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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    COMPARTED, pp. Dividing or disposing into parts.

    COMPARTING, ppr. Dividing or disposing into parts.


    1. The act of dividing into parts. In architecture, the division or disposition of the whole ground-plot of an edifice, into its various apartments.NWAD COMPARTITION.2

    2. Division; part divided; a separate part; as, amphitheaters needed no compartitions.NWAD COMPARTITION.3


    1. A division or separate part of a general design, as of a picture, or of a ground-plot.NWAD COMPARTMENT.2

    2. A design composed of several different figures, disposed with symmetry, for ornament; as a compartment of tiles or bricks, duly arranged, of various colors and varnished, to decorate a building. In gardening, compartments are assemblages of beds, plots, borders, walks, etc. In heraldry, a compartment is called also a partition.NWAD COMPARTMENT.3

    COMPARTNER, n. A sharer.

    COMPASS, n.

    1. Stretch; reach; extent; the limit or boundary of a space, and the space included; applied to time, space, sound, etc. Our knowledge lies within a very narrow compass. The universe extends beyond the compass of our thoughts. So we say, the compass of a year, the compass of an empire, the compass of reason, the compass of the voice.NWAD COMPASS.2

    And in that compass all the world contains.NWAD COMPASS.3

    2. A passing round; a circular course; a circuit.NWAD COMPASS.4

    Time is come round;NWAD COMPASS.5

    and where I did begin, thee shall I end:NWAD COMPASS.6

    My life has run its compass.NWAD COMPASS.7

    They fetched a compass of seven days journey. 2 Kings 3:9; 2 Samuel 5:23; Acts 28:13.NWAD COMPASS.8

    3. Moderate bounds; limits of truth; moderation; due limits.NWAD COMPASS.9

    In two hundred years, (I speak within compass,) no such commission had been executed.NWAD COMPASS.10

    This sense is the same as the first, and the peculiar force of the phrase lies in the word within.NWAD COMPASS.11

    4. The extent or limit of the voice or of sound.NWAD COMPASS.12

    5. An instrument for directing or ascertaining the course of ships at sea, consisting of a circular box, containing a paper card marked with the thirty two points of direction, fixed on a magnetic needle, that always points to the north, the variation excepted. The needle with the card turns on a pin in the center of the box. In the center of the needle is fixed a brass conical socket or cap, by which the card hanging on the pin turns freely round the center. The box is covered with glass, to prevent the motion of the card from being disturbed by the wind.NWAD COMPASS.13

    6. Compass or compasses, [or a pair of compasses, so named from its legs, but pair is superfluous or improper, and the singular number compass is the preferable name,] an instrument for describing circles, measuring figures, etc., consisting of two pointed legs or branches, made of iron, steel or brass, joined at the top by a rivet, on which they move. There are also compasses of three legs or triangular compasses, cylindrical and spherical compasses with four branches, and various other kinds.NWAD COMPASS.14

    7. An instrument used in surveying land, constructed in the main like the mariners compass; but with this difference, that the needle is not fitted into the card, moving with it, but plays alone; the card being drawn on the bottom of the box, and a circle divided into 360 degrees on the limb. This instrument is used in surveying land, and in directing travelers in a desert or forest, miners, etc.NWAD COMPASS.15

    Compass-saw, a saw with a brad edge and thin back, to cut in a circular form.NWAD COMPASS.16

    COMPASS, v.t.

    1. To stretch round; to extend so as to embrace the whole; hence, to inclose, encircle, grasp or seize; as, to compass with the arms.NWAD COMPASS.18

    2. To surround; to environ; to inclose on all sides; sometimes followed by around, round or about.NWAD COMPASS.19

    Now all the blessings of a glad father compass thee about.NWAD COMPASS.20

    With favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield. Psalm 5:12.NWAD COMPASS.21

    The willows of the brook compass him about. Job 40:22.NWAD COMPASS.22

    3. To go or walk round.NWAD COMPASS.23

    Ye shall compass the city--and the seventh day ye shall compass the city seven times. Joshua 6:3, 4.NWAD COMPASS.24

    For ye compass sea and land. Matthew 23:15.NWAD COMPASS.25

    4. To besiege; to beleaguer; to block up. This is not a different sense, but a particular application.NWAD COMPASS.26

    Thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side. Luke 19:43.NWAD COMPASS.27

    5. To obtain; to attain to; to procure; to bring within ones power; to accomplish.NWAD COMPASS.28

    If I can check my erring love, I will;NWAD COMPASS.29

    If not, to compass her Ill use my skill.NWAD COMPASS.30

    How can you hope to compass your designs?NWAD COMPASS.31

    6. To purpose; to intend; to imagine; to plot; to contrive; as we say, to go about to perform, but in mind only; as, to compass the death of the king.NWAD COMPASS.32

    Compassing and imaging the death of the king are synonymous terms; compass signifying the purpose or design of the mind or will, and not, as in common speech, the carrying such design to effect.NWAD COMPASS.33

    COMPASSED, pp. Embraced; surrounded; inclosed; obtained; imagined.

    COMPASSING, ppr.

    1. Embracing; going round; inclosing; obtaining; accomplishing; imagining; intending.NWAD COMPASSING.2

    2. In ship-building, incurvated; arched.NWAD COMPASSING.3


    1. A suffering with another; painful sympathy; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration. Compassion is a mixed passion, compounded of love and sorrow; at least some portion of love generally attends the pain or regret, or is excited by it. Extreme distress of an enemy even changes enmity into at least temporary affection.NWAD COMPASSION.2

    He being full of compassion, forgave their iniquity. Psalm 78:38.NWAD COMPASSION.3

    His father had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. Luke 15:20.NWAD COMPASSION.4

    COMPASSION, v.t. To pity.

    COMPASSIONABLE, a. Deserving of pity.

    COMPASSIONATE, a. Having a temper or disposition to pity; inclined to show mercy; merciful; having a heart that is tender, and easily moved by the distresses, sufferings, wants and infirmities of others.

    There never was a heart truly great and generous, that was not also tender and compassionate.NWAD COMPASSIONATE.2

    COMPASSIONATE, v.t. To pity; to commiserate; to have compassion for.

    Compassionates my pains and pities me.NWAD COMPASSIONATE.4

    COMPASSIONATELY, adv. With compassion; mercifully.

    COMPASSIONATENESS, n. The quality of being compassionate.

    COMPATERNITY, n. [con and paternity.] The relation of a godfather to the person for whom he answers.

    COMPATIBILITY, n. [See Compatible.] Consistency; the quality or power of coexisting with something else; suitableness; as a compatibility of tempers.


    1. Consistent; that may exist with; suitable; not incongruous; agreeable; followed by with; sometimes by to, but less properly.NWAD COMPATIBLE.2

    The poets have joined qualities which by nature are the most compatible.NWAD COMPATIBLE.3

    The office of a legislator and of a judge are deemed not compatible.NWAD COMPATIBLE.4

    To pardon offenders is not always compatible with public safety.NWAD COMPATIBLE.5

    COMPATIBLENESS, n. Consistency; fitness; agreement; the same as compatibility, which is generally used.

    COMPATIBLY, adv. Fitly; suitably; consistently.

    COMPATIENT, a. Suffering together.

    COMPATRIOT, n. A fellow patriot; one of the same country.

    COMPATRIOT, a. Of the same country.

    COMPEER, n. An equal; a companion; an associate; a mate.

    COMPEER, v.t. To equal; to match; to be equal with.

    COMPEL, v.t.

    1. To drive or urge with force, or irresistibly; to constrain; to oblige; to necessitate, either by physical or moral force.NWAD COMPEL.2

    Thou shalt not compel him to serve as a bound servant. Leviticus 25:39.NWAD COMPEL.3

    And they compel one Simon--to bear his cross. Mark 15:21.NWAD COMPEL.4

    Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled. Luke 14:23.NWAD COMPEL.5

    Circumstances compel us to practice economy.NWAD COMPEL.6

    2. To force; to take by force, or violence; to seize.NWAD COMPEL.7

    The subjects grief comes through commissions, which compel from each a sixth part of his substance.NWAD COMPEL.8

    3. To drive together; to gather; to unite in a crowd or company. A Latinism, compellere gregem.NWAD COMPEL.9

    In one troop compelled.NWAD COMPEL.10

    4. To seize; to overpower; to hold.NWAD COMPEL.11

    And easy sleep their weary limbs compelled.NWAD COMPEL.12

    5. To call forth, L. compeller.NWAD COMPEL.13

    COMPELLABLE, a. That may be driven, forced or constrained.

    COMPELLABLY, adv. By compulsion.

    COMPELLATION, n. Style or manner of address; the word of salutation.

    The compellation of the Kings of France is by sire.NWAD COMPELLATION.2

    COMPELLED, pp. Forced; constrained; obliged.

    COMPELLER, n. One who compels or constrains.

    COMPELLING, ppr. Driving by force; constraining; obliging.

    COMPEND, COMPENDIUM, n. In literature, an abridgment; a summary; an epitome; a brief compilation or composition, containing the principal heads, or general principles, of a larger work or system.

    COMPENDIARIOUS, a. Short; contracted.

    COMPENDIATE, v.t. To sum or collect together.


    1. Short; summary; abridged; comprehensive; containing the substance or general principles of a subject or work in a narrow compas; as a compendious system of chimistry; a compendious grammar.NWAD COMPENDIOUS.2

    2. Short; direct; near; not circuitous; as a compendious way to acquire science.NWAD COMPENDIOUS.3

    COMPENDIOUSLY, adv. In a short or brief; in epitome.

    The substance of christian belief is compendiously expressed in a few articles.NWAD COMPENDIOUSLY.2

    COMPENDIOUSNESS, n. Shortness; brevity; comprehension in a narrow compass.

    COMPENSABLE, a. [See Compensate.] That may be compensated.

    COMPENSATE, v.t.

    1. To give equal value to; to recompense; to give an equivalent for services, or an amount lost or bestowed; to return or bestow that which makes good a loss, or is estimated a sufficient remuneration; as, to compensate a laborer for his work, or a merchant for his losses.NWAD COMPENSATE.2

    2. To be equivalent in value or effect to; to counterbalance; to make amends for.NWAD COMPENSATE.3

    The length of the night and the dews do compensate the heat of the day.NWAD COMPENSATE.4

    The pleasures of sin never compensate the sinner for the miseries he suffers, even in this life.NWAD COMPENSATE.5

    COMPENSATE, v.i. To make amends; to supply an equivalent; followed by for.

    Nothing can compensate for the loss of reputation.NWAD COMPENSATE.7

    This word is generally accented on the second syllable, most unfortunately, as any ear will determine by the feebleness of the last syllables n the participles, compensated, compensating.NWAD COMPENSATE.8

    Each seeming want compensated of course.NWAD COMPENSATE.9

    With the primary accent on the first syllable and the secondary accent on the third, this defect and the difficulty of uttering distinctly the last syllables are remedied.NWAD COMPENSATE.10

    COMPENSATED, pp. Recompensed; supplied with an equivalent in amount or effect; rewarded.

    COMPENSATING, ppr. Giving an equivalent; recompensing; remunerating.


    1. That which is given or received as an equivalent for services, debt, want, loss, or suffering; amends; remuneration; recompense.NWAD COMPENSATION.2

    All other debts may compensation find.NWAD COMPENSATION.3

    The pleasures of life are no compensation for the loss of divine favor and protection.NWAD COMPENSATION.4

    2. In law, a set-off; the payment of a debt by a credit of equal amount.NWAD COMPENSATION.5

    COMPENSATIVE, a. Making amends or compensation.

    COMPENSATORY, a. Serving for compensation; making amends.

    COMPENSE, v.t. To recompense, is found in Bacon; but is not now in use.

    COMPETE, v.i.

    1. To seek, or strive for the same thing as another; to carry on competition or rivalry.NWAD COMPETE.2

    Our manufacturers compete with the English in making cotton cloths.NWAD COMPETE.3

    2. To strive or claim to be equal.NWAD COMPETE.4

    The sages of antiquity will not dare to compete with the inspired authors.NWAD COMPETE.5


    1. Sufficiency; such a quantity as is sufficient; property or means of subsistence sufficient to furnish the necessaries and conveniences of life, without superfluity.NWAD COMPETENCE.2

    Reasons whole pleasure, all the joys of sense,NWAD COMPETENCE.3

    Lie in three words, health, peace, and competence.NWAD COMPETENCE.4

    2. Sufficiency, applied to other things than property; but this application is less common.NWAD COMPETENCE.5

    3. Legal capacity or qualifications; fitness; as the competence of a witness, which consists in his having the qualifications required by law, as age, soundness of mind, impartiality, etc.NWAD COMPETENCE.6

    4. Right or authority; legal power or capacity to take cognizance of a cause; as the competence of a judge or court to examine and decide.NWAD COMPETENCE.7

    5. Fitness; adequacy; suitableness; legal sufficiency; as the competency of evidence.NWAD COMPETENCE.8


    1. Suitable; fit; convenient; hence, sufficient, that is, fit for the purpose; adequate; followed by to; as, competent supplies of food and clothing; a competent force; an army conpetent to the preservation of the kingdom or state; a competent knowledge of the world. This word usually implies a moderate supply, a sufficiency without superfluity.NWAD COMPETENT.2

    2. Qualified; fit; having legal capacity or power; as a competent judge or court; a competent witness. In a judge or court, it implies right or authority to hear and determine; in a witness, it implies a legal right or capacity to testify.NWAD COMPETENT.3

    3. Incident; belonging; having adequate power or right.NWAD COMPETENT.4

    That is the privilege of the infinite author of things, who never slumbers nor sleeps, but is not competent to any finite being.NWAD COMPETENT.5

    It is not competent to the defendant to alledge fraud in the plaintiff.NWAD COMPETENT.6

    COMPETENTLY, adv. Sufficiently; adequately; suitably; reasonably; as, the fact has been competently proved; a church is competently endowed.

    COMPETIBLE, a. [Not now used. See Compatible.]

    COMPETING, ppr. Striving in rivalry.


    1. The act of seeking, or endeavoring to gain, what another is endeavoring to gain, at the same time; rivalry; mutual strife for the same object; also, strife for superiority; as the competition of two candidates for an office, or of two poets for superior reputation.NWAD COMPETITION.2

    2. A state of rivalship; a state of having equal claims.NWAD COMPETITION.3

    A portrait, with which one of Titians could not come in competition.NWAD COMPETITION.4

    3. Double claim; claim of more than one to the same thing; formerly with to, now with for.NWAD COMPETITION.5

    Competition to the crown there is none nor can be.NWAD COMPETITION.6

    There is no competition but for the second place.NWAD COMPETITION.7


    1. One who seeks and endeavors to obtain what another seeks; or one who claims what another claims; a rival.NWAD COMPETITOR.2

    They cannot brook competitors in love.NWAD COMPETITOR.3

    2. An opponent.NWAD COMPETITOR.4

    COMPETITORY, a. Rivaling; acting in competition.



    1. A collection of certain parts of a book or books, into a separate book or pamphlet.NWAD COMPILATION.2

    2. A collection or assemblage of other substances; or the act of collecting and forming an aggregate.NWAD COMPILATION.3

    COMPILATOR, n. A collector.

    COMPILE, v.t.

    1. To collect parts or passages of books or writings into a book or pamphlet; to select and put together parts of an author, or to collect parts of different authors; or to collect and arrange separate papers, laws, or customs, in a book, code or system.NWAD COMPILE.2

    2. To write; to compose.NWAD COMPILE.3

    In poetry, thy compile the praises o virtuous men and actions.NWAD COMPILE.4

    3. To contain; to comprise.NWAD COMPILE.5

    4. To make up; to compose.NWAD COMPILE.6

    5. To put together; to build.NWAD COMPILE.7

    COMPILED, pp. Collected from authors; selected and put together.

    COMPILEMENT, n. The act of piling together or heaping; coacervation.

    COMPILER, n. A collector of parts of authors, or of separate papers or accounts; one who forms a book or composition from various authors or separate papers.

    COMPILING, ppr. Collecting and arranging parts of books, or separate papers, in a body or composition.


    1. Pleasure; satisfaction; gratification. It is more than approbation, and less than delight or joy.NWAD COMPLACENCE.2

    Other proclaim the infirmities of a great man with satisfaction and complacency, if they discover none of the like in themselves.NWAD COMPLACENCE.3

    2. The cause of pleasure or joy.NWAD COMPLACENCE.4

    3. Complaisance; civility; softness of manners; deportment and address that afford pleasure.NWAD COMPLACENCE.5

    Complacency, and truth, and manly sweetness,NWAD COMPLACENCE.6

    Dwell ever on his tongue, and smooth his thoughts.NWAD COMPLACENCE.7

    In the latter sense, complaisance, from the French, is now used. [See Complaisance.]NWAD COMPLACENCE.8

    COMPLACENT, a. Civil; complaisant.

    They look up with a sort of complacent awe to kings.NWAD COMPLACENT.2

    COMPLACENTIAL, a. Marked by complacence; accommodating.

    COMPLACENTLY, adv. Softly; in a complacent manner.

    COMPLAIN, v.i.

    1. To utter expressions of grief; to lament.NWAD COMPLAIN.2

    I will complain in the bitterness of my spirit. Job 7:11.NWAD COMPLAIN.3

    I complained and my spirit was overwhelmed. Psalm 77:3.NWAD COMPLAIN.4

    2. To utter expressions of censure or resentment; to murmur; to find fault.NWAD COMPLAIN.5

    And when the people complained, it displeased the Lord. Numbers 11:1.NWAD COMPLAIN.6

    3. To utter expressions of uneasiness, or pain. He complains of thirst. He complains of a head-ache.NWAD COMPLAIN.7

    4. To charge; to accuse of an offense; to present an accusation against a person to a proper officer.NWAD COMPLAIN.8

    To A B, one of the justices of the peace for the county of S, complains C D.NWAD COMPLAIN.9

    This verb is regularly followed by of, before the cause of grief or censure; as, to complain of thirst, of ignorance, of vice, of an offender.NWAD COMPLAIN.10

    5. To represent injuries, particularly in a writ of Audita Querela.NWAD COMPLAIN.11

    COMPLAIN, v.t. To lament; to bewail.

    They might the grievance inwardly complain.NWAD COMPLAIN.13

    This use of complain is uncommon, and hardly legitimate. The phrase is properly elliptical.NWAD COMPLAIN.14

    COMPLAINABLE, a. That may be complained of.


    1. A prosecutor; one who prosecutes by complaint, or commences a legal process against an offender for the recovery of a right or penalty.NWAD COMPLAINANT.2

    He shall forfeit one moiety to the use of the town; and the other moiety to the use of the complainant.NWAD COMPLAINANT.3

    2. The plaintiff in a writ of Audita Querela.NWAD COMPLAINANT.4

    COMPLAINER, n. One who complains, or expresses grief; one who laments; one who finds fault; a murmurer.

    These are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts. Jude 16.NWAD COMPLAINER.2

    COMPLAINFUL, a. Full of complaint.

    COMPLAINING, ppr. Expressing grief, sorrow, or censure; finding fault; murmuring; lamenting; accusing of an offense.

    COMPLAINING, n. The expression of regret, sorrow, or injury.


    1. Expression of grief, regret, pain, censure, or resentment; lamentation; murmuring; a finding fault.NWAD COMPLAINT.2

    Even to day is my complaint bitter. Job 23:2.NWAD COMPLAINT.3

    2. The cause or subject of complaint, or murmuring.NWAD COMPLAINT.4

    The poverty of the clergy hath been the complaint of all who wish well to the church.NWAD COMPLAINT.5

    3. The cause of complaint, or of pain and uneasiness in the body; a malady; a disease; usually applied to disorders not violent; as a complaint in the bowels or breast.NWAD COMPLAINT.6

    4. Accusation; a charge against an offender, made by a private person or informer to a justice of the peace or other proper officer, alleging that the offender has violated the law, and claiming the penalty due to the prosecutor. It differs from an information, which is the prosecution of an offender by the Attorney or Solicitor General; and from a presentment and indictment, which are the accusation of a Grand Jury.NWAD COMPLAINT.7

    5. Representation of injuries, in a general sense; and appropriately, in a writ of Audita Querela.NWAD COMPLAINT.8


    1. A pleasing deportment; courtesy; that manner of address and behavior in social intercourse which gives pleasure; civility; obliging condescension; kind and affable reception and treatment of guests; exterior acts of civility; as, the gentleman received us with complaisance.NWAD COMPLAISANCE.2

    2. Condescension; obliging compliance with the wishes or humors of others.NWAD COMPLAISANCE.3

    In complaisance poor Cupid mourned.NWAD COMPLAISANCE.4

    3. Desire of pleasing; disposition to oblige; the principle for the act.NWAD COMPLAISANCE.5

    Your complaisance will not permit your guests to be incommoded.NWAD COMPLAISANCE.6

    COMPLAISANT, a. complazant. Pleasing in manners; courteous; obliging; desirous to please; as a complaisant gentleman.

    2. Civil; courteous; polite; as complaisant deportment or treatment.NWAD COMPLAISANT.2

    COMPLAISANTLY, adv. complazantly. In a pleasing manner; with civility; with an obliging, affable address or deportment.

    COMPLAISANTNESS, n. Civility; complaisance.

    COMPLANATE, COMPLANE, v.t. [See Plane and Plain.] to make level; to reduce to an even surface.


    1. Fulness; completion; whence, perfection.NWAD COMPLEMENT.2

    They as they feasted had their fill,NWAD COMPLEMENT.3

    For a full complement of all their ill.NWAD COMPLEMENT.4

    2. Full quantity or number; the quantity or number limited; as, a company has its complement of men; a ship has its complement of stores.NWAD COMPLEMENT.5

    3. That which is added, not as necessary, but as ornamental; something adventitious to the main thing; ceremony. [See Compliment.]NWAD COMPLEMENT.6

    Garnished and decked in modest complement.NWAD COMPLEMENT.7

    4. In geometry, what remains of the quadrant of a circle, or of ninety degrees, after any arch has been taken from it. Thus if the arch taken is thirty degrees, its complement is sixty.NWAD COMPLEMENT.8

    5. In astronomy, the distance of a star from the zenith.NWAD COMPLEMENT.9

    6. Arithmetical complement of a logarithm, is what the logarithm wants of 10,000,000.NWAD COMPLEMENT.10

    7. In fortification, the complement of the curtain is that part in the interior side which makes the demigorge.NWAD COMPLEMENT.11

    COMPLEMENTAL, a. Filling; supplying a deficiency; completing.

    COMPLEMENTARY, n. One skilled in compliments.

    COMPLETE, a.

    1. Having no deficiency; perfect.NWAD COMPLETE.2

    And ye are complete in him who is the head of all principality and power. Colossians 2:10.NWAD COMPLETE.3

    2. Finished; ended; concluded; as, the edifice is complete.NWAD COMPLETE.4

    This course of vanity almost complete.NWAD COMPLETE.5

    In strict propriety, this word admits of no comparison; for that which is complete, cannot be more or less so. But as the word, like many others, is used with some indefiniteness of signification, it is customary to qualify it with more, most, less and least. More complete, most complete, less complete, are common expressions.NWAD COMPLETE.6

    3. In botany, a complete flower is one furnished with a calyx and corolla. Vaillant. Or having all the parts of a flower.NWAD COMPLETE.7

    COMPLETE, v.t.

    1. To finish; to end; to perfect; as, to complete a bridge, or an edifice; to complete an education.NWAD COMPLETE.9

    2. To fill to accomplish; as, to complete hopes or desires.NWAD COMPLETE.10

    3. To fulfil; to accomplish; to perform; as, the prophecy of Daniel is completed.NWAD COMPLETE.11

    COMPLETED, pp. Finished; ended; perfected fulfilled; accomplished.

    COMPLETELY, adv. Fully; perfectly; entirely.

    COMPLETEMENT, n. The act of completing; a finishing.

    COMPLETENESS, n. The state of being complete; perfection.

    COMPLETING, ppr. Finishing; perfecting; accomplishing.


    1. Fulfilment; accomplishment.NWAD COMPLETION.2

    There was a full entire harmony and consent in the divine predictions, receiving their completion in Christ.NWAD COMPLETION.3

    2. Act of completing; state of being complete; utmost extent; perfect state; as, the gentleman went to the university for the completion of his education or studies.NWAD COMPLETION.4

    The completion of a bad character is to hate a good man.NWAD COMPLETION.5

    COMPLETIVE, a. Filling; making complete.

    COMPLETORY, a. Fulfilling; accomplishing.

    COMPLETORY, n. The evening service; the complin of the Romish church.


    1. Composed of two or more parts or things; composite; not simple; including two or more particulars connected; as a complex being; a complex idea; a complex term.NWAD COMPLEX.2

    Ideas made up of several simple ones, I call complex; such as beauty, gratitude, a man, the universe.NWAD COMPLEX.3

    2. Involved; difficult; as a complex subject.NWAD COMPLEX.4

    COMPLEX, n. Assemblage; collection; complication.

    This parable of the wedding supper comprehends in it the whole complex of all the blessings and privileges of the gospel.NWAD COMPLEX.6

    COMPLEXEDNESS, n. Complication; involution of parts in one integral; compound state; as the complexedness moral ideas.


    1. Involution; a complex state.NWAD COMPLEXION.2

    2. The color of the skin, particularly of the face; the color of the external parts of a body or thing; as a fair complexion; a dark complexion; the complexion of the sky.NWAD COMPLEXION.3

    3. The temperament, habitude, or natural disposition of the body; the peculiar cast of the constitution, which gives it a particular physical character; a medical term, but used to denote character, or description; as, men of this or that complexion.NWAD COMPLEXION.4

    Tis ill, Though different your complexions are,NWAD COMPLEXION.5

    The family of heaven for men should war.NWAD COMPLEXION.6

    COMPLEXIONAL, a. Depending on or pertaining to complexion; as complexional efflorescencies; complexional prejudices.

    COMPLEXIONALLY, adv. By complexion.

    COMPLEXIONARY, a. Pertaining to the complexion, or to the care of it.

    COMPLEXIONED, a. Having a certain temperament or state.

    COMPLEXITY, n. The state of being complex; complexness.

    COMPLEXITY, adv. In a complex manner; not simply.

    COMPLEXNESS, n. The state of being complex or involved.

    COMPLEXURE, n. The involution or complication of one thing with others.

    COMPLIABLE, a. [See Comply.] that can bend or yield.

    COMPLIANCE, n. [See Comply.]

    1. The act of complying; a yielding, as to a request, wish, desire, demand or proposal; concession; submission.NWAD COMPLIANCE.2

    Let the king meet compliance in your looks,NWAD COMPLIANCE.3

    A free and ready yielding to his wishes.NWAD COMPLIANCE.4

    2. A disposition to yield to others.NWAD COMPLIANCE.5

    He was man of few words and great compliance.NWAD COMPLIANCE.6

    3. Obedience; followed by with; as compliance with a command, or precept.NWAD COMPLIANCE.7

    4. Performance; execution; as a compliance with the conditions of a contract.NWAD COMPLIANCE.8


    1. Yielding, bending; as the compliant boughs. [See Pliant, which is generally used.]NWAD COMPLIANT.2

    2. Yielding to request or desire; civil; obliging.NWAD COMPLIANT.3

    COMPLIANTLY, adv. In a yielding manner.

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