General Conference Daily Bulletin, vol. 4
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March 10, 1891
MONDAY, March 9, at 9 A. M., Dr. Kellogg addressed the delegates on the subject of medical missions. The following is a brief synopsis of his address:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.1
The medical missionary work is not a modern thing. Moses combined hygienic teaching with his moral teachings. Christ ministered to the bodies of men. Two-thirds of his recorded miracles were directed to the healing of diseases. The early Christians were medical missionaries to some degree, at least, as we may learn from the Catholic Church, which has from early times given great attention to the medical missionary work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.2
More than 500 years ago, they were educating men to go out as medical missionaries. The Jesuits who entered the wilds of America were prepared by training to minister to the physical as well as the moral welfare of the natives; and they were at that time very largely humble, devoted men, living up to the light they had.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.3
The medical missionary work has not been confined to those professing Christianity. Centuries before Christ, Buddha, the founder of the religion which has the largest number of adherents of any religion in the East, taught his followers to be medical missionaries. His teachings inculcate self-denial, control of the body, vegetarianism, kindness to fellowmen and to the lower animals.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.4
When the Reformers broke away from Rome, the medical missionary work seems to have been turned over to the civil power, and it was not until modern times that this work was revived among Protestant societies.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.5
The modern medical mission is an American idea. A small work on the subject was published in 1822. In 1834 Dr. Parker and others went to China to take up the work. In 1841 he returned by way of Edinburgh, Scotland, and stopped with Dr. Abercrombie. So great an interest was awakened by Dr. Parker’s account of his work, that the Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society was organized. For twenty years this society worked, inculcating its principles in home fields before its first missionary to foreign lands was sent out. Dr. Livingstone was one of its missionaries.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.6
The International Medical Missionary Society was organized in New York, through the efforts of Dr. Dowkonnt, in 1881. The society has six dispensaries in New York, two in Brooklyn, and others in Philadelphia.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.7
The Seventh-day Baptists have had a mission in China for about forty years, and established a medical department about a dozen years ago.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.8
The uncivilized races are terribly benighted regarding the care of the body. Of surgery, they are absolutely ignorant. They resort in sickness to superstitious practices and the most absurd remedies. In this condition of things, the medical missionary may remove the prejudice of the people and open the way for the gospel. It has been said of Dr. Parker that he opened China to missions with the point of his lancet. Dr. Lowe, Dr. Chamberlain, and others in India, tell of many instances in which prejudices were broken down and people led to turn away from idolatry by the work of the medical missionary.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.9
There are many reasons why Seventh-day Adventists should be especially interested in medical missionary work. Sometimes it is thought, perhaps, that others can do this work, and that we should therefore devote ourselves to other lines of work. But can we afford to lose the blessing which comes upon those who engage in this work? It is a privilege which we have.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.10
The Lord has given us as a people special light and advantages in this kind of work. If every Seventh-day Adventist had followed the light which came to us twenty years ago, when these principles of healthful living were ridiculed by the world at large, every one would to-day have been prepared to act as a medical missionary, when such workers are welcomed in every community, at home or abroad.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 47.11
It has been a noticeable fact that there is a great increase in the mortality of native races when they accept Christianity. Much of this is unquestionably due to the lack of knowledge on the part of missionaries as to how to adapt the clothing and dietetic habits of civilization to the needs of the natives. The principles which we have had brought to our knowledge would give us a great advantage on this point.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.1
Again; there is great mortality among foreign missionaries. Very many come back invalids. This is popularly attributed to the climate. But there is reason to believe that the greater part of the sickness is due to wrong habits of living, which produce more baneful results in tropical climates than at home.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.2
A few years ago, a missionary who had been invalided home from Dr. Taylor’s mission in India, came to the Sanitarium. After a week there, he said he was going back to India, as he had found what made him sick. It was his injudicious diet. He returned in a few weeks, taking a supply of health foods, has since ordered more, and reports himself well.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.3
In Liberia, a mission supplied with our health books has adopted hygienic principles of living, and reports immunity of the workers from jungle fever and other maladies from which they had previously suffered.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.4
Others have visited the Sanitarium, and have gone back to their fields of labor enthusiastic advocates of healthful living, themselves examples of its benefits. One missionary in Burmah, a Miss Ambrose, who came to the Sanitarium a few years ago as an invalid and was restored to health, has, since her return, gathered about her a class of forty or fifty intelligent girls, whom she is training for nurses. She herself took the full nurses’ course while at the Sanitarium.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.5
In all of these points we have had great advantages granted us, and these are reasons why we, as a people, should be especially interested in medical missions. Much of the prejudice against missionaries among intelligent Buddhists and Brahmins, is due to the fact that the missionaries disregard the principle of vegetarianism, which is part of the religion of these peoples. The greatest obstacle in the way of entering upon this work is the lack of laborers; but it is God’s work, and his work must be done.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.6
At the close of his address, the Doctor announced the committees for the International Health and Temperance Association, as follows:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.7
Nominations. - A. O. Tait, M. H. Brown, F. L. Mead.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.8
Resolutions. - W. H. Wakeham, W. N. Hyatt, G. H. Derrick, Evora Bucknum, Laura Bee.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.9
Revision of Constitution and Plans of Work. - J. H. Kellogg, W. H. Wakeham, R. C. Porter, Mrs. C. E. L. Jones, E. H. Whitney.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.10
An intermission of five minutes was taken before the next meeting.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.11
THE fifth meeting of the General Conference was called Monday, March 9, at 10:30 A. M. Prayer was offered by Elder J. G. Wood. Minutes of the two preceding meetings were read and approved. C. N. Woodward, of Minnesota, having arrived since the last meeting, presented credentials, and took his seat in the Conference.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.12
The Committee on Education presented a partial report, which follows:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.13
We recommend, 1. That as soon as practicable, an English Bible-school be opened in Australia, to continue from twelve to sixteen weeks.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.14
2. That at least two teachers be sent from this country to have charge of this school.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.15
3. That the expense of maintaining this school be met by the brethren in Australia in such a manner as may seem best to them.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.16
4. That the establishment of this school be regarded as the first step toward a permanent school for children of all ages, in case the brethren in Australia so desire.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.17
The Committee on Resolutions also presented the following partial report:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.18
Resolved, That we humbly recognize God’s goodness and mercy in whatever measure of prosperity has attended his work in our hands. “Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.19
Resolved, That we are deeply grateful to God for the marked evidences that his Spirit is opening the way, that the third angel’s message may be preached in all the world; and that, recognizing God’s providence in these opening fields, we will endeavor to sow the seed “beside all waters.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.20
The special order of the meeting was the report of the foreign mission secretary, Elder W. C. White, who read the following report:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.21
Previous to the last session of the General Conference in November, 1889, all missionary operations of the Seventh-day Adventist Church were directed by the Executive Committee of the Conference. At that time it was decided to select a Foreign Mission Board of fifteen members, in order that more attention might be given to the foreign work, and that more frequent meetings might be held for its consideration than had been possible with the General Conference Committee.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 48.22
During the sixteen months from Nov. 10, 1889, to March 9, 1891, thirty-six meetings have been held. At its first meeting, the Board chose Elder O. A. Olsen to be its chairman. The secretary and treasurer had been elected by the Conference. The work of the Board has been, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.1
1. To study the mission field, and become acquainted with its work and wants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.2
2. To appoint, instruct, and direct the foreign missionaries of the denomination.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.3
3. To encourage the education and training of missionaries for the field.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.4
4. To disseminate among our people information about missions, and to encourage them to give a liberal support to the work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.5
To save time, and to secure efficiency, the Board divided itself into six standing committees, and gave to each committee the preparation of business in its special line. One committee is to make a study of the fields and the work in Europe and Asia; and all important questions relative to the work in these countries, are submitted to the consideration of this committee, before they are acted upon by the Board. A similar committee has charge of the work in Africa, South America, and the West Indies; another, of Oceania. There is also a Committee on Finance, one on the Education of Laborers, and one on Appointments and General Reference.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.6
Important correspondence from the missions, and questions requiring action of the Board, are first placed in the hands of one of the standing committees, and after receiving due consideration, are submitted with the recommendation of the committee to the Board.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.7
This plan of work is not free from difficulties, but it is the best we have been able to devise. The following are the most important obstacles to successful work:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.8
1. The inexperience of the members of the Board, in the foreign mission work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.9
2. The inability of the Standing Committees to give prompt and thorough study to the matters referred to them, on account of the pressure of their regular business.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.10
3. The fact that there has been no regular meetings at stated intervals, and that for some months so many of the members were absent from Battle Creek, attending general meetings in distant States that a quorum could not be assembled.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.11
On account of the inability to secure a quorum, there was no regular meeting of the Board from August 26 to December 6, a period of more than fourteen weeks. During this time, important questions submitted by the Advisory Committees of our missions, to which immediate response was very important, were held without answer. Some of our missionaries, whose work has been hindered by our failure to answer their inquiries, express a decided opinion that the time has come when a larger proportion of the members of the Mission Board should be men who can give deliberate thought, and diligent study to questions coming before the Board, and that provision should be made for the holding of meetings once a week through the year.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.12
Since the last Conference the Board has sent out the following persons:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.13
Name. | Field. | Date of Sailing | |
R. Peterson | Christiana | Nov. 23, 1889. | |
Laura Ginley | London | Dec. 11, 1889. | |
Martin M. Olsen | Denmark | March 26, 1890. | |
Emil J. Ahren | Sweden | March 26, 1890. | |
Edwin H. Gates | Polynesia | Oct. 20, 1890. | |
Mrs. E. H. Gates | “ | “ ” | |
Albert J. Read | ” | “ ” | |
Mrs. A. J. Read | ” | “ ” | |
John I. Tay | ” | “ ” | |
Mrs. J. I. Tay | ” | “ ” | |
Dexter A. Ball | West Indies | Nov. 7, 1890. | |
Wm. Arnold | “ “ | “ ” | |
During the same period, the following have returned:- |
E. W. Whitney | April 16, 1889. |
Nellie McKinnon | May 27, 1890. |
J. M. Erickson | July 28, 1890. |
Geo. W. Burleigh | Sept. 14, 1890. |
P. T. Magan | Sept. 28, 1890. |
S. N. Haskell | Feb. 15, 1891. |
C. L. Boyd | Jan. 7, 1891. |
As the Board has attempted to plan for the enlargement of the foreign work, and to strengthen the missions already established, and as it has endeavored to give counsel to the missionaries, in answer to their letters, the conviction has fastened upon our minds that to a large extent our missionaries have been sent out without adequate instruction, and without a sufficient study of the field and the work which they were to enter. This has made their work doubly hard, and in some places it has defeated the object of their labors.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.14
We sincerely believe that the great aim of our ministers at home, and of our missionaries abroad, should not be the building up of a denomination, but the giving of a world wide message to all men, that Christ is soon coming, and the judgment is at hand. If this thought takes hold of every mind, and controls the actions of all our missionaries, we believe that many perplexities will vanish, and that many heavy burdens will be lightened.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 49.15
In the time past we have failed to give adequate instruction in matter of managing the work in mission fields, as well as in methods of labor; and our brethren, naturally following the plans adopted at home under quite different circumstances, have sometimes organized tract societies and Sabbath-school associations before there was sufficient work to make a general organization profitable. We will here quote from the minutes of the Board some of its decisions relative to this and similar matters:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.1
“As the question has been raised as to the relation of the Colonial Tract Society with the Mission Committee, we recommend that a plan of organization be outlined for both home and foreign missions that will obviate the premature organization of Conferences, tract societies, and Sabbath-school associations, and which will provide for the centralizing of the management of the various branches of the work under one committee.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.2
At the July meeting of the Board of Foreign Missions, the following plans were adopted relative to the appointment and work of Advisory Committees in mission fields:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.3
1. Whenever the Foreign Mission Board deems it advantageous to its work in any mission field, they may appoint an Advisory Committee, of not less than three, nor more than seven members, of which the superintendent of the mission shall be one, to take a general oversight of the work in that mission.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.4
2. The superintendent of the mission shall be chairman of the Committee. A majority of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.5
3. The Committee shall choose of its members, or otherwise, a Treasurer, a Recording Secretary, one or more Corresponding Secretaries, and as many Field Secretaries for the superintendence of special lines of work, as the growth of the mission demands. All appointments of the committees shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Foreign Missions.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.6
4. It shall be the duty of each Advisory Committee, (a) to carefully study the field under its care; (b) to counsel together relative to the best way of advancing the work of the mission; (c) to collect, and submit to the Board, information relative to the necessities of the mission, the efficiency of the several workers employed in it, and the character and number of additional laborers needed; (d) to assist the superintendent in the economical and efficient management of the mission, and to encourage the spirit of liberality and self-support.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.7
5. For the consideration of these matters, the committee should meet as often as once a quarter, except where large expense would be incurred, or important work interrupted.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.8
6. At each regular meeting of the Advisory Committee, the following subjects should be considered:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.9
(a) The progress of the work of the traveling preachers, reported by the superintendent.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.10
(b) The condition of the treasury, and the state of the canvassing work, reported by the treasurer.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.11
(c) The condition of the churches, the Sabbath-schools, and the local tract societies, reported by the corresponding secretaries.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.12
(d) Following each report, the subject introduced should be discussed; and before the close of the session, plans should be laid for the advancement of the work in all its branches.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.13
7. At the first meeting, after the close of the fiscal year of the General Conference, the Committee shall audit the accounts of all persons employed in and having claim against the mission, and then forward them to the General Conference Auditing Committee for final settlement. At the same meeting, the Committee shall prepare a careful estimate of the funds necessary for the support of the mission for the ensuing year, and of the amount of tithes and contributions that can be expected from that field.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.14
8. The Treasurer shall have the custody of all property belonging to the General Conference, and of all funds furnished by it for use in the mission; and he shall disburse the same as the Board of Foreign Missions may direct. He shall also receive all tithes and contributions from those in the field, and pay out the same on the order of the Advisory Committee.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.15
9. The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Committee, and at the close of each session shall transmit a copy of the minutes of the same to the Board of Foreign Missions.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.16
10. The Corresponding Secretaries in each mission field shall conduct such correspondence with the churches, Sabbath-schools, and local tract societies, as may be directed by the Committee.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.17
11. The committee shall have no authority to purchase or lease real estate, nor to involve the board in any financial enterprise except by vote of the board.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.18
12. The committee may grant colporter’s license, subject to the approval of the General Conference. They shall submit to the Foreign Mission Board recommendations of those they deem fit to receive ministerial license or credentials, with a statement of their qualifications and Christian experience. All decisions relative to giving ministerial license, granting credentials, and ordaining ministers, shall be made by the General Conference.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.19
These committees have heretofore been appointed by the Executive Committee of the General Conference, at the close of each annual session. Hereafter the board of Foreign Missions will appoint these local committees annually, at its winter session.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.20
Whereas, We believe that our missionary workers can accomplish more good and exert a more wholesome influence by giving their undivided attention to their legitimate work; and, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.21
Whereas, The uniting of secular business with missionary work is always detrimental to the latter; therefore, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.22
Resolved, That we urge upon all who work under the direction of this Board to give their time and attention wholly to the missionary work to the exclusion of all secular business.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.23
Resolved, That we express to the managers of our foreign missions, our hearty disapproval of their entering into any outside enterprise, large or small, general or private, without first consulting with the Foreign Mission Board.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.24
Whereas, We find in South America a large and promising field in which to sow the seeds of truth; and, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.25
Whereas, This field has never been entered by our missionaries: therefore, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.26
We recommend, That the General Conference Committee lay plans for entering that field at an early day; and that mission work in that country be made as nearly self-sustaining as possible. To this end we would recommend that young men and women who have good trades or professions be selected, and encouraged to prepare themselves for that field; also that business men of some capital be selected, and encouraged to go there and establish themselves in business, and form an acquaintance and standing with the people, and a nucleus, or center, from which missionary work can be done.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 50.27
The following was adopted regarding ship missions and clubs of periodicals for free distribution:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.1
Whereas, The International Tract Society is not able to continue to supply publications for the ship work in all our missions as heretofore; therefore, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.2
Resolved, That wherever we have missions established, we will take complete charge of the ship work now being prosecuted, and that we will furnish the necessary publications as far as we are able.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.3
The relations of the Board of Foreign Missions and the International Tract Society are very intimate. The two are engaged in the same great work, and each one helps the other. With the exception of Australia and New Zealand, all our missions have been preceded by the work of the International Tract Society, which by the circulation of literature and correspondence, has prepared an open door for our missionaries.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.4
During the last two years this society has done most efficient work in many lands, particularly in the West Indies, and in Africa. We suggest that plans should be devised at this Conference for the furtherance of this work, for it is certainly an efficient and inexpensive way to send the message to out-of-the-way places, and to prepare the way for the missionaries.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.5
The International Tract Society is not only our pioneer; it is also our collector, and to a large extent the dispenser of missionary information. If it shall continue to render this important service, we must labor to strengthen its hands and sustain it in its important work. We can form some idea of the cash value of this service, from the amount which Mission Boards usually expend in making their collections. During the first fifty years of the American Board of Commissioners of Foreign Missions, 3 1/2 per cent of its receipts were spent in collecting.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.6
Our Sabbath-schools have acted an important part in contributing to the funds of the Board. Their contributions for the last year and a half amount to $23,594.49. This is nearly four thousand dollars more than the first-day offerings for the same period.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.7
Our total receipts for the year ending June 30, 1890, were $48,589.93. This was $6,810.94 less than our receipts for the preceding year, and $11,832.69 less than our expenditures for the same period.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.8
The Board has been greatly embarrassed in its work by scarcity of means, and some important fields which should have been entered during 1890, are left without laborers because we did not deem it advisable to further increase our debts.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.9
Some effort has been made to inform our churches as to the condition of the treasury and the necessities of missions, and to arouse a spirit of sacrifice and liberality in their behalf. The response has been very encouraging. It is our opinion that wherever our ministers have felt a zeal in behalf of the missions, and have presented their claims clearly, and in faith, that the contributions have largely increased. And right here we wish to express the opinion that the future of our foreign missions will be affected more by the earnestness of our ministers in presenting their claims to the churches, than by any other human agency.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.10
The receipts from all sources for the third and fourth quarters of 1890 were as follows:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.11
Third Qr. | Fourth Qr. | |
Christmas | $23,740 78 | |
First-day offerings | $3,384 40 | 3,672 46 |
Sabbath-school | 4,235 95 | 3,556 85 |
Special | 1,275 59 | 2,636 72 |
Total | $8,895 94 | $33,606 75 |
Australia | $ 1,500 00 |
Great Britain | 10,000 00 |
Central Europe | 16,692 89 |
Scandinavia | 11,197 30 |
South Africa | 1,500 00 |
China | 500 00 |
Schooner “Phebe Chapman” | 3,000 00 |
Haskell and Magan | 2,209 85 |
Interest on Loans | 750 00 |
Administration | 1,200 00 |
Schooner “Pitcairn” | 11,872 58 |
Total | $60,422 62 |
If the receipts for the first two quarters of 1891 should be about the same as for the last two quarters of 1890, exclusive of the Christmas offerings, our income for the present fiscal year would be about $60,000. This amount is far below what is required for our work, and we ask the Conference to give this matter due consideration.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.12
Our missions are five in number; British, German, Russian, South African, and Polynesian. Our foreign missionary Conferences are six; Central European, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia, and New Zealand.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.13
Our work in Central Europe was begun in 1874, by John N. Andrews. In France, Switzerland, and Italy, the Central European Conference and the board together employ four ministers, two licensed preachers, and twelve colporters. There are in this field nineteen churches, and 456 communicants. Elder Holser will speak of the work in this field, and present its claims.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 51.14
1877 John G. Matteson began work in Denmark. In the Danish Conference there are now three ministers, two licensed preachers, and nine colporters; eleven churches and 342 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.1
The Swedish Conference employs one minister, five licensed preachers, twenty-six colporters, and has fifteen churches, with 403 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.2
The Norwegian Conference has three ministers, two licensed preachers, fourteen colporters, four churches, and 299 communicants. Elder Olsen, who labored three years in these countries, will speak of their work and wants. The duty to assist in maintaining a good school in each of these countries, seems to be imperative.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.3
In 1878 J. N. Loughborough began work in Great Britain. There are now in this field one minister, two licensed preachers, eight Bible workers, and sixteen colporters; eight churches and 186 communicants. W. A. Spicer and Ellery Robinson will speak in behalf of this field. They will no doubt request that one or two ministers be sent to England and enough canvassers of experience so that a strong working force can be maintained in Ireland and Scotland as well as in England.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.4
In 1885 our work in Australia and New Zealand was begun by Elders Haskell, Corliss, and Israel.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.5
In the Australian Conference there are now six ministers, nine licensed preachers, twenty-four colporters, six churches and 445 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.6
The New Zealand Conference numbers two ministers, two licensed preachers, fifteen colporters, and four churches, with 210 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.7
Elder Haskell who has just returned from five very busy months of labor in these Conferences, will speak in their behalf. A very encouraging feature of the work in these fields is that there are men, competent and willing to enter the work in its various branches as soon as they can receive a suitable training for it. It is no doubt our duty to aid them in the establishment of a school in Australia.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.8
In 1877 our work in South Africa was begun by C. L. Boyd and D. A. Robinson. There are now in this mission one minister, one licensed preacher, and thirteen colporters; also five churches and 134 communicants. Elder Boyd will speak for this field.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.9
During the last year our Polynesian Mission has been organized. The schooner “Pitcairn” has been built, equipped, stocked, and started on her mission at a cost of $22,098.35. It sailed October 20, with six missionaries on board. As full reports have been published relating the incidents of its building, and of its trip to Pitcairn and Tahiti, we shall not enlarge upon this interesting portion of our work. As the Conference at its last session authorized the expenditure of about $12,000 in the construction of a missionary ship, it may be of interest to mention the several items that make up the $22,098.35 which it has cost.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.10
Hull, spars, and iron work as per contract | $7,400 00 |
Coppering bottom | 852 00 |
Sails | 706 56 |
Four steel water-tanks | 475 00 |
Anchors, chains, and rope | 921 82 |
Twenty-foot otter boat | 100 00 |
Eighteen-foot yaul | 90 00 |
Rigging | 775 00 |
Charts, etc. | 116 15 |
Chronometer | 150 00 |
Flags | 159 80 |
Total | $11,746 33 |
Hardware | $633 17 |
Crockery and tinware | 197 54 |
Dry goods | 386 97 |
Bedding | 266 00 |
Cabin furniture | 129 00 |
Ducking | 512 62 |
Total | $2,125 30 |
Provisions | $1,944 42 |
Lumber | 78 66 |
Insurance | 800 00 |
Fittings, labor, supplies, etc. | 1,988 34 |
Total | $4,811 42 |
Health books from Good Health Pub., Co. | $ 524 74 |
Religious books from Pacific Press Pub. Co. | 1,503 87 |
Religious books from Review and Herald | 1,386 69 |
Total | $3,415 30 |
Grand total | $22,098 35 |
Of this amount $5,728.51 has been received in special donations and $11,872.58 from the Sabbath-schools, and $4,497.26 from the general missionary fund.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.11
Of the special donations, the following are mostly of special mention:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.12
William Haddox | $1,000 00 |
Matthew Turner | 500 00 |
Pacific Press Pub. Co. | 500 00 |
Review and Herald | 1,386 69 |
Miscellaneous | 2,341 82 |
Total | $5,728 51 |
In our Polynesian Mission we employ two ministers, four Bible workers, and the crew of the “Pitcairn.” There are two churches, and 107 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.13
At the beginning of this year both Germany and Russia were set off from the Central European Conference, as separate missions.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.14
In Germany we have two ministers and twelve colporters, four churches and 100 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.15
In Russia there are two ministers, two colporters, ten churches, and 325 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.16
Adding up these statistics we find in all our foreign missions and Conferences twenty-seven ordained ministers, twenty-five licensed preachers, 160 colporters, eighty-eight churches, and 3,007 communicants.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 52.17
The president of the General Conference shall be chairman of the Board of Foreign Missions, and shall, after each regular election of the Board, appoint, unless otherwise provided for, such standing committees as are created by these By-laws.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.1
SECTION 1. The Foreign Mission Secretary shall be secretary of the Board, and his duties shall be to maintain a regular correspondence with superintendents of missions, and with the supervising committees of the foreign mission enterprises under the management of the Foreign Mission Board; to make regular reports of the condition and wants of the mission, to the Board, or to such standing committees as may be created for this purpose by the Board; to communicate the decisions of the Board to its agents in foreign countries; and to report to the Conference at its sessions, the workings of the Board, and the condition, progress, and wants of its foreign missions.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.2
SEC. 2. The treasurer of the General Conference shall be treasurer of the Foreign Mission Board; and it shall be his duty to receive all money belonging to the Board, and to keep an account of the same, and to disburse it by order of the Board, and to make a full report thereof annually to the Board.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.3
SECTION 1. The Board shall meet semi-annually, at such time and place as may be decided upon by the Board, or appointed by the president.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.4
SEC. 2. Special meetings may be called by the president and secretary when such meetings shall be considered necessary to the interest of the work in foreign fields.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.5
SEC. 3. Seven members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.6
SECTION 1. The standing committees of the Board, for the present, shall be:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.7
(a.) A committee of three on Europe and Asia.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.8
(b.) A committee of three on Africa, South America, Mexico, and the West Indies.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.9
(c.) A committee of three on Oceanica.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.10
(d.) A committee of three on the education and qualifications of missionaries.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.11
(e.) A committee of three on finances.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.12
(f.) A committee of three on appointments and general references.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.13
SEC. 2. The Board may appoint such other committees from time to time as the interests of its work demand.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.14
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the committees on different fields to make a careful study of their fields, and to make such recommendations as may seem to them expedient for the interest of the work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.15
SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Committee on the Education and Qualifications of Missionaries, to look out those who have a burden for the foreign mission work, and lay out for them a course of study, and encourage and assist them in preparation for missionary work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.16
SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Finance -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.17
(a.) To devise plans for the raising of funds, and to labor for the execution of the same when approved by the Board.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.18
(b.) To ascertain the state of the treasury at least twice a year, and to report the same to the Board; and to present once a year an estimate of the funds necessary to carry on the work for the succeeding twelve months.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.19
(c.) To consider all applications for expenditure of means outside of the regular appropriations, and to make recommendations relative to the same.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.20
SEC. 6. The Committee on Appointments and General Reference shall nominate persons for appointment by the Board, and take into consideration such miscellaneous matters as do not belong to other standing or special committees.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.21
The Board may appoint advisory committees in different mission fields to take an oversight of the local work, when they consider it to be for the interest of such fields.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.22
No missionary shall be sent abroad until he has first passed a careful examination by the Committee on Education, as to his educational and spiritual qualifications; also by a competent physician, as to his physical ability for such a work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.23
Elder Holser, being called upon, said he had a written report of the work in Europe, which he would present later, but would speak of a few interesting points now. A close acquaintance with Europe adds greatly to the importance which we attach to it. Looking at it from this standpoint, we regard the work in this country as of the greatest importance, and that in Europe as secondary.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.24
There are 1,800,000 born every year in Germany alone, - more than we preach the truth to in the same length of time. So instead of gaining on the work there, the work is gaining on us. I have been much impressed in reading the history of the Reformation lately, and especially in considering the way in which the work of the Reformation was accomplished. When in Wittemberg lately, I visited the house in which Luther lived and labored, which is still preserved. Here is a collection of the writings circulated during the Reformation, and I was impressed by the large number of small tracts in the collection. These were circulated largely, and contributed much to the Reformation.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.25
To illustrate how the work may go in the future, Elder Holser referred to the way in which the Salvation Army had been treated in Switzerland. In Basel they were confined to one small section of the city, and were not allowed to use any kind of musical instrument, or engage in any street parade whatever. When Mr. Booth’s book came out, some of the large papers in London began to speak favorably of the Salvation Army; the papers on the Continent echoed the same, and the sentiment of the people began to change at once.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.26
He also referred to his visit to the Scandinavian countries, and the progress which the truth is making there.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 53.27
The work in Russia has grown more rapidly than in any other place. Why is this? I believe it is because there is more hungering and thirsting for the truth, and more sacrifices made for it by those who receive it there. Some families go long distances to visit other settlements, to bring the truth before relatives or acquaintances.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.1
Hitherto all our work in Russia has been done among the Germans. There are at present about 6,000,000 Germans in South Russia. Until one year ago not a single Russian, to our knowledge, had embraced the truth. A certain Russian had been banished to the Caucasus, and while there accepted the truths of the third angel’s message, and began at once to labor for the advancement of the truth, though exposing himself greatly while doing so; but God preserved him, and now there is a company of thirty Russian Sabbath-keepers at Sebastopol, Russia.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.2
Elder C. L. Boyd, who has just returned from South Africa, was called upon. He spoke of the very large population of Africa, estimated at 205,000,000, and asked, Shall these have a chance to receive the truths of the third angel’s message? then answered his own question by repeating the well known expression, “God is no respecter of persons.” The larger part of Africa is under the protection of the different States of Europe.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.3
Liberia, the Congo Free State, and the Transvaal, are free States. What little has been done to introduce the truth into Africa has been blessed of God. On the west coast near the equator, there is a company of about thirty who are keeping the Sabbath. There are also other smaller companies in different parts of this country. They are anxious for a more perfect knowledge of the truth. The country is not very healthful in places, and those who go there will put their lives in the hands of God.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.4
In South Africa more has been done. One native brother has canvassed extensively in the Transvaal, and sold a copy of “Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation” to the president of the Republic. Elder Boyd closed with an earnest appeal for Africa.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.5
Elder Haskell rose to speak. He said, according to good authorities that, with the exception of one section only 150 miles square, there is no part of Africa where the influence of Christian missions has not been felt. In China only a portion of Thibet remains to be entered by the missionary. If we stood in the light as we should, and the power of God rested upon us, as a people, as it might, it would be but a very short time before the truth might reach every part of the world. We do not consider what God is doing for the world. In three years with the present improved methods of travel, a missionary could go around the world and visit every missionary station, and stay long enough at each to get acquainted with their work. Conference adjourned to meet Tuesday the tenth, at 10:30 A. M.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.6
THE second meeting of the society was called to order at 3 P. M., and after singing hymn number 1242, Elder R. A. Underwood led in prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.7
The following additional delegates were enrolled:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.8
Tennessee - C. M. Kinney, R. G. Garrett.
Georgia - G. T. Wilson.
Indiana - W. A. Young, J. W. Moore, Mrs. J. W. Moore.
Illinois - Delia A. Hicks.
Michigan - M. B. Miller, Mrs. M. B. Ciphers, D. M. Stites, Carrie Mills, Dan. T. Jones, O. A. Olsen, and W. C. White.
Iowa - J. M. Willoughby and J. H. Morrison.
Dakota - V. Lear.
Minnesota - C. N. Woodward and Lucy Post.
Wisconsin - W. F. Thurston.
Missouri - Wm. Covert.
California - Mrs. N. C. McClure.
Upper Columbia - H. W. Decker.
The reports of the various corresponding secretaries of the society were then read.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.9
In preparing this report for your consideration, I have tried to cover the time since the close of the General Conference of 1889, as I first became directly connected with the work of the International Tract Society shortly after that memorable gathering. As you are well aware, our work covers considerable territory, taking in the following countries: all of Europe, except Turkey and Great Britain; all of Asia, save India and Turkey, which gives us those two important nations, China and Japan; all of Africa except Cape Colony; all of the islands of the sea, except Australia and New Zealand, and all the Americas except British America, Canada, and District No. 2 of our own country.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 54.10
In November, 1889, we began work with the people of the “Lesser Antilles,” having received from Brother Arnold over 1,100 addresses of persons to whom he had sold “Thoughts.” Among these were many persons of influence and ability. Not long after writing and sending literature, responses began to come in, a single mail sometimes bringing as many as twenty-five letters from this people, who were indeed grateful for what they had received. In nearly every case, they not only wished reading matter for themselves and for distribution, but sent addresses of friends whom they could not visit; so that in addition to the 1,100 names received from Brother Arnold, we added, in this way, nearly 500 more, making a total of 1,600 persons in the West Indies who have received publications accompanied by letters.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.1
There are many instances where, without any effort whatever upon our part, we have received letters requesting us to forward samples of our literature, and we number some of these among our most interesting correspondents and energetic workers.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.2
Among all the letters received from these islands during the past sixteen months, there have been but three that showed any opposition to the literature sent them, and the writers of these three were all clergymen. We are glad to say that all the clergy do not feel this way, but there are those among the Episcopalians, Moravians, and Wesleyans who have entered heartily into the work, not only circulating the literature of the society, but some have donated to help it forward, recognizing the fact that here was a strong ally to help them combat the two great evils of those islands - immorality and drunkenness.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.3
While we have been sending out thousands of pages and periodicals to this densely populated field, there have been some few in many of these islands who have been especially interested in the truths we hold as a people. To these we have sent monthly supplies, and to others occasionally as the interest seemed to demand. These persons have distributed to others who have received them gladly with outstretched hands.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.4
Let us glance at these islands, that we may bring to our minds more clearly where the interested ones are of whom we shall speak further. The first one to which we shall refer is the island of Barbados. This island is only twelve and one half by eighteen miles, and has a population of 200,000. Bridgetown, its capital, contains 40,000 of these, and it is here, that much of our efforts have been directed. Probably more “seed” has been sown in this island than any other, and good results are already being seen from the efforts of Brother Ball who went there last November to develop the interest awakened by our work. In a recent letter, he writes that twenty have decided to keep all the commandments of God. Some of these are men of influence, having from ten to twenty-five men in their employ; three are teachers.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.5
Is not God answering the prayers of his people? And has he not through the aid of his Holy Spirit, softened and made tender these hearts so that they have read and understood? We believe he has, and when the truth was presented earnestly, they accepted it readily. We trust that these are only the “first drops of a heavy shower” that shall be the means of washing away, to some extent, the evils that exist to-day in the fair Isle of Barbados.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.6
The island of St. Vincent contains interested ones, and these have also been visited by Elder Ball. Here he found a few earnest men, like the Bereans of old, investigating the word of God for themselves, “to see whether these things are so,” and we have every reason to believe that some of these will ere long decide to obey.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.7
There are a few upon the island of Dominica, who first became interested in the present truth through the efforts of Sister Roskruge, who, a few years ago it will be remembered by some in this audience, accepted the same in London.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.8
Coming farther north, we reach the island of Montserrat. There is one here keeping the Sabbath; many others are reading and distributing all we send them. To the northeast is the island of Antigua. This is the home of Sister Roskruge, spoken of above, and we believe there are others besides herself who are keeping the Sabbath of the Lord in St. Johns, the capital of Antigua. At English Harbor, on the same island, we have a correspondent who was one among the many, that purchased “Thoughts.” And Brother Arnold, in giving us his address, appended this bit of information, “Mr. Ackerman, a man of intelligence, reads English, French, and German; native of Switzerland; make special effort for him.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.9
In sending out our first packages, we remembered this gentleman, and after waiting a sufficient length of time and receiving no answer, we sent again. After a period of four months, we received a response, and, without any exception, he has taken the greatest interest of any one in the islands, in the distribution of our literature. He has a regular system for the work, employing no less than nineteen persons who cover thirteen villages in the island Antigua, to assist as distributors. Some of them, after they have scattered the papers, gather them up and redistribute, thus making the most possible of all that is sent them.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.10
Good results are already seen as the outcome of this thorough work. Bad habits are abandoned, and minds are being prepared to receive the vital truths of the Bible. Mr. Ackerman, who superintends this work, also visits H. M. S. S. placing reading matter in the hands of the officers, and yet he makes no profession whatever. He is in harmony with our views upon almost every point, and should he see clearly what is duty, there is no doubt that he will be a valuable helper in the spreading of the truth in those islands.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 55.11
In another part of this island, there is a Wesleyan minister who, long before we sent him anything upon the subject, believed, from his own study of the Scriptures, that the seventh day is the Sabbath. Of course his belief is strengthened by what he has read of late; and we expect soon to hear that he has fully decided as to his future course.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.1
To the north-west of Antigua are the islands of St. Kitts and Nevis. In the former, the second advent is being proclaimed, and many are seeking for the light. In the latter island, Nevis, one, a Wesleyan minister, has accepted the truth, and is doing what he can at St. Kitts, in a humble way, to prepare the people for the coming of Christ.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.2
Northeast of these islands is St. Croix where there are many, who, entirely without prejudice, are helping greatly in the distribution of our literature. One who has been for twenty-seven years a missionary, writes favorably, and possibly may come to the Sanitarium before long for rest and treatment.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.3
Lying farther to the north are the Virgin Islands; here also we send supplies to missionaries at St. Thomas and Tortola. Leaving these islands, we come to the Greater Antilles, and at Kingston, Jamaica, we have kept up a very pleasant correspondence for several months with a lady who is emphatically a home missionary. She gives her time almost wholly to prison and hospital work, visiting the sick and caring for the needy. She has been very glad to receive our publications, and in her wide field of usefulness has been able to circulate them to good advantage.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.4
We did not send much that was doctrinal at first. But at her own request, we have sent her regularly the Signs of the Times and many tracts that cannot help leading her nearer to the light. For these, she is exceedingly grateful. In her last letter, she speaks of the “shortness of time” and says, “The day of the Lord draweth nigh,” and adds, “Oh, that there might be a great awakening and that every soul might repent and turn to the Lord while there is time. It is the burden of my heart to press this knowledge home to the hearts of men.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.5
There is also a gentleman living here, who bids fair to be as energetic in the circulation of literature as the one in Antigua.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.6
Crossing the Caribbean Sea to the westward, we reach another island called Ruatan, one of the Bay islands. Here lives a worthy colored brother, who writes us that twenty-one are striving to keep all the commandments of God, and their earnest entreaty is, to have some one come to labor there. Quite a quantity of books has been sent to this field, and so the seed is being sown there, for some one to harvest.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.7
Passing through the Gulf of Honduras, we reach Belize, the capital of British Honduras, and in this place and adjacent towns, are those who are in sympathy with all that is sent them. One family near Belize is keeping the Sabbath simply through reading.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.8
As we have given so much time to the work in these islands, we will not dwell so long upon the remainder of the territory. In the western part of Africa, in the colony known as Sierra Leone, we have many interesting correspondents, and, indeed, some very hopeful ones, even among the clergy. There are also others in Liberia, Algeria, and the Gold Coast, who are fully awake to the needs of the hour. At Appam, in the Gold Coast, according to the latest report, there are thirty-three keeping the Sabbath; and they are very anxious to have a better knowledge of the truth. The leader of this company is a man who seems to be blessed with unusual energy, determination, and perseverance, to spread what he has been able to grasp of the true doctrines of the Bible, and is reaching out to help those all around him, who are bound by the strong fetters of superstition, cruelty, and vice. Surely the Lord has been with them. Should they not have help, and that speedily?GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.9
From Egypt we are receiving many communications, and our literature is being translated into their language. We are hoping and praying, that those who are reading from week to week, may realize the great fact that Jesus died for them, and accept him and his teachings, instead of Mohammed and the Koran.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.10
In China, we have been supplying the officers of customs at Wuhu, and Ningpo, who have kindly placed the reading matter in the public libraries, where all may have the privilege of reading it. From Hong Kong through the co-operation of Brother LaRue, many souls are being warned by the printed pages. We also supply a faithful Missionary at Wenchow, who is connected with the China inland mission.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.11
In Japan we have a few who have gladly welcomed all that we have sent; one in particular, a teacher of a school of 250 boys, thankfully accepts all that is sent from month to month. Another, a native pastor at Tokyo, writes encouragingly.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 56.12
While England is not in our territory, yet we have several correspondents who have gone there from the West Indies and Egypt. The first mentioned had been an active missionary in the West Indies for twelve years, and just before leaving, Brother William Arnold secured his subscription for “Thoughts.” Shortly after this, and before his book was delivered, he and his family sailed for England. We sent him reading-matter there, and, while he was interested in the literature, he did not agree with all he found in it, but still expressed a desire to have it continued. This we have done, and a pleasant correspondence has been kept up. In a letter received from his wife, a few days ago, she states that he has returned to the West Indies, and that she was distributing the papers, which were thankfully accepted, and adds, “That if you will kindly continue to send reading matter, I will take great pleasure in distributing it.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.1
There are also in London, three students from Egypt, who are completing their education in the English branches. From these we hear often, and hope that the way may be opened for them to carry the glad news of the gospel to their native land. Some publications are also going to Ireland and France.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.2
In our home-field, we see many favorable openings, and letters come in frequently, showing a spirit of investigation on the part of many and a desire to know the truth. While it is true that we do not receive as many responses from the literature we send out in the United States as we do from the foreign field, yet we realize that prejudice has something to do with this and also that so much literature is circulated here freely, which is not the case there.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.3
In Alaska, several missionaries have been receiving publications, and consider them very useful in their work. One of these, a lady, has been there ten years, and is the oldest missionary in Alaska. While we might say much more of the work at home, we do not feel that it is necessary, and will close by giving the approximate number of pages, periodicals, etc., sent out during the past sixteen months.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.4
Pages books and tracts sent to foreign countries | 1,026,325 |
“ “ “ “ “ “ United States | 330,270 |
Number of periodicals sent to foreign countries | 45,928 |
“ “ “ “ “ United States | 28,559 |
Number letters written to foreign countries | 4,998 |
“ “ “ “ United States | 2,734 |
As we look over the field to which this literature has gone, we realize that it is indeed a broad one. Something has been accomplished it is true, in a very small portion of this territory, but how little in comparison with what remains yet to be done.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.5
Openings whereby our work might be extended both by publications and correspondence, are multiplying on every hand, and we believe there is an imperative need of tracts and leaflets on practical subjects, as well as publications in many languages, in order to do more effective work with all classes.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.6
As it is now, we feel almost poverty stricken as we attempt to supply certain individuals, missionaries in particular, with the few religious tracts we have, which are not doctrinal. Shall this matter not receive careful and immediate attention from those who have charge of this part of the work? We trust that this may be the case, and that as we endeavor to work carefully to win souls to accept Christ, the Lord will raise up men and women everywhere who will not only sow the seeds of truth, but be ready and willing to garner in the sheaves.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.7
It is no doubt well understood by all present that for the first three months of 1890 the work in the Chicago Office of the International Tract Society was superintended by our much-lamented sister, M. L. Huntley, assisted by Sister Addie S. Bowen. For nearly three months Sister Bowen had charge of the work, with Sister Louise Alsberg for assistant.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.8
As none of those who were connected with this office for the first six months of 1890, have been engaged in the work there since July 1, and as those now working in the office had no knowledge of the work during the first half of that year, we are wholly dependent upon the records that have been left, for the information necessary to furnish details in regard to the work during that time. From these records it appears that the effort was principally directed toward the southern field, assigned to this office, or General Conference District No. 2.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.9
In January, 1890, two thousand copies of the Sentinel were subscribed for, and were sent to editors in these nine States, and to legislators in North Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Kentucky. The first number of the paper was accompanied by a circular letter, calling the attention of the individual to the Sentinel, proposing to send it to him a short time free, and requesting that when he had had an opportunity to become acquainted with the positions taken by the journal, he would give us an expression of his views in regard to them.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.10
A little later the Sentinel was sent in the same way to a number of lawyers in Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, and North Carolina. With a view to avoid the prejudice that exists in the minds of southern people against northern enterprises, the co-operation of Brethren England, Whitford, Crisler, Purdham, and Dortch was secured in the correspondence with lawyers and legislators in their respective States. Some of the brethren sent two or three circular letters to each individual during the time that the Sentinel was going to his address, and we understand they received many replies, but of the character of this correspondence the brethren already named are better prepared to testify than the writer.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 57.11
A number of these papers was discontinued from time to time, but at the expiration of the six months’ subscription, 1,275 circular letters were sent to editors, and 823 to lawyers and legislators. Some quite interesting letters were received from the editors, wishing the Sentinel the greatest success, acknowledging that they had “copied copiously” from its columns for their journals, offering to exchange, and promising to keep the principles advocated by the Sentinel before the readers of their papers.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.1
With the exception of the limited number of lawyers already mentioned, a different course has been pursued in working with them than was adopted in the work with editors and legislators. To the latter, the paper was sent without any assent on their part, unless they objected to receiving it; while the following method has been adopted in sending the paper to lawyers:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.2
A copy of the Sentinel, a circular letter, and a return postal are sent them in one envelope. The letter states that unless we hear from them and learn that they desire to read further upon the subjects presented in the paper, but one more number will be sent them; but that on receipt of the enclosed postal, expressing their wish to receive the paper, it will be sent to their address for three months free. The Sentinel has been sent in this way to 1 177 lawyers and magistrates in North Carolina, 215 of whom have returned the postal-card, requesting the paper to be continued to their address. It is then ordered sent to them three months direct from the office of publication.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.3
While the communications received from many simply indicate that they favor religious liberty and complete separation of church and state, others show that the writers are to quite an extent aware of the danger that threatens our country, and are prepared to appreciate the scope and purpose of the Sentinel in bringing the various phases of the subject to the notice of the public. Some pronounce it the best paper they have ever read. Others are so interested as to read “every word of it” the very day it is received.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.4
Several Young Men’s Christian Associations and schools have agreed to receive the Sentinel, and keep it on file for the benefit of those who visit their reading-rooms.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.5
In January, 1890, small packages of our tracts, accompanied by circular letters, were sent to seventy-seven white, and sixty-three colored, schools in the South. Eleven of the white schools and twenty of the colored, gladly accepted the literature. This work with the schools has been continued, and many thousand pages of our religious tracts, temperance tracts, Health Science and Social Purity leaflets, have been sent to these and other teachers whose addresses have been obtained during the year, for distribution in their day schools and Sunday-schools.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.6
In May and June, packages of publications, containing a copy of the “Coming Conflict,” “Science of Human Life,” and Social Purity Leaflets, were sent to nearly 100 teachers, for their perusal during the summer vacation, with the understanding that they should return the postage used in sending the literature. Since this time, calls have been received from other teachers for similar packages.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.7
In December, an offer was made to send these teachers “Spirit of Prophecy,” Vol. III, on the same terms. The offer was gladly accepted, and within the past three months, $7.14 have been received to pay postage on publications.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.8
Perhaps a few short sentences from some of their letters will convey a more correct idea of the estimate placed upon our literature by these teachers, than could be given in any other way. We quote as follows:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.9
“I received the tracts sent by the International Society, and the young people of my church and school take much interest in reading them. Continue to send them.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.10
“I find the books to be of indispensable benefit to me in my school.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.11
“Any amount of literature that you can spare will help me ever so much, and be the means of doing much good.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.12
“The distribution of your excellent literature has already created better deportment, and done more good than can be expressed.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.13
“Any thing your society sends us will be thankfully received, particularly on Christianity and health.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.14
“Several of those to whom, in the name of your excellent society, I gave the books heretofore sent, have expressed, in letters to me, high appreciation of the books, which they had read with interest.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.15
“I was much pleased with the literature you sent before, and am always ready to respond whenever called upon by you.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.16
“We are much pleased with the books you sent us. They have been placed in our library, and are frequently read by the students.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.17
“The tracts on Bible readings are giving such satisfaction that they are wanted by all who see them.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.18
“The literature which you have sent me has aroused the minds of many of my pupils to peruse it further, and seek other information.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.19
“I will send more stamps if you will send me more literature for my school, as they all seem eager to read your publications.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.20
“The tracts on tobacco and intoxicating drinks have helped to do a wonderful amount of good.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.21
Many pages of similar extracts might be given, but I do not wish to weary you with a lengthy report.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.22
Besides the work in the Southern Field, packages of our literature have been sent to addresses obtained from canvassers in the British Provinces, north of the United States, and to individuals in England, Turkey, South Africa, and Australia. Though the Turkish government prohibits the publication of religious periodicals, and not one is issued in all its dominions, our denominational publications can be circulated freely there, so long as they say nothing against the Mohammedan religion.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 58.23
Thirty copies of the Signs of the Times are sent regularly to reading-rooms connected with schools in the South, where they are accessible to both teachers and students; and about the same number are mailed to ministers and missionary workers, by whom they are gladly received, and distributed in their fields of labor.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.1
The following is the summary of work performed from Jan. 1, 1890, to March 1, 1891.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.2
Pages of denominational publications sent out | 172,389 |
“ health and temperance “ ” | 84,544 |
“ National Religious Liberty publications sent out | 61,167 |
No. of denominational periodicals sent out | 4,836 |
“ health and temperance periodicals sent out | 927 |
“ “Sentinels” sent out | 37,711 |
“ Manuals | 974 |
“ “My Reasons for Signing the Petition,“ | 1,932 |
“ petitions | 163 |
“ letters written | 10,970 |
The work in this department has not received the attention during the past year that was intended it should, my time being taken up with book-keeping and list work until September 1.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.3
Since then, the names of the presidents of the local unions of the W. C. T. U. in the States of Minnesota, Kansas, Nebraska, and a part of Pennsylvania, have been taken up, and literature on the subject of health and temperance and social purity has been sent them. So far, the effort made in this line has been something of an experiment, though in all the work of the International Society, health and temperance publications have been used more or less in connection with the religious.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.4
While the replies received have been few in proportion to the number of letters sent out, accompanying the first package of reading matter, those received have been very encouraging, and the interest manifested in these subjects and the desire to disseminate them, show that the correspondents are alive to the necessity of this work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.5
Though this work of laboring wholly in the health and temperance line is only commenced, yet from this beginning we see the possibilities of its developing into a large work, giving us the opportunity of educating a large class of intelligent people in the principles of health reform, which have been placed in our care to give to others just as much as any other truth.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.6
In the effort that has been made, reading-matter on only a few subjects has been sent out. But, as the work continues and our health and temperance literature increases, the field is opening to follow each package with others on different subjects. And, as the oft repeated saying, that to be instrumental in healing physical diseases opens a door to reach people’s spiritual wants, applies here as elsewhere, we believe, in the end, these people will be more easily reached with the truth of the Bible for the last days, than if they had never received any of our health and temperance publications.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.7
To show how this literature is received, we will give a few extracts from letters received, in reply to ours.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.8
A lady from Kansas says:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.9
“Sample received. In reply would say they meet with my hearty approval. I do not know that I could use the journal Good Health in my work unless it should be to persuade people to subscribe for it. The leaflets I can use to good advantage provided I can meet the financial requirements. No price list was sent.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.10
Another one says:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.11
“I delayed answering, so I could thank you for the literature and Good Health; but they have failed to reach me. I suppose Uncle Sam is to blame. I think I could distribute them to good advantage, through my friends. I will enclose price of Good Health, to be sent to my daughter, as she is a young mother.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.12
A lady in Pennsylvania writes:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.13
“We join temperance organizations wherever we go, and are greatly interested in the temperance cause and all its branches of work. We belong to the W. C. T. U. and the I. O. of Good Templars. The W. C. T. U. holds mothers’ meetings, and will have a meeting Saturday, at 2:30 P. M. We would very much like to have some more of the leaflets you sent; but seeing no price, we don’t know exactly how to order. However, we send for at least fifty of ‘The Training of Girls,’ and fifty ‘Words to Mothers.’ We would like to have others, but not knowing the price, will not order them this time. We can always make use of good literature.”
Another one says:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.14
“The package of literature and copy of journal, Good Health, have been received, for all of which I am very thankful. I always enjoy reading Good Health. Wish our union was able to subscribe for a copy, but we cannot afford it yet. The leaflets are all, I think, good. But I especially like the ones entitled ‘Words to Mothers,’ ‘The Training of Girls,’ and ‘Science vs. Tobacco.’GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.15
From another:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.16
Many thanks for Good Health and the leaflets you sent me. They are all most excellent, and we can use any number of them to good advantage. I shall try to have the union subscribe for Good Health. Please send me a few more sample copies. Such literature should be widely circulated. I will do all I can to help on the good work.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.17
A lady from New Jersey writes:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.18
“I received the Health Leaflets, in which you enclosed four Social Purity Leaflets. They are excellent, and I would like one hundred. If you have several others that you consider equally as good, please send some with the others. Thank you for introducing them to me. If you have a catalogue of publications, please send it to me.”
From the small beginning that has been made in this work the outlook for the future is very encouraging. As we see a public interest being created in its favor, and knowing that our literature is in advance of any thing else issued on these subjects, we should stand ready to step in and fill openings that are being created by these subjects. Surely it seems that the Lord is giving us every encouragement to do the work in this field, that he in mercy committed to our charge.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 59.19
I will say a few words about the results of the use of health and temperance publications in connection with the religious. In sending out religious reading-matter a copy of Good Health and some temperance tracts are always sent in the first package. The temperance literature is always well received, especially the Good Health. Those who are most interested in the religious works mention the religious tracts in their replies, and those who are most interested in the health and temperance, speak of the health and temperance literature. Many interesting cases have developed through the work done in the West Indies the past year. Several have written that they have given up the use of alcoholic drinks from reading the literature sent them. And many teachers and ministers have written of the sad need of a social purity reform in those islands, and have asked for pledges and leaflets.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.1
To show the interest manifested we give a few extracts from letters received. Mr. Mapp, of Barbados, says of the influence which the literature was exerting over the minds of his scholars:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.2
“After listening to a lecture upon the drunkards’ stomach, they resolved to abstain from liquor, that they might not be brought into this condition themselves. Also many adults are breaking off from long continued use of alcoholic drinks.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.3
In speaking of the Good Health the same gentleman says:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.4
“The simple remedies recommended in Good Health are very helpful, and I am glad to say, that I have tried a few with my scholars, when ailing, with good results.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.5
A gentleman from Jamaica writes:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.6
“I have taken great pains and pleasure in circulating and distributing these books and papers, and I am happy to say that already the papers have done some good, particularly in the line of social purity. For several persons who have read them have re-arranged certain matters in their own homes.”
From Antigua, Mr. J. H. Ackerman writes:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.7
“I must also mention that I have not re-commenced smoking, and can do without it with all ease. So much for a habit of twenty-seven years, broken without an effort of any kind; and your tracts have brought me to a final decision about it. I have been practically a vegetarian for many years, as well as a teetotaler, and feel none the worse for the want of meat or stimulants. Not that I think it is very wrong to take them; though as to meat, I have often felt as one of the writers in Good Health expresses it, that ‘we have no right to eat our near relations.’”
A gentleman from Barbados writes:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.8
“An elderly gentleman of St. James, was for the greater part of his life, given to strong drink.... A few weeks ago he was sent by his employer to inquire the price of molasses and sugar on this estate. I was perusing your tracts, and presented them to him, asking him to have a read. He was greatly interested in one, as it seemed to apply to his case. He also took them home with him, and to my surprise, the following Sunday he and family attended divine service, and they have since continued to do so.
“I gave him the Signs of the Times and a copy of Good Health, and he is following the instructions given by——, the water cure doctor, and he is much better for it....GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.9
“Where a bottle or two of liquor was used by him on Sunday, a book or two is now read; where a hundred oaths came from his mouth, a thousand tears to God are now shed, all of which he acknowledges due to your works.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.10
“Would to God such a society existed here.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.11
A lady from Central America writes:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.12
“I am indeed very thankful to you for sending me such a nice selection of reading-matter, especially the fine address on ‘Social Puriety,’ which I was delighted to find in the package. I took it for my first reading to my Sabbath-school class, and around to the homes which I thought most needed it, and I can assure you that it has been a great help to myself, by reading it to others. There are many homes that it would pain your hearts to enter; many have no regard for the marriage relations, and the children brought up under such surroundings hear nothing that is very elevating or helpful from those whom they call father and mother. I have made it my business to labor among the young on this very account, their hearts being tender, I hope to see good results.”
Interesting cases are also found in Africa and other countries where our correspondence reaches.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.13
Everywhere we go we find the enemy, rum, has gone. And the war against it must be carried on, and with it the battle against social evils and unhygienic living. We have the light on these subjects which others do not have, and if we are not diligent to disseminate it, can we call our duty to our fellow-men wholly discharged?GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.14
Up to the present time the following amount of literature has been distributed:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.15
Pages books and tracts sent to foreign countries | 223,365 |
“ “ “ “ United States | 181,847 |
Number of periodicals sent to foreign countries | 4,172 |
“ “ “ United States | 2,977 |
“ letters written to “ ” | 1,569 |
“ pledges sent out | 1,983 |
It is more than a year since the International Tract Society commenced to handle the publications of the National Religious Liberty Association. At that time, the number of publications was very limited, consisting principally of Petitions, “Reasons for Signing the Petitions,” and the leaflet, “Shall the Constitution be Preserved?” Since then, quite a goodly number of documents of various sizes have been added to the list.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.16
It took considerable effort to start the systematic circulation of this literature. Circular letters were sent to the State secretaries, and also to the librarians of the different States. Our plan was to deal with the State societies and not to fill small orders.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 60.17
The National Religious Liberty Association furnishes us with their literature at cost of production, and the International Tract Society handles the literature, and does all the work of sending it out without remuneration. We also carry and collect all accounts without commission.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.1
The association has been adding to its list of publications such new leaflets as have been needed to meet the demands that have arisen during the year, until we now have about twenty different tracts and leaflets. Among the principal ones added are, “Religious Legislation,” “Shall Religion be Taught in the Public Schools?” “Sunday Laws,” “Sunday and the World’s Fair,” “Religious Persecution in Tennessee,” “The Celebrated King Case,” “Congress on Sunday Legislation,” and “The True Statesman.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.2
The National Religious Liberty Association has also brought out three pieces of sheet-music, to meet a demand for music, and these are having a large sale.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.3
“American State Papers,” a book of 368 pages, has just been prepared by the National Religious Liberty Association. This book is worthy of a wide circulation. It is handled by the International Tract Society the same as other N. R. L. A. publications.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.4
The great demand for this literature has made it necessary to print large editions of the leaflets. At one time 100,000 copies of a single leaflet were printed. The same leaflet has reached a total circulation of about half a million copies. This increase of circulation makes it necessary to carry a much larger stock on hand. We find at this date that we have in stock about six hundred thousand copies of N. R. L. A. tracts and leaflets.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.5
The total number of pages of National Religious Liberty literature sent out by this society since we commenced handling it, is 5,242,134.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.6
The arrangements between the International Tract Society and the National Religious Liberty Association are perfectly satisfactory, and we see no reason why a much larger amount should not be distributed the coming year.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.7
The work of sending out publications to Scandinavians, was begun by the International Society in April, 1890. As no special attention had hitherto been given to this line of work, very little could be done in the way of circulating reading matter, until suitable names were secured to work with. An effort was made to obtain such by writing to several of the Scandinavian colporters; and in the course of about one month, Brother H. L. Henricksen, who labors in Norway, sent seventy-five names of individuals to whom he had sold some of our publications. About the same time, we received nearly two hundred Swedish and Danish names from Brother Ole Nelson, who labors among the Scandinavians in Utah.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.8
To each of these names a package of reading-matter was sent, consisting of a copy of the Danish or Swedish Health Journal, and five tracts, three of which treat on the subject of temperance. With each package a circular letter was sent, explaining the object of the society in sending the literature, and kindly asking the readers to give names and addresses of individuals, societies, or reading rooms, where such reading matter would be gladly received and read with interest. Many heartily responded, requesting the society to send them more publications, and giving addresses of their friends or relatives.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.9
In June 1890, Brother Henricksen sent two hundred more names, to which reading-matter was sent as above indicated. Many of them are names of prominent business men in Norway. From several of these we have received interesting letters, in which mention is made of societies or reading-rooms, with the request that the Society send them more publications for distribution. Some are engaged in marine enterprises, and have established reading rooms for sailors in cities on the coast. To these reading-matter has been sent, and we have been informed several times that the papers and tracts were worn out, as they were read by hundreds of seamen who come and go on vessels passing that way. Each time a new supply has been sent, but no doubt it has been altogether too small to meet the demands of all who desire to read.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.10
Some have sent us names and addresses of temperance societies, requesting that we send them temperance literature, but as we have very few publications of this kind in the Danish and Swedish languages, but little could be done in this line of work; however, other reading matter has been sent and gratefully accepted. Letters have been received from men in charge of these societies, offering to distribute publications where in their judgment they would do the most good. To such we have sent as many as we thought could be judiciously used. We have also received a number of interesting letters from individuals who, in some way, had heard that the society sends reading-matter free, or had borrowed a tract from a neighbor, the latter having obtained publications from the society.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.11
In a few instances letters have been received on which full postage was due, the writer being too poor to pay it. This shows that the literature is appreciated, and we have reason to believe that were it not for the postage required to send a letter, we would hear from many more of those to whom reading-matter has been sent.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 61.12
In this country publications have been sent to about three hundred names, of which but a limited number have been heard from. The number in foreign countries to whom publications have been sent, is not much larger, but many more replies have been received, which shows that, in general, the reading-matter is appreciated and read with greater interest than in this country. It has therefore been thought best to direct our efforts chiefly to foreign countries.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.1
We have made an effort to secure names of Scandinavian consuls in other countries, but thus far only one has been obtained, that of the consul of Danish West Indies. We have learned that there are a number of Scandinavian Colonies on some of these Islands, and hope to secure names to which publications can be sent.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.2
Reading-matter has been sent to Scandinavian missionaries in India, Africa, and China. From one of these we received a reply, thanking us for the Health Journals sent him, as the information obtained from them was of great value to him in ministering to the wants of the natives in case of sickness.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.3
A few publications have also been sent to Iceland and distributed by a gentleman who is very much interested in foreign missionary work, and gives lectures on temperance.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.4
In regard to the results of the work during the past year not much can be said, as but few of those with whom we have corresponded have had reading-matter on the Sabbath question and like important points of our faith, and those to whom we have sent publications on these subjects have not yet replied. But judging from the candid consideration given to the subjects treated upon in the literature first sent them, we have reason to believe that good results will be seen from the work among Scandinavians, if carried out according to the method adopted by the society for doing missionary work among other nationalities.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.5
In October the Scandinavian work was removed to Chicago, on account of the new Scandinavian papers, Evangeliets Sendebud, and Zions Vaktare, which it was thought best should be published there. In November the first copy of these papers was printed, and about four thousand sample copies were mailed to subscribers for the Tidende, Harold Swedish and Danish Health Journal and Missionary.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.6
The subscription list obtained for the first copy of the papers was very small, that for Evangeliets Sendebud numbering about thirty and for Zions Vaktare a much smaller number. Since that time the list for Evangeliets Sendebud has been increased to one thousand, and Zions Vaktare to eight hundred.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.7
Much effort and time have been given to the work of increasing the circulation of these papers, by correspondence with State societies, Scandinavian ministers and colporters. Several of the Scandinavian workers have taken a special interest in securing subscriptions for the papers, and we hope to be able to arouse a greater interest in this work among all who are actively engaged in any branch of the work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.8
Many excellent testimonials for the papers have been received from subscribers not of our faith; and as far as we have been able to learn, they are highly esteemed by all who have read and become acquainted with their excellent contents.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.9
As we for a time had no other paper than the health journal suitable to send to individuals not acquainted with our views, and found that nearly all to whom this was sent, had already subscribed for the health journal published in Norway, we realized the need of something more especially adapted to this work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.10
The new papers, Evangeliets Sendebud and Zions Vaktare, seem to meet the long-felt need of a periodical suitable for pioneer work among the Scandinavians; and we would extend our hearty thanks of appreciation to the editors for the labor bestowed to make the contents of the papers so interesting and suitable to their readers. It is evident that these papers will be a great help in carrying forward the missionary work already begun among the Scandinavians.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.11
The following is a summary of missionary work performed since April, 1890:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.12
Pages of books, pamphlets, and tracts sent | 63,473 |
Number of periodicals sent | 1,672 |
Number of letters written | 1,036 |
Following the above reports the president stated that the fact that all the inhabitants of the island of Pitcairn had accepted the Sabbath through the efforts of a layman was an evidence of what may be done in the islands of the Pacific.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.13
The good accomplished by the society in sending reading-matter to the Gold Coast shows what our literature can do even for the idolaters, as some of those converted there to present truth are native heathen.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.14
The work done by the society in the West Indies was for the purpose of testing what could be done by our reading-matter, accompanied by careful correspondence, before sending the living preacher. The good results seen from the labors of Elder Ball, accomplished in so short a time, fully shows what good may be done in this way. More than twenty have commenced to keep the Sabbath, since his short stay there, and most of these were interested before from reading the literature sent them by the society.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.15
We often are asked what our society is doing, and what we find or so may secretaries. The above reports will give an idea of the work. Truly the field is a large one. If we had means at our command, and more persons to do the work, far more could be done than we are able to do at present.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 62.16
The Committee on Revision of Constitution appointed at the last session of the society presented the following report which was adopted:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.1
Your committee appointed at the fourteenth annual session of this society to serve as a standing committee during the year to examine the constitution of the society and suggest such changes in it at the next annual session as they deemed necessary respectfully report as follows:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.2
1. We have given considerable thought to the subject and have gathered a large amount of information and many suggestions with reference to the question of the revision of our constitution from experienced tract society workers in different parts of the field.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.3
2. On account of the uncertainty as to what plans may be made at this session for the future work of the society, we have not deemed it advisable to submit any definite recommendations at the beginning of this session.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.4
For these reasons, we would ask to be discharged, and would recommend the appointment of a larger committee, to give careful thought to this subject during this session. We will place at the disposal of this committee, whatever information we have been able to gather as the results of our work during the year.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.5
L. C. CHADWICK, | ] | |
DAN. T. JONES, | ] | |
C. ELDRIDGE, | ] | Committee. |
L. DYO CHAMBERS, | ] | |
A. O. TAIT, | ] |
M. C. Wilcox offered the following motion which was referred to the Book Committee of the General Conference:-GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.6
Inasmuch as many of our denominational tracts were written long ago, and as some have been superceded by later publications, -GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.7
Therefore, I move that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair to examine the list published under the Sentinel and Bible Students’ Libraries, and those published by the Review and Herald, and report at this session of the International Tract Society, with reference to withdrawing, rewriting, or revising some of our tracts.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.8
Meeting adjourned.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.9
IN our study of the first and second chapters we have found that knowledge without God is foolishness and immorality, and that a high profession, or, as Paul states it, circumcision of the flesh profits nothing, where the thing which that sign was given to indicate - the righteousness of God by faith, the circumcision of the heart - is not present.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.10
Chap. 3:1-4. “What advantage then hath the Jew?” - “Chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.” Abraham was led out from amidst heathenism, from faith to faith, and his descendants were beloved for their father’s sake. To them God committed his truth. They failed to realize what the profit of being a Jew was, and rested confident in their high profession, with the thought that God must think more of them than any other people. God had given them the light that they might carry it to others. But filled with pride they did not do the work, and God bore with them generation after generation.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.11
During the captivity he revealed to Daniel that he would yet wait 490 years longer for his people to carry the light to the world. The carrying of the gospel to the Gentiles was a work which God all along the centuries had been working with the Jews to get them to perform, but they refused. Yet God cared for the Gentiles, and “left not himself without witness.” Do we not see a tendency among us as a people to boast of the light we have, and to feel that the Lord must have a special regard for us as a people? But he has given us the light only that we may carry it to others. If we boast of the light, but do not carry it to others, God will bear with us long, but finally some one else will take our place and do the work.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.12
God has sworn to Abraham, and his promises will be fulfilled, even though men do not believe. Verses 3 and 4. If none are found with the faith of Abraham, God is able of the stones to raise up children unto him. God is himself on trial before the universes, and Satan and evil men have always charged him with being unjust and arbitrary; but in the judgment all the universe will say, “Just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.13
Verses 9-18. All are in sin. There are no two ways of salvation. “The way of peace they have not known.” Here is the touch-stone, showing the difference between the true Jew and the Gentile. The children of faith will have this peace - the peace which Christ had - continually with them.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.14
Verse 19. “Under the law” is a mistranslation. It means in the law, or within its jurisdiction. By this law all the world becomes guilty; no man has any advantage over any other in the sight of the law.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.15
Verse 20. Some people feel apprehensive lest laying stress on such texts as this should discredit the law. But God who wrote the text, may be left to care for the honor of his own law. It is to the everlasting credit of the law that it cannot justify the transgressor. The law requires in man the perfect righteousness manifested in the life of Christ. No man ever lived as Christ lived - all are guilty. The perfection and majesty of the law leads sinners to cry out, “What shall we do?”GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.16
Sometimes the idea obtains that if Christ would only wipe out the record of the past, the individual might then get along very well. That was the trouble with the Jews. Romans 10:2, 3. There is not a man on earth who in himself can do one deed as pure and as free from selfishness as though Christ had done it. “Whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” A sermon not preached by faith is a sin to be repented of. Much missionary work has been done by us all, that is to be repented of.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 63.17
There never was a better man than Paul, as a man. If any man outside of Christ ever did a good deed, Paul did. Yet he had to count all things he had but loss, that he might win Christ. (Philippians 3:4-8.) The psalmist says that God withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly. If Paul, before he found Christ, had had something in his nature that was good, he might have taken these things along with him. But he counted all as loss.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.1
Verse 21. The law will witness in the judgment to the righteousness that the sinner receives without the law, testifying to its perfection. Only instead of getting the righteousness out of ourselves, where there is none, we go to the fountain-head.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.2
Verse 22. All men are on a level. We will be thankful that God is willing to save us as he saves others. The plan of salvation is one of giving and taking; giving on the part of God, and taking on the part of man. The pride of the heart resents this dependence upon God; but we are pensioners, beggars, miserable, and poor, and naked. The only thing for us to do is to buy the white raiment. This is offered without money and without price.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.3
The prophet rejoiced in the Lord, because God had clothed him with the garments of salvation, and covered him with the robe of righteousness. We are not to put on the robe ourselves. Let us trust God to do that. When the Lord puts it on, it is not as an outward garment merely; but he puts it right through a man, so that he is all righteousness.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.4
Sometimes we hear people talk as though we must ourselves put on a fairly presentable garment before we can ask for the white raiment. But it is the very need and helplessness of the beggar that recommends him to charity.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.5
“All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” All men stand on the same level, and the offer of mercy is to whosoever will come and partake of the water of life freely. We are “justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” Verse 24.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.6
THE Committee on Distribution of Labor will hold meetings on Tuesday, March 10, and Thursday, March 12, from 5-7 P. M.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.7
THE delegates from District No. 1 are requested to meet in the south vestry Wednesday, March 11, at 5 P. M.GCDB March 10, 1891, page 64.8