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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    EDUCATING, ppr. Instructing; enlightening the understanding, and forming the manners.

    EDUCATION, n. [L. educatio.] The bringing up, as of a child, instruction; formation of manners. Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.

    EDUCATIONAL, a. Pertaining to education; derived from education; as educational habits.

    EDUCATOR, n. One who educates.

    EDUCE, v.t. [L. educo, eduxi; e and duco, to lead.]

    To bring or draw out; to extract; to produce from a state of occultation.NWAD EDUCE.2

    Th’ eternal art educing good from ill.NWAD EDUCE.3

    EDUCED, pp. Drawn forth, extracted; produced.

    EDUCING, ppr. Drawing forth; producing.

    EDUCT, n. [L. eductum, from educo.] Extracted matter; that which is educed; that which is brought to light, by separation, analysis or decomposition.

    We must consider the educts of its analysis by Bergman, etc.NWAD EDUCT.2

    EDUCTION, n. The act of drawing out or bringing into view.

    EDUCTOR, n. That which brings forth, elicits or extracts.

    Stimulus must be called an eductor of vital ether.NWAD EDUCTOR.2

    EDULCORATE, v.t. [Low L. edulco, from dulcis, sweet.]

    1. To purify; to sweeten. In chimistry, to render substances more mild, by freeing them from acids and salts or other soluble impurities, by washing.NWAD EDULCORATE.2

    2. To sweeten by adding sugar, syrup, etc.NWAD EDULCORATE.3

    EDULCORATED, pp. Sweetened; purified from acid or saline substances, and rendered more mild.

    EDULCORATING, ppr. Sweetening; rendering more mild.

    EDULCORATION, n. The act of sweetening or rendering more mild, by freeing from acid or saline substances, or from any soluble impurities.

    1. The act of sweetening by admixture of some saccharine substance.NWAD EDULCORATION.2

    EDULCORATIVE, a. Having the quality of sweetening.

    EEK. [See Eke.]

    EEL, n. A species of Muraena, a genus of fishes belonging to the order of apodes. The head is smooth; there are ten rays in the membrane of the gills; the eyes are covered with a common skin; the body is cylindrical and slimy. Eels, in some respects, resemble reptiles, particularly in their manner of moving by a serpentine winding of the body; and they often creep upon land and wander about at night in search of snails or other food. In winter, they lie buried in mud, being very impatient of cold. They grow to the weight of 15 or 20 pounds; and the conger eel is said to grow to a hundred pounds in weight, and to 10 feet in length. They are esteemed good food.

    EEL-FISHING, n. The act or art of catching eels.

    EELPOT, n. A kind of basket used for catching eels.

    EELPOUT, n. A species of Gadus, somewhat resembling an eel, but shorter in proportion, seldom exceeding a foot in length. It is a delicate fish.

    EELSKIN, n. The skin of an eel.

    EELSPEAR, n. A forked instrument used for stabbing eels.

    EEN, contracted from even, which see.

    I have e’en done with you.NWAD EEN.2

    EFF, n. A lizard.

    EFFABLE, a. [L. effabilis, from effor; ex and for, to speak.]

    Utterable; that may be uttered or spoken. [This word is not used; but ineffable is in common use.]NWAD EFFABLE.2

    EFFACE, v.t. [L. ex and facio or facies.]

    1. To destroy a figure on the surface of any thing, whether painted or carved, so as to render it invisible or not distinguishable; as, to efface the letters on a monument.NWAD EFFACE.2

    2. To blot out; to erase, strike or scratch out, so as to destroy or render illegible; as, to efface a writing; to efface a name.NWAD EFFACE.3

    3. To destroy any impression on the mind; to wear away; as, to efface the image of a person in the mind; to efface ideas or thoughts; to efface gratitude.NWAD EFFACE.4

    To deface is to injure or impair a figure; to effect is to rub out or destroy, so as to render invisible.NWAD EFFACE.5

    EFFACED, pp. Rubbed or worn out; destroyed, as a figure or impression.

    EFFACING, ppr. Destroying a figure, character or impression on any thing.

    EFFECT, n. [L. effectus, from efficio; ex and facio, to make.]

    1. That which is produced by an agent or cause; as the effect of luxury; the effect of intemperance.NWAD EFFECT.2

    Poverty, disease and disgrace are the natural effects of dissipation.NWAD EFFECT.3

    2. Consequence; event.NWAD EFFECT.4

    To say that a composition is imperfect, is in effect to say the author is a man.NWAD EFFECT.5

    3. Purpose; general intent.NWAD EFFECT.6

    They spoke to her to that effect. 2 Chronicles 34:22.NWAD EFFECT.7

    4. Consequence intended; utility; profit; advantage.NWAD EFFECT.8

    Christ is become of no effect to you. Galatians 5:4.NWAD EFFECT.9

    5. Force; validity. The obligation is void and of no effect.NWAD EFFECT.10

    6. Completion; perfection.NWAD EFFECT.11

    Not so worthily to be brought to heroical effect by fortune or necessity.NWAD EFFECT.12

    7. Reality; not mere appearance; fact.NWAD EFFECT.13

    No other in effect than what it seems.NWAD EFFECT.14

    8. In the plural, effects are goods; movables; personal estate. The people escaped from the town with their effects.NWAD EFFECT.15

    EFFECT, v.t. [from the Noun.] To produce, as a cause or agent; to cause to be. The revolution in France effected a great change of property.

    1. To bring to pass; to achieve; to accomplish; as, to effect an object or purpose.NWAD EFFECT.17

    EFFECTED, pp. Done; performed; accomplished.

    EFFECTIBLE, a. That may be done or achieved; practicable; feasible.

    EFFECTING, ppr. Producing; performing; accomplishing.

    EFFECTIVE, a. Having the power to cause or produce; efficacious.

    They are not effective of any thing.NWAD EFFECTIVE.2

    1. Operative; active; having the quality of producing effects.NWAD EFFECTIVE.3

    Time is not effective, nor are bodies destroyed by it.NWAD EFFECTIVE.4

    2. Efficient; causing to be; as an effective cause.NWAD EFFECTIVE.5

    3. Having the power of active operation; able; as effective men in any army; an effective force.NWAD EFFECTIVE.6

    EFFECTIVELY, adv. With effect; powerfully; with real operation.

    This effectively resists the devil.NWAD EFFECTIVELY.2

    [In this sense, effectually is generally used.]NWAD EFFECTIVELY.3

    EFFECTLESS, a. Without effect; without advantage; useless.

    EFFECTOR, n. One who effects; one who produces or causes; a maker or creator.

    EFFECTUAL, a. Producing an effect, or the effect desired or intended; or having adequate power or force to produce the effect. The means employed were effectual.

    According to the gift of the grace of God given me by the effectual working of his power. Ephesians 3:7.NWAD EFFECTUAL.2

    1. Veracious; expressive of facts. [Not used.]NWAD EFFECTUAL.3

    2. Effectual assassin, in Mitford, is unusual and not well authorized.NWAD EFFECTUAL.4

    EFFECTUALLY, adv. With effect; efficaciously; in a manner to produce the intended effect; thoroughly. The weeds on land for grain must be effectually subdued. The city is effectually guarded.

    EFFECTUATE, v.t. To bring to pass; to achieve; to accomplish; to fulfil; as, to effectuate a purpose or desire.

    EFFECTUATED, pp. Accomplished.

    EFFECTUATING, ppr. Achieving; performing to effect.

    EFFEMINACY, n. [from effeminate.] The softness, delicacy and weakness in men, which are characteristic of the female sex, but which in males are deemed a reproach; unmanly delicacy; womanish softness or weakness.

    1. Voluptuousness; indulgence in unmanly pleasures; lasciviousness.NWAD EFFEMINACY.2

    EFFEMINATE, a. [L. effoeminatus, from effoeminor, to grow or make womanish, from foemina, a woman. See Woman.]

    1. Having the qualities of the female sex; soft or delicate to an unmanly degree; tender; womanish; voluptuous.NWAD EFFEMINATE.2

    The king, by his voluptuous life and mean marriage, became effeminate, and less sensible of honor.NWAD EFFEMINATE.3

    2. Womanish; weak; resembling the practice or qualities of the sex; as an effeminate peace; an effeminate life.NWAD EFFEMINATE.4

    3. Womanlike, tender, in a sense not reproachful.NWAD EFFEMINATE.5

    EFFEMINATE, v.t. To make womanish; to unman; to weaken; as to effeminate children.
    EFFEMINATE, v.i. To grow womanish or weak; to melt into weakness.

    In a slothful peace courage will effeminate.NWAD EFFEMINATE.8

    EFFEMINATELY, adv. In a womanish manner; weakly; softly.

    1. By means of a woman; as effeminately vanquished.NWAD EFFEMINATELY.2

    EFFEMINATENESS, n. Unmanlike softness.

    EFFEMINATION, n. The state of one grown womanish; the state of being weak or unmanly. [Little used.]

    EFFERVESCE, v.i. efferves’. [L. effervesco, from ferveo, to be hot, to rage. See Fervent.] To be in natural commotion, like liquor when gently boiling; to bubble and hiss, as fermenting liquors, or any fluid, when some part escapes in an elastic form; to work, as new wine.

    EFFERVESCENCE, n. A kind ofnatural ebullition; that commotion of a fluid, which takes place, when some part of the mass flies off in an elastic form, producing innumerable small bubbles; as the effervescence or working of new wine, cider or beer; the effervescence of a carbonate with nitric acid.

    EFFERVESCENT, a. Gently boiling or bubbling by means of the disengagement of an elastic fluid.

    EFFERVESCIBLE, a. That has the quality of effervescing; capable of producing effervescence.

    A small quantity of effervescible matter.NWAD EFFERVESCIBLE.2

    EFFERVESCING, ppr. Boiling; bubbling, by means of an elastic fluid extricated in the dissolution of bodies.

    EFFETE, a. [L. effoetus, effetus; ex and foetus, embryo.]

    1. Barren; not capable of producing young, as animal, or fruit, as the earth. An animal becomes effete by losing the power of conception. The earth may be rendered effete, by drouth, or by exhaustion of fertility.NWAD EFFETE.2

    2. Worn out with age; as effete sensuality.NWAD EFFETE.3

    EFFICACIOUS, a. [L. efficax, from efficio. See Effect.]

    Effectual; productive of effects; producing the effect intended; having power adequate to the purpose intended; powerful; as an efficacious remedy for disease.NWAD EFFICACIOUS.2

    EFFICACIOUSLY, adv. Effectually; in such a manner as to produce the effect desired. We say, a remedy has been efficaciously applied.

    EFFICACIOUSNESS, n. The quality of being efficacious.

    EFFICACY, n. [L. efficax.] Power to produce effects; production to the effect intended; as the efficacy of the gospel in converting men from sin; the efficacy of prayer; the efficacy of medicine in counteracting disease; the efficacy of manure in fertilizing land.

    EFFICIENCE, EFFICIENCY, n. [L. efficiens, from efficio. See Effect.]

    1. The act of producing effects; a causing to be or exist; effectual agency.NWAD EFFICIENCE.2

    The manner of this divine efficiency is far above us.NWAD EFFICIENCE.3

    Gravity does not proceed from the efficiency of any contingent or unstable agent.NWAD EFFICIENCE.4

    2. Power of producing the effect intended; active competent power.NWAD EFFICIENCE.5

    EFFICIENT, a. Causing effects; producing; that causes any thing to be what is is. The efficient cause is that which produces; the final cause is that for which it is produced.

    EFFICIENT, n. The agent or cause which produces or causes to exist.

    1. He that makes.NWAD EFFICIENT.3

    EFFICIENTLY, adv. With effect; effectively.

    EFFIERCE, v.t. effers’. To make fierce or furious. [Not used.]

    EFFIGY, n. [L. effigies, from effingo, to fashion; ex and fingo, to form or devise.]

    1. The image or likeness of a person; resemblance; representation; any substance fashioned into the shape of a person.NWAD EFFIGY.2

    2. Portrait; likeness; figure, in sculpture or painting.NWAD EFFIGY.3

    3. On coins, the print or impression representing the head of the prince who struck the coin.NWAD EFFIGY.4

    To burn or hang in effigy, is to burn or hang an image or picture of the person intended to be executed, disgraced or degraded. In France, when a criminal cannot be apprehended, his picture is hung on a gallows or gibbet, at the bottom of which is written his sentence of condemnation.NWAD EFFIGY.5

    EFFLATE, v.t. [L. efflo.] To fill with breath or air. [Little used.]

    EFFLORESCE, v.t. efflores’. [L. effloresco, from floresco, floreo, to blossom, flos, a flower. See Flower.]

    1. In chimistry, to form a mealy powder on the surface; to become pulverulent or dusty on the surface. Substances effloresce by losing their water of crystallization.NWAD EFFLORESCE.2

    Those salts whose crystals effloresce, belong to the class which is most soluble, and crystalize by cooling.NWAD EFFLORESCE.3

    2. To form saline vegetation on the surface; or rather to shoot out minute spicular crystals; as the efflorescence of salts on plaster.NWAD EFFLORESCE.4

    EFFLORESCENCE, n. In botany, the time of flowering; the season when a plant shows its first blossoms.

    1. Among physicians, a redness of the skin; eruptions; as in rash, measles, small pox, scarlatina, etc.NWAD EFFLORESCENCE.2

    2. In chimistry, the formation of small white threads, resembling the sublimated matter called flower, on the surface of certain bodies, as salts. This is properly a shooting out of minute spicular crystals, called sometimes a saline vegetation, as that of the sulphate of magnesia on the deserts of Siberia, and of natron in Egypt. In butter much salted, the salt shoots in spiculae, and an efflorescence is often seen on walls formed with plaster. In some species of salts, as in sulphate and carbonate of soda, the efflorescence consists of a fine white dust. This kind of efflorescence is the contrary of deliquescence. In the latter, the saline crystals decompose the air, or rather abstract moisture from it; in the former, the atmosphere decomposes the saline crystals, and the water of crystallization is abstracted from the salts.NWAD EFFLORESCENCE.3

    EFFLORESCENT, a. Shooting into white threads or spiculae; forming a white dust on the surface.

    EFFLUENCE, n. [L. effluens, effluo; ex and fluo, to flow. See Flow.] A flowing out; that which flows or issues from any body or substance.

    Bright effluence of bright essence increate.NWAD EFFLUENCE.2

    EFFLUVIUM, n. plu. effluvia. [L. from effluo, to flow out. See Flow.] The minute and often invisible particles which exhale from most, if not all terrestrial bodies, such as the odor or smell of plants, and the noxious exhalations from diseased bodies or putrefying animal or vegetable substances.

    EFFLUX, n. [L. effluxus, from effluo, to flow out.]

    1. The act of flowing out, or issuing in a stream; as an efflux of matter from an ulcer.NWAD EFFLUX.2

    2. Effusion; flow; as the first efflux of men’s piety.NWAD EFFLUX.3

    3. That which flows out; emanation.NWAD EFFLUX.4

    Light--efflux divine.NWAD EFFLUX.5

    EFFLUX, v.i. To run or flow away. [Not used.]

    EFFLUXION, n. [L. effluxum, from effluo.]

    1. The act of flowing out.NWAD EFFLUXION.2

    2. That which flows out; effluvium; emanation.NWAD EFFLUXION.3

    EFFORCE, v.t.

    1. To force; to break through by violence.NWAD EFFORCE.2

    2. To force; to ravish.NWAD EFFORCE.3

    3. To strain; to exert with effort.NWAD EFFORCE.4

    [This word is now rarely used; perhaps never, except in poetry. We now use force.]NWAD EFFORCE.5

    EFFORM, v.t. [from form.] To fashion; to shape.

    [For this we now use form.]NWAD EFFORM.2

    EFFORMATION, n. The act of giving shape or form.

    [We now use formation.]NWAD EFFORMATION.2

    EFFORT, n. [L. fortis. See Force.] A straining; an exertion of strength; endeavor; strenuous exertion to accomplish an object; applicable to physical or intellectual power. The army, by great efforts, scaled the walls. Distinction in science is gained by continued efforts of the mind.

    EFFOSSION, n. [L. effossus, from effodio, to dig out.] The act of digging out of the earth; as the effossion of coins.

    EFFRAY, v.t. To frighten. [Not in use.]

    EFFRAYABLE, a. Frightful; dreadful. [Not in use.]

    EFFRENATION, n. [L. effroenatio, from froenum, a rein.]

    Unbridled rashness or license; unruliness. [Not in use.]NWAD EFFRENATION.2

    EFFRONTERY, n. Impudence; assurance; shameless boldness; sauciness; boldness transgressing the bounds of modesty and decorum. Effrontry is a sure mark of ill breading.

    EFFULGE, v.i. effulj’. [L. effulgeo; ex and fulgeo, to shine.]

    To send forth a flood of light; to shine with splendor.NWAD EFFULGE.2

    EFFULGENCE, n. A flood of light; great luster or brightness; splendor; as the effulgence of divine glory. It is a word of superlative signification, and applied, with peculiar propriety, to the sun and to the Supreme Being.

    EFFULGENT, a. Shining; bright; splendid; diffusing a flood of light; as the effulgent sun.

    EFFULGING, ppr. Sending out a flood of light.

    EFFUMABILITY, n. The quality of flying off in fumes or vapor.

    EFFUME, v.t. To breathe out. [Not used.]

    EFFUSE, v.t. effu’ze. [L. effusus, from effundo; ex and fundo, to pour.] To pour out as a fluid; so spill; to shed.

    With gushing blood effused.NWAD EFFUSE.2

    EFFUSE, a. Dissipated; profuse. [Not in used.]

    EFFUSED, pp. effu’zed. Poured out; shed.

    EFFUSING, ppr. effu’zing. Pouring out; shedding.

    EFFUSION, n. effu’zhon. The act of pouring out as a liquid.

    1. The act of pouring out; a shedding or spilling; waste; as the effusion of blood.NWAD EFFUSION.2

    2. The pouring out of words.NWAD EFFUSION.3

    3. The act of pouring out or bestowing divine influence; as the effusions of the Holy Spirit; effusions of grade.NWAD EFFUSION.4

    4. That which is poured out.NWAD EFFUSION.5

    Wash me with that precious effusion, and I shall be whiter than snow.NWAD EFFUSION.6

    5. Liberal donation. [Not used.]NWAD EFFUSION.7

    EFFUSIVE, a. Pouring out; that pours forth largely.

    Th’ effusive south.NWAD EFFUSIVE.2

    EFT, n. A newt; an evet; the common lizard.

    EFT, adv. After; again; soon; quickly.

    EFTSOONS, adv. Soon afterwards; in a short time.

    E.G. [exempli gratia.] For the sake of an example; for instance.

    EGAD, exclam. A lucky star, good fortune, as we say, my stars!

    EGER, EAGARE, n. An impetuous flood; an irregular tide.

    EGERAN, n. [from Eger, in bohemia.] A subspecies of pyramidical garnet, of a reddish brown color. It occurs massive or crystallized.

    EGERMINATE. [Not used. See Germinate.]

    EGEST, v.t. [L. egestum, from egero.] To cast or throw out; to void, as excrement.

    EGESTION, n. [L. egestio.] The act of voiding digested matter at the natural vent.

    EGG, n. [L. ovum, by a change of g into v.] A body formed in the females of fowls and certain other animals, containing an embryo or fetus of the same species, or the substance from which a like animal is produced. The eggs of fowls when laid are covered with a shell, and within is the white or albumen, which incloses the yolk or yellow substance. The eggs of fish and some other animals are united by a viscous substance, and called spawn. Most insects are oviparous.

    Egg, to incite, is a more blunder. [See Edge.]NWAD EGG.2

    EGGBIRD, n. A fowl, a species of tern.

    EGILOPICAL, a. Affected with the egilops.

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