ALLITERATION, n. [L. ad and litera, a letter.]
The repetition of the same letter at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals; as f and g in the following line:NWAD ALLITERATION.2
Fields ever fresh, and groves forever green.NWAD ALLITERATION.3
ALLITERATIVE, a. Pertaining to, or consisting in, alliteration.
ALLOCATION, n. [L. ad and locatio, a placing, from locus, place. See Local.]
The act of putting one thing to another; hence its usual sense is the admission of an article of account, or an allowance made upon an account; a term used in the English Exchequer. [See Allow.]NWAD ALLOCATION.2
ALLOCHROITE, n. An amorphous, massive, opake mineral, of a grayish, yellowish or reddish color, found in Norway; considered as a variety of garnet. Its name is said to be given to it, as expressive of its changes of color before the blowpipe; Gr. other, and color.
ALLOCUTION, n. [L. allocutio, of ad and loquor, to speak. See Eloquence.]
1. The act or manner of speaking to, or of addressing in words.NWAD ALLOCUTION.2
2. An address; a formal address; as, of a General to his troops; a Roman term rarely used in English.NWAD ALLOCUTION.3
ALLODIAL, a. Pertaining to allodium; freehold; free of rent or service; held independence of a lord paramount; opposed to feudal.
ALLODIAN is sometimes used, but is not well authorized.
Freehold estate; land which is the absolute property of the owner; real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior. It is thus opposed to feud. In England, there is no allodial land, all land being held of the king; but in the United States, most lands are allodial.NWAD ALLODIUM.2
1. A pass with a sword; a thrust made by stepping forward and extending the arm; a term used in fencing, often contracted into lunge.NWAD ALLONGE.2
2. A long rein, when a horse is trotted in the hand.NWAD ALLONGE.3
ALLOO, v.t. or i. To incite dogs by a call.
[See the correct word, Halloo.]NWAD ALLOO.2
ALLOPHANE, n. [Gr. other and to appear.]
A mineral of a blue, and sometimes of a green or brown color, which occurs massive, or in imitative shapes. It gelatinizes in acids.NWAD ALLOPHANE.2
Allophane is a variety of clay, occurring in amorphous, botryoidal or reniform masses.NWAD ALLOPHANE.3
ALLOT, v.t. [of ad and lot; See Lot.]
1. To divide or distribute by lot.NWAD ALLOT.2
2. To distribute, or parcel out in parts or portions; or to distribute a share to each individual concerned.NWAD ALLOT.3
3. To grant, as a portion; to give, assign or appoint in general.NWAD ALLOT.4
Let every man be contented with that which providence allots to him.NWAD ALLOT.5
1. That which is allotted; a share, part, or portion granted or distributed; that which is assigned by lot, or by the act of God.NWAD ALLOTMENT.2
2. A part, portion or place appropriated.NWAD ALLOTMENT.3
In a field, there is an allotment for olives.NWAD ALLOTMENT.4
ALLOTTED, pp. Distributed by lot; granted; assigned.
ALLOTTERY is used by Shakespeare for allotment; but is not authorized by usage.
ALLOTTING, ppr. Distributing by lot giving as portions; assigning.
ALLOW, v.t. [L. loco, to lay, set, place. See Lay.]
1. To grant, give or yield; as, to allow a servant his liberty; to allow a pension.NWAD ALLOW.2
2. To admit; as, to allow the truth of a proposition; to allow a claim.NWAD ALLOW.3
3. To admit; to own or acknowledge; as, to allow the right of the President to displace officers.NWAD ALLOW.4
4. To approve, justify or sanction.NWAD ALLOW.5
Ye allow the deeds of your fathers. Luke 11:48; Romans 7:15.NWAD ALLOW.6
5. To afford, or grant as a compensation; as, to allow a dollar a day for wages.NWAD ALLOW.7
6. To abate or deduct; as, to allow a sum for tare or leakage.NWAD ALLOW.8
7. To permit; to grant license to; as, to allow a son to be absent.NWAD ALLOW.9
ALLOWABLE, a. That may be permitted as lawful, or admitted as true and proper; not forbid; not unlawful or improper; as, a certain degree of freedom is allowable among friends.
ALLOW-ABLENESS, n. The quality of being allowable; lawfulness; exemption from prohibition, or impropriety.
ALLOWABLY, adv. In an allowable manner; with propriety.
1. The act of allowing or admitting.NWAD ALLOWANCE.2
2. Permission; license; approbation; sanction; usually slight approbation.NWAD ALLOWANCE.3
3. Admission; assent to a fact or state of things; a granting.NWAD ALLOWANCE.4
4. Freedom from restraint; indulgence.NWAD ALLOWANCE.5
5. That which is allowed; a portion appointed; a stated quantity, as of food or drink; hence, in seamen’s language, a limited quantity of meat and drink, when provisions fall short.NWAD ALLOWANCE.6
6. Abatement; deduction; as, to make an allowance for the inexperience of youth.NWAD ALLOWANCE.7
7. Established character; reputation; as, a pilot of approved allowance. Obs.NWAD ALLOWANCE.8
ALLOWANCE, v.t. To put upon allowance; to restrain or limit to a certain quantity of provisions or drink.
Distress compelled the captain of the ship to allowance his crew.NWAD ALLOWANCE.10
ALLOWED, pp. Granted; permitted; assented to; admitted; approved; indulged; appointed; abated.
ALLOWING, ppr. Granting; permitting; admitting; approving; indulging; deducting.
ALLOY, v.t. [L. alligo, ad and ligo, to bind. Gr.]
1. To reduce the purity of a metal, by mixing with it a portion of one less valuable; as, to alloy gold with silver, or silver with copper.NWAD ALLOY.2
2. To mix metals.NWAD ALLOY.3
3. To reduce or abate by mixture; as, to alloy pleasure with misfortunes.NWAD ALLOY.4
1. A baser metal mixed with a finer.NWAD ALLOY.6
2. The mixture of different metals; any metallic compound; this is its common signification in chimistry.NWAD ALLOY.7
3. Evil mixed with good; as, no happiness is without alloy.NWAD ALLOY.8
1. The act of alloying metals or the mixture of a baser metal with a finer, to reduce its purity; the act of mixing metals.NWAD ALLOYAGE.2
2. The mixture of different metals.NWAD ALLOYAGE.3
ALLOYED, pp. Mixed; reduced in purity; debased; abated by foreign mixture.
ALLOYING, ppr. Mixing a baser metal with a finer, to reduce its purity; abating by foreign mixture.
ALLSPICE, [See under the compounds of all.]
ALLUDE, v.i. [L. alludo, to smile upon or make sport with of ad and ludo, to play.]
To refer to something not directly mentioned; to have reference; to hint at by remote suggestions; as, that story alludes to a recent transaction.NWAD ALLUDE.2
ALLUDING, ppr. Having reference; hinting at.
One who colors or paints upon paper or parchment, giving light and ornament to letters and figures.NWAD ALLUMINOR.2
This is now written limner.NWAD ALLUMINOR.3
To attempt to draw to; to tempt by the offer of some good, real or apparent; to invite by something flattering or acceptable; as, rewards allure men to brave danger. Sometimes used in a bad sense, to allure to evil; but in this sense entice is more common. In Hosea 2:14, allure is used in its genuine sense; 2 Peter 2:18, in the sense of entice.NWAD ALLURE.2
ALLURED, pp. Tempted; drawn, or invited, by something that appears desirable.
ALLUREMENT, n. That which allures; any real or apparent good held forth, or operating; as a motive to action; temptation; enticement; as, the allurements of pleasure, or of honor.
ALLURER, n. He, or that, which allures.
1. Drawing; tempting; inviting by some real or apparent good.NWAD ALLURING.2
2. a. Inviting; having the quality of attracting or tempting.NWAD ALLURING.3
ALLURINGLY, adv. In an alluring manner; enticingly.
ALLURINGNESS, n. The quality of alluring or tempting by the prospect of some good. [Rarely used.]
ALLUSION, n. alluzhun. [L. See Allude.]
A reference to something not explicitly mentioned; a hint; a suggestion, by which something is applied or understood to belong to that which is not mentioned, by means of some similitude which is perceived between them.NWAD ALLUSION.2
ALLUSIVE, a. Having reference to something not fully expressed.
ALLUSIVELY, adv. By way of allusion; by implication, remote suggestion or insinuation.
ALLUSIVENESS, n. The quality of being allusive. [Rarely used.]
ALLUVIAL, a. [See Alluvion.]
1. Pertaining to alluvion; added to land by the wash of water.NWAD ALLUVIAL.2
2. Washed ashore or down a stream; formed by a current of water; as, alluval ores; alluvial soil.NWAD ALLUVIAL.3
ALLUVION, ALLUVIUM, n. [L. alluvio, of ad and lavo or luo, alluo, to wash. See Lave.]
1. The insensible increase of earth on a shore, or bank of a river, by the force of water, as by a current or by waves. The owner of the land thus augmented has a right to the alluvial earth.NWAD ALLUVION.2
2. A gradual washing or carrying of earth or other substances to a shore or bank; the earth thus added.NWAD ALLUVION.3
3. The mass of substances collected by means of the action of water.NWAD ALLUVION.4
In this alluvium was found the entire skeleton of a whale.NWAD ALLUVION.5
ALLUVIOUS, a. The same as alluvial, and less frequently used.
ALLY, v.t. [L. ligo.]
1. To unite, or form a relation, as between families by marriage, or between princes and states by treaty, league or confederacy.NWAD ALLY.2
2. To form a relation by similitude, resemblance or friendship. Note. This word is more generally used in the passive form, as families are allied by blood; or reciprocally, as princes ally themselves to powerful states.NWAD ALLY.3
ALLY, n.
1. A prince or state united by treaty or league; a confederate.NWAD ALLY.5
The allies of Rome were slaves.NWAD ALLY.6
2. One related by marriage or other tie; but seldom applied to individuals, except to princes in their public capacity.NWAD ALLY.7
ALLYING, ppr. Uniting by marriage or treaty.
ALMACANTAR, n. [See Almucantar.]
ALMADIE, n. A bark canoe used by the Africans; also a long boat used at Calicut, in India, eighty feet long, and six or seven broad; called also cathuri.
A book or collection of problems in astronomy and geometry, drawn up by Ptolemy. The same title has been given to other works of the like kind.NWAD ALMAGEST.2
ALMAGRA, n. a fine deep red ocher, with an admixture of purple, very heavy, dense but friable, with a rough dusty surface. It is the sil atticum of the ancients. it is austere to the taste, astringent, melting in the mouth and staining the skin. it is used as a paint and as a medicine.
A small book or table, containing a calendar of days, weeks and months, with the times of the rising of the sun and moon, changes of the moon, eclipses, hours of full tide, stated festivals of churches, stated terms of courts, observations on the weather, etc. for the year ensuing. this calendar is sometimes published on one side of a single sheet, and called a sheet-almanack.NWAD ALMANACK.2
The Baltic nations formerly engraved their calendars on pieces of wood, on swords, helves of axes, and various other utensils, and especially on walking sticks. many of these are preserved in the cabinets of the curious. they are called by different nations, rimstocks, primstories, runstocks, runstaffs, clogs, etc.NWAD ALMANACK.3
The characters used are generally the Runic or Gothic.NWAD ALMANACK.4
ALMANDINE, n. In mineralogy, precious garnet, a beautiful mineral of a red color, of various shades, sometimes tinged with yellow or blue. It is commonly translucent, sometimes transparent. It occurs crystallized in the rhombic, dodecahedron.
ALME, ALMA, n. Girls in Egypt, whose occupation is to amuse company with singing and dancing.
ALMENA, n. A weight of two pounds, used to weigh saffron in several parts of Asia.
ALMIGHTINESS, n. Omnipotence; infinite or boundless power; an attribute of God only.
ALMIGHTY, a. [all and mighty. See Might.]
Possessing all power; omnipotent; being of unlimited might; being of boundless sufficiency; appropriately applied to the Supreme Being.NWAD ALMIGHTY.2
ALMIGHTY, n. The Omnipotent God.
1. The fruit of the almond tree; an ovate, compressed nut, perforated in the pores. It is either sweet or bitter. [It is popularly pronounced ammond.]NWAD ALMOND.2
2. The tonsils, two glands near the basis of the tongue, are called almonds, from their resemblance to that nut; vulgularly, but improperly, called the almonds of the ears, as they belong to the throat.NWAD ALMOND.3
3. In Portugal, a measure by which wine is sold, twenty-six of which make a pipe.NWAD ALMOND.4
[But in Portuguese it is written almude.]NWAD ALMOND.5
4. Among lapidaries, almonds signify pieces of rock crystal, used in adorning branch candlesticks, so called from their resemblance to this fruit.NWAD ALMOND.6
ALMOND-FURNACE, among refiners, is a furnace in which the slags of litharge, left in refining silver, are reduced to lead, by the help of charcoal; that is, according to modern chimistry, in which the oxyd of lead is deoxydized, and the metal revived.
ALMOND-TREE, n. The tree which produces the almond. The leaves and flowers resemble those of the peach, but the fruit is longer and more compressed, the green coat is thinner and drier when ripe, and the shell is not so rugged.
ALMOND-WILLOW, n. A tree with leaves of a light green on both sides.
ALMONER, n. [See Alms.]
An officer whose duty is to distribute charity or alms. By the ancient canons, every monastery was to dispose of a tenth of its income in alms to the poor, and all bishops were obliged to keep an almoner. This title is sometimes given to a chaplain; as, the almoner of a ship or regiment.NWAD ALMONER.2
The Lord Almoner, or Lord High Almoner, in England, is an ecclesiastical officer, generally a bishop, who has the forfeiture of al deodands, and the goods of self-murderers, which he is to distribute to the poor.NWAD ALMONER.3
The Grand Almoner, in France, is the first ecclesiastical dignitary, and has the superintendence of hospitals.NWAD ALMONER.4
ALMONRY, n. [Corrupted into ambry, aumbry, or aumery.]
The place where the almoner resides, or where the alms are distributed.NWAD ALMONRY.2
ALMOST, adv. [all and most.] Nearly; well nigh; for the greatest part.
Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Acts 26:28.NWAD ALMOST.2
ALMS, ‘amz. [Eng. almesse; L. eleemosyna; Gr. to pity.]
Any thing given gratuitously to relieve the poor, as money, food, or clothing, otherwise called charity.NWAD ALMS.2
A lame man was laid daily to ask an alms. Acts 3:2, 3.NWAD ALMS.3
Cornelius gave much alms to the people. Acts 10:2.NWAD ALMS.4
Tenure by free alms, or frank-almoign, in England, is that by which the possessor is bound to pray for the soul of the donor, whether dead or alive; a tenure by which most of the ancient monasteries and religious houses in England held their lands, as do the parochial clergy, and many ecclesiastical and eleemosynary establishments at this day. Land thus held was free from all rent or other service.NWAD ALMS.5
ALMS-BASKET, ALMS-BOX, ALMS-CHEST; vessels appropriated to receive alms.
ALMS-DEED, n. An act of charity; a charitable gift.
ALMS-FOLK, n. Persons supporting other by alms. [Not used.]
ALMS-GIVER, n. One who gives to the poor.
ALMS-GIVING, n. The bestowment of charity.
ALMS-HOUSE, n. A house appropriated for the use of the poor, who are supported by the public.
ALMS-MEN, ALMS-PEOPLE, n. Persons supported by charity or by public provision.
ALMUCANTAR, n. A series of circles of the sphere passing through the center of the sun, or of a star, parallel to the horizon. It is synonymous with a parallel of altitude, whose common zenith is the vertical point.
ALMUCANTAR’S STAFF. An instrument of box or pear-tree, having an arch of fifteen degrees, used to take observations of the sun, about the time of its rising or setting, to find the amplitude and the variations of the compass.
ALMUDE, n. A wine measure in Portugal, of which twenty-six make a pipe.
ALMUG, ALGUM, n. In scripture, a tree or wood about which the learned are not agreed. The most probably conjecture is that the word denotes gummy or resinous wood in general.
The Vulgate translates it ligna thyina, and the Septuagint, wrought-wood; others, ebony, bravil or pine, and the Rabbins render it coral. It was used for musical instruments, stair cases, etc.NWAD ALMUG.2
The thyinum is the citron tree, from Mauritania, much esteemed by the ancients for its fragrance and beauty. The almug, almugim, or algumin, or simply gummin is most probably a gummy wood, and perhaps may be the Shittim, often mentioned in Scripture. See 1 Kings 10:11.NWAD ALMUG.3
ALNAGE, n. [L. ulna; Gr. an arm, a cubit. See Ell.]
A measuring by the ell.NWAD ALNAGE.2
ALNAGER, ALNAGAR, n. A measurer by the ell; a sworn officer, whose duty was to inspect and measure woolen cloth and fix upon it a seal. This office was abolished by Statute, 11 and 12. Will. 3. No duty or office of this kind exists in the United States.
ALNIGHT, n. A cake of wax with the wick in the midst.
ALOE, n. al’o, plu. aloes, pronounced aloze, and popularly al’oez, in three syllables, according to the Latin. [L. aloe; Gr; Heb. plu aloe trees.]
In botany, a genus of monogynian hexanders, of many species; all natives of warm climates, and most of them, of the southern part of Africa.NWAD ALOE.2
Among the Mohammedans, the aloe is a symbolic plant, especially in Egypt; and every one who returns from a pilgrimage to Mecca, hangs it over his street door, as a token that he has performed the journey.NWAD ALOE.3
In Africa, the leaves of the Guinea aloe are made into durable ropes. Of one species are made fishing lines, bow strings, stockings and hammocs. The leaves of another species hole rain water.NWAD ALOE.4
ALOES, in medicine, is the inspissated juice of the aloe. The juice is collected from the leaves, which are cut and put in a tub, and when a large quantity is procured, it is boiled to a suitable consistence; or it is exposed to the sun, till all the fluid part is exhaled. There are several kinds sold in the shops; as the socotrine aloes from Socotora, an isle in the Indian ocean; the hepatic or common Barbadoes aloes; and the fetid or caballine aloes.
Aloes is a stimulating stomachic purgative; when taken in small doses, it is useful for people of a lax habit and sedentary life.NWAD ALOES.2
ALOES-WOOD, n. [See Agallochum.]
ALOETIC, ALOETICAL, a. Pertaining to aloe or aloes; partaking of the qualities of aloes.
ALOETIC, n. A medicine consisting chiefly of aloes.
ALOFT, adv. [a and loft. See Loft and Luff.]
1. On high; in the air; high above the ground; as, the eagle soars aloft.NWAD ALOFT.2
2. In seamen’s language, in the top; at the mast head; or on the higher yards or rigging. Hence on the upper part, as of a building.NWAD ALOFT.3
ALOGIANS, n. [Gr. a neg. and word.]
In church history, a sect of ancient heretics, who denied Jesus Christ to be the Logos and consequently rejected the gospel of St. John.NWAD ALOGIANS.2
ALOGOTROPHY, n. [Gr. unreasonable and nutrition.]
A disproportionate nutrition of the parts of the body, as when one part receives more or less nourishment and growth than another.NWAD ALOGOTROPHY.2
ALOGY, n. [Gr.] Unreasonableness; absurdity. Obs.
ALONE, a. [all and one.]
1. Single; solitary; without the presence of another; applied to a person or thing.NWAD ALONE.2
It is not good that man should be alone. Genesis 2:18.NWAD ALONE.3
[This adjective follows its noun.]NWAD ALONE.4
2. It is applied to two or more persons or things, when separate from others, in a place or condition by themselves; without company.NWAD ALONE.5
And when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples. Mark 4:34.NWAD ALONE.6
3. Only.NWAD ALONE.7
Thou whose name alone is Jehovah. Psalm 83:18.NWAD ALONE.8
This sense at first appears to be adverbial, but really is not; whose name single, solitary, without another, is Jehovah.NWAD ALONE.9
To let alone is to suffer to rest; to forbear molesting or meddling with; to suffer to remain in its present state. Alone, in this phrase, is an adjective, the word to which it refers being omitted; let me alone; let them alone; let it alone; that is, suffer it to be unmolested, or to remain as it is, or let it remain by itself.NWAD ALONE.10
ALONE, adv. Separately; by itself.
ALONELY, a. or adv. Only; merely; singly. [Not used.]
ALONENESS, n. That state which belong to no other. [Not used.]
ALONG, adv. [See Long.]
1. By the length; lengthwise; in a line with the length; as, the troops marched along the bank of the river, or along the highway. 1 Samuel 6:12.NWAD ALONG.2
2. Onward; in a line, or with a progressive motion; as, a meteor glides along the sky; let us walk along.NWAD ALONG.3
All along signifies the whole length; through the whole distance; in the whole way or length.NWAD ALONG.4
Ishmael went forth, weeping all along as he went. Jeremiah 41:6; 1 Samuel 28:20.NWAD ALONG.5
Along with signifies in company; joined with; as, Go along with us. Sometimes with is omitted;NWAD ALONG.6
Come then, my friend, my genius, come along.NWAD ALONG.7
Along side, in seamen’s language, that is, by the length or in a line with the side, signifies side by side, as by another ship or by the side of a wharf.NWAD ALONG.8
Along shore is by the shore or coast, lengthwise, and near the shore.NWAD ALONG.9
Lying along is lying on the side, or pressed down by the weight of sail.NWAD ALONG.10
ALONGST, adv. Along; through or by the length. Obs.
ALOOF, adv. [Probably from the root of leave, to depart.]
1. At a distance, but within view, or at a small distance, in a literal sense; as, to stand aloof.NWAD ALOOF.2
2. In a figurative sense, not concerned in a design; declining to take any share, implying circumspection; keeping at a distance from the point, or matter in debate.NWAD ALOOF.3
ALOPECY, n. [Gr. a fox, whose urine is said to occasion baldness.]
A disease, called the fox-evil or scurf, which is a falling off of the hair, from any part of the body.NWAD ALOPECY.2
ALOSA, n. A fish of passage, called the shad, or other of herrings, a species of Clupea. It is an abdominal, and some naturalists allege it to be a different species from the shad.
ALOUD, adv. [a and loud; See Loud.]
Loudly; with a loud voice, or great noise.NWAD ALOUD.2
Cry aloud, spare not. Isaiah 58:1.NWAD ALOUD.3
ALP, ALPS, n. [Gr. white; L. albus.]
A high mountain. The name, it is supposed, was originally given to mountains whose tops were covered with snow, and hence appropriately applied to the mountains of Swisserland; so that by Alps is generally understood the latter mountains. But geographers apply the name to any high mountains.NWAD ALP.2
ALPAGNA, n. An animal of Peru, used as a beast of burden; the Camelus Paco of Linne, and the Pacos of Pennant.
ALPHA, n. [Heb. an ox, a leader.]
The first letter in the Greek alphabet, answering to A, and used to denote first or beginning.NWAD ALPHA.2
I am Alpha and Omega. Revelation 1:8, 11.NWAD ALPHA.3
As a numeral, it stands for one. It was formerly used also to denote chief; as, Plato was the Alpha of the wits.NWAD ALPHA.4
The letters of a language arranged in the customary order; the series of letters which form the elements of speech.NWAD ALPHABET.2
ALPHABET, v.t. To arrange in the order of an alphabet; to form an alphabet in a book, or designate the leaves by the letters of the alphabet.