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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    ETHOLOGY, n. [Gr. manners, morals, and discourse.]

    A treatise on morality or the science of ethics.NWAD ETHOLOGY.2

    ETIOLATE, v.i. [Gr. to shine.] To become white or whiter; to be whitened by excluding the light of the sun, as plants.

    ETIOLATE, v.t. To blanch; to whiten by excluding the sun’s rays.

    ETIOLATED, pp. Blanched; whitened by excluding the sun’s rays.

    ETIOLATING, ppr. Blanching; whitening by excluding the sun’s rays.

    ETIOLATION, n. The operation of being whitened or of becoming white by excluding the light of the sun.

    In gardening, the rendering plants white, crisp and tender, by excluding the action of light from them.NWAD ETIOLATION.2

    ETIOLOGICAL, a. Pertaining to etiology.

    ETIOLOGY, n. [Gr. cause, and discourse.]

    An account of the causes of any thing, particularly of diseases.NWAD ETIOLOGY.2

    ETIQUET, n. etiket’. [Eng. to dock. Originally, a little piece of paper, or a mark or title, affixed to a bag or bundle, expressing its contents.]

    Primarily, an account of ceremonies. Hence in present usage, forms of ceremony or decorum; the forms which are observed towards particular persons, or in particular places, especially in courts, levees, and on public occasions. From the original sense of the word, it may be inferred that it was formerly the custom to deliver cards containing orders for regulating ceremonies on public occasions.NWAD ETIQUET.2

    ETITE, n. [Gr. an eagle.] Eagle-stone, a variety of bog iron. [See Eaglestone.]

    ETNEAN, a. [from Aetna.] Pertaining to Etna, a volcanic mountain in Sicily.

    ETTIN, n. A giant.

    ETTLE, v.t. To earn. [Not in use.]

    ETUI, ETWEE, ETWEE-CASE, n. A case for pocket instruments.

    ETYMOLOGER, n. An etymologist. [Not in use.]

    ETYMOLOGICAL, a. [See Etymology.] Pertaining to etymology or the derivation of words; according to or by means of etymology.

    ETYMOLOGICALLY, adv. According to etymology.

    ETYMOLOGIST, n. One versed in etymology or the deduction of words from their originals; one who searches into the original of words.

    ETYMOLOGIZE, v.i. To search into the origin of words; to deduce words from their simple roots.

    ETYMOLOGY, n. [Gr. true, and discourse.]

    1. That part of philology which explains the origin and derivation of words, with a view to ascertain their radical or primary signification.NWAD ETYMOLOGY.2

    In grammar, etymology comprehends the various inflections and modifications of words, and shows how they are formed from their simple roots.NWAD ETYMOLOGY.3

    2. The deduction of words from their originals; the analysis of compound words into their primitives.NWAD ETYMOLOGY.4

    ETYMON, n. [Gr. from true.] An original root, or primitive word.

    EUCHARIST, n. [Gr. a giving of thanks; well, favor.]

    1. The sacrament of the Lord’s supper; the solemn act or ceremony of commemorating the death of our Redeemer, in the use of bread and wine, as emblems of his flesh and blood, accompanied with approprite prayers and hymns.NWAD EUCHARIST.2

    2. The act of giving thanks.NWAD EUCHARIST.3

    EUCHARISTIC, EUCHARISTICAL, a. Containing expressions of thanks.

    1. Pertaining to the Lord’s supper.NWAD EUCHARISTIC.2

    Euchloric gas, the same as euchlorine.NWAD EUCHARISTIC.3

    EUCHLORINE, n. [See Chlorine.] In chimistry, protoxyd of chlorine.

    EUCHOLOGY, n. [Gr. prayer or vow, and discourse.]

    A formulary of prayers; the Greek ritual, in which are prescribed the order of ceremonies, sacraments and ordinances.NWAD EUCHOLOGY.2

    EUCHYMY, n. [Gr.] A good state of the blood and other fluids of the body.

    EUCHYSIDERITE, n. A mineral, considered as a variety of augite.

    EUCLASE, n. [Gr. to break; easily broken.]

    A mineral, a species of emerald, prismatic emerald, of a greenish white, apple or mountain green, bluish green, or dark sky blue color. It is a rare mineral, and remarkably brittle, whence its name.NWAD EUCLASE.2

    EUCRASY, n. [Gr. well, and temperament.]

    In medicine, such a due or well proportioned mixture of qualities in bodies, as top constitute health or soundness.NWAD EUCRASY.2

    EUDIALYTE, n. A mineral of a brownish red color.

    EUDIOMETER, n. [Gr. serene, and Jove, air, and measure.]

    An instrument for ascertaining the purity of the air, or the quantity of oxygen it contains.NWAD EUDIOMETER.2

    EUDIOMETRIC, EUDIOMETRICAL, a. Pertaining to an eudiometer; performed or ascertained by an eudiometer; as eudiometrical experiments or results.

    EUDIOMETRY, n. The art or practice of ascertaining the purity of the air by the eudiometer.

    EUGE, n. Applause. [Not used.]

    EUGH, a tree. [See Yew.]

    EUHARMONIC, a. [Gr. well, and harmonic.]

    Producing harmony or concordant sounds; as the euharmonic organ.NWAD EUHARMONIC.2

    EUKAIRITE, n. [Gr. opportune.] Cupreous seleniuret of silver, a mineral of a shining lead gray color and granular structure.

    EULOGIC, EULOGICAL, a. [See Eulogy.] Containing praise; commendatory.

    EULOGIST, n. [See Eulogy.] One who praises and commends another; one who writes or speaks in commendation of another, on account of his excellent qualities, exploits or performances.

    EULOGIUM, n. An eulogy.

    EULOGIZE, v.t. [See Eulogy.] To praise; to speak or write in commendation of another; to extol in speech or writing.

    EULOGIZED, pp. Praised; commended.

    EULOGIZING, ppr. Commending; writing or speaking in praise of.

    EULOGY, n. [Gr.] Praise; encomium; panegyric; a speech or writing in commendation of a person, on account of his valuable qualities, or services.

    EUNOMY, n. [Gr. law.] Equal law, or a well adjusted constitution of government.

    EUNUCH, n. [Gr. a bed, and to keep.] A male of the human species castrated.

    EUNUCHATE, v.t. To make a eunuch; to castrate.

    EUNUCHISM, n. The state of being an eunuch.

    EUPAHTY, n. [Gr.] Right feeling.

    EUPATORY, n. [L. eupatorium.] The plant hemp agrimony.

    EUPEPSY, n. [Gr. concoction.] Good concoction in the stomach; good digestion.

    EUPEPTIC, a. Having good digestion.

    EUPHEMISM, n. [Gr. well, and to speak.] A representation of good qualities; particularly in rhetoric, a figure in which a harsh or indelicate word or expression is softened, or rather by which a delicate word or expression is substituted for one which is offensive to good manners or to delicate ears.

    EUPHONIC, EUPHONICAL, a. [See Euphony.] Agreeable in sound; pleasing to the ear; as euphonical orthography.

    The Greeks adopted many changes in the combination of syllables to render their language euphonic, by avoiding such collisions.NWAD EUPHONIC.2

    EUPHONY, n. [Gr. voice.] An agreeable sound; an easy, smooth enunciation of sounds; a pronunciation of letters and syllables which is pleasing to the ear.

    EUPHORBIA, n. [Gr. with a different signification.]

    In botany, spurge, or bastard spurge, a genus of plants of many species, mostly shrubby herbaceous succulents, some of them armed with thorns.NWAD EUPHORBIA.2

    EUPHORBIUM, n. [L. from Gr.]

    In the materia medica, a gummi-resinous substance, exuding from an oriental tree. It has a sharp biting taste, and is vehemently acrimonious, inflaming and ulcerating the fauces.NWAD EUPHORBIUM.2

    EUPHOTIDE, n. A name given by the French to the aggregate of diallage and saussurite.

    EUPHRASY, n. [According to DeTheis, this word is contracted from euphrosyne, joy, pleasure; a name given to the plant on account of its wonderful effects in curing disorders of the eyes.]

    Eyebright, a genus of plants, Euphrasia, called in French casse-lunette.NWAD EUPHRASY.2

    EURIPUS, n. [Gr. L. Euripus.] A strait; a narrow tract of water, where the tide or a current flows and reflows, as that in Greece, between Euboea and Attica, or Euboea and Boeotia. It is sometimes used for a strait or frith much agitated.

    EURITE, n. The white stone [weiss stein] of Werner; a very small-grained granite, with the parts intimately blended, and hence often apparently compact. It is gray, red, etc., according to the color of the felspar, of which it is principally composed.

    Whitestone is a finely granular felspar, containing grains of quartz and scales of mica.NWAD EURITE.2

    EUROCLYDON, n. [Gr. wind, and a wave.] A tempestuous wind, which drove ashore, on Malta, the ship in which Paul was sailing to Italy. It is supposed to have blown from an easterly point. Acts 27:14.

    EUROPE, n. [Bochart supposes this word to be composed of white face, the land of white people, as distinguished from the Ethiopians, black-faced people, or tawny inhabitants of Asia and Africa.]

    The great quarter of the earth that lies between the Atlantic ocean and Asia, and between the Mediterranean sea and the North sea.NWAD EUROPE.2

    EUROPEAN, a. Pertaining to Europe.

    EUROPEAN, n. A native of Europe.

    EURUS, n. [L.] The east wind.

    EURYTHMY, n. [Gr. rythmus, number or proportion.]

    In architecture, painting and sculpture, ease, majesty and elegance of the parts of a body, arising from just proportions in the composition.NWAD EURYTHMY.2

    EUSEBIAN, n. An Arian, so called from one Eusebius.

    EUSTYLE, n. [Gr. a column.] In architecture, a sort of building in which the columns are placed at the most convenient distances from each other, the intercolumniations being just two diameters and a quarter of the column, except those in the middle of the face, before and behind, which are three diameters distant.

    EUTHANASY, n. [Gr. death.] An easy death.

    EUTYCHIAN, n. A follower of Eutychius, who denied the two natures of Christ.

    EUTYCHIANISM, n. The doctrines of Eutychius, who denies the two natures of Christ.

    EVACATE, v.t. [L. vaco.] To empty. [Not in use.]

    EVACUANT, a. [L. evacuans.] Emptying; freeing from.

    EVACUANT, n. A medicine which procures evacuations, or promotes the natural secretions and excretions.

    EVACUATE, v.t. [L. evacuo; e and vacuus, from vaco, to empty. See Vacant.]

    1. To make empty; to free from any thing contained; as, to evacuate the church.NWAD EVACUATE.2

    2. To throw out; to eject; to void; to discharge; as, to evacuate dark-colored matter from the bowels. Hence,NWAD EVACUATE.3

    3. To empty; to free from contents, or to diminish the quantity contained; as, to evacuate the bowels; to evacuate the vessels by bleeding.NWAD EVACUATE.4

    4. To quit; to withdraw from a place. The British army evacuated the city of New York, November 25, 1783.NWAD EVACUATE.5

    5. To make void; to nullify; as, to evacuate a marriage or any contract. [In this sense, vacate is now generally used.]NWAD EVACUATE.6

    EVACUATED, pp. Emptied; cleared; freed from the contents; quitted, as by an army or garrison; ejected; discharged; vacated.

    EVACUATING, ppr. Emptying; making void or vacant; withdrawing from.

    EVACUATION, n. The act of emptying or clearing of the contents; the act of withdrawing from, as an army or garrison.

    1. Discharges by stool or other natural means; a diminution of the fluids of an animal body by cathartics, venesection, or other means.NWAD EVACUATION.2

    2. Abolition; nullification.NWAD EVACUATION.3

    EVACUATIVE, a. That evacuates.

    EVACUATOR, n. One that makes void.

    EVADE, v.t. [L. evado; e and vado, to go.]

    1. To avoid by dexterity. The man evaded the blow aimed at his head.NWAD EVADE.2

    2. To avoid or escape by artifice or stratagem; to slip away; to elude. The thief evaded his pursuers.NWAD EVADE.3

    3. To elude by subterfuge, sophistry, address or ingenuity. The advocate evades an argument or the force of an argument.NWAD EVADE.4

    4. To escape as imperceptible or not to be reached or seized.NWAD EVADE.5

    EVADE, v.i. To escape; to slip away; formerly and properly with from; as, to evade from perils. But from is now seldom used.

    1. To attempt to escape; to practice artifice or sophistry for the purpose of eluding.NWAD EVADE.7

    The ministers of God are not to evade and take refuge in any such ways.NWAD EVADE.8

    EVADED, pp. Avoided; eluded.

    EVADING, ppr. Escaping; avoiding; eluding; slipping away from danger, pursuit or attack.

    EVAGATION, n. [L. evagatio, evagor; e and vagor, to wander.]

    The act of wandering; excursion; a roving or rambling.NWAD EVAGATION.2

    EVAL, a. [L. oevum.] Relating to time or duration. [Not in use.]

    EVANESCENCE, n. [L. evanescens, from evanesco; e and vanesco, to vanish, from vanus, vain, empty. See Vain.]

    1. A vanishing; a gradual departure from sight or possession, either by removal to a distance, or by dissipation, as vapor.NWAD EVANESCENCE.2

    2. The state of being liable to vanish and escape possession.NWAD EVANESCENCE.3

    EVANESCENT, a. Vanishing; subject to vanishing; fleeting; passing away; liable to dissipation, like vapor, or to become imperceptible. The pleasures and joys of life are evanescent.

    EVANGEL, n. [L. evangelium.] The gospel. [Not in use.]

    EVANGELIAN, a. Rendering thanks for favors.

    EVANGELIC, EVANGELICAL, a. [Low L. evangelicus, from evangelium, the gospel; Gr. well, good, to announce.]

    1. According to the gospel; consonant to the doctrines and precepts of the gospel, published by Christ and his apostles; as evangelical righteousness, obedience or piety.NWAD EVANGELIC.2

    2. Contained in the gospel; as an evangelical doctrine.NWAD EVANGELIC.3

    3. Sound in the doctrines of the gospel; orthodox; as an evangelical preacher.NWAD EVANGELIC.4

    EVANGELICALLY, adv. In a manner according to the gospel.

    EVANGELISM, n. The promulgation of the gospel.

    EVANGELIST, n. A writer of the history, or doctrines, precepts, actions, life and death of our blessed Savior, Jesus Christ; as the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

    1. A preacher or publisher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, licensed to preach, but not having charge of a particular church.NWAD EVANGELIST.2

    EVANGELISTARY, n. A selection of passages from the gospels, as a lesson in divine service.

    EVANGELIZATION, n. The act of evnagelizing.

    EVANGELIZE, v.t. [Low L. evangelizo.] To instruct in the gospel; to preach the gospel to, and convert to a belief of the gospel; as, to evangelize heathen nations; to evangelize the world.

    EVANGELIZE, v.i. To preach the gospel.

    EVANGELIZED, pp. Instructed in the gospel; converted to a belief of the gospel, or to christianity.

    EVANGELIZING, ppr. Instructing in the doctrines and precepts of the gospel; converting to christianity.

    EVANGELY, n. Good tidings; the gospel. [Not in use.]

    EVANID, a. [L. evanidus. See Vain.]

    Faint; weak; evanescent; liable to vanish or disappear; as an evanid color or smell.NWAD EVANID.2

    EVANISH, v.i. [L. evanesco. See Vain.] To vanish; to disappear; to escape from sight or perception. [Vanish is more generally used.]

    EVANISHMENT, n. A vanishing; disappearance.

    EVAPORABLE, a. [See Evaporate.] That may be converted into vapor and pass off in fumes; that may be dissipated by evaporation.

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