CARICOGRAPHY, n. A description of the plants of the genus Carex or sedge.
CARICOUS, a. Resembling a fig an epithet given to tumors that resemble a fig, such as occur often in the piles.
CARIES, n. The corruption or mortification of a bone; an ulcerated bone.
CARILLON, n. A little bell. Also, a simple air in music, adapted to the performance of small bells or clocks. [See Carol.]
CARINATE, CARINATED, a. In botany, shaped like the keel of a ship; having a longitudinal prominency on the back like a keel; applied to a calyx, leaf or nectary.
CARINTHIN, n. A mineral from Carinthia, regarded as a variety of hornblend.
CARIOSITY, n. [See Caries.] Mortification, or ulceration of a bone.
CARIOUS, a. Mortified; corrupted; ulcerated; as a bone.
CARK, n. Care; anxiety; concern; solicitude; distress.
CARK, v.i. To be careful, anxious, solicitous, concerned.
CARKING, pp. Distressing; perplexing; giving anxiety.
1. A rude, rustic, rough, brutal man.NWAD CARLE.2
2. A kind of hemp.NWAD CARLE.3
CARLE, v.i. To act like a churl.
CARLINE, CAROLINE, n. A silver coin in Naples.
CARLINE, CARLING, n. A piece of timber in a ship, ranging fore and aft, from one deck beam to another, directly over the keel, serving as a foundation for the body of the ship. On these rest the ledges, on which the planks of the deck are made fast.
Carline-knees are timbers in a ship, lying across from the sides to the hatchway, and serving to sustain the deck.NWAD CARLINE.3
CARLINE-THISTLE, n. A genus of plants growing in the south of France, and one a native of Great Britain.
CARLOCK, n. A sort of isinglass from Russia, made of the sturgeons bladder, and used in clarifying wine.
CARLOT, n. A countryman. [See Carle.]
CARLOVINGIAN, a. Pertaining to Charlemagne; as the Carlovingian race of kings.
CARMAN, n. [car and man.] A man whose employment is to drive a cart, or to convey goods and other things in a cart.
CARMELIN, CARMELITE, a. Belonging to the order of Carmelites.
CARMELITE, n. [from Mount Carmel.]
1. A mendicant friar. The Carmelites have four tribes, and they have now thirty-eight provinces, besides the congregation in Mantua, in which are fifty-four monasteries, under a vicar general, and the congregations of barefooted Carmelites in Italy and Spain. They wear a scapulary, or small woolen habit, of a brown color, thrown over the shoulders.NWAD CARMELITE.2
2. A sort of pear.NWAD CARMELITE.3
CARMINATIVE, n. A medicine, which tends to expel wind, or to remedy colic and flatulencies.
CARMINE, n. A powder or pigment, of a beautiful red or crimson color, bordering on purple, and used by painters in miniature, though rarely, on account of its great price. It is prepared by dissolving cochineal in an alkaline lye, and precipitating it by alum.
1. Literally, flesh, or heaps of flesh, as in shambles.NWAD CARNAGE.2
2. Slaughter; great destruction of men; havock; massacre.NWAD CARNAGE.3
1. Pertaining to flesh; fleshly; sensual; opposed to spiritual; as carnal pleasure.NWAD CARNAL.2
2. Being in the natural state; unregenerate.NWAD CARNAL.3
The carnal mind is enmity against God. Romans 8:7.NWAD CARNAL.4
3. Pertaining to the ceremonial law; as carnal ordinances. Hebrews 9:10.NWAD CARNAL.5
4. Lecherous; lustful; libidinous; given to sensual indulgence.NWAD CARNAL.6
Carnal-knowledge, sexual intercourse.NWAD CARNAL.7
CARNALIST, n. One given to the indulgence of sensual appetites.
CARNALITE, n. A worldly-minded man.
1. Fleshly lust, or desires, or the indulgence of those lusts; sensuality.NWAD CARNALITY.2
2. Grossness of mind or desire; love of sensual pleasures.NWAD CARNALITY.3
CARNALIZE, v.t. To make carnal; to debase to carnality.
CARNALLY, adv. In a carnal manner; according to the flesh; in a manner to gratify the flesh or sensual desire. Leviticus 18:20; Romans 8:6.
1. Flesh color; the parts of a picture which are naked, or without drapery, exhibiting the natural color of the flesh.NWAD CARNATION.2
2. A genus of plants, Dianthus, so named from the color of the flower. Among these are the clove-gilliflower, sweet-william, Indian pink, etc.NWAD CARNATION.3
CARNATIONED, a. Made like carnation color.
CARNELIAN, n. A siliceous stone, a variety of chalcedony, of a deep red, flesh-red, or reddish white color. It is tolerably hard, capable of a good polish, and used for seals.
Carnel-work, in ship building, is the putting together the timbers, beams and planks, as distinguished from clinch-work.NWAD CARNELIAN.2
CARNEOUS, a. Fleshy; having the qualities of flesh.
CARNEY, n. A disease of horses, in which the mouth is so furred that they cannot eat.
CARNIFY, v.i. To form flesh; to receive flesh in growth.
CARNIVAL, CARNAVAL, n. The feast or season of rejoicing, before Lent, observed, in Catholic countries, with great solemnity, by feasts, balls, operas, concerts, etc.
CARNIVORACITY, n. Greediness of appetite for flesh.
CARNIVOROUS, a. Eating or feeding on flesh; an epithet applied to animals which naturally seek flesh for food, as the lion, tiger, dog, wolf, etc.
CARNOSITY, n. A little fleshy excrescence in the urethra, the neck of the bladder, etc.
CARNOUS, a. Fleshy. [See Carneous.]
CAROB, n. The carob-tree, Ceratonia siliqua, a native of Spain, Italy, and the Levant. It is an evergreen, growing in hedges, and producing long, flat, brown-colored pods, filled with a mealy, succulent pulp, of a sweetish taste. In times of scarcity, these pods are eaten by poor people, but they are apt to cause griping and lax bowels.
CAROCHE, n. A carriage of pleasure.
CAROCHED, a. Placed in a caroche.
CAROL, n. A song of joy and exultation; a song of devotion; or a song in general.
CAROL, v.i. To sing; to warble; to sing in joy or festivity.
CAROL, v.t. To praise or celebrate in song.
CAROLINA, n. The name of two of the Atlantic States in North America, called North Carolina and South Carolina.
CAROLING, n. A song of praise or devotion.
CAROLINIAN, a. Pertaining to Carolina.
CAROLINIAN, n. A native or inhabitant of Carolina.
CAROMEL, n. The smell exhaled by sugar, at a calcining heat.
CAROTID, a. The carotid arteries, in the body, are two arteries, the right and left, which convey the blood from the aorta to the head and brain. The ancients supposed drowsiness to be seated in these arteries.
CAROUSAL, n. s as z. [See Carouse.] A feast or festival.
But in America it signifies a noisy drinking bout, or reveling.NWAD CAROUSAL.2
CAROUSE, v.i. carouz. To drink hard; to guzzle. In the United States, it signifies also to be noisy, as bacchanalians.
CAROUSE, n. A drinking match; a hearty drink or full draught of liquor; a noisy drinking match.
CAROUSER, n. A drinker; a toper; a noisy reveler, or bacchanalian.
CAROUSING, ppr. Drinking hard; reveling.
CARP, v.i. Literally, to snap or catch at, or to pick. Hence, to censure, cavil, or find fault, particularly without reason, or petulantly; followed by at.
No, not a tooth or nail to scratchNWAD CARP.2
And at my actions carp and catch. Herbert.NWAD CARP.3
CARP, n. A fish, a species of cyprinus, an excellent fish for ponds. These fishes breed rapidly, grow to a large size, and live to a great age.
CARPAL, a. Pertaining to the wrist.
CARPATHIAN, a. Pertaining to the Carpates, a range of mountains between Poland, Hungary and Transylvania.
CARPENTER, n. An artificer who works in timber; a framer and builder of houses, and of ships. Those who build houses are called house-carpenters, and those who build ships are called ship-carpenters.
In New England, a distinction is often made between the man who frames, and the man who executes the interior wood-work of a house. The framer is the carpenter, and the finisher is called joiner. This distinction is noticed by Johnson, and seems to be a genuine English distinction. But in some other parts of America, as in New-York, the term carpenter includes both the framer and the joiner; and in truth both branches of business are often performed by the same person. The word is never applied, as in Italy and Spain, to a coach-maker.NWAD CARPENTER.2
CARPENTRY, n. The art of cutting, framing, and joining timber, in the construction of buildings; divided into house-carpentry and ship-carpentry.
CARPER, n. One who carps; a caviler.
1. A covering for floors, tables, stairs, etc. This covering is usually made of wool, wrought with a needle, or more generally in a loom, but is sometimes made of other materials. The manufacture is of Asiatic origin, but has been introduced into many parts of Europe, and into the United States.NWAD CARPET.2
2. Level ground covered, as with grass; as a grassy carpet; a carpet of green grass.NWAD CARPET.3
To be on the carpet, is to be under consideration; to be the subject of deliberation. The French phrase, to be on the tapis, is used in the like sense.NWAD CARPET.4
Carpet-knight, in Shakespeare, is a knight who enjoys ease and security, or luxury, and has not known the hardships of the field.NWAD CARPET.5
Carpet-monger is used in a like sense.NWAD CARPET.6
CARPET, v.t. To cover with a carpet; to spread with carpets.
CARPETED, pp. Covered with a carpet.
CARPETING, n. Cloth for carpets; carpets in general.
CARPET-WALK, n. A walk on smooth turf.
CARPING, ppr. Caviling; captious; censorious.
CARPING, n. The act of caviling; a cavil; unreasonable censure.
CARPINGLY, adv. Captiously; in a carping manner.
CARPMEALS, n. A kind of coarse cloth made in the North of England.
CARPOLITE, n. Petrified fruits, of which the most remarkable are nuts converted into silex.
CARPOLOGIST, n. One who describes fruits.
CARPOLOGY, n. A description of fruits.
CARPUS, n. The wrist, but not an English word.
CARRAWAY, n. A kind of apple.
CARRIABLE, a. That may be carried.
1. The act of carrying, bearing, transporting, or conveying; as the carriage of sounds.NWAD CARRIAGE.2
2. The act of taking by an enemy; conquest; acquisition.NWAD CARRIAGE.3
3. That which carries, especially on wheels; a vehicle. This is a general term for a coach, chariot, chaise, gig, sulkey, or other vehicle on wheels, as a cannon-carriage on trucks, a block-carriage for mortars, and a truck-carriage. Appropriately the word is applied to a coach; and carts and wagons are rarely or never called carriages.NWAD CARRIAGE.4
4. The price or expense of carrying.NWAD CARRIAGE.5
5. That which is carried; burden; as baggage, vessels, furniture, etc.NWAD CARRIAGE.6
And David left his carriage in the hands of the keeper of the carriage. 1 Samuel 17:22.NWAD CARRIAGE.7
6. In a moral sense, the manner of carrying ones self; behavior; conduct; deportment; personal manners.NWAD CARRIAGE.8
7. Measures; practices; management.NWAD CARRIAGE.9
1. One who carries; that which carries or conveys; also, a messenger.NWAD CARRICK-BEND.2
2. One who is employed to carry goods for others for a reward; also, one whose occupation is to carry goods for others, called a common carrier; a porter.NWAD CARRICK-BEND.3
3. A pigeon that conveys letters from place to place, the letters being tied to the neck.NWAD CARRICK-BEND.4
1. The dead and putrefying body or flesh of animals; flesh so corrupted as to be unfit for food.NWAD CARRION.2
2. A worthless woman; a term of reproach.NWAD CARRION.3
CARRION, a. Relating to dead and putrefying carcasses; feeding on carrion, as a carrion-crow.
CARRONADE, n. A short piece of ordnance, having a large caliber, and a chamber for the powder, like a mortar. This species of cannon is carried on the upper works of ships, as the poop and forecastle, and is very useful in close engagements.
1. In London, a rent received for the privilege of driving a cart.NWAD CARROON.2
2. A species of cherry.NWAD CARROON.3
CARROT, n. An esculent root, of the genus Daucus, cultivated for the table and for cattle.
CARROTY, a. Like a carrot in color; an epithet given to red hair.
CARROWS, n. In Ireland, people who wander about and get their living by cards and dice; strolling gamesters.
1. To bear, convey, or transport, by sustaining and moving the thing carried, either by bodily strength, upon a beast, in a vehicle, or in any kind of water-craft. In general, it implies a moving from the speaker or the place present or near, to a place more distant, and so is opposed to bring and fetch, and it is often followed by from, away, off, out.NWAD CARRY.2
He shall carry the lambs in his bosom. Isaiah 40:11.NWAD CARRY.3
When he dieth, he shall carry nothing away. Psalm 49:17.NWAD CARRY.4
2. To convey; as sound is carried in the air.NWAD CARRY.5
3. To effect; to accomplish; to prevail; to gain the object; as, to carry a point, measure, or resolution; to carry a prize; to carry a fortified town by force of arms; sometimes followed by it.NWAD CARRY.6
Whose wills will carry it over the rest.NWAD CARRY.7
4. To bear out; to face through.NWAD CARRY.8
If a man carries it off, there is so much money saved.NWAD CARRY.9
5. To urge, impel, lead or draw, noting moral impulse.NWAD CARRY.10
Pride or passion will carry a man to great lengths.NWAD CARRY.11
Men are carried away with imaginary prospects. See Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9.NWAD CARRY.12
6. To bear; to have.NWAD CARRY.13
In some vegetables, we see something that carries a kind of analogy to sense.NWAD CARRY.14
7. To bear; to show, display or exhibit to view.NWAD CARRY.15
The aspect of every one in the family carries satisfaction.NWAD CARRY.16
8. To imply or import.NWAD CARRY.17
To quit former tenets carries an imputation of ignorance.NWAD CARRY.18
9. To contain or comprise.NWAD CARRY.19
He thought it carried something of argument in it, to prove that doctrine.NWAD CARRY.20
10. To extend or continue in time, as to carry a historical account to the first ages of the world; but usually with a particle, as to carry up or carry back, to carry forward.NWAD CARRY.21
11. To extend in space, as to carry a line or a boundary; or in a moral sense, as to carry ideas very far.NWAD CARRY.22
12. To support or sustain.NWAD CARRY.23
Carry camomile on sticks.NWAD CARRY.24
13. To bear or produce, as trees.NWAD CARRY.25
Set them a reasonable depth, and they will carry more shoots upon the stem.NWAD CARRY.26
14. To manage or transact, usually with on; as, to carry on business.NWAD CARRY.27
15. To carry ones self, to behave, conduct or demean.NWAD CARRY.28
He carried himself insolently. Sometimes with it; as, he carried it high.NWAD CARRY.29
16. To remove, lead or drive.NWAD CARRY.30
And he carried away all his cattle. Genesis 31:18.NWAD CARRY.31
17. To remove; to cause to go.NWAD CARRY.32
And the king of Assyria did carry away Israel to Assyria. 2 Kings 18:11.NWAD CARRY.33
18. To transport; to affect with extraordinary impressions on the mind. Revelation 17:3.NWAD CARRY.34
19. To fetch and bring.NWAD CARRY.35
Young whelps learn easily to carry.NWAD CARRY.36
20. To transfer; as, to carry an account to the ledger.NWAD CARRY.37
War was to be diverted from Greece by being carried into Asia.NWAD CARRY.38
To carry coals, to bear injuries.NWAD CARRY.39
To carry off, to remove to a distance; also, to kill, as to be carried off by sickness.NWAD CARRY.40
To carry on,NWAD CARRY.41
1. to promote, advance, or help forward; to continue; as, to carry on a design; to carry on the administration of grace.NWAD CARRY.42
2. To manage or prosecute; as, to carry on husbandry.NWAD CARRY.43
3. To prosecute, continue or pursue; as, to carry on trade or war.NWAD CARRY.44
To carry through, to support to the end; to sustain or keep from failing, or being subdued.NWAD CARRY.45
Grace will carry a man through all difficulties. Hammond.NWAD CARRY.46
To carry out, to bear from within; also, to sustain to the end; to continue to the end.NWAD CARRY.47
To carry away, in seamanship, is to break; to carry sail till a spar breaks; as, to carry away a fore-topmast.NWAD CARRY.48
CARRY, v.i.
1. To run on rotten ground, or on frost, which sticks to the feet, as a hare.NWAD CARRY.50
2. To bear the head in a particular manner, as a horse. When a horse holds his head high, with an arching neck, he is said to carry well. When he lowers his head too much, he is said to carry low.NWAD CARRY.51
3. To convey; to propel; as, a gun or mortar carries well; but this is elliptical.NWAD CARRY.52
CARRYING, ppr. Bearing, conveying, removing, etc.
CARRYING, n. A bearing, conveying, removing, transporting.
Carrying trade, the trade which consists in the transportation of goods by water from country to country, or place to place.NWAD CARRYING.3
We are rivals with them in navigation and the carrying trade. Federalist, Jay.NWAD CARRYING.4
Carrying wind, among horsemen, is a tossing of the nose, as high as the horses ears.NWAD CARRYING.5
1. A carriage with two wheels, fitted to be drawn by one horse, or by a yoke of oxen, and used in husbandry or commercial cities for carrying heavy commodities. In Great Britain, carts are usually drawn by horses. In America, horse-carts are used mostly in cities, and ox-carts in the country.NWAD CART.2
2. A carriage in general.NWAD CART.3
CART, v.t.
1. To carry or convey on a cart; as, to cart hay.NWAD CART.5
2. To expose in a cart, by way of punishment.NWAD CART.6
CARTAGE, n. The act of carrying in a cart, or the price paid for carting.
CART-BOTE, n. In English law, wood to which a tenant is entitled for making and repairing carts and other instruments of husbandry.
CARTED, pp. Borne or exposed in a cart.
CART-HORSE, n. A horse that draws a cart.
CARTING, ppr. Conveying or exposing in a cart.
CARTING, n. The act of carrying in a cart.
CART-JADE, n. A sorry horse; a horse used in drawing, or fit only for the cart.
CART-LOAD, n. A load borne on a cart; as much as is usually carried at once on a cart, or as is sufficient to load it.
CART-ROPE, n. A rope for binding hay, or other articles on a cart.
CART-RUT, n. The cut or track of a cartwheel. [See Rut.]
CART-TIRE, n. The tire, or iron bands, used to bind the wheels of a cart.
CART-WAY, n. A way that is or may be passed with carts, or other wheel carriages.
CART-WHEEL, n. The wheel of a cart.
CART-WRIGHT, n. An artificer who makes carts.
Carte-blanche. A blank paper, signed at the bottom with a persons name, and sometimes sealed with his seal, given to another person with permission to superscribe what conditions he pleases.NWAD CART-WRIGHT.2