DAWK, v.t. To cut or mark with an incision.
1. To begin to grow light in the morning; to grow light; as, the day dawns; the morning dawns.NWAD DAWN.2
It began to dawn towards the first day of the week. Matthew 28:1.NWAD DAWN.3
2. To begin to open or expand; to begin to show intellectual light, or knowledge; as, the genius of the youth begins to dawn.NWAD DAWN.4
When life awakes and dawns at every line. Pope.NWAD DAWN.5
3. To glimmer obscurely.NWAD DAWN.6
4. To begin to open or appear.NWAD DAWN.7
DAWN, n.
1. The break of day; the first appearance of light, in the morning.NWAD DAWN.9
They arose about the dawn of the day. Joshua 6:15.NWAD DAWN.10
The word may express the whole time from the first appearance of light to sunrise.NWAD DAWN.11
2. First opening or expansion; first appearance of intellectual light; as the dawn of genius, intellect, or mental powers.NWAD DAWN.12
3. Beginning; rise; first appearance; as the dawn of time.NWAD DAWN.13
4. A feeble or incipient light; first beams.NWAD DAWN.14
These tender circumstances diffuse a dawn of serenity over the soul. Pope.NWAD DAWN.15
1. Growing light; first appearing luminous; opening; as the dawning day.NWAD DAWNING.2
2. Opening; expanding; beginning to show intellectual light; beginning.NWAD DAWNING.3
1. The first appearance of light in the morning.NWAD DAWNING.5
2. The first opening or appearance of the intellectual powers; beginning; as the first dawning of notions in the understanding.NWAD DAWNING.6
1. That part of the time of the earth’s revolution on its axis, in which its surface is presented to the sun; the part of the twenty four hours when it is light; or the space of time between the rising and setting of the sun; called the artificial day.NWAD DAY.2
And God called the light day. Genesis 1:5.NWAD DAY.3
In this sense, the day may commence at any period of the revolution. The Babylonians began the day at sun-rising; the Jews, at sun-setting; the Egyptians, at midnight, as do several nations in modern times, the British, French, Spanish, American, etc. This day, in reference to civil transactions, is called the civil day. Thus with us the day when a legal instrument is dated, begins and ends at midnight.NWAD DAY.4
3. Light; sunshine.NWAD DAY.5
Let us walk honestly as in the day. Romans 13:13.NWAD DAY.6
4. Time specified; any period of time distinguished from other time; age; time with reference to the existence of a person or thing.NWAD DAY.7
He was a useful man in his day.NWAD DAY.8
In the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:17.NWAD DAY.9
In this sense, the plural is often used; as, from the days of the judges; in the days of our fathers. In this sense also, the word is often equivalent to life, or earthly existence.NWAD DAY.10
5. The contest of a day; battle; or day of combat.NWAD DAY.11
The day is his own.NWAD DAY.12
He won the day, that is, he gained the victory.NWAD DAY.13
6. An appointed or fixed time.NWAD DAY.14
If my debtors do not keep their day. Dryden.NWAD DAY.15
7. Time of commemorating an event; anniversary; the same day of the month, in any future year. We celebrate the day of our Savior’s birth.NWAD DAY.16
Day by day, daily; every day; each day in succession; continually; without intermission of a day.NWAD DAY.17
Day by day, we magnify thee. Common Prayer.NWAD DAY.18
But or only from day to day, without certainty of continuance; temporarily.NWAD DAY.19
To-day, adv. On the present day; this day; or at the present time.NWAD DAY.20
Days of grace, in theology, the time when mercy is offered to sinners.NWAD DAY.21
To-day, if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Psalm 95:7.NWAD DAY.22
Days of grace, in law, are days granted by the court for delay, at the prayer of the plaintiff or defendant.NWAD DAY.23
Three days, beyond the day named in the writ, in which the person summoned may appear and answer.NWAD DAY.24
Days of grace, in commerce, a customary number of days, in Great Britain and America, three, allowed for the payment of a note or bill of exchange, after it becomes due. A note due on the seventh of the month is payable on the tenth.NWAD DAY.25
The days of grace are different in different countries. In France, they are ten; at Naples, Eight; at Venice, Amsterdam and Antwerp, six; at Hamburg, Twelve; in Spain, fourteen; in Genoa, thirty.NWAD DAY.26
Days in bank, in England, days of appearance in the court of common bench.NWAD DAY.27
DAYBED, n. A bed used for idleness, indulgence, or rest during the day.
DAYBOOK, n. A journal of accounts; a book in which are recorded the debts and credits or accounts of the day.
DAYBREAK, n. The dawn or first appearance of light in the morning.
DAYCOAL, n. A name given by miners to the upper stratum of coal.
DAYDREAM, n. A vision to the waking senses.
DAYFLOWER, n. A genus of plants, the Commelina.
DAYFLY, n. A genus of insects that live one day only, or a very short time called Ephemera. The species are numerous, some of which live scarcely an hour, others, several days.
DAYLABOR, n. Labor hired or performed by the day.
DAYLABORER, n. One who works by the day.
DAYLIGHT, n. The light of the day; the light of the sun, as opposed to that of the moon or of a lamp or candle.
DAYLILY, n. The same with asphodel. A species of Hemerocallis.
DAYLY, a. The more regular orthography of daily.
DAYSMAN, n. An umpire or arbiter; a mediator.
Neither is there any daysman betwixt us. Job 9:33.NWAD DAYSMAN.2
DAYSPRING, n. The dawn; the beginning of the day, or first appearance of light.
Whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us. Luke 1:78.NWAD DAYSPRING.2
DAYSTAR, n. The morning star, Lucifer, Venus; the star which precedes the morning light.
DAYTIME, n. The time of the sun’s light on the earth; as opposed to night.
DAYWEARIED, a. Wearied with the labor of the day.
DAYWORK, Work by the day; daylabor.
DAYSWORK, n. The work of one day. Among seamen, the account or reckoning of a ship’s course for 24 hours, from noon to noon.
DAZE, v.t. To overpower with light; to dim or blind by too strong a light, or to render the sight unsteady.
DAZE, n. Among miners, a glittering stone.
1. To overpower with light; to hinder distinct vision by intense light; or to cause to shake; to render unsteady, as the sight. We say, the brightness of the sun dazzles the eyes or the sight.NWAD DAZZLE.2
2. To strike or surprise with a bright or intense light; to dim or blind by a glare of light, or by splendor, in a literal or figurative sense; as, to be dazzled by resplendent glory, or by a brilliant expression.NWAD DAZZLE.3
DAZZLE, v.i. To be overpowered by light; to shake or be unsteady; to waver, as the sight.
I dare not trust these eyes; They dance in mists, and dazzle with surprise.NWAD DAZZLE.5
DAZZLED, pp. Made wavering, as the sight; overpowered or dimmed by a too strong light.
DAZZLEMENT, n. The act or power of dazzling.
DAZZLING, ppr. Rendering unsteady or wavering as the sight; overpowering by a strong light; striking with splendor.
DAZZLINGLY, adv. In a dazzling manner.
DE, a Latin prefix, denotes a moving from, separation; as in debark, decline, decease, deduct, decamp. Hence it often expresses a negative; as in derange. Sometimes it augments the sense, as in deprave, despoil. It coincides nearly in sense with the French des and L. dis.
DEACON, n. [Gr., a minister or servant.]
1. A person in the lowest degree of holy orders. The office of deacon was instituted by the apostles, Acts 6, and seven persons were chosen at first, to serve at the feasts of christians and distribute bread and wine to the communicants, and to minister to the wants of the poor.NWAD DEACON.2
In the Romish Church, the office of the deacons is to incense the officiating priest; to lay the corporal on the altar; to receive the cup from the subdeacon and present it to the person officiating; to incense the choir; to receive the pax from the officiating prelate, and carry it to the subdeacon; and at the pontifical mass, to put the miter on the bishop’s head.NWAD DEACON.3
In the church of England, the office of deacons is declared to be to assist the priest in administering the holy communion; and their office in presbyterian and independent churches is to distribute the bread and wine to the communicants. In the latter, they are elected by the members of the church.NWAD DEACON.4
2. In Scotland, an overseer of the poor, and the master of an incorporated company.NWAD DEACON.5
DEACONESS, n. A female deacon in the primitive church.
DEACONRY or DEACONSHIP, n. The office, dignity or ministry of a deacon or deaconess.
1. Deprived or destitute of life; that state of a being, animal or vegetable, in which the organs of motion and life have ceased to perform their functions, and have become incapable of performing them, or of being restored to a state of activity.NWAD DEAD.2
The men are dead who sought thy life. Exodus 4:19.NWAD DEAD.3
It is sometimes followed by of before the cause of death; as, dead of hunger, or of a fever.NWAD DEAD.4
2. Having never had life, or having been deprived of vital action before birth; as, the child was born dead.NWAD DEAD.5
3. Without life; inanimate.NWAD DEAD.6
All, all but truth, drops dead-born from the press.NWAD DEAD.7
4. Without vegetable life; as a dead tree.NWAD DEAD.8
5. Imitating death; deep or sound; as a dead sleep.NWAD DEAD.9
6. Perfectly still; motionless as death; as a dead calm; a dead weight.NWAD DEAD.10
7. Empty; vacant; not enlivened by variety; as a dead void space; a dead plain.NWAD DEAD.11
We say also, a dead level, for a perfectly level surface.NWAD DEAD.12
8. Unemployed; useless; unprofitable. A man’s faculties may lie dead, or his goods remain dead on his hands. So dead capital or stock is that which produces no profit.NWAD DEAD.13
9. Dull; inactive; as a dead sale of commodities.NWAD DEAD.14
10. Dull; gloomy; still; not enlivened; as a dead winter; a dead season.NWAD DEAD.15
11. Still; deep; obscure; as the dead darkness of the night.NWAD DEAD.16
12. Dull; not lively; not resembling life; as the dead coloring of a piece; a dead eye.NWAD DEAD.17
13. Dull; heavy; as a dead sound.NWAD DEAD.18
14. Dull; frigid; lifeless; cold; not animated; not affecting; used of prayer.NWAD DEAD.19
15. Tasteless; vapid; spiritless; used of liquors.NWAD DEAD.20
16. Uninhabited; as dead walls.NWAD DEAD.21
17. Dull; without natural force or efficacy; not lively or brisk; as a dead fire.NWAD DEAD.22
18. In a state of spiritual death; void of grace; lying under the power of sin.NWAD DEAD.23
19. Impotent; unable to procreate.NWAD DEAD.24
20. Decayed in grace.NWAD DEAD.25
Thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. Revelation 3:1.NWAD DEAD.26
21. Not proceeding from spiritual life; not producing good works; as, faith without works is dead. James 2:17-26.NWAD DEAD.27
22. Proceeding from corrupt nature, not from spiritual life or a gracious principle; as dead works. Hebrews 9:14.NWAD DEAD.28
23. In law, cut off from the rights of a citizen: deprived of power of enjoying the rights of property; as one banished or becoming a monk is civilly dead.NWAD DEAD.29
Dead language, a language which is no longer spoken or in common use by a people, and known only in writings; as the Hebrew, Greek and Latin.NWAD DEAD.30
Dead rising or rising line, the parts of a ship’s floor or bottom throughout her length, where the floor timber is terminated on the lower futtock.NWAD DEAD.31
DEAD, n. ded.
1. The dead signifies dead men.NWAD DEAD.33
Ye shall not make cuttings for the dead. Leviticus 19:28.NWAD DEAD.34
2. The state of the dead; or death.NWAD DEAD.35
This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead. Matthew 14:2.NWAD DEAD.36
DEAD, n. ded. The time when there is a remarkable stillness or gloom; depth; as in the midst of winter or of night, are familiar expressions.
DEAD, v.i. ded. To lose life or force.
DEAD, v.t. ded. To deprive of life, force or vigor.
DEAD-DOING, a. Destructive; killing.
DEAD-DRUNK, a. So drunk as to be incapable of helping one’s self.
DEADEN, v.t. ded’n.
1. To deprive of a portion of vigor, force or sensation; to abate vigor or action; as, to deaden the force of a ball; to deaden the natural powers or feelings.NWAD DEADEN.2
2. To blunt; to render less susceptible or feeling; as, to deaden the motion of a ship or of the wind.NWAD DEADEN.3
3. To retard; to lessen velocity or motion; as, to deaden the motion of a ship or of the wind.NWAD DEADEN.4
4. To diminish spirit; to make vapid or spiritless; as, to deaden wine or beer.NWAD DEADEN.5
DEAD-EYE, n. ded’-eye. Among seamen, a round flattish wooden block, encircled by a rope, or an iron band, and pierced with holes, to receive the laniard, used to extend the shrouds and stays, and for other purposes.
DEAD-HEARTED, a. Having a dull, faint heart.
DEAD-LIFT, n. A heavy weight; a hopeless exigency.
DEAD-LIGHT, n. ded’-light. A strong wooden port, made to suit a cabin window, in which it is fixed, to prevent the water from entering a ship in a storm.
DEADLIHOOD, n. The state of the dead.
DEADLINESS, n. ded’liness. The quality of being deadly.
1. That may occasion death; mortal; fatal; destructive; as a deadly blow or wound.NWAD DEADLY.2
2. Mortal; implacable; aiming to kill or destroy; as a deadly enemy; deadly malice a deadly feud.NWAD DEADLY.3
DEADLY, adv. ded’ly. In a manner resembling death; as deadly pale or wan.
2. Mortally.NWAD DEADLY.5
With groanings of a deadly wounded man. Ezekiel 30:24.NWAD DEADLY.6
3. Implacably; destructively.NWAD DEADLY.7
4. In a vulgar or ludicrous sense, very; extremely; as a deadly cunning man.NWAD DEADLY.8
DEADLY-CARROT, n. A plant of the genus Thapsia.
1. Want of natural life or vital power, in an animal or plant; as the deadness of a limb, of a body, or of a tree.NWAD DEADNESS.2
2. Want of animation; dullness; languor; as the deadness of the eye.NWAD DEADNESS.3
3. Want of warmth or ardor; coldness; frigidity; as the deadness of the affections.NWAD DEADNESS.4
4. State of being incapable of conception, according to the ordinary laws of nature. Romans 4:19.NWAD DEADNESS.5
5. Indifference; mortification of the natural desires; alienation of heart from temporal pleasures; as deadness to the world.NWAD DEADNESS.6
DEADNETTLE, n. A plant of the genus Lamium, and another of the genus Galeopsis.
DEADPLEDGE, n. A mortgage or pawning of things, or thing pawned.
DEAD-RECKONING, n. In navigation, the judgment or estimation of the place of a ship, without any observation of the heavenly bodies; or an account of the distance she has run by the log, and of the course steered by the compass, and this rectified by due allowances for drift, lee-way, etc.
DEAD-STRUCK, a. Confounded; struck with horror.
DEADWATER, n. The eddy water closing in with a ship’s stern, as she passes through the water.
DEADWOOD, n. Blocks of timber laid on the keel of a ship, particularly at the extremities.
DEADWORKS, n. The parts of a ship which are above the surface of the water, when she is balanced for a voyage.
DEAF, n. deef.
1. Not perceiving sounds; not receiving impressions from sonorous bodies through the air; as a deaf ear.NWAD DEAF.2
2. Wanting the sense of hearing; having organs which do not perceive sounds; as a deaf man. It is followed by to before that which ought to be heard; as deaf to the voice of the orator.NWAD DEAF.3
3. In a metaphorical sense, not listening; not regarding; not moved, persuaded or convinced; rejecting; as deaf to reason or arguments. Men are deaf to the calls of the gospel.NWAD DEAF.4
4. Without the ability or will to regard spiritual things; unconcerned; as, hear, ye deaf. Isaiah 42:18, 19.NWAD DEAF.5
5. Deprived of the power of hearing; deafened; as deaf with clamor.NWAD DEAF.6
6. Stifled; imperfect; obscurely heard; as a deaf noise or murmur.NWAD DEAF.7
DEAF, v.t. to deafen, is used by Dryden, but is obsolete, unless perhaps in poetry.
DEAFEN, v.t. dee’fn.
1. To make deaf; to deprive of the power of hearing; to impair the organs of hearing, so as to render them unimpressible to sounds.NWAD DEAFEN.2
2. To stun; to render incapable of perceiving sounds distinctly; as deafened with clamor or tumult.NWAD DEAFEN.3
DEAFLY, adv. dee’fly. Without sense of sounds; obscurely heard.
1. Incapacity of perceiving sounds; the state of the organs which prevents the impressions which constitute hearing; as the deafness of the ears: hence, applied to persons, want of the sense of hearing.NWAD DEAFNESS.2
2. Unwillingness to hear and regard; voluntary rejection of what is addressed to the ear and to the understanding.NWAD DEAFNESS.3
DEAL, v.t. pret. and pp. dealt, pron. delt.
1. To divide; to part; to separate; hence, to divide in portions; to distribute; often followed by out.NWAD DEAL.2
Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry? Isaiah 1:8.NWAD DEAL.3
And Rome deals out her blessing and her gold.NWAD DEAL.4
2. To scatter; to throw about; as, to deal out feathered deaths.NWAD DEAL.5
3. To throw out in succession; to give one after another; as, to deal out blows.NWAD DEAL.6
4. To distribute the cards of a pack to the players.NWAD DEAL.7
DEAL, v.i.
1. To traffick; to trade; to negotiate.NWAD DEAL.9
They buy and sell, they deal and traffick.NWAD DEAL.10
2. To act between man and man; to intervene; to transact or negotiate between men.NWAD DEAL.11
He that deals between man and man, raiseth his own credit with both.NWAD DEAL.12
3. To behave well or ill; to act; to conduct one’s self in relation to others.NWAD DEAL.13
Thou shalt not steal, nor deal falsely, not lie. Leviticus 19:11.NWAD DEAL.14
4. To distribute cards.NWAD DEAL.15
To deal by, to treat, either well or ill; as, to deal well by domestics.NWAD DEAL.16
Such an one deals not fairly by his own mind.NWAD DEAL.17
To deal in, to have to do with; to be engaged in; to practice.NWAD DEAL.18
They deal in political matters; they deal in low humor.NWAD DEAL.19
2. To trade in; as, to deal in silks, or in cutlery.NWAD DEAL.20
To deal with, to treat in any manner; to use well or ill.NWAD DEAL.21
Now we will deal worse with thee. Genesis 19:9.NWAD DEAL.22
Return-and I will deal well with thee. Genesis 32:9.NWAD DEAL.23
3. To contend with; to treat with, by way of opposition, check or correction; as, he has turbulent passions to deal with.NWAD DEAL.24
4. To treat with by way of discipline, in ecclesiastical affairs; to admonish.NWAD DEAL.25
DEAL, n,
1. Literally, a division; a part or portion; hence, an indefinite quantity, degree or extent; as a deal of time and trouble; a deal of cold; a deal of space. Formerly it was limited by some, as some deal; but this is now obsolete or vulgar. In general, we now qualify the word with great, as a great deal of labor; a great deal of time and pains; a great deal of land. In the phrases, it is a great deal better or worse, the words, great deal, serve as modifiers of the sense of better and worse. The true construction is, it is, by a great deal, better; it is better by a great deal, that is, by a great part or difference.NWAD DEAL.27
2. The division or distribution of cards; the art or practice of dealing cards.NWAD DEAL.28
The deal, the shuffle, and the cut.NWAD DEAL.29
3. The division of a piece of timber made by sawing; a board or plank; a sense much more used in England than in the U. States.NWAD DEAL.30
DEALBATE, n.t. To whiten.
DEALBATION, n. The act of bleaching; a whitening.
1. One who deals; one who has to do with any thing, or has concern with; as a dealer in wit and learning.NWAD DEALER.2
2. A trader; a trafficker; a shopkeeper; a broker; a merchant; a word of very extensive use; as a dealer in dry goods; a dealer in hardware; a dealer in stocks; a dealer in leather; a dealer in lumber; a dealer in linens or woolens; a small dealer in groceries; a money-dealer.NWAD DEALER.3
3. One who distributes cards to the players.NWAD DEALER.4
1. Dividing; distributing; throwing out.NWAD DEALING.2
2. Trading; trafficking; negotiating.NWAD DEALING.3
3. Treating; behaving.NWAD DEALING.4
1. Practice; action; conduct; behavior; as, observe the dealings of the men who administer the government. But it is now more generally used of the actions of men in private life.NWAD DEALING.6
2. Conduct in relation to others; treatment; as the dealings of a father with his children. God’s dealings with men are the dispensations of his providence, or moral government.NWAD DEALING.7
3. Intercourse in buying and selling; traffick; business; negotiation. American merchants have extensive dealings with the merchants of Liverpool.NWAD DEALING.8
4. Intercourse of business or friendship; concern.NWAD DEALING.9
The Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans. John 4:9.NWAD DEALING.10
DEAMBULATE, v.i. To walk abroad.
DEAMBULATION, n. The act of walking abroad.
DEAMBULATORY, a. Pertaining to walks.
DEAMBULATORY, n. A place to walk in.
1. In England, am ecclesiastical dignitary in cathedral and collegiate churches, and the head of a chapter; the second dignitary of a diocese. Ancient deans are elected by the chapter in virtue of a conge d’elire from the king and letters missive of recommendation; but in the chapters founded by Henry VIII., out of the spoils of dissolved monasteries, the deanery is donative, and the installation merely by the kings letters patent.NWAD DEAN.2
2. An officer in each college of the universities in England.NWAD DEAN.3
3. In the U. States, an officer in a medical school.NWAD DEAN.4
1. The office or the revenue of a dean.NWAD DEANERY.2
2. The house of a dean.NWAD DEANERY.3
3. The jurisdiction of a dean.NWAD DEANERY.4
Each archdeaconry is divided into rural deaneries, and each deanery is divided into parishes.NWAD DEANERY.5
Rural dean, or arch-presbyter, had originally jurisdiction over ten churches; but afterwards he became only the bishop’s substitute, to grant letters of administration, probate of wills, etc. His office is now lost in that of the archdeacon and chancellor.NWAD DEANERY.6
Dean of a Monastery, a superior established under the abbot, to ease him in taking care of ten monks. Hence his name.NWAD DEANERY.7
Dean and Chapter, are the bishop’s council, to aid him with their advice in affairs of religion, and in the temporal concerns of his see.NWAD DEANERY.8
DEANSHIP, n. The office of a dean.
1. Scarce; not plentiful.NWAD DEAR.2
2. Bearing a high price in comparison of the usual price; more costly than usual; of a higher price than the customary one. Wheat is dear at a dollar a bushel, when the usual price is seventy five cents. This is the effect of scarcity and demand.NWAD DEAR.3
3. Of a high value in estimation; greatly valued; beloved; precious.NWAD DEAR.4
And the last joy was dearer than the rest.NWAD DEAR.5
Be ye followers of God, as dear children. Ephesians 5:1.NWAD DEAR.6
DEAR, a. Hurtful; grievous; hateful.
DEAR, v.t. To make dear.
DEAR, n. A darling; a word denoting tender affection or endearment; as, my dear.
DEARBOUGHT, a. Purchased at a high price; as dearbought experience; dearbought blessings.
DEARLOVED, a. Greatly beloved.
1. At a high price; as, he pays dearly for his rashness.NWAD DEARLY.2
2. With great fondness; as, we love our children dearly; dearly beloved.NWAD DEARLY.3
DEARN, a. Lonely; solitary; melancholy.
1. Scarcity; high price, or a higher price than the customary one; as the dearness of corn.NWAD DEARNESS.2
2. Fondness; nearness to the heart or affections; great value in estimation; preciousness; tender love; as the dearness of friendship.NWAD DEARNESS.3
DEARNLY, adv. Secretly; privately.
1. Scarcity; as a dearth of corn.NWAD DEARTH.2
2. Want; need; famine;NWAD DEARTH.3
3. Barrenness; sterility; as a dearth of plot.NWAD DEARTH.4
1. That state of a being, animal or vegetable, but more particularly of an animal, in which there is a total and permanent cessation of all the vital functions, when the organs have not only ceased to act, but have lost the susceptibility of renewed action. Thus the cessation of respiration and circulation in an animal may not be death, for during hybernation some animals become entirely torpid, and some animals and vegetables may be subjected to a fixed state by frost, but being capable of revived activity, they are not dead.NWAD DEATH.2
2. The state of the dead; as the gates of death. Job 38:17.NWAD DEATH.3
3. The manner of dying.NWAD DEATH.4
Thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas. Ezekiel 28:8.NWAD DEATH.5
Let me die the death of the righteous. Numbers 23:10.NWAD DEATH.6
4. The image of mortality represented by a skeleton; as a death’s head.NWAD DEATH.7
5. Murder; as a man of death.NWAD DEATH.8
6. Cause of death.NWAD DEATH.9
O thou man of God, there is death in the pot. 2 Kings 4:40.NWAD DEATH.10
We say, he caught his death.NWAD DEATH.11
7. Destroyer or agent of death; as, he will be the death of his poor father.NWAD DEATH.12
8. In poetry, the means or instrument of death; as an arrow is called the feathered death; a ball, a leaden death.NWAD DEATH.13
Deaths invisible come winged with fire.NWAD DEATH.14
9. In theology, perpetual separation from God, and eternal torments; called the second death. Revelation 2:11.NWAD DEATH.15
10. Separation or alienation of the soul from God; a being under the dominion of sin, and destitute of grace or divine life; called spiritual death.NWAD DEATH.16
We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren. 1 John 3:14; Luke 1:79.NWAD DEATH.17
Civil death, is the separation of a man from civil society, or from the enjoyment of civil rights; as by banishment, abjuration of the realm, entering into a monastery, etc.NWAD DEATH.18
DEATH-BED, n. deth’-bed. The bed on which a person dies or is confined in his last sickness.
DEATH-DARTING, a. Darting or inflicting death.
DEATH’S-DOOR, n. A near approach to death; the gates of death.
DEATHFUL, a. Full of slaughter; murderous; destructive.
These eyes behold the deathful scene.NWAD DEATHFUL.2
DEATHFULNESS, n. Appearance of death.
DEATHLESS, a. Immortal; not subject to death, destruction or extinction; as deathless beings; deathless fame.
1. Resembling death; gloomy; still; calm; quiet; peaceful; motionless; like death in horror or in stillness; as deathlike slumbers.NWAD DEATHLIKE.2
2. Resembling death; cadaverous.NWAD DEATHLIKE.3
DEATH’S-MAN, n. An executioner; a hangman.
DEATH-SHADOWED, a. Surrounded by the shades of death.
DEATH-TOKEN, n. That which indicates approaching death.
DEATHWARD, adv. Toward death.
DEATH-WATCH, n. A small insect whose ticking is weakly supposed, by superstitious and ignorant people, to prognosticate death.
DEAURATE, a. Gilded.
DEBACLE, n. A breaking or bursting forth.
The geological deluge, which is supposed to have swept the surface of the earth, and to have conveyed the fragments of rocks, and the remains of animals and vegetables, to a distance from their native localities.NWAD DEBACLE.2
DEBAR, v.t. To cut off from entrance; to preclude; to hinder from approach, entry or enjoyment; to shut out or exclude; as, we are not debarred from any rational enjoyment; religion debars us from no real pleasure.
DEBARK, v.t. To land from a ship or boat; to remove from on board any water-craft, and place on land; to disembark; as, to debark artillery.
DEBARKATION, n. The act of disembarking.
DEBARKED, pp. Removed to land from on board a ship or boat.
DEBARKING, ppr. Removing from a ship to the land; going from on board a vessel.