work in Great Britain are most encouraging, and our people there are of good courage in God.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.8
Of the work in the British colonies, Elder Haskell spoke as follows:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.9
The people of Australia and New Zealand are, in some respects, different from those of most other colonies. Many of those in India are men who have been connected with the army, or are holding some official position in the government, and the citizens are not of the laboring class. The European citizens of South Africa are largely men who have gone there in view of the diamond and gold fields. So they are not permanent citizens, and their interest is not so much to build up the country as to acquire what they can from the country, and then return to their homes. But the people of Australia are the enterprising class from England that have gone there to settle.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 76.10
Australia is a large country, and the people realize that it is a large country. They look forward to the time when it will all be settled, and many of them even think that, as important questions of arbitration between nations may be referred to the United States and England, they being two of the leading powers of the world, the balance of power will be left with the continent of Australia; and consequently, that they in time will be one of the most important countries in the world. In view of this, settlement is made in this country. The people have gone there to stay, and they contemplate building up the country. Naturally they look to those countries which have grown large and powerful, as models, and seek to be actuated by the same spirit of thrift and enterprise. It is in view of this that Americans especially are welcomed in the country, as well as all Europeans, because America has grown to be one of the leading powers of earth.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.1
The aborigines are found principally in the northern and northwestern portion of the country. A railroad extends from Melbourne to Sydney, and so on to Brisbane, the capital of Queensland. There are towns of considerable size for at least 500 miles above Brisbane. Books have been sold in some of the most northern portions, which would be at least 1,000 miles north of Sydney. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales, which is a rival colony to Victoria. Victoria is the smallest of all the colonies, but very thickly populated. Melbourne is its capital, - the most American city in all the British colonies. A railroad extends from this place to Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, a distance of about 500 miles. The southern portion of this section is quite thickly settled, and there are settlements for quite a distance north. Chaffee Brothers have received grants of land from individuals and the colonies, and are now irrigating near the boundary between Victoria and South Australia.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.2
West Australia is more than 1,500 miles from Melbourne. Our work has been carried forward there, and there are those observing the Sabbath, scattered over a territory from the northern portion of Queensland to West Australia, a distance of at least 3,000 miles. This is now one Conference, and one district for canvassers.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.3
South of Australia is Tasmania. Hobart is its capital. Here Elder Israel went with Brother Baker, and as the result of their labors a church of about sixty members was organized. Brother Steed went to Bismark, some ten or fifteen miles back in the woods, where another church was organized, and a meeting-house was built. This was among the German Baptists. These two churches are now in a prosperous condition.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.4
The Adelaide church was first organized by Elder Corliss, when he was in Australia; also the Ballarat church and the church at Melbourne.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.5
Thus it can be seen that the cause in Australia has extended to a greater or less extent through the entire country that is settled by the Europeans.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.6
It has been the object of the brethren to form another headquarters of our work at Sydney. There are many advantages that will grow out of this. First, New South Wales and Queensland would make a large Conference, and Sydney, the capital, is a free port, while there is a high tariff to the other colonies. It would save the shipping of books to Melbourne, 500 miles further south. The number of church-members at Melbourne is now nearly 200. This includes those in the suburbs. The church at Ballarat, about sixty miles north, on the road to South Australia, numbers nearly forty members. A small church has been organized in Sydney; one at Sandhurst, about sixty miles on another line from Melbourne. There is a company at Darlington, and another in Geelong, where the numbers at present are increasing, especially in the latter place.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.7
Adelaide is a beautiful city, about two miles square. A park nearly half a mile in width surrounds the city. Beyond this park are the suburbs. Our brethren are scattered through the various suburbs, and it appears to be a necessity that they have a meeting-house. But to accommodate them, it is necessary that the meeting-house be located in the city, as from the various suburbs they would be obliged to come through the city in order to get to another suburb, if a meeting-house were located in any particular suburb. Land, however, is very expensive in the city proper.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.8
Thus can be seen something of the size of the Conference and the situation of those who are keeping the Sabbath in that country. The country is settled to a greater or less extent between 500 and 1,000 miles from the sea-coast, beginning on the north-east coast, extending around to the western coast, Perth being the capital of West Australia.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.9
New Zealand is composed of the north and south islands. At Auckland a church of nearly 100 was brought into the truth, and a meeting-house built. Nearly one half of these are now engaged in some phase of the work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 78.10
One hundred and sixty miles north, at Kaeo, is another small company. At Napier, on the west coast of New Zealand, is another church of nearly 100 members, with a meeting-house recently erected. These brethren are earnestly engaged in the work, their hearts being alive with the truths of the third angel’s message. At Gisbon is another small company keeping the Sabbath. They are now contemplating building a meeting-house.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.1
At the southern portion of the North Island is Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, one of the windiest places in the world, - so much so that a tent cannot be pitched. Much labor has been put forth here, with little apparent results; although at the time of the biblical institute held at Melbourne, at which Brethren Daniells and Israel were in attendance, quite an inquiry was made about where they were. It was thus they found that the truths had taken hold of the people to a far greater extent than they had supposed. No preaching has been done upon the South Island until the present season.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.2
Brother Israel is at Blenheim at the present time, with a tent. The reason that he went there was that an urgent call had been made from those who had been reading our publications. Our publications have been sold to a greater or less extent through the North Island, and at the present time are being quite extensively sold in the South Island. Wherever they have been sold an interest has been awakened in the truth, so that calls are coming in from all parts of the island, and individuals who have never heard a discourse are embracing the Sabbath. Our brethren often find those who are keeping the Sabbath as the result of reading simply, and when these ascertain that the former are Sabbath-keepers also, they are very much surprised to find it so.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.3
The seeds of truth are being sown all over the country and they are bearing fruit. A large proportion of those embracing the Sabbath are anxious to give themselves to the work in some way. I know of no better field for laborers in the world, than can be found in Australia and New Zealand. About one in five of those who have embraced the truth are either connected with the schools here in America, or are actively engaged in the work in New Zealand; about one in eight in Australia. This shows something of the nature of the material of those observing the Sabbath. Such a country, with people from the tropical climes, such as South America and India, should demand the attention of this Conference while we are looking for missionaries to enter these tropical countries.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.4
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THE Conference convened promptly at 10:30 A. M. A large number of visiting brethren and sisters were present. Prayer was offered by Elder Haskell.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.5
After the reading of the minutes, new delegates were called for. Elders J. P. Gardiner, of Nebraska, and C. W. Flaiz, of Minnesota, having arrived since the last meeting, took their seats in the Conference. Elder I. D. Van Horn stated that L. G. Moore, one of the delegates elect of the Michigan Conference, would not arrive until next week; whereupon Elder R. S. Webber, his alternate, was accepted as a delegate from the Michigan Conference.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.6
Standing committees were called upon to report, but as none were ready, the report of the Committee on Resolutions (BULLETIN p.66) was taken up. On motion to adopt, Elder Haskell spoke to the second resolution. He said it seems appropriate to give expressions of sympathy. It is only the expression of the feelings of our Saviour at the grave of Lazarus. This spirit should come in more and more, as we near the end.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.7
Passing to the third resolution, Elder Lane expressed satisfaction that an agreement had been reached between the Michigan Conference, the General Conference, and the Battle Creek church. He thought it right that a portion of the tithes of the Battle Creek church should go to build up the general work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.8
Elder Olsen said it seemed right that the general cause should receive some substantial returns from the institutions established in Battle Creek. Not only have the institutions here been built up by the denomination at large, but strong men have been selected from time to time and located here. The General Conference should always have an interest in the welfare of local Conferences, and the institutions established to carry forward the third angel’s message. He expressed himself as in hearty sympathy with the resolution, and said that the Michigan Conference had practically done already what the General Conference asked at its last session.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.9
Elder I. D. Van Horn expressed himself as in perfect harmony with the resolution. He said also that all the brethren in Michigan were in harmony with this move. They believe that God will bless their efforts, and that they can carry on their work in the State without the tithes of the Battle Creek church. Michigan is loyal to the message, and is ready to do all she can do to help on the work in all its departments.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.10
Elder Corliss said there were a number of reasons why he felt an interest in this resolution. He had been a member of the Battle Creek church most of the time for more than twenty years. Michigan had always had an interest in pioneer work. She sent some of her best men to Iowa in the early history of the work there. Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois were also fostered by the Michigan Conference, when they were unable to help themselves; and he hoped that Michigan would still stand in the forefront in all efforts to advance the general work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 79.11
Some technicalities in the wording of the preamble and resolutions concerning the tithes of the Battle Creek church, were pointed out, and this part of the report under consideration was referred back to the committee, to be worded in harmony with the resolution passed by the Michigan Conference. The remaining portion of the report was then adopted.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.1
The report of the Judiciary Committee (BULLETIN, p.67) was then taken up.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.2
Elder Waggoner moved, as a substitute for the report of the Judiciary Committee, that the request of the church on Pitcairn Island be granted. He gave as his reason for this, that the church on Pitcairn Island had not requested to come into the General Conference, but only to be taken under its watchcare.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.3
The Chair stated that he thought the church on Pitcairn intended more in their request than to be taken under the watchcare of the Conference.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.4
Elder W. C. White offered the following substitute for the report of the committee, and the amendment offered by Elder Waggoner:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.5
In reference to the request of the church on Pitcairn Island to be taken under the watchcare of this Conference, your committee recommend, that this church, and other churches which are or may be organized in the islands of the Pacific, form the Seventh-day Adventist Polynesian Mission, which shall have representation in this Conference in the same manner as other mission fields.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.6
The substitute was accepted, and unanimously adopted by the Conference.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.7
L. C. Chadwick moved the adoption of the report of the Committee on Home Missions.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.8
Recommendation 1, was amended to read, “We recommend that the Bible reading work be encouraged as an important factor in carrying forward the gospel.”GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.9
On recommendation 2, the discussion brought out the fact that Bible workers should be persons of maturity of age and judgment, such as would carry weight and influence.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.10
Speaking to recommendations 3 and 4, Professor Prescott said they now have four courses in the College, and all that is included in these recommendations is already included in these different courses, and in view of this, questioned the wisdom of creating another course. He also said that the Committee on Education would quite likely recommend some changes in the courses of study already conducted in the College. They, however, have nothing covering hygiene, healthful cookery, nursing, etc., referred to in the latter part of Sec. 4.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.11
Recommendations 3, 4, 7, and 8 were referred to the Committee on Education.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.12
On recommendation No. 5, Elder Moon asked if these missions are to be established and supported by the General Conference.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.13
Elder Kilgore replied that the training schools were to be under the direction of the General Conference, but supported by the State Conference in which such school is located.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.14
L. C. Chadwick expressed himself in harmony with the resolution. He read a letter just received from an old worker who was urging the necessity of more thoroughly training our Bible workers before sending them into the field. The lady had just been called to take up some work that had been commenced by an inexperienced worker, and found that the character of the work already done was a hinderance rather than a help. We must give our candidates for the Bible work an opportunity to develop under experienced instructors, if we expect them to succeed.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.15
Elder Lane said he thought we had not paid the attention that we should to the education of Bible workers. The Bible workers reach a class that we cannot get to attend our meetings in tents and elsewhere. The older States become more stereotyped, and a simple announcement of a religious meeting does not attract much attention. But the Bible worker gets into the best of these homes, and interests them in the truth. Upon entering these homes to give Bible readings, they are asked questions that are not propounded to the minister in his preaching; hence the necessity of requiring our Bible workers to have a good general education, in order to make the proper impression upon persons of culture and education. He had just received a letter from one of their workers, saying that they were getting into the houses of the best people in the place. He also expressed himself heartily in favor of having trained nurses connected with our work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.16
On recommendation No. 6, Elder W. C. White said he was in favor of striking it out entirely. He was in harmony with what the committee had in view in preparing the recommendation, but believed the recommendation would stand directly in the way of the object that they wished to have carried out. The better way is for us to read and study while at our regular work, and become interested in foreign mission work. We should encourage this line of study in all our institutions. Mission bands for the study of foreign missions, should be introduced into our tract societies and into the homes of all our people.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 80.17
Instruct and educate the young for foreign mission work, and tell them that they may be called upon, as soon as old enough, to enter those fields. We want to educate and consecrate ourselves to the work, and then stand ready to go wherever the Foreign Mission Board may call us.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.1
He referred also to the students’ movement, stating that it was inter-denominational. It is for the purpose of creating a sentiment among the young in favor of foreign missions. Already 8,000 young people have joined the society, signing a pledge to go to any land to which they may be assigned by those in charge of the work. Of this number, 300 have already gone to foreign lands.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.2
After motion to adjourn, in order to get the matter before the Conference for action, the Committee on Education presented the following additional report:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.3
The Committee on Education make the following recommendations:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.4
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1. That within the next year a Bible school be held in each Conference District, at such time and place as shall be appointed by the officers of the Conference composing that District, in consultation with the General Conference Committee. Each of these schools shall continue from four to six weeks, and be devoted exclusively to Bible study.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.5
2. That at least two teachers be employed for each school.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.6
3. That the Conferences be earnestly requested to arrange for all their laborers to attend during the entire course, unless sickness or other reasonable cause shall prevent.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.7
4. That church elders and Sabbath-school officers be encouraged and urged to attend.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.8
5. That the sessions of the school be held three hours each day, six days in the week.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.9
6. That the regular enrollment be made, and that school discipline, as to order, attendance, punctuality, etc., be maintained; the expense of tuition, board, etc., to be determined by the local officers in the district.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.10
7. That in districts where there are a sufficient number of other nationalities to form a separate class, provision be made for instruction in their own language.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.11
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It is further recommended, that -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.12
1. An institute for the special benefit of Bible teachers, and those who may be called upon to fill positions as Bible teachers in our schools, or local institutes, be held this coming summer, at some convenient place.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.13
2. That it continue from four to six weeks.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.14
3. That the time of class work be the same as that recommended for the district schools.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.15
4. That at least two persons be employed to conduct the work, and more if possible; and that it be so conducted that the members of the class shall have exercise in teaching; in short, that as nearly normal work be done as possible.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.16
5. That the decision as to who shall attend, and where and when it shall be held, and other details, be left to the General Conference Committee and the educational secretary.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.17
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It is further recommended, -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.18
1. That, instead of a ministerial school, such as has been held for the last two years, advanced Bible work be taken up in our educational institutions.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.19
2. That this line of work extend over a full year, that it be made a part of each course of study, being optional with an equivalent amount in other subjects.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.20
3. That if a sufficient number of ministers be present at any school for a short course in the winter, special Bible classes be provided for them, at the discretion of the managers of the school.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.21
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With motion pending to amend the report of Committee on Home Missions by striking out Section 6, the Conference adjourned.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.22
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THE third meeting of the International Tract Society was held Wednesday, March 11, at 3 P. M. Prayer was offered by Elder A. J. Breed. According to program the special order of business was theGCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.23
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Following are the reports, by districts, in condensed form:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.24
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Since reports from district number one have already been quite fully published, we will give but a brief statement of the work there.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.25
Time has demonstrated that our people in this district can sell books, and it is not uncommon to learn that those purchasing them have been led to accept the truth from reading these publications. Fourteen in one place are reported as having accepted the truth from reading books sold by the canvasser.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.26
During the past year we have had success in several States where but little had been done before.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.27
Orders to the amount of $127,746.77 were taken by the canvassers in this district during the year 1890. The work is starting off well this year. We sold $8,552.35 worth of books during January, which is a gain of more than $2,000 over January, 1890. Only a few years ago it was thought that books could not be sold in the east, but these figures show what can be done.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.28
There are many French in our district, and we think that a work should be done for them.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.29
The work goes harder in the East than in the West, and we would suggest the plan of sending workers to the eastern States to prove them, before sending them to foreign lands.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 81.30
We have some who do an excellent grade of work, but their profits are hardly sufficient to keep them in the field. We would be glad if some one would present a plan by which these persons can be kept in the field.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.1
The leading men in the Conferences of our district have helped the work greatly by leaving our State agents free to devote their time to the work. We are recommending the plan of having our State agents visit our families of Sabbath-keepers, and become personally acquainted with them, and thus interest them in the work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.2
We are planning for canvassers’ institutes in all parts of our district, and are glad to report a spirit of sacrifice on the part of our brethren and sisters.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.3
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During the year, we have attended one State meeting, one camp-meeting, and one general meeting of the whole district. Have held four local meetings for instruction of canvassers. We have at present twenty-eight canvassers, which is but a meager corps of workers for so large a territory. North Carolina, Alabama, and the Cumberland Mission Field are pleading for help. Georgia and Florida together have but three workers, and South Carolina has not a single canvasser. We have also a large French population in Louisiana. The establishment of a branch office in Atlanta, by the Review and Herald office, has been a great help to the canvassing work in the South. This destitute field, while thankful for what the General Conference has so liberally done for it, earnestly asks for more help.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.4
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When I undertook the duties of district agent last April, the work was so badly crippled by the prevalence of la grippe, bad roads, and many canvassers having gone to school, so that to compare the work now with what it was then, would give an exaggerated idea of the progress of the canvassing work in the Lake District.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.5
But take the entire year just closed, and the reports are a decided improvement over the year 1889.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.6
The retail value of book sales reported in the district for the year ending Jan. 31, 1891, is $86,585. This might have been increased had we not spent considerable time in getting matters on a good foundation for future work. But in this we can report excellent results.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.7
During the year I have attended one canvassers’ institute in each of the following States; Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, besides spending some time in June with the class of College canvassers, and attending the workers’ meetings in Indiana and Illinois. In all, I have worked about three weeks in Michigan, three in Illinois, nine in Indiana, and ten in Ohio.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.8
I could not consistently visit Ontario till winter, and then, after counseling with Brother Morse, it was thought best to delay my visit there until next June, when he expects a large force of workers.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.9
I have not one word of discouragement to offer. We have the good will and hearty support of the respective Conference Committees. The district comprises a prosperous, rich, and well settled territory with no extremes of either climate or customs. Our energetic workers all make a livelihood.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.10
The success which we have had, I do not attribute to human skill, but to the blessing of God upon the efforts of a band of earnest workers, who have given up home-comforts, and are joyfully improving this favorable opportunity to labor in the cause.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.11
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During the year $66,953.50 worth of our books have been sold in this district. But for failure of crops in some parts of the district, more would have been done. At present the work is not being pushed very vigorously, as in at least two States very many of the canvassers are attending school. These will enter the field again in a few weeks. One or more canvassers’ institutes have been held in each Conference, and one has been appointed in each of the four States in this district, to be held as soon as possible after the close of this General Conference.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.12
In the last two years $8,000 worth of books have been sold in Manitoba, and many calls are made for a public laborer to go there. When we first entered that field, we did not know of a single Sabbath-keeper in the province, but there are to be found there thirty or forty who have received the truth in various ways, and call for further instruction. Some desire to enter the canvassing work. What is needed is some man who can act, for awhile at least, as minister, Bible worker, State agent, and canvasser in Manitoba. He needs a good company of canvassers to go with him to carry the work into other northern provinces.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.13
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My work in this district has not been organizing and opening new fields so much as helping to develop and systematize what had been started. In three States we found it necessary to appoint new State agents. The severe drought in Kansas, Indian Territory, and a part of Texas has hindered the work very much.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.14
Since the convention last spring there have been fourteen institutes held in this district, lasting from eight to fourteen days. I have attended ten of these.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 82.15
We think the institute work the best method of developing canvassers. Here we can mingle the experienced with the inexperienced, and besides teaching them how to canvass we try to have them realize the sacredness and importance attached to the work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.1
Our book sales the last year amounted to over $60,000, which is $15,000 more than last year.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.2
There is one other thing that I wish to speak of, and that is the distance that some of our States are from the publishing house. Texas is about 1,000 miles away, and on account of books failing to reach us in time our agents have lost hundreds of dollars worth of orders. We hope some change will be made to avoid such delays; it is too far to ship books on short notice. Our work will certainly continue to grow, and we will be glad when we can have a branch office in this district.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.3
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This district is composed of six States; Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, and Nevada; two Territories, Utah and Arizona; and one province, British Columbia. It contains more than one sixth of the area, in square miles, of the United States, with only about one thirty-second of the population. It is fully as large as District 1, but has only one eleventh as many people.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.4
The sale of our denominational books is in the hands of four State tract societies. The California Society embraces California, Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. The North Pacific Society embraces the western half of Oregon and Washington, and the province of British Columbia. The Upper Columbia Society embraces the eastern half of the States of Oregon and Washington and all of Idaho. Montana is organized into a society of that name.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.5
In the entire district there are forty-two brethren and five sisters who may be called real canvassers, and who are successful in their work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.6
Since April 1, 1890, there has been about $42,350 worth of denominational books sold by subscription. The approximate amount sold by the different societies is as follows: California (including Nevada, Utah, and Arizona), $29,000; North Pacific, $7,250; Montana, $3,100; Upper Columbia, $3,000. This gives an average sale per agent employed, of $900.91 for about eight months’ work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.7
Never has the canvassing work in this district been on a more substantial basis. The agents are full of courage, and the outlook for the future is very bright.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.8
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Seventeen canvassers are at present engaged in this field. With the exception of four workers, who are canvassing for health books, these agents are selling “Bible Readings.”GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.9
In the fall of 1889 the first canvassing company began work in the town of Hull. Previous to this time Brother Arnold had worked successfully in London, but there had been no organized effort. In May, 1890, another company arrived in England, and were distributed about in different places in England. Two canvassers are working successfully in Londonderry, in the North of Ireland.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.10
The number of volumes sold up to Feb. 9, 1891, was 4,503, representing a value of $7,500.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.11
Nothing has as yet been done for Scotland. Only nine of the many towns in England have been entered. Who among the canvassers in this country will count it a privilege to go and unite with the canvassers in Britain in carrying forward this work?GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.12
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Our canvassers in Denmark have more difficulties than in either Norway or Sweden on account of the strict laws against foreign publications, so the amount sold is not so large, although faithful labor has been put forth.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.13
The canvassing work in Scandinavia is proving to be a success. Our canvassers are supporting themselves, and besides this, are helping to support the cause by their gifts. Several hundred kroner have come into the treasury of the Swedish Conference through the donations of the canvassers, and I presume this is also true of Norway and Denmark.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.14
Our canvassers in Sweden do not confine themselves to one book, as you do here; but they take most of the books we have with them. It is much easier to canvass as you do in this country. Here the canvasser takes only one book. But in Sweden they all take a large satchel full of books. They will perhaps have some copies of the “Household Manual,” some of the “Life of Christ,” some of “Thoughts,” some of the “Prophecies of Jesus,” and a bundle of tracts and pamphlets.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.15
One reason for this is that they take but few orders, as most of the books are sold for cash. Another reason is that if the person canvassed does not like one book, he is shown another. A great many times they sell several books to the same person, and sometimes one book of each kind.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 83.16
I hope, however, that the plan you have here of handling but one book at a time may be tried there, as I am sure more thorough work can be done, and certainly is less wearing on the canvasser. The canvassing work is onward, and the more our canvassers sell, the more they can sell. The report for last year shows that in Sweden 21,961 kroner, or about $15,369 worth of books was sold. The amount sold inGCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.1
Many have already accepted the truth by reading our publications, and what we now need in Sweden and all Scandinavia is men, books, and money, and especially an out-pouring of the Holy Spirit.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.2
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This branch of our work was begun, as carried on in America, about four years ago. Our first subscription book, the “Life of Christ,” was issued in 1887, and a class was then trained by Brother Conradi to work on this book; they began in Basel, which city contains 70,000 inhabitants, and succeeded in selling 600 books.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.3
Soon, several workers entered French Switzerland, and met with excellent success, some taking as high as sixty orders per week. A year’s successful labor aroused the ministers to opposition through the press and from the pulpit. This has greatly hindered our work, until now it is very difficult for our colporters to labor in this part of the field. About six have been at work during the past year.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.4
In France, two have labored a portion of the year. Here, a very few books can be sold. Our workers succeed best with tracts and pamphlets, of which they sell from $3 to $6 worth per week.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.5
In Italy, one laborer has been engaged the past year. During the spring and summer, he labored in Turin, the former capital of the kingdom; and during the autumn and winter, he has worked in the Waldensian valleys. Italy is a poor country. Only by faithful labor can much be accomplished there.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.6
Our best field for labor at present is Germany. Here we have from twelve to fifteen colporters. Each takes from ten to thirty orders per week for such books as “From Eden to Eden.” Many pamphlets are sold. We find that covers on the tracts, and a few illustrations, greatly increase the sale.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.7
Long time for delivery does not work well in Germany and Switzerland. In some instances, nearly half the orders are lost, and on the average about 25 per cent. Some of our colporters have adopted the plan of delivering their books at the time, or soon after the order is taken. In northern Germany, our books have been placed in the hands of some people of good standing. One colporter sold “Life of Christ” to the sister of the empress.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.8
In Russia, at times, three colporters have been at work. They can, with great economy, nearly support themselves, but they need help for their families. As people live in Russia, it costs about $60 per year to live. Our colporters there have so far worked without legal permission, which would be hard to obtain on account of the nature of our books, and the prejudice that exists.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.9
The prospects of the work in Holland are brightening. Until the present year, we had little or no success in selling our books in this field. Last July, however, a young man of promise, after a course of study at the Hamburg Mission, and some practical work with a company in Germany, returned to Holland, and has met with fair success in selling “Thoughts.”GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.10
The retail value of the publications sold during the year is about $10,000.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.11
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The company which landed in Cape Town in July, 1887, included two canvassers, who soon began to sell “Thoughts.” Others from time to time connected with the work, and have, with the blessing of God, succeeded in placing many of our publications in the hands of the people. Books have been sold in and about Cape Town, Wellington, Pearl, Durban, East London, Johannesburg, Pretoria, and many other points in town and country in South Africa.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.12
Since the arrival of Brother E. M. Morrison, in the latter part of December, special effort has been made to put the canvassing work on a systematic basis. Five new recruits joined the corps of canvassers at the general meeting then held. The present force in the field numbers thirteen. The reports which have come to hand of the first efforts of the canvassers since the general meeting are highly encouraging.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.13
The report of book-sales made by canvassers in the eight months closing the last of June, 1890, showed that about $6,000 worth of books, at wholesale value, had been sold. The instructions and labors of Brother Morrison have give a new impetus to the canvassing work, and we may expect to hear reports of greatly increased success in this important branch of the cause in South Africa.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.14
The Committee on Resolutions presented the following report:-GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.15
1. Resolved, That we express our gratitude to God for his blessing which has attended the work of the society in the past, and that we will show our gratitude to him by more fully consecrating ourselves to his service, and entering the “regions beyond,” which are continually opening before us.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.16
2. Resolved, That we appreciate the work accomplished by the International Tract Society during the past eighteen months, and that we heartily endorse the plans that have brought about such good results.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.17
3. Resolved, That while we humbly submit to God’s overruling providence, we hereby express our sorrow for the great loss occasioned by the death of our dear Sister Maria L. Huntley, who so long and so faithfully served the society in its work of saving souls.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 84.18
4. Resolved, That in harmony with resolution passed by the canvassing convention we recommend that State tract societies release the exclusive control of territory for the bound health subscription books, with the exception of the following; “Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene,” “Sunbeams of Health and Temperance,” and “Household Monitor.”GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.1
5. Resolved, That the employment of assistant State agents by our tract societies is expedient.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.2
6. Resolved, That the International Tract Society prepare articles to be published in the Home Missionary, in which shall be given, -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.3
(1) A brief but comprehensive statement of the field, giving particulars of each destitute State, province, or country, regarding the population, nationality, number of our people, and the opportunities for carrying forward the canvassing work;GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.4
(2) An earnest appeal for workers to enter these fields, setting forth in a clear and concise manner the reasons why they should do so.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.5
Whereas, The theory and practice of the subscription book business as now developed is sufficiently extensive and exhaustive to fairly cover the field; and, -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.6
Whereas, A manual in which the science would be exhaustively considered would be of great value, convenience, and benefit, to the business; therefore, -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.7
7. Resolved, That the International Tract Society publish such a manual; that its general plan and scope should be such as to adapt it, so far as practicable, to the needs of the individual canvassers under all conditions and circumstances.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.8
8. Resolved, That we approve of the action of the publishing houses in giving our people a discount of 25 per cent on the retail price of “Patriarchs and Prophets,” for the first six months after its issue, and we recommend that the same liberal plan be adopted with subscription books brought out in the future.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.9
9. Resolved, That we recommend each State tract society which has not already done so, to purchase a library to the amount of from twenty-five to fifty dollars, of books treating on foreign and home mission work, to be controlled by the State secretaries, and loaned to State tract society officers and ministers.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.10
Whereas, The church organized by our Lord Jesus Christ is designed by the Master to be of itself a missionary society; and, -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.11
Whereas, The nearer we come to God’s plan of work the more effective our work will be; therefore, -GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.12
10. Resolved, That we recommend the discontinuance of our local tract societies as such, and count each church a missionary society and each church member a member of such society, the missionary work of the church to be conducted under the same officers as at present.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.13
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Committee. |
W. S. HYATT, |
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The meeting adjourned.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.14
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THE principles laid down in preceding lessons cause us to wonder that any should ever suppose that the doctrine of justification by faith is going to lower the law of God. Justification carries the law on the face of it. The only danger is in not getting it. It establishes the law in the heart. Justification is the law incarnate in Christ, put into the man, so it is incarnate in the man.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.15
The third chapter presents the principle of justification by faith. In the fourth chapter the principle is illustrated by the case of Abraham. So far as Abraham had any righteousness, he could glory in that; but as an actual fact, he had nothing to glory in. He was justified by faith alone. Chap. 4:1-3. If a man could do a deed meriting the approval of Heaven, he could boast to that extent. But no flesh will ever be able to glory in God’s presence. 1 Corinthians 1:27-29; Jeremiah 9:23, 24.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.16
If a man can work righteousness, then when God gives the reward of righteousness, the man simply receives what he has earned. But eternal life is the “gift of God.” Eternal life is the reward of righteousness, and since it is the gift of God it can be so only because the righteousness is the gift of God. Verse 4.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.17
Abraham’s faith was counted to him for righteousness. Verse 5. The forgiveness of sins is not simply a book transaction, a wiping out of past accounts. It has a vital relation to the man himself. It is not a temporary work. Christ gives his righteousness, takes away the sin, and leaves his righteousness there, and that makes a radical change in the man.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.18
No man can do any works that would stand in the judgment for a moment. Whether he is a professed Christian or an atheist makes no difference in this point. There is no believer in Christ who would dare go before the judgment with the deeds of any day, demanding an equivalent, and risking his case on the works. Verses 6-8 describe the blessedness of the man to whom God imputes righteousness without works. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord, when he is working in the cause of God, will not impute sin in that work.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.19
First, righteousness was imputed to Abraham because he believed, and then he received the sign of circumcision, as the seal of the righteousness of faith which he had. Verses 9-11. Those who make a high profession, must not stand in profession, but must walk in the steps of the faith which Abraham had. Verse 12. The idea obtains that in the Jewish age God did draw a distinction between peoples. But God never has been and never can be a respecter of persons. It was the bigotry and self-righteousness of the Jews which led them to hold themselves aloof from the Gentiles. They were set to be the light of the world, to be the salt of the earth. They refused to do the work, and became as salt without savor, themselves needing to be salted. The salt must permeate the mass which it is to preserve. The same principle applies to-day.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.20
The promise to Abraham was one, though it was repeated a number of times. It was that in him all the nations of the world should be blessed, - that he should be heir of the world. Verse 13; Genesis 12:1-3. The gospel brings to view an inheritance. It brings salvation from death; it brings life; and the fact that life is given implies a place to live in. So we can say, as comprising everything the gospel brings, that it gives to men an eternal inheritance. The doctrine of the saints’ inheritance is the doctrine of justification by faith; and if we do not preach justification by faith in preaching the saints’ inheritance, we are not preaching the gospel. The inheritance promised is the same as that promised to the fathers (2 Peter 3:4; Acts 7:5), and this does not relate to this present world.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 85.21
This inheritance is not through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. But it will only be for those who are righteous, that is, conformable to the law. Yet “if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect.” Verse 14.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 86.1
Not only can we not work out the inheritance ourselves, but just in so far as we attempt it we are putting ourselves further from the inheritance; “because the law worketh wrath.” Verse 15. If the inheritance is by works, it is not by promise. Yet it is for the righteous only, and righteousness is obedience to the law. In other words, we have perfect obedience to the law which doesn’t spring from obedience. Chap. 3:21. This is a paradox.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 86.2
The whole gospel is contrary to human reason; it is infinitely above reason. Yet it is reasonable with God. Christ has promised the inheritance, and his promises are yea and amen. He will give not simply the inheritance, but the righteousness which is to merit the inheritance. And so life, righteousness, and the inheritance are all gifts of God.GCDB March 12, 1891, page 86.3