COMFIT, COMFITURE, n. A dry sweet-meat; any kind of fruit or root preserved with sugar and dried.
COMFIT, v.t. To preserve dry with sugar.
COMFIT-MAKER, n. One who makes or prepares comfits.
1. To strengthen; to invigorate; to cheer or enliven.NWAD COMFORT.2
Light excelleth in comforting the spirits of men.NWAD COMFORT.3
Comfort ye your hearts. Genesis 18:5.NWAD COMFORT.4
2. To strengthen the mind when depressed or enfeebled; to console; to give new vigor to the spirits; to cheer, or relieve from depression, or trouble.NWAD COMFORT.5
His friends came to mourn with him and to comfort him. Job 2:11.NWAD COMFORT.6
3. In law, to relieve, assist or encourage, as the accessory to a crime after the fact.NWAD COMFORT.7
1. Relief from pain; ease; rest or moderate pleasure after pain, cold or distress or uneasiness of body. The word signifies properly new strength, or animation; and relief from pain is often the effect of strength. In a popular sense, the word signifies rather negatively the absence of pain and the consequent quiet, than positive animation.NWAD COMFORT.9
2. Relief from distress of mind; the ease and quiet which is experienced when pain, trouble, agitation or affliction ceases. It implies also some degree of positive animation of the spirits; or some pleasurable sensations derived from hope, and agreeable prospects; consolation.NWAD COMFORT.10
Let me alone, that I may take comfort a little. Job 10:20.NWAD COMFORT.11
Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole. Matthew 9:22.NWAD COMFORT.12
3. Support; consolation under calamity, distress or danger.NWAD COMFORT.13
Let thy merciful kindness be for my comfort. Psalm 119:76.NWAD COMFORT.14
4. That which gives strength or support in distress, difficulty, danger, or infirmity.NWAD COMFORT.15
Pious children are the comfort of their aged parents.NWAD COMFORT.16
5. In law, support; assistance; countenance; encouragement; as, an accessory affords aid or comfort to a felon.NWAD COMFORT.17
6. That which gives security from want and furnishes moderate enjoyment; as the comforts of life.NWAD COMFORT.18
1. Being in a state of ease, or moderate enjoyment; as a person after sickness or pain. This is the most common use of the word in the U. States.NWAD COMFORTABLE.2
2. Admitting comfort; that may afford comfort.NWAD COMFORTABLE.3
Who can promise him a comfortable appearance before his dreadful judge?NWAD COMFORTABLE.4
3. Giving comfort; affording consolation.NWAD COMFORTABLE.5
The word of my lord the king shall now be comfortable. 2 Samuel 14:17.NWAD COMFORTABLE.6
4. Placing above want and affording moderate enjoyment; as a comfortable provision for old age.NWAD COMFORTABLE.7
COMFORTABLENESS, n. The state of enjoying comfort.
1. In a manner to give comfort or consolation.NWAD COMFORTABLEY.2
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem. Isaiah 40:2.NWAD COMFORTABLEY.3
2. With comfort, or cheerfulness; without despair.NWAD COMFORTABLEY.4
Hope comfortably and cheerfully for Gods performance.NWAD COMFORTABLEY.5
COMFORTED, pp. Strengthened; consoled; encouraged.
1. One who administers comfort or consolation; one who strengthens and supports the mind in distress or danger.NWAD COMFORTER.2
I looked for comforters, but found none. Psalm 69:20.NWAD COMFORTER.3
Miserable comforters are ye all. Job 16:2.NWAD COMFORTER.4
2. The title of the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name--he shall teach you all things. John 14:26.NWAD COMFORTER.5
COMFORTING, ppr. Giving strength or spirits; giving ease; cheering; encouraging; consoling.
COMFORTLESS, a. Without comfort; without any thing to alleviate misfortune, or distress.
I will not leave you comfortless. John 14:18.NWAD COMFORTLESS.2
COMFORTRESS, n. A female that affords comfort.
COMFREY, COMFRY, n. A genus of plants, the Symphytum.
1. Relating to comedy, as distinct from tragedy.NWAD COMIC.2
2. Raising mirth; fitted to excite merriment.NWAD COMIC.3
1. Relating to comedy; comic.NWAD COMICAL.2
2. Exciting mirth; diverting; sportive; droll.NWAD COMICAL.3
We say, a buffoon is a comical fellow, or his story or his manners are comica.NWAD COMICAL.4
1. In a manner befitting comedy.NWAD COMICALLY.2
2. In a comical manner; in a manner to raise mirth.NWAD COMICALLY.3
COMICALNESS, n. The quality of being comical; the power or quality of raising mirth.
1. Drawing nearer or nigh; approaching; moving towards; advancing.NWAD COMING.2
2. Future; yet to come; as, in coming ages.NWAD COMING.3
3. Forward; ready to come.NWAD COMING.4
How coming to the poet every muse.NWAD COMING.5
1. The act of coming; approach.NWAD COMING.7
2. The state of being come; arrival.NWAD COMING.8
The Lord hath blessed thee since my coming. Genesis 30:30.NWAD COMING.9
1. Entrance.NWAD COMING.11
I know thy going-out and thy coming-in. 2 Kings 19:27.NWAD COMING.12
2. Beginning; commencement; as the coming-in of the year. 2 Kings 13:20.NWAD COMING.13
3. Income; revenue.NWAD COMING.14
4. Compliance; submission.NWAD COMING.15
1. Relating to the comitia or popular assemblies of the Romans, for electing officers and passing laws.NWAD COMITIAL.2
2. Relating to an order of presbyterian assemblies.NWAD COMITIAL.3
COMITY, n. Mildness and suavity of manners; courtesy; civility; good breeding. Wellbred people are characterized by comity of manners.
1. In writing and printing, this point [,] denoting the shortest pause in reading, and separating a sentence into divisions or members, according to the construction. Thus, There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not. Virtue, wit, knowledge, are excellent accomplishments. Live soberly, righteously, and piously, in the present world.NWAD COMMA.2
2. In music, an enharmonic interval, being the eighth part of a tone, or the difference between a major and a minor semitone; a term used in theoretic music to show the exact proportions between concords.NWAD COMMA.3
3. Distinction.NWAD COMMA.4
1. To bid; to order; to direct; to charge; implying authority, and power to control, and to require obedience.NWAD COMMAND.2
We will sacrifice to the Lord our God, as he shall command us. Exodus 8:27.NWAD COMMAND.3
I know that he [Abraham] will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord. Genesis 18:19.NWAD COMMAND.4
2. To govern, lead or direct; to have or to exercise supreme authority over.NWAD COMMAND.5
Lord Wellington commanded an army in Spain; he commanded the army at the battle of Waterloo.NWAD COMMAND.6
3. To have in power; to be able to exercise power or authority over; as, a military post commands the surrounding country; a fort commands the harbor.NWAD COMMAND.7
4. To overlook, or have in the power of the eye, without obstruction.NWAD COMMAND.8
One side commands a view of the finest garden in the world.NWAD COMMAND.9
5. To direct; to send.NWAD COMMAND.10
The Lord shall command the blessing on thee. Deuteronomy 28:8.NWAD COMMAND.11
The Lord will command his loving kindness. Psalm 42:8.NWAD COMMAND.12
6. To have or to exercise a controlling influence over.NWAD COMMAND.13
A good magistrate commands the respect and affections of the people.NWAD COMMAND.14
COMMAND, v.i. To have or to exercise supreme authority; to possess the chief power; to govern; as, the general commands with dignity and humanity. What general commands in Canada?
1. The right or power of governing with chief or exclusive authority; supreme power; control; as, an officer has a brigade under his command; he takes command of the army in France; an appropriate military term.NWAD COMMAND.17
2. The power of controlling; governing influence; sway.NWAD COMMAND.18
He assumed an absolute command over his readers.NWAD COMMAND.19
3. Cogent or absolute authority.NWAD COMMAND.20
Command and force may often create, but can never cure, an aversion.NWAD COMMAND.21
4. The act of commanding; the mandate uttered; order given.NWAD COMMAND.22
The captain gives command.NWAD COMMAND.23
5. The power of overlooking, or surveying, without obstruction.NWAD COMMAND.24
The steepy strand, Which overlooks the vale with wide command.NWAD COMMAND.25
6. The power of governing or controlling by force, or of defending and protecting.NWAD COMMAND.26
The fortress has complete command of the port.NWAD COMMAND.27
7. That which is commanded control; as a body of troop under command.NWAD COMMAND.28
COMMANDABLE, a. That may be commanded.
COMMANDANT, n. A commander; a commanding officer of a place or of a body of forces.
COMMANDATORY, a. Having the force of a command.
COMMANDED, pp. Ordered; directed; governed; controlled.
1. A chief; one who has supreme authority; a leader; the chief officer of an army, or of any division of it. The term may also be applied to the admiral of a fleet, or of a squadron, or to any supreme officer; as the commander of the land or of the naval force; the commander of a ship.NWAD COMMANDER.2
2. One on whom is bestowed a benefice or commandry.NWAD COMMANDER.3
3. A heavy beetle or wooden mallet, used in paving, etc.NWAD COMMANDER.4
4. An instrument of surgery.NWAD COMMANDER.5
COMMANDERY, COMMANDRY, n. A kind of benefice or fixed revenue, belonging to a military order, conferred on knights of merit. There are strict and regular commandries, obtained by merit, or in order; and others are of grace and favor, bestowed by the Grand Master. There are also commandries for the religious, in the orders of St. Bernard and St. Anthony.
1. Bidding; ordering; directing with authority; governing; bearing rule; exercising supreme authority; having in power; overlooking without obstruction.NWAD COMMANDNING.2
2. a. Controlling by influence, authority, or dignity; as a man of commanding manners; a commanding eloquence.NWAD COMMANDNING.3
COMMANDINGLY, adv. In a commanding manner.
1. A command; a mandate; an order or injunction given by authority; charge; precept.NWAD COMMANDMENT.2
Why do ye transgress the commandment of God. Matthew 15:3.NWAD COMMANDMENT.3
This is the first and great commandment. Matthew 22:38.NWAD COMMANDMENT.4
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another. John 13:34.NWAD COMMANDMENT.5
2. By way of eminence, a precept of the decalogue, or moral law, written on tables of stone, at Mount Sinai; one of the ten commandments. Exodus 34:28.NWAD COMMANDMENT.6
3. Authority; coercive power.NWAD COMMANDMENT.7
COMMANDRESS, n. A woman invested with supreme authority.
COMMARK, n. The frontier of a country.
COMMATERIAL, a. Consisting of the same matter with another thing.
COMMATERIALITY, n. Participation of the same matter.
COMMATISM, n. Briefness; conciseness in writing.
COMMEASURABLE, a. [See Measure.] Reducible to the same measure. But commensurable is generally used.
COMMELINE, n. A genus of herbaceous plants, Commelina, natives of warm climates. This name was given to this genus by Linne, in honor of the Commelins, distinguished botanists of Holland. These plants have flowers with three petals, two large and one small; the large petals representing John and Gaspard Commelin, who published catalogues of plants; the smaller petal representing another of the name who published nothing.
COMMEMORABLE, a. Memorable; worthy to be remembered, or noticed with honor. [See Memorable.]
COMMEMORATE, v.t. To call to remembrance by a solemn act; to celebrate with honor and solemnity; to honor, as a person or event, by some act of respect or affection, intended to preserve the remembrance of that person or event.
The Lords supper is designed to commemorate the sufferings and dying love of our Savior.NWAD COMMEMORATE.2
COMMEMORATED, pp. Called to remembrance by some act of solemnity.
COMMEMORATING, ppr. Celebrating with honor by some solemn act.
COMMEMORATION, n. The act of calling to remembrance, by some solemnity; the act of honoring the memory of some person or event, by solemn celebration. The feast of shells at Plymouth in Massachusetts is an annual commemoration of the first landing of our ancestors in 1620.
COMMEMORATIVE, a. Tending to preserve the remembrance of something.
COMMEMORATORY, a. Serving to preserve the memory of.
1. To begin; to take rise or origin; to have first existence; as, a state of glory to commence after this life; this empire commenced at a late period.NWAD COMMENCE.2
2. To begin to be, as in a change of character.NWAD COMMENCE.3
Let not learning too commence its foe.NWAD COMMENCE.4
3. To take a degree or the first degree in a university or college.NWAD COMMENCE.5
1. To begin; to enter upon; to perform the first act; as, to commence operations.NWAD COMMENCE.7
2. To begin; to originate; to bring; as, to commence a suit, action or process in law.NWAD COMMENCE.8
COMMENCED, pp. Begun; originated.
1. Beginning; rise; origin; first existence; as the commencement of New Style in 1752; the commencement of hostilities in 1775.NWAD COMMENCEMENT.2
2. The time when students in colleges commence bachelors; a day in which degrees are publicly conferred on students who have finished a collegiate education. In Cambridge, Eng., the day when masters of arts and doctors complete their degrees.NWAD COMMENCEMENT.3
COMENCING, ppr. Beginning; entering on; originating.
1. To represent as worthy of notice, regard, or kindness; to speak in favor of; to recommend.NWAD COMMEND.2
I commend to you Phebe our sister. Romans 16:1.NWAD COMMEND.3
2. To commit; to entrust or give in charge.NWAD COMMEND.4
Father, into hy hands I commend my spirit. Luke 23:46.NWAD COMMEND.5
3. To praise; to mention with approbation.NWAD COMMEND.6
The princes commended Sarai before Pharaoh. The Lord commended the unjust steward.NWAD COMMEND.7
4. To make acceptable or more acceptable.NWAD COMMEND.8
But meat commendeth us not to God. 1 Corinthians 8:8.NWAD COMMEND.9
5. To produce or present to favorable notice.NWAD COMMEND.10
The chorus had an occasion of commending their voices to the king.NWAD COMMEND.11
6. To send or bear to.NWAD COMMEND.12
These draw the chariot which Latinus sends,NWAD COMMEND.13
And the rich present to the prince commends.NWAD COMMEND.14
COMMED, n. Commendation.
COMMENDABLE, a. That may be commended or praised; worthy of approbation or praise; laudable.
Order and decent ceremonies in the church are commendable.NWAD COMMENDABLE.2
COMMENDABLENESS, n. State of being commendable.
COMMENDABLY, adv. Laudably; in a praise-worthy manner.
COMMENDAM, n. In ecclesiastical law, in England, a benefice or living commended, by the king or head of the church, to the care of a clerk, to hold till a proper pastor is provided. This may be temporary or perpetual.
The trust or administration of the revenues of a benefice given to a layman, to hold as a deposit for six months in order to repairs, etc., or to an ecclesiastic, to perform the pastoral duties, till the benefice is provided with a regular incumbent.NWAD COMMENDAM.2
COMMENDATARY, n. One who holds a living in commendam.
1. The act of commending; praise; favorable representation in words; declaration of esteem.NWAD COMMENDATION.2
Need we, as some other, letters of commendation. 2 Corinthians 3:1.NWAD COMMENDATION.3
2. Ground of esteem, approbation or praise; that which presents a person or thing to another in a favorable light, and renders worthy of regard, or acceptance.NWAD COMMENDATION.4
Good-nature is the most godlike commendation of a man.NWAD COMMENDATION.5
3. Service; respects; message of love.NWAD COMMENDATION.6
1. Which serves to commend; presenting to favorable notice or reception; containing praise; as a commendatory letter.NWAD COMMENDATORY.2
2. Holding a benefice in commendam; as a commendatory bishop.NWAD COMMENDATORY.3
COMMENDATORY, n. A commendation; eulogy.
COMMENDED, pp. Praised; represented favorably; committed in charge.
COMMENDER, n. One who commends or praises.
COMMENDING, ppr. Praising; representing favorably; committing, or delivering in charge.
Note: In imitation of the French, we are accustomed to use recommendation, etc., for commendation. But in most instances, it is better to use the word without the prefix re. A letter of commendation, is the preferable phrase.NWAD COMMENDING.2
COMMENSAL, n. One that eats at the same table.
COMMENSALITY, n. Fellowship at table; the act or practice of eating at the same table.
COMMENSURABILITY, COMMENSURABLENESS, n. The capacity of being compared with another in measure, or of being measured by another, or of having a common measure.
COMMENSURABLE, a. That have a common measure; reducible to a common measure. Thus a yard and a foot are commensurable, as both may be measured by inches. Commensurable numbers are those which may be measured or divided by another number without a remainder; as 12 and 18 which may be measured by 6 and 3.
Commensurable surds are those which, being reduced to their least terms, become true figurative quantities of their kind; and are therefore as a rational quantity to a rational one.NWAD COMMENSURABLE.2
1. Reducible to one and the same common measure.NWAD COMMENSURATE.2
2. Equal; proportional; having equal measure or extent.NWAD COMMENSURATE.3
We fine nothing in this life commensurate to our desires.NWAD COMMENSURATE.4
COMMENSURATE, v.t. To reduce to a common measure.
1. With the capacity of measuring or being measured by some other thing.NWAD COMMENSURATELY.2
2. With equal measure or extent.NWAD COMMENSURATELY.3
COMMENSURATION, n. Proportion, or proportion in measure; a state of having a common measure.
All fitness lies in a particular commensuration, or proportion, of one thing to another.NWAD COMMENSURATION.2
1. To write notes on the works of an author, with a view to illustrate his meaning, or to explain particular passages; to explain; to expound; to annotate; followed by on. We say, to comment on an author or on his writings.NWAD COMMENT.2
2. To make verbal remarks, or observations, either on a book, or writing, or on actions, events or opinions.NWAD COMMENT.3
1. To explainNWAD COMMENT.5
2. To feign; to devise.NWAD COMMENT.6
1. A note, intended to illustrate a writing, or a difficult passage in an author; annotation; explanation; exposition; as the comments of Scott on the Scriptures.NWAD COMMENT.8
2. That which explains or illustrates; as, a man’s conduct is the best comment on his declarations. Poverty and disgrace are very significant comments on lewdness, gambling and dissipation.NWAD COMMENT.9
3. Remark; observation.NWAD COMMENT.10
In such a time as this, it is not meetNWAD COMMENT.11
That every nice offense should bear its comment.NWAD COMMENT.12
1. A comment; exposition; explanation; illustration of difficult and obscure passages in an author.NWAD COMMENTARY.2
2. A book of comments or annotations.NWAD COMMENTARY.3
3. A historical narrative; a memoir or particular transactions, as the commentaries of Cesar.NWAD COMMENTARY.4
COMMENTARY, v.t. To write notes upon.
COMMENTATOR, n. One who comments; one who writes annotations; an expositor; an annotator. [The accent on the first syllable and that on the third are nearly equal.]
1. One that writes comments; an annotator.NWAD COMMENTER.2
2. One who makes remarks.NWAD COMMENTER.3
COMMENTING, ppr. Making notes or comments on something said or written.
COMMENTITIOUS, a. Invented; feigned; imaginary.
1. In a general sense, an interchange or mutual change of goods, wares, productions, or property of any kind, between nations or individuals, either by barter, or by purchase and sale; trade; traffick. Commerce is foreign or inland. Foreign commerce is the trade which one nation carries on with another; inland commerce, or inland trade, is the trade in the exchange of commodities between citizens of the same nation or state. Active commerce.NWAD COMMERCE.2
2. Intercourse between individuals; interchange of work, business, civilities or amusements; mutual dealings in common life.NWAD COMMERCE.3
3. Familiar intercourse between the sexes.NWAD COMMERCE.4
4. Interchange; reciprocal communications; as, there is a vast commerce of ideas.NWAD COMMERCE.5
1. To traffick; to carry on trade.NWAD COMMERCE.7
2. To hold intercourse with.NWAD COMMERCE.8
And looks commercing with the skies.NWAD COMMERCE.9
1. Pertaining to commerce or trade; as commercial concerns; commercial relations.NWAD COMMERCIAL.2
2. Carrying on commerce; as a commercial nation.NWAD COMMERCIAL.3
3. Proceeding from trade; as commercial benefits or profits.NWAD COMMERCIAL.4
COMMERCIALLY, adv. In a commercial view.
COMMIGRATE, v.i. To migrate together; to move in a body from one country or place to another for permanent residence.
COMMIGRATION, n. The moving of a body of people from one country or place to another with a view to permanent residence.
1. A threat or threatening; a denunciation of punishment or vengeance.NWAD COMMINATION.2
2. The recital of Gods threatenings on stated days; an office in the Liturgy of the Church of England, appointed to be read on Ash Wednesday or on the first day of Lent.NWAD COMMINATION.3
COMMINATORY, a. Threatening; denouncing punishment.
COMMINGLE, v.t. To mix together; to mingle in one mass, or intimately; to blend. [See Mingle.]
COMMINGLE, v.i. To mix or unite together, as different substances.
COMMINUIBLE, a. Reducible to powder.
COMMINUTE, v.t. To make small or fine; to reduce to minute particles, or to a fine powder, by breaking, pounding, rasping, or grinding; to pulverize; to triturate; to levigate. It is chiefly or wholly applied to substances, not liquid.
COMMINUTED, pp. Reduced to fine particles; pulverized; triturated.
COMMINUTING, ppr. Reducing to fine particles; pulverizing; levigating.
1. The act of reducing to a fine powder or to small particles; pulverization.NWAD COMMINUTION.2
2. Attenuation; as comminution of spirits.NWAD COMMINUTION.3
COMMISERABLE, a. [See Commiserate.] Deserving of commiseration or pity; pitiable; that may excite sympathy or sorrow.
This commiserable person, Edward.NWAD COMMISERABLE.2
1. To pity; to compassionate; to feel sorrow, pain or regret for another in distress; applied to persons.NWAD COMMISERATE.2
We should commiserate those who groan beneath the weight of age, disease or want.NWAD COMMISERATE.3
2. To regret; to pity; to be sorry for; as, to commiserate our mutual ignorance.NWAD COMMISERATE.4
COMMISERATING, ppr. Pitying; compassionating; feeling sorrow for.
COMMISERATION, n. Pity; compassion; a sympathetic suffering of pain or sorrow for the wants, afflictions or distresses of another.
I cannot think of these poor deluded creatures, but with commiseration.NWAD COMMISERATION.2
COMMISSARIAL, a. [See Commissary.] Pertaining to a commissary.
Smollett uses commissorial; but this is not regular nor authorized.NWAD COMMISSARIAL.2
COMMISSARIATE, n. The office or employment of a commissary; or the whole body of officers in the commissarys department.
1. In general sense, a commissioner; one to whom is committed some charge, duty or office, by a superior power; one who is sent or delegated to execute some office or duty, in the place, or as the representative, of his superior.NWAD COMMISSARY.2
2. In ecclesiastical law, an officer of the bishop, who exercises spiritual jurisdiction in places of the diocese, so far distant from the episcopal see, that the chancellor cannot call the people to the bishops principal consistory court, without putting them to inconvenience.NWAD COMMISSARY.3
3. In a military sense, an officer who has the charge of furnishing provisions, clothing, etc., for an army. Commissaries are distinguished by different names, according to their duties; as commissary-general, who is at the head of the department of supplies, and has under him deputy commissaries, and issuing commissaries; the latter to issue or distribute the supplies.NWAD COMMISSARY.4
4. An officer who musters the army, receives and inspects the muster-rolls, and keeps an account of the strength of the army. He is called, the commissary-general of musters. The commissary of horses has the inspection of the artillery horses; and the commissary of stores has charge of all the stores of the artillery.NWAD COMMISSARY.5
COMMISSARYSHIP, n. The office of a commissary.
1. The act of committing, doing, performing, or perpetrating; as the commission of a crime.NWAD COMMISSION.2
2. The act of committing or sending to; the act of entrusting, as a charge or duty. Hence,NWAD COMMISSION.3
3. The thing committed, entrusted or delivered; letters patent, or any writing from proper authority, given to a person as his warrant for exercising certain powers, or the performance of any duty, whether civil, ecclesiastical, or military. Hence,NWAD COMMISSION.4
4. Charge; order; mandate; authority given.NWAD COMMISSION.5
He bore his great commission in his look.NWAD COMMISSION.6
5. By a metonymy, a number of persons joined in an office or trust.NWAD COMMISSION.7
6. The state of that which is entrusted, as the great seal was put into commission; or the state of being authorized to act or perform service, as a ship is put into commission.NWAD COMMISSION.8
7. In commerce, the state of acting under authority in the purchase and sale of goods for another. To trade or do business on commission, is to buy or sell for another by this authority. Hence,NWAD COMMISSION.9
8. The allowance made to a factor or commission-merchant for transacting business, which is a certain rate per cent. of the value of the goods bought or sold.NWAD COMMISSION.10
Commission of bankruptcy, is a commission issuing from the Chancellor in Great Britain, and in other countries, from some proper authority, appointing and empowering certain persons to examine into the facts relative to an alleged bankruptcy, and to secure the bankrupts lands and effects for the creditors.NWAD COMMISSION.11
Commission of lunacy, is a commission issuing from the court of chancery, to authorize an inquiry whether a person is a lunatic or not.NWAD COMMISSION.12
Commission-officer, in the army or navy, is an officer who has a commission, in distinction from subaltern officers.NWAD COMMISSION.13
COMMISSION-MERCHANT, n. A merchant who transacts business as the agent of other men, in buying and selling, and receives a rate per cent. as his commission or reward.
1. To give a commission to; to empower or authorize by commission. The president and senate appoint, by the president commissions.NWAD COMMISSION.2
2. To send with a mandate or authority.NWAD COMMISSION.3
He fist commissions to the Latian land.NWAD COMMISSION.4
3. To authorize or empower.NWAD COMMISSION.5
Note: Commissionate, in a like sense, has been use, but rarely.NWAD COMMISSION.6