COEXTEND, v.i. To extend through the same space or duration with another; to extend equally; as, one line coextends with another; or perhaps in a transitive sense, to coextend a line with another.
COEXTENDED, pp. Being equally extended.
COEXTENDING, ppr. Extending through the same space or duration with another.
COEXTENSION, n. The act of extending equally, or the state of being equally extended.
COEXTENSIVE, a. Equally extensive; having equal extent.
COEXTENSIVENESS, n. Equal extension or extent.
1. The berry of a tree belonging to the genus Coffea, growing in Arabia, Persia, and in other warm climates of Asia and America. It will grow to the highth of 16 or 18 feet, but its growth is generally stinted to five feet, for the convenience of gathering the fruit. The stem is upright, and covered with a light brown bark; the branches are horizontal and opposite, crossing each other at every joint, and forming a sort of pyramid. The flowers grow in clusters at the root of the leaves, and close to the branches; they are of a pure white and of an agreeable odor. The fruit which is a berry, grows in clusters, along the branches, under the axils of the leaves.NWAD COFFEE.2
2. A drink made from the berry of the coffee-tree, by decoction. The berry is first roasted, and then ground in a mill, and boiled. The use of it is said to have been introduced into France by Thevenot, the traveler, and into England, in 1652, by a Greek servant, called Pasqua. The best coffee is said to be the Mocha coffee from Arabia Felix. The coffee of Java, Bourbon and the West Indies constitutes an important article of commerce.NWAD COFFEE.3
COFFEE-CUP, n. A cup from which coffee is drank.
1. A house of entertainment, where guests are supplied with coffee and other refreshments, and where men meet for conversation.NWAD COFFEE-HOUSE.2
2. A house of entertainment; an inn; which in some cities is also an exchange where merchants meet to transact business.NWAD COFFEE-HOUSE.3
COFFEE-MAN, n. One who keeps a coffee-house.
COFFEE-POT, n. A covered pot in which coffee is boiled, or in which it is brought upon the table for drinking.
1. A chest or trunk; and as a chest is customarily used for keeping money, hence,NWAD COFFER.2
2. A chest of money; a treasure.NWAD COFFER.3
3. In architecture, a square depression or sinking in each interval between the modillions of the Corinthian cornice, ordinarily filled with a rose, a pomegranate or other enrichment.NWAD COFFER.4
4. In fortification, a hollow lodgment across a dry moat, from 6 to 7 feet deep and from 16 to 18 broad; the upper part made of pieces of timber, raised two feet above the level of the moat; which little elevation has hurdles laden with earth for its covering, and serves as a parapet with embrasures. It is raised by the besieged to repulse besiegers when they endeavor to pass the ditch.NWAD COFFER.5
COFFERED, pp. Laid up in a coffer.
COFFERER, n. The Cofferer of the kings household in Great Britain, a principal officer of the court, next under the Controller. He was also a white-staff officer, and a member of the privy council. He had the special charge and oversight of the other officers of the household. This office is now suppressed, and the business is transacted by the lord steward and paymaster of the household.
1. The chest or box in which a dead human body is buried, or deposited in a vault.NWAD COFFIN.2
2. A mold of paste for a pie.NWAD COFFIN.3
3. A paper case, in the form of a cone, used by grocers.NWAD COFFIN.4
4. In farriery, the hollow part of a horses hoof; or the whole hoof above the coronet, including the coffin-bone, which is a small spungy bone in the midst of the hoof, and possessing the whole form of the hoof.NWAD COFFIN.5
COFFIN, v.t. To put in or inclose in a coffin.
COFFINED, pp. Inclosed in a coffin.
COFFIN-MAKER, n. One who makes, or whose occupation is to make coffins.
COFOUNDER, n. A joint founder.
1. To flatter; to wheedle; to seduce or draw from, by adulation or artifice.NWAD COG.2
2. To obtrude or thrust in, by falsehood or deception; as, to cog in a word to serve a purpose.NWAD COG.3
To cog a die, to secure it so as to direct its fall; to falsify; to cheat in playing dice.NWAD COG.4
COG, v.i.
1. To deceive; to cheat; to lie.NWAD COG.6
2. To wheedle.NWAD COG.7
COG, n. The tooth of a wheel, by which it drives another wheel or body.
COG, v.t. To fix a cog; to furnish with cogs.
COG, COGGLE, n. A boat; a fishing boat. [See Cock.]
COGENCY, n. Force; strength; power of compelling; literally, urgency, or driving. It is used chiefly of moral subjects, and in relation to force or pressure on the mid; as the cogency of motives or arguments.
COGENT, a. [See Cogency.]
1. Forcible, in a physical sense; as the cogent force of nature.NWAD COGENT.2
2. Urgent; pressing on the mind; forcible; powerful; not easily resisted; as a cogent reason, or argument.NWAD COGENT.3
The harmony of the universe furnishes cogent proofs of a deity.NWAD COGENT.4
COGENTLY, adv. With urgent force; with powerful impulse; forcibly.
COGGED, pp. Flattered; deceived; cheated; thrust in deceitfully; falsified; furnished with cogs.
COGGER, n. A flatterer, or deceiver.
COGGERY, n. Trick; falsehood.
COGGING, ppr. Wheedling; deceiving; cheating; inserting deceitfully; fixing cogs.
COGGING, n. Cheat; deception; fallacy.
COGITABLE, a. [See Cogitate.] That may be thought on; that may be meditated on.
COGITATE, v.i. To think; to meditate.
1. The act of thinking; thought; meditation; contemplation.NWAD COGITATION.2
2. Thought directed to an object; purpose.NWAD COGITATION.3
1. Thinking; having the power of thinking, or meditating; as a cogitative substance.NWAD COGITATIVE.2
2. Given to thought, or contemplation.NWAD COGITATIVE.3
1. Allied by blood; kindred by birth.NWAD COGNATE.2
2. Related in origin; proceeding from the same stock; of the same family; as a cognate dialect.NWAD COGNATE.3
3. Allied in the manner of formation or utterance; uttered by the same organs; as a cognate letter or round.NWAD COGNATE.4
1. In the civil law, kindred or natural relation between males and females, both descended from the same father; as agnation is the relation between males only descended from the same stock.NWAD COGNATION.2
2. Kindred; relation by descent from the same original.NWAD COGNATION.3
Pride and hardheartedness are of near cognation to ingratitude.NWAD COGNATION.4
3. Relation; participation of the same nature.NWAD COGNATION.5
COGNITION, n. Knowledge or certain knowledge, as from personal view or experience.
COGNITIVE, a. Knowing, or apprehending by the understanding; as cognitive power.
1. That falls or may fall under judicial notice; that may be heard, tried, and determined; as, a cause or action in cognizable before the circuit court.NWAD COGNIZABLE.2
These wrongs are cognizable by the ecclesiastical courts.NWAD COGNIZABLE.3
2. That falls or may fall under notice or observation; that may be known, perceived or apprehended.NWAD COGNIZABLE.4
The cause of many phenomena is not cognizable by the senses.NWAD COGNIZABLE.5
1. Judicial notice or knowledge; the hearing, trying and determining of a cause or action in court.NWAD COGNIZANCE.2
The court of kings bench takes cognizance of civil and criminal causes.NWAD COGNIZANCE.3
In the United States, the district courts have cognizance of maritime causes.NWAD COGNIZANCE.4
2. Jurisdiction, or right to try and determine causes.NWAD COGNIZANCE.5
The court of kings bench has original jurisdiction and cognizance of all actions of trespass vi et armis.NWAD COGNIZANCE.6
3. In law, an acknowledgment or confession; as in fines, the acknowledgment of the cognizor or deforciant, that the right to the land in question is in the plaintiff or cognizee, by gift or otherwise; in replevin, the acknowledgment of the defendant, that he took the goods, but alledging that he did it legally as the bailiff of another person who had a right to distrain.NWAD COGNIZANCE.7
4. A badge on the sleeve of a waterman or servant, by which he is known to belong to this or that nobleman or gentleman.NWAD COGNIZANCE.8
5. Knowledge or notice; perception; observation; as the cognizance of the senses.NWAD COGNIZANCE.9
6. Knowledge by recollection.NWAD COGNIZANCE.10
COGNIZEE, n. In law, one to whom a fine is acknowledged, or the plaintiff in an action for the assurance of land by fine.
COGNIZOR, n. One who acknowledges the right of the plaintiff or cognizee, in a fine; otherwise called the defendant or deforciant.
1. Pertaining to a surname.NWAD COGNOMINAL.2
2. Having the same name.NWAD COGNOMINAL.3
COGNOMINATION, n. A surname; the name of a family; a name given from any accident or quality; as Alexander the Great.
COGNOSCENCE, n. [See Cognition.] Knowledge; the act or state of knowing.
COGNOSCIBLE, a. That may be known.
COGNOSCITIVE, a. Having the power of knowing.
COGUAR, n. A carnivorous quadruped of America.
1. To dwell with; to inhabit or reside in company, or in the same place, or country.NWAD COHABIT.2
2. To dwell or live together as husband and wife; usually or often applied to persons not legally married.NWAD COHABIT.3
COHABITANT, n. One who dwells with another or in the same place.
1. The act or state of dwelling together or in the same place with another.NWAD COHABITATION.2
2. The state of living together as man and wife, without being legally married.NWAD COHABITATION.3
COHEIR, n. A joint heir; one who succeeds to a share of an inheritance, which is to be divided among two or more.
COHEIRESS, n. A female who inherits a share of an estate, which is to be divided among two or more heirs or heiresses; a joint heiress.
1. To stick together; to cleave; to be united; to hold fast, as parts of the same mass, or as two substances that attract each other. Thus, particles of clay cohere; polished surfaces of bodies cohere.NWAD COHERE.2
2. To be well connected; to follow regularly in the natural order; to be suited in connection; as the parts of a discourse, or as arguments in a train of reasoning.NWAD COHERE.3
3. To suit; to be fitted; to agree.NWAD COHERE.4
1. A sticking, cleaving or hanging together; union of parts of the same body, or a cleaving together of two bodies, by means of attraction; applied to all substances, solid or fluid.NWAD COHERENCE.2
2. Connection; suitable connection or dependence, proceeding from the natural relation of parts or things to each other, as in the parts of a discourse, or of any system; consistency.NWAD COHERENCE.3
1. Sticking together; cleaving; as the parts of bodies, solid or fluid.NWAD COHERENT.2
2. Connected; united, by some relation in form or order; followed by to, but rather by with.NWAD COHERENT.3
3. Suitable or suited; regularly adapted.NWAD COHERENT.4
4. Consistent; having a due agreement of parts; as a coherent discourse. Or observing due agreement; as a coherent thinker or reasoner.NWAD COHERENT.5
COHERENTLY, adv. In a coherent manner; with due connection or agreement of parts.
COHESIBILITY, n. The tendency which one part of matter evinces to unite with another part of matter, so as to form, out of different bodies, one common mass. It is opposed to divisibility.
COHESIBLE, a. Capable of cohesion.
1. The act of sticking together; the state of being united by natural attraction, as the constituent particles of bodies which unite in a mass, by a natural tendency; one of the different species of attraction.NWAD COHESION.2
2. Connection; dependence; as the cohesion of ideas. But in this sense, see Coherence.NWAD COHESION.3
COHESIVE, a. That has the power of sticking or cohering; tending to unite in a mass, and to resist separation.
COHESIVELY, adv. With cohesion.
COHESIVENESS, n. The quality of being cohesive; the quality of adhering together, as particles of matter.
COHOBATE, v.t. Among chimists, to repeat the distillation of the same liquor or that from the same body, pouring the liquor back upon the matte remaining in the vessel.
COHOBATED, pp. Repeatedly distilled.
COHOBATING, ppr. Distilling repeatedly.
COHOBATION, n. The operation of repeatedly distilling the same liquor, or that from the same substance.
COHOES, COHOZE, n. A fall of water, or falls; a word of Indian origin in America.
1. Among the Romans, a body of about five or six hundred men; each cohort consisted of three maniples, and each maniple, of two centuries; and ten cohorts constituted a legion.NWAD COHORT.2
2. In poetry, a band or body of warriors.NWAD COHORT.3
COHORTATION, n. Exhortation; encouragement.
COIF, n. A kind of caul, or cap, worn on the head, by sergeants at law, and others. Its chief use was to cover the clerical tonsure.
COIF, v.t. To cover or dress with a coif.
COIFED, a. Wearing a coif.
COIFFURE, n. A head-dress.
COIGNE, for coin. [See Coin, a corner.]
COIGNE, COINY, v.i. To live by extortion.
COIL, v.t. To gather, as a line or cord into a circular form; to wind into a ring, as a serpent, or a rope.
COIL, n.
1. A rope gathered into a ring; on shipboard, a single turn or winding is called a fake, and a range of fakes is called a tier.NWAD COIL.3
2. A noise, tumult, bustle.NWAD COIL.4
COILED, pp. Gathered into a circular form, as a rope or a serpent.
COILING, ppr. Gathering or winding into a ring or circle.
1. A corner; a jutting point, as of a wall.NWAD COIN.2
Rustic coins, stones jutting from a wall for new buildings to be joined to.NWAD COIN.3
2. A wedge for raising or lowering a piece of ordnance.NWAD COIN.4
3. A wedge or piece of wood to lay between casks on shipboard.NWAD COIN.5
COIN, n. Primarily, the die employed for stamping money. Hence,
1. Money stamped; a piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, or other metal, converted into money, by impressing on it marks, figures or characters. To make good money, these impressions must be made under the authority of government. That which is stamped without authority is called false or counterfeit coin. Formerly, all coin was made by hammering; but it is now impressed by a machine or mill.NWAD COIN.7
Current coin is coin legally stamped and circulating in trade.NWAD COIN.8
Ancient coins are chiefly those of the Jews, Greeks and Romans, which are kept in cabinets as curiosities.NWAD COIN.9
2. In architecture, a kind of die cut diagonally, after the manner of a flight of a stair case, serving at bottom to support columns in a level, and at top to correct the inclination of an entablature supporting a vault.NWAD COIN.10
3. That which serves for payment.NWAD COIN.11
The loss of present advantage to flesh and blood is repaid in a nobler coin.NWAD COIN.12
COIN, v.t.
1. To stamp a metal, and convert it into money; to mint.NWAD COIN.14
2. To make; as, to coin words.NWAD COIN.15
3. To make; to forge; to fabricate; in an ill sense; as, to coin a lie; to coin a fable.NWAD COIN.16
1. The act, art or practice of stamping money.NWAD COINAGE.2
2. Coin; money coined; stamped and legitimated metal for a circulating medium.NWAD COINAGE.3
3. Coins of a particular stamp; as the coinage of George III.NWAD COINAGE.4
4. The charges or expense of coining money.NWAD COINAGE.5
5. A making; new production; formation; as the coinage of words.NWAD COINAGE.6
6. Invention; forgery; fabrication.NWAD COINAGE.7
This is the very coinage of your brain.NWAD COINAGE.8
1. To fall or to meet in the same point, as two lines, or bodies; followed by with.NWAD COINCIDE.2
If the equator and the ecliptic had coincided, it would have rendered the annual revolution of the earth useless.NWAD COINCIDE.3
2. To concur; to be consistent with; to agree.NWAD COINCIDE.4
The rules of right judgment and of good ratiocination often coincide with each other.NWAD COINCIDE.5
The judges did not coincide in opinion.NWAD COINCIDE.6
1. The falling or meeting of two or more lines, surfaces, or bodies in the same point.NWAD COINCIDENCE.2
2. Concurrence; consistency; agreement; as the coincidence of two or more opinions; coincidence of evidences.NWAD COINCIDENCE.3
3. A meeting of events in time; concurrence; a happening at the same time; as coincidence of events.NWAD COINCIDENCE.4
1. Falling on the same point; meeting as lines, surfaces or bodies; followed by with.NWAD COINCIDENT.2
2. Concurrent; consistent; agreeable to; followed by with.NWAD COINCIDENT.3
Christianity teaches nothing but what is perfectly coincident with the ruling principles of a virtuous man.NWAD COINCIDENT.4
COINCIDER, n. He or that which coincides or concurs.
COINCIDING, ppr. Meeting in the same point; agreeing; concurring.
COINDICATION, n. In medicine, a sign or symptom, which, with other signs, assists to show the nature of the disease, and the proper remedy; a concurrent sign or symptom.
COINED, pp. Struck or stamped, as money; made; invented; forged.
1. One who stamps coin; a minter; a maker of money.NWAD COINER.2
2. A counterfeiter of the legal coin; a maker of base money.NWAD COINER.3
3. An inventor or maker, as of words.NWAD COINER.4
COINING, ppr. Stamping money; making inventing; forging; fabricating.
1. A coward; a runaway.NWAD COISTRIL.2
2. A young lad.NWAD COISTRIL.3
COIT, n. A quoit, which see.
COITION, n. A coming together; chiefly the venereal intercourse of the sexes; copulation.
COJOIN, v.t. To join with another in the same office.
COJUROR, n. One who swears to anothers credibility.
COKE, n. Fossil coal charred, or deprived of its bitumen, sulphur or other extraneous or volatile matter by fire, and thus prepared for exciting intense heat.
COLANDER, n. A vessel with a bottom perforated with little holes for straining liquors. In America, this name is given, I believe, exclusively to a vessel of tin, or other metal. In Great Britain, the name is given to vessels, like sieves, made with hair, osiers or twigs.
COLATION, n. The act of straining, or purifying liquor, by passing it through a perforated vessel.
COLATURE, n. The act of straining; the matter strained.
COLBERTINE, n. A kind of lace worn by women.
COLCOTHAR, n. The brown red oxyd of iron which remains after the distillation of the acid from sulphate of iron; used for polishing glass and other substances. It is called by artists crocus, or crocus martis.
The sulphate of iron is called colcothar or chalcite, when the calcination has been carried so far as to drive off a considerable part of the acid.NWAD COLCOTHAR.2
1. Not warm or hot; gelid, frigid; a relative term. A substance is cold to the touch, when it is less warm then the body, and when in contact, the heat of the body passes from the body to the substance; as cold air; a cold stone; cold water. It denotes a greater degree of the quality than cool.NWAD COLD.2
2. Having the sensation of cold; chill; shivering, or inclined to shiver; as, I am cold.NWAD COLD.3
3. Having cold qualities; as a cold plant.NWAD COLD.4
4. Frigid; wanting passion, zeal or ardor; indifferent; unconcerned; not animated, or easily excited into action; as a cold spectator; a cold Christian; a cold lover, or friend; a cold temper.NWAD COLD.5
Thou art neither cold nor hot. Revelation 3:15.NWAD COLD.6
5. Not moving; unaffecting; not animated; not able to excite feeling; spiritless; as a cold discourse; a cold jest.NWAD COLD.7
6. Reserved; coy; not affectionate, cordial or friendly; indicating indifference; as a cold look; a cold return of civilities; a cold reception.NWAD COLD.8
7. Not heated by sensual desire.NWAD COLD.9
8. Not hasty; not violent.NWAD COLD.10
9. Not affecting the scent strongly.NWAD COLD.11
10. Not having the scent strongly affected.NWAD COLD.12
COLD, n.
1. The sensation produced in animal bodies by the escape of heat, and the consequent contraction of the fine vessels. Also, the cause of that sensation. Heat expands the vessels, and cold contracts them; and the transition from an expanded to a contracted state is accompanied with a sensation to which, as well as to the cause of it, we give the denomination of cold. Hence cold is a privation of heat, or the cause of it.NWAD COLD.14
2. A shivering; the effect of the contraction of the fine vessels of the body; chilliness, or chillness.NWAD COLD.15
3. A disease; indisposition occasioned by cold; catarrh.NWAD COLD.16