ENTRAMMELED, a. [from trammel.] Curled; frizzed. [Not used.]
ENTRANCE, n. [L. intrans, intro.]
1. The act of entering into a place; as the entrance of a person into a house or an apartment.NWAD ENTRANCE.2
2. The power of entering. Let the porter give no entrance to strangers.NWAD ENTRANCE.3
Where diligence opens the door of the understanding, and impartiality keeps it, truth is sure to find an entrance and a welcome too.NWAD ENTRANCE.4
3. The door, gate, passage or avenue, by which a place may be entered.NWAD ENTRANCE.5
They said, show us the entrance into the city. Judges 1:24.NWAD ENTRANCE.6
4. Commencement; initiation; beginning. A youth at his entrance on a difficult science, is apt to be discouraged.NWAD ENTRANCE.7
5. The act of taking possession, as of land; as the entrance of an heir or a disseizor into lands and tenements.NWAD ENTRANCE.8
6. The act of taking possession, as of an office. Magistrates at their entrance into office, usually take an oath.NWAD ENTRANCE.9
7. The act of entering a ship or goods at the custom-house.NWAD ENTRANCE.10
8. The beginning of any thing.NWAD ENTRANCE.11
St. Augustine, in the entrance of one of his discourses, makes a kind of apology.NWAD ENTRANCE.12
ENTRANSE, v.t. or i. [L. transeo.]
1. To put in a transe; to withdraw the soul, and leave the body in a kind of dead sleep or insensibility; to make insensible to present objects. The verb is seldom used, but the participle, entransed, is common.NWAD ENTRANSE.2
2. To put in an ecstasy; to ravish the soul with delight or wonder.NWAD ENTRANSE.3
And I so ravish’d with her heavenly note,NWAD ENTRANSE.4
I stood entransed, and had no room for thought.NWAD ENTRANSE.5
ENTRANSED, pp. Put in a transe; having the soul withdrawn, and the body left in a state of insensibility; enraptured; ravished.
ENTRANSING, ppr. Carrying away the soul; enrapturing; ravishing.
ENTRAP, v.t. To catch as in a trap; to insnare; used chiefly or wholly in a figurative sense. To catch by artifices; to involve in difficulties or distresses; to entangle; to catch or involve in contradictions; in short, to involve in any difficulties from which an escape is not easy or possible. We are entrapped by the devices of evil men. We are sometimes entrapped in our own words.
ENTRAPPED, pp. Ensnared; entangled.
ENTRAPPING, ppr. Ensnaring; involving in difficulties.
ENTREAAT, v.t. [L. tracto, to handle, feel, treat, use, manage.]
1. To ask earnestly; to beseech; to petition or pray with urgency; to supplicate; to solicit pressingly; to importune.NWAD ENTREAAT.2
Isaac entreated Jehovah for his wife. Genesis 25:21.NWAD ENTREAAT.3
2. To prevail on by prayer or solicitation. Hence in the passive form, to be prevailed on; to yield to entreaty.NWAD ENTREAAT.4
It were a fruitless attempt to appease a power, whom no prayers could entreat.NWAD ENTREAAT.5
3. To treat, in any manner; properly, to use or manage; but I believe, entreat is always applied to persons, as treat is to persons or things. Applied to persons, to entreat is to use, or to deal with; to manifest to others any particular deportment, good or ill.NWAD ENTREAAT.6
I will cause the enemy to entreat thee well. Jeremiah 15:11.NWAD ENTREAAT.7
The Egyptians evil-entreated us. Deuteronomy 26:6.NWAD ENTREAAT.8
[In this application, the prefix en is now dropped, and treat is used.]NWAD ENTREAAT.9
4. To entertain; to amuse.NWAD ENTREAAT.10
5. To entertain; to receive.NWAD ENTREAAT.11
ENTREAT, v.i. To make an earnest petition or request.
The Janizaries entreated for them, as valiant men.NWAD ENTREAT.2
1. To offer a treaty. [Not used.]NWAD ENTREAT.3
2. To treat; to discourse. [Not used.]NWAD ENTREAT.4
ENTREATANCE, n. Entreaty; solicitation.
ENTREATED, pp. Earnestly supplicated, besought or solicited; importuned; urgently requested.
1. Prevailed on by urgent solicitation; consenting to grant what is desired.NWAD ENTREATED.2
2. Used; managed.NWAD ENTREATED.3
ENTREATER, n. One that entreats, or asks earnestly.
ENTREATING, ppr. Earnestly asking; pressing with request or prayer; importuning.
1. Treating; using.NWAD ENTREATING.2
ENTREATIVE, a. Pleading; treating.
ENTREATY, n. Urgent prayer; earnest petition; pressing solicitation; supplication.
The poor useth entreaties; but the rich answereth roughly. Proverbs 18:23.NWAD ENTREATY.2
ENTREMETS, n. [L. intromissum.] Small plates set between the principal dishes at table, or dainty dishes.
ENTREPOT, n. A warehouse, staple or magazine, for the deposit of goods.
ENTRICK, v.t. [from trick.] To trick; to deceive; to entangle.
ENTROCHITE, n. [Gr. a wheel.] A kind of extraneous fossil, usually about an inch in length, and made up of round joints, which, when separated, are called trochites. These seem to be composed of the same kind of substance as the fossil shells of the echini. They are striated from the center to the circumference and have a cavity in the middle. They appear to be the petrified arms of the seastar, called stella arborescens.
ENTRY, n. The passage by which persons enter a house or other building.
1. The act of entering; entrance; ingress; as the entry of a person into a house or city; the entry of a river into the sea or a lake; the entry of air into the blood; the entry of a spear into the flesh.NWAD ENTRY.2
2. The act of entering and taking possession of lands or other estate.NWAD ENTRY.3
3. The act of committing to writing, or of recording in a book. Make an entry of every sale, of every debt and credit.NWAD ENTRY.4
4. The exhibition or depositing of a ship’s papers at the custom house, to procure license to land goods; or the giving an account of a ship’s cargo to the officer of the customs, and obtaining his permission to land the goods.NWAD ENTRY.5
ENTUNE, v.t. [from tune.] To tune.
ENTWINE, v.t. [from twine.] To twine; to twist round.
ENTWIST, v.t. [from twist.] To twist or wreath round.
ENUBILATE, v.t. [L. e and nubila, mist, clouds.]
To clear from mist, clouds or obscurity. [Not in use.]NWAD ENUBILATE.2
ENUBILOUS, a. Clear from fog, mist or clouds.
ENUCLEATE, v.t. [L. enucleo; e and nucleus, a kernel.] Properly, to take out the kernel. Hence,
1. To clear from knots or lumps, to clear from intricacy; to disentangle.NWAD ENUCLEATE.2
2. To open as a nucleus; hence, to explain; to clear from obscurity; to make manifest.NWAD ENUCLEATE.3
ENUCLEATED, pp. Cleared from knots; disclosed; explained.
ENUCLEATING, ppr. Clearing from knots; explaining.
ENUCLEATION, n. The act of clearing from knots; a disentangling.
Neither air, nor water, nor food seem directly to contribute any thing to the enucleation of this disease [the plica Polonica.]NWAD ENUCLEATION.2
1. Explanation; full exposition.NWAD ENUCLEATION.3
ENUMERATE, v.t. [L. enumero; e and numero, numerus, number.]
To count or tell, number by number; to reckon or mention a number of things, each separately; as, to enumerate the stars in a constellation; to enumerate particular acts of kindness; we cannot enumerate our daily mercies.NWAD ENUMERATE.2
ENUMERATED, pp. Counted or told, number by number; reckoned or mentioned by distinct particulars.
ENUMERATING, ppr. Counting or reckoning any number, by the particulars which compose it.
ENUMERATION, n. [L. enumeratio.] The act of counting or telling a number, by naming each particular.
1. An account of a number of things, in which mention is made of every particular article.NWAD ENUMERATION.2
2. In rhetoric, a part of a peroration, in which the orator recapitulates the principal points or heads of the discourse or argument.NWAD ENUMERATION.3
ENUMERATIVE, a. Counting; reckoning up.
ENUNCIATE, v.t. [L. enuncio; e and nuncio, to tell.]
To utter; to declare; to proclaim; to relate.NWAD ENUNCIATE.2
ENUNCIATED, pp. Uttered; declared; pronounced; proclaimed.
ENUNCIATING, ppr. Uttering; declaring; pronouncing.
ENUNCIATION, n. The act of uttering or pronouncing; expression; manner of utterance. In a public discourse, it is important that the enunciation should be clear and distinct.
1. Declaration; open proclamation; public attestation.NWAD ENUNCIATION.2
2. Intelligence; information.NWAD ENUNCIATION.3
ENUNCIATIVE, a. Declarative; expressive.
ENUNCIATORY, a. Containing utterance or sound.
ENVASSAL, v.t. [from vassal.] To reduce to vassalage.
1. To make over to another as a slave.NWAD ENVASSAL.2
1. To cover by wrapping of folding; to inwrap; to invest with a covering. Animal bodies are usually enveloped with skin; the merchant envelops goods with canvas; a letter is enveloped with paper.NWAD ENVELOP.2
2. To surround entirely; to cover on all sides; to hide. A ship was enveloped in fog; the troops were enveloped in dust.NWAD ENVELOP.3
3. To line; to cover on the inside.NWAD ENVELOP.4
His iron coat--enveloped with gold.NWAD ENVELOP.5
ENVELOP, n. A wrapper; an inclosing cover; an integument; as the envelop of a letter, or of the heart.
1. In fortification, a work of earth, in form of a parapet or of a small rampart with a parapet.NWAD ENVELOP.7
ENVELOPED, pp. Inwrapped; covered on all sides; surrounded on all sides; inclosed.
ENVELOPING, ppr. Inwrapping; folding around; covering or surrounding on all sides, as a case or integument.
ENVELOPMENT, n. A wrapping; as inclosing or covering on all sides.
ENVENOM, v.t. [from venom.] To poison; to taint or impregnate with venom, or any substance noxious to life; never applied, in this sense, to persons, but to meat, drink or weapons; as an envenomed arrow or shaft; an envenomed potion.
1. To taint with bitterness or malice; as the envenomed tongue of slander.NWAD ENVENOM.2
2. To make odious.NWAD ENVENOM.3
O what a world is this, when what is comelyNWAD ENVENOM.4
Envenoms him that bears it!NWAD ENVENOM.5
ENVENOMED, pp. Tainted or impregnated with venom or poison; embittered; exasperated.
ENVENOMING, ppr. Tainting with venom; poisoning; embittering; enraging.
ENVIABLE, a. [See Envy.] That may excite envy; capable of awakening ardent desire of possession. The situation of men in office is not always enviable.
ENVIED, pp. [See Envy, the verb.] Subjected to envy.
ENVIER, n. One who envies another; one who desires what another possesses, and hates him because his condition is better than his own, or wishes his downfall.
ENVIOUS, a. Feeling or harboring envy; repining or feeling uneasiness, at a view of the excellence, prosperity or happiness of another; pained by the desire of possessing some superior good which another possesses, and usually disposed to deprive him of that good, to lessen it or to depreciate it in common estimation. Sometimes followed by against, but generally and properly by at, before the person envied.
Neither be thou envious at the wicked. Proverbs 24:19.NWAD ENVIOUS.2
Be not envious of the blessings or prosperity of others.NWAD ENVIOUS.3
1. Tinctured with envy; as an envious disposition.NWAD ENVIOUS.4
2. Excited or directed by envy; as an envious attack.NWAD ENVIOUS.5
ENVIOUSLY, adv. With envy; with malignity excited by the excellence or prosperity of another.
How enviously the ladies look.NWAD ENVIOUSLY.2
When they surprise me at my book.NWAD ENVIOUSLY.3
ENVIRON, v.t. [Eng. to veer.]
1. To surround; to encompass; to encircle; as a plain environed with mountains.NWAD ENVIRON.2
2. To involve; to envelop; as, to environ with darkness, or with difficulties.NWAD ENVIRON.3
3. To besiege; as a city environed with troops.NWAD ENVIRON.4
4. To inclose; to invest.NWAD ENVIRON.5
That soldier, that man of iron,NWAD ENVIRON.6
Whom ribs of horror all environ.NWAD ENVIRON.7
ENVIRONED, pp. Surrounded; encompassed; besieged; involved; invested.
ENVIRONING, ppr. Surrounding; encircling; besieging; inclosing; involving; investing. The appropriation of different parts of the globe to some particular specles of stone environing it.
ENVIRONS, n. plu. The parts or places which surround another place, or lie in its neighborhood, on different sides; as the environs of a city or town.
ENVOY, n. [L. via; Eng. way, contracted from viag, vag, or wag.]
1. A person deputed by a prince or government, to negotiate a treaty, or transact other business, with a foreign prince or government. We usually apply the word to a public minister sent on a special occasion, or for one particular purpose; hence an envoy is distinguished from an embassador or permanent resident at a foreign court, and is of inferior rank. But envoys are ordinary and extraordinary, and the word may sometimes be applied to resident ministers.NWAD ENVOY.2
2. A common messenger. [Not in use.]NWAD ENVOY.3
3. Formerly, a postscript sent with compositions, to enforce them.NWAD ENVOY.4
ENVOYSHIP, n. The office of an envoy.
ENVY, v.t. [L. invideo, in and video, to see against, that is, to look with enmity.]
1. To feel uneasiness, mortification or discontent, at the sight of superior excellence, reputation or happiness enjoyed by another; to repine at another’s prosperity; to fret or grieve one’s self at the real or supposed superiority of another, and to hate him on that account.NWAD ENVY.2
Envy not thou the oppressor. Proverbs 3:31.NWAD ENVY.3
Whoever envies another, confesses his superiority.NWAD ENVY.4
2. To grudge; to withhold maliciously.NWAD ENVY.5
To envy at, used by authors formerly, is now obsolete.NWAD ENVY.6
Who would envy at the prosperity of the wicked?NWAD ENVY.7
ENVY, n. Pain, uneasiness, mortification or discontent excited by the sight of another’s superiority or success, accompanied with some degree of hatred or malignity, and often or usually with a desire or an effort to depreciate the person, and with pleasure in seeing him depressed. Envy springs from pride, ambition or love, mortified that another has obtained what one has a strong desire to possess.
Envy and admiration are the Scylla and Charybdis of authors.NWAD ENVY.9
All human virtue, to its latest breath,NWAD ENVY.10
Finds envy never conquered, but by death.NWAD ENVY.11
Emulation differs from envy, in not being accompanied with hatred and a desire to depress a more fortunate person.NWAD ENVY.12
Envy, to which th’ ignoble mind’s a slave,NWAD ENVY.13
Is emulation in the learn’d or brave.NWAD ENVY.14
It is followed by of or to. They did this in envy of Caesar, or in envy to his genius. The former seems to be preferable.NWAD ENVY.15
1. Rivalry; competition. [Little used.]NWAD ENVY.16
2. Malice; malignity.NWAD ENVY.17
You turn the good we offer into envy.NWAD ENVY.18
3. Public odium; ill repute; invidiousness.NWAD ENVY.19
To discharge the king of the envy of that opinion.NWAD ENVY.20
ENVYING, ppr. Feeling uneasiness at the superior condition and happiness of another.
ENVYING, n. Mortification experienced at the supposed prosperity and happiness of another.
1. Ill will at others, on account of some supposed superiority. Galatians 5:21.NWAD ENVYING.3
ENWALLOWED, a. [from wallow.] Being wallowed or wallowing.
ENWHEEL, v.t. [from wheel.] To encircle.
ENWIDEN, v.t. [from wide.] To make wider. [Not used.]
ENWOMB, v.t. enwoom’. [from womb.] To make pregnant. [Not used.]
1. To bury; to hide as in a gulf; pit or cavern.NWAD ENWOMB.2
ENWOMBED, pp. Impregnated; buried in a deep gulf or cavern.
ENWRAP, v.t. enrap’. To envelop. [See Inwrap.]
ENWRAPMENT, n. A covering; a wrapping or wrapper.
EOLIAN, EOLIC, a. Pertaining to Aeolia or Aeolis, in Asia Minor, inhabited by Greeks.
The Eolic dialect of the Greek language, was the dialect used by the inhabitants of that country.NWAD EOLIAN.2
Eolian lyre or harp, is a simple stringed instrument that sounds by the impulse of air, from Aeolus, the deity of the winds.NWAD EOLIAN.3
EOLIPILE, n. [Aeolus, the deity of the winds, and pila, a ball.]
A hollow ball of metal, with a pipe or slender neck, used in hydraulic experiments. The ball being filled with water, is heated, till the vapor issued from the pipe with great violence and noise, exhibiting the elastic power of steam.NWAD EOLIPILE.2
EON, n. [Gr. age, duration.] In the platonic philosophy, a virtue, attribute or perfection. The Platonists represented the deity as an assemblage of eons. The Gnostics considered eons as certain substantial powers or divine natures emanating from the Supreme Deity, and performing various parts in the operations of the universe.
EP, EPI, [Gr. in composition, usually signifies on.]
EPACT, n. [Gr. adscititious, to adduce or bring; to drive.]
In chronology, the excess of the solar month above the lunar synodical month, and of the solar year above the lunar year of twelve synodical months. The epacts then are annual or menstrual. Suppose the new moon to be on the first of January; the month of January containing 31 days, and the lunar month only 29 days, 12h. 44’ 3", the difference, or 1 day, 11h. 15’ 57", is the menstrual epact. The annual epact is nearly eleven days; the solar year being 365 days, and the lunar year 354.NWAD EPACT.2
EPARCH, n. [Gr. dominion.] The governor or prefect of a province.
EPARCHY, n. [Gr. a province; government.] A province, prefecture or territory under the jurisdiction of an eparch or governor.
EPAULET, n. A shoulder-piece; an ornamental badge worn on the shoulder by military men. Officers, military and naval, wear epaulets on one shoulder, or on both, according to their rank.
EPAULMENT, n. In fortification, a side-work or work to cover sidewise, made of gabions, fascines or bags of earth. It sometimes denotes a semi-bastion and a square orillon, or mass of earth faced and lined with a wall, designed to cover the cannon of the casemate.
EPENETIC, a. Laudatory; bestowing praise.
EPENTHESIS, EPENTHESY, n. [Gr. to put.] The insertion of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word, as alituum for alitum.
EPENTHETIC, a. Inserted in the middle of a word.
EPHA, n. [Heb. properly a baking.] A Hebrew measure of three pecks and three pints, or according to others, of seven gallons and four pints, or about 15 solid inches.
EPHEMERA, n. [L. from Gr. daily; a day.] A fever of one day’s continuance only.
1. The Day-fly; strictly, a fly that lives one day only; but the word is applied also to insects that are very short-lived, whether they live several days or an hour only. There are several species.NWAD EPHEMERA.2
EPHERERAL, EPHEMERIC, a. Diurnal; beginning and ending in a day; continuing or existing one day only.
1. Short-lived; existing or continuing for a short time only. [Ephemeral is generally used. Ephemerous is not analogically formed.]NWAD EPHERERAL.2
EPHEMERIS, n. plu. ephemer’ides. [Gr.]
1. A journal or account of daily transactions; a diary.NWAD EPHEMERIS.2
2. In astronomy, an account of the daily state or positions of the planets or heavenly orbs; a table, or collection of tables, exhibiting the places of all the planets every day at noon. From these tables are calculated eclipses, conjunctions and other aspects of the planets.NWAD EPHEMERIS.3
EPHEMERIST, n. One who studies the daily motions and positions of the planets; an astrologer.
EPHEMERON-WORM, n. [See Ephemera.] A worm that lives one day only.
EPHESIAN, a. s as z. Pertaining to Ephesus, in Asia Minor. As a noun, a native of Ephesus.
EPHIALTES, n. [Gr.] The night-mar.
EPHOD, n. [Heb. to bind.] In Jewish antiquity, a part of the sacerdotal habit, being a kind of girdle, which was brought from behind the neck over the two shoulders, and hanging down before, was put across the stomach, then carried round the waist and used as a girdle to the tunic. There were two sorts; one of plain linen, the other embroidered for the high priest. On the part in front were two precious stones, on which were engraved the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Before the breast was a square piece or breastplate.
EPHOR, n. [Gr. to inspect.]
In ancient Sparta, a magistrate chosen by the people. The ephors were five, and they were intended as a check on the regal power, or according to some writers, on the senate.NWAD EPHOR.2
EPHORALTY, n. The office or term of office of an ephor.
EPIC, a. [L. epicus; Gr. a song, or to speak.] Narrative; containing narration; rehearsing. An epic poem, otherwise called heroic, is a poem which narrates a story, real or fictitious or both, representing, in an elevated style, some signal action or series of actions and events, usually the achievements of some distinguished hero, and intended to form the morals and affect the mind with the love of virtue. The matter of the poem includes the action of the fable, the incidents, episodes, characters, morals and machinery. The form includes the manner of narration, the discourses introduced, descriptions, sentiments, style, versification, figures and other ornaments. The end is to improve the morals, and inspire a love of virtue, bravery and illustrious actions.
EPICEDE, n. [Gr.] A funeral song or discourse.
EPICEDIAN, a. Elegiac; mournful.
EPICENE, a. [Gr. common.] Common to both sexes; of both kinds.
EPICTETIAN, a. Pertaining to Epictetus, the Grecian writer.
EPICURE, n. [L. epicurus, a voluptuary, from Epicurus.]
Properly, a follower of Epicurus; a man devoted to sensual enjoyments; hence, one who indulges in the luxuries of the table. [The word is now used only or chiefly in the latter sense.]NWAD EPICURE.2