FOOTBAND, n. A band of infantry.
FOOTBOY, n. A menial; an attendant in livery.
FOOTBREADTH, n. The breadth of the foot. Deuteronomy 2:5.
FOOTBRIDGE, n. A narrow bridge for foot passengers.
FOOTCLOTH, n. A sumpter cloth.
FOOTED, pp. Kicked; trod; summed up; furnished with a foot, as a stocking.
FOOTED, a. Shaped in the foot; as footed like a goat.
FOOTFALL, n. A trip or stumble.
FOOTFIGHT, n. A conflict by persons on foot, in opposition to a fight on horseback.
FOOTGUARDS, n. plu. Guards of infantry.
FOOTHALT, n. A disease incident to sheep, and said to proceed from a worm, which enters between the claws.
FOOTHOLD, n. That which sustains the feet firmly and prevents them from slipping of moving; that on which one may tread or rest securely.
FOOTHOT, adv. Immediately; a word borrowed from hunting.
FOOTING, ppr. Dancing; treading; settling; adding a new foot.
1. Ground for the foot; that which sustains; firm foundation to stand onNWAD FOOTING.3
In ascents, every step gained is a footing and help to the next.NWAD FOOTING.4
2. Support; root.NWAD FOOTING.5
3. Basis; foundation.NWAD FOOTING.6
4. Place; stable position.NWAD FOOTING.7
5. Permanent settlement. Let not these evils gain footing.NWAD FOOTING.8
6. Tread; step; walk.NWAD FOOTING.9
7. Dance; tread to measure.NWAD FOOTING.10
8. Steps; road; track. [Little used.]NWAD FOOTING.11
9. State; condition; settlement. Place both parties on an equal footing.NWAD FOOTING.12
FOOTLICKER, n. A mean flatterer; a sycophant; a fawner.
1. A soldier who marches and fights on foot.NWAD FOOTMAN.2
2. A menial servant; a runner; a servant in livery.NWAD FOOTMAN.3
FOOTMANSHIP, n. The art or faculty of a runner.
FOOTMANTLE, n. A garment to keep the gown clean in riding.
FOOTPACE, n. A slow step, as in walking; a broad stair.
FOOTPAD, n. A highwayman or robber on foot.
FOOTPATH, n. A narrow path or way for foot passengers only.
FOOTPLOW, n. A kind of swing-plow.
FOOTPOST, n. A post or messenger that travels on foot.
FOOTROPE, n. The lower boltrope, to which the lower edge of a sail is sewed. Also, a horse or rope to support men when reefing, etc.
FOOTROT, n. An ulcer in the feet of sheep.
FOOTSOLDIER, n. A soldier that serves on foot.
FOOTSTALK, n. [foot and stalk.] In botany, a petiole; a partial stem supporting the leaf, or connecting it with the stem or branch. Sometimes, but rarely, the same footstalk supports both the leaf and fructification, as in Turnera and Hibiscus.
FOOTSTALL, n. A woman’s stirrup.
1. A track; the mark or impression of the foot.NWAD FOOTSTEP.2
2. Token; mark; visible sign of a course pursued; as the footsteps of divine wisdom.NWAD FOOTSTEP.3
1. Footsteps, plural, example; as, follow the footsteps of good men.NWAD FOOTSTEP.4
2. Way; course. Psalm 77:19.NWAD FOOTSTEP.5
FOOTSTOOL, n. A stool for the feet; that which supports the feet of one when sitting.
To make enemies a footstool, is to reduce them to entire subjection. Psalm 110:1.NWAD FOOTSTOOL.2
FOOTWALING, n. The whole inside planks or lining of a ship.
FOP, n. [The Latin voppa, a senseless fellow, is evidently from the same root, with the sense of emptiness or lightness.]
A vain man of weak understanding and much ostentation; one whose ambition is to gain admiration by showy dress and pertness; a gay trifling man; a coxcomb.NWAD FOP.2
FOPDOODLE, n. An insignificant fellow. [Vulgar and not used.]
FOPLING, n. A petty fop.
1. Affectation of show or importance; showy folly; as the foppery of dress or of manners.NWAD FOPPERY.2
2. Folly; impertinence.NWAD FOPPERY.3
Let not the sound of shallow foppery enter my sober house.NWAD FOPPERY.4
3. Foolery; vain or idle practice; idle affectation.NWAD FOPPERY.5
1. Vain of dress; making an ostentatious display of gay clothing; dressing in the extreme of fashion.NWAD FOPPISH.2
2. Vain; trifling; affected in manners.NWAD FOPPISH.3
FOPPISHLY, adv. With vain ostentation of dress; in a trifling or affected manner.
FOPPISHNESS, n. Vanity and extravagance in dress; showy vanity.
FOR, prep. [L. per.; The English, for; to forbid. For corresponds in sense with the L. pro, as fore does with proe, but pro and proe are probably contracted from prod, proed. The Latin por, in composition, as in porrigo, is probably contracted from porro, Gr. which is the English far. The Gr. are from the same root. The radical sense of for is to go, to pass, to advance, to reach or stretch.]
1. Against; in the place of; as a substitute or equivalent, noting equal value or satisfactory compensation, either in barter and sale, in contract, or in punishment. “And Joseph gave them bread in exchange for horses, and for flocks, and for the cattle of the herds;” that is, according to the original, he gave them bread against horses like the Gr. Genesis 48:17.NWAD FOR.2
Buy us and our land for bread. Genesis 47:19.NWAD FOR.3
And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. Exodus 21:23, 24.NWAD FOR.4
2. In the place of; instead of; noting substitution of persons, or agency of one in the place of another with equivalent authority. An attorney is empowered to act for his principal. Will you take a letter and deliver it for me at the post office? that is, in my place, or for my benefit.NWAD FOR.5
3. In exchange of; noting one thing taken or given in place of another; as, to quit the profession of law for that of a clergyman.NWAD FOR.6
4. In the place of; instead of; as, to translate a poem line for line.NWAD FOR.7
5. In the character of; noting resemblance; a sense derived from substitution or standing in the place of, like in the Greek.NWAD FOR.8
If a man can be fully assured of any thing for a truth, without having examined, what is there that he may not embrace for truth?NWAD FOR.9
But let her go for an ungrateful woman.NWAD FOR.10
I hear for certain, and do speak the truth.NWAD FOR.11
He quivered with his feet and lay for dead.NWAD FOR.12
6. Towards; with the intention of going to.NWAD FOR.13
We sailed directly for Genoa, and had a fair wind.NWAD FOR.14
So we say, a ship is bound for or to France.NWAD FOR.15
7. In advantage of; for the sake of; on account of; that is, towards, noting use, benefit or purpose.NWAD FOR.16
An ant is a wise creature for itself. Shall I think the world was made for one, and men are born for kings, as beasts for men, not for protection, but to be devoured.NWAD FOR.17
8. Conducive to; beneficial to; in favor of.NWAD FOR.18
It is for the general good of human society, and consequently of particular persons, to be true and just; and it is for men’s health to be temperate.NWAD FOR.19
9. Leading or inducing to, as a motive.NWAD FOR.20
There is a natural immutable, and eternal reason for that which we call virtue, and against that which we call vice.NWAD FOR.21
10. Noting arrival, meeting, coming or possession. Wait patiently for an expected good. So in the phrases, looking for, staying for.NWAD FOR.22
11. Towards the obtaining of; in order to the arrival at or possession of. After all our exertions, we depend on divine aid for success.NWAD FOR.23
12. Against; in opposition to; with a tendency to resist and destroy; as a remedy for the headache or toothache. Alkalies are good for the heartburn. So we say, to provide clothes or stores for winter, or against winter.NWAD FOR.24
13. Against or on account of; in prevention of.NWAD FOR.25
She wrapped him close for catching cold.NWAD FOR.26
And, for the time shall not seem tedious -NWAD FOR.27
This use is nearly obsolete. The sense however is derived from meeting, opposing, as in number 12.NWAD FOR.28
14. Because; on account of; by reason of. He cried out for anguish. I cannot go for want of time. For this cause, I cannot believe the report.NWAD FOR.29
That which we for our unworthiness are afraid to crave, our prayer is, that God for the worthiness of his son would notwithstanding vouchsafe to grant.NWAD FOR.30
Edward and Richard, with fiery eyes sparkling for very wrath, are at our backs.NWAD FOR.31
How to choose dogs for scent or speed.NWAD FOR.32
For as much as it is a fundamental law -NWAD FOR.33
15. With respect or regard to; on the part of.NWAD FOR.34
It was young counsel for the persons, and violent counsel for the matters.NWAD FOR.35
Thus much for the beginning and progress of the deluge.NWAD FOR.36
So we say, for me, for myself, or as for me, I have no anxiety, but for you I have apprehensions; all implying towards or on the side of.NWAD FOR.37
16. Through a certain space; during a certain time; as, to travel for three days; to sail for seven weeks; he holds his office for life; he traveled on sand for ten miles together. These senses seem to imply passing, the proper sense of for.NWAD FOR.38
17. In quest of; in order to obtain; as, to search for arguments; to recur to antiquity for examples. See number 11.NWAD FOR.39
18. According to; as far as.NWAD FOR.40
Chimists have not been able, for aught is vulgarly known, by fire alone to separate true sulphur from antimony.NWAD FOR.41
19. Noting meeting, coming together, or reception. I am ready for you; that is, I am ready to meet or receive you.NWAD FOR.42
20. Towards; of tendency to; as an inclination for drink.NWAD FOR.43
21. In favor of; on the part or side of; that is, towards or inclined to. One is for a free government; another is for a limited monarchy.NWAD FOR.44
Aristotle is for poetical justice.NWAD FOR.45
22. With a view to obtain; in order to possess. He writes for money, or for fame; that is, towards meeting, or to have in return, as a reward.NWAD FOR.46
23. Towards; with tendency to, or in favor of. It is for his honor to retire from office. It is for our quiet to have few intimate connections.NWAD FOR.47
24. Notwithstanding; against; in opposition to. The fact may be so, for any thing that has yet appeared. The task is great, but for all that, I shall not be deterred from undertaking it. This is a different application of the sense of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4.NWAD FOR.48
The writer will do what she pleases for all me.NWAD FOR.49
25. For the use of; to be used in; that is, towards, noting advantage.NWAD FOR.50
The oak for nothing ill, the osier good for twigs, the poplar for the mill.NWAD FOR.51
26. In recompense of; in return of.NWAD FOR.52
Now, for so many glorious actions done, for peace at home, and for the public wealth, I mean to crown a bowl for Caesar’s health. [See Number 1.]NWAD FOR.53
27. In proportion to; or rather, looking towards, regarding. He is tall for one of his years, or tall for his age.NWAD FOR.54
28. By means of.NWAD FOR.55
Moral consideration can no way move the sensible appetite, were it not for the will.NWAD FOR.56
29. By the want of.NWAD FOR.57
The inhabitants suffered severely both for provisions and fuel.NWAD FOR.58
30. For my life or heart, though my life were to be given in exchange, or as the price of purchase. I cannot, for my life, understand the man. Number 1.NWAD FOR.59
31. For to, denoting purpose. For was anciently placed before the infinitives of verbs, and the use is correct, but now obsolete except in vulgar language. I came for to see you; pour vous voir.NWAD FOR.60
FOR, con.
1. The word by which a reason is introduced of something before advanced. “That ye may be the children of your father who is in heaven; for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good.” In such sentences, for has the sense of because, by reason that, as in Number 14; with this difference that in Number 14, the word precedes a single noun, and here it precedes a sentence or clause; but the phrase seems to be elliptical, for this cause or reason, which follows, he maketh his sun to rise, etc. In Romans 13:6, we find the word in both its applications, “For, for this cause ye pay tribute also -;” the first for referring to the sentence following; the latter to the noun cause.NWAD FOR.62
2. Because; on this account that; properly, for that.NWAD FOR.63
For as much, compounded, forasmuch, is equivalent to, in regard to that, in consideration of. Forasmuch as the thirst is intolerable, the patient may be indulged in a little drink.NWAD FOR.64
FORAGE, n. [L. voro.]
1. Food of any kind for horses and cattle, as grass; pasture, hay, corn and oats.NWAD FORAGE.2
2. The act of providing forage.NWAD FORAGE.3
Col. Mawhood completed his forage unmolested.NWAD FORAGE.4
If the forage is to be made at a distance from the camp -NWAD FORAGE.5
3. Search for provisions; the act of feeding abroad.NWAD FORAGE.6
FORAGE, v.i.
1. To collect food for horses and cattle, by wandering about and feeding or stripping the country.NWAD FORAGE.8
2. To wander far; to rove. Obs.NWAD FORAGE.9
3. To ravage; to feed on spoil.NWAD FORAGE.10
FORAGE, v.t. To strip of provisions for horses, etc.
FORAGER, n. One that goes in search of food for horses or cattle.
FORAGING, ppr. or a. Collecting provisions for horses and cattle, or wandering in search of food; ravaging; stripping. The general sent out a foraging party, with a guard.
FORAGING, n. An inroad or incursion for forage or plunder.
FORAMINOUS, a. [L. foramen, a hole, from foro, to bore.]
Full of holes; perforated in many places; porous. [Little used.]NWAD FORAMINOUS.2
FOR, as a prefix to verbs, has usually the force of a negative or privative, denoting against, that is, before, or away, aside.
FORBAD, pret. of forbid.
FORBATHE, v.t. To bathe. [Not in use.]
FORBEAR, v.i. pret. forbore; pp. forborne.
1. To stop; to cease; to hold from proceeding; as, forbear to repeat these reproachful words.NWAD FORBEAR.2
2. To pause; to delay; as, forbear a while.NWAD FORBEAR.3
3. To abstain; to omit; to hold one’s self from motion or entering on an affair.NWAD FORBEAR.4
Shall I go against Ramoth Gilead to battle, or shall I forbear? 1 Kings 22:6.NWAD FORBEAR.5
4. To refuse; to decline.NWAD FORBEAR.6
Whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear. Ezekiel 2:5, 7.NWAD FORBEAR.7
5. To be patient; to restrain from action or violence. Proverbs 25:15.NWAD FORBEAR.8
1. To avoid voluntarily; to decline.NWAD FORBEAR.10
Forbear his presence.NWAD FORBEAR.11
2. To abstain from; to omit; to avoid doing. Learn from the scriptures what you ought to do and what to forbear.NWAD FORBEAR.12
Have we not power to forbear working? 1 Corinthians 9:6.NWAD FORBEAR.13
3. To spare; to treat with indulgence and patience.NWAD FORBEAR.14
Forbearing one another in love. Ephesians 4:2.NWAD FORBEAR.15
4. To withhold.NWAD FORBEAR.16
Forbear thee from meddling with God, who is with me, that he destroy thee not. 2 Chronicles 35:21.NWAD FORBEAR.17
1. The act of avoiding, shunning or omitting; either the cessation or intermission of an act commenced, or a withholding from beginning an act. Liberty is the power of doing or forbearing an action, according as the doing or forbearance has a preference in the mind. The forbearance of sin is followed with satisfaction of mind.NWAD FORBEARANCE.2
2. Command of temper; restraint of passions.NWAD FORBEARANCE.3
3. The exercise of patience; long suffering; indulgence towards those who injure us; lenity; delay of resentment or punishment.NWAD FORBEARANCE.4
Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness, and forbearance, and long suffering? Romans 2:4.NWAD FORBEARANCE.5
FORBEARER, n. One that intermits or intercepts.
1. Ceasing; pausing; withholding from action; exercising patience and indulgence.NWAD FORBEARING.2
2. a. Patient; long suffering.NWAD FORBEARING.3
FORBEARING, n. A ceasing or restraining from action; patience; long suffering.
FORBID, v.t. pret. forbad; pp. forbid, forbidden. Literally, to bid or command against. Hence,
1. To prohibit; to interdict; to command to forbear or not to do. The laws of God forbid us to swear. Good manners also forbid us to use profane language. All servile labor and idle amusements on the sabbath are forbidden.NWAD FORBID.2
2. To command not to enter; as, I have forbid him my house or presence. This phrase seems to be elliptical; to forbid from entering or approaching.NWAD FORBID.3
3. To oppose; to hinder; to obstruct. An impassable river forbids the approach of the army.NWAD FORBID.4
A blaze of glory that forbids the sight.NWAD FORBID.5
4. To accurse; to blast. Obs.NWAD FORBID.6
FORBID, v.i. To utter a prohibition; but in the intransitive form, there is always an ellipsis. I would go, but my state of health forbids, that is, forbids me to go, or my going.
1. Prohibited; as the forbidden fruit.NWAD FORBID.9
2. Hindered; obstructed.NWAD FORBID.10
FORBIDDANCE, n. Prohibition; command or edict against a thing. [Little used.]
FORBIDDENLY, adv. In an unlawful manner.
FORBIDDENNESS, n. A state of being prohibited. [Not used.]
FORBIDDER, n. He or that which forbids or enacts a prohibition.
1. Prohibiting; hindering.NWAD FORBIDDING.2
2. a. Repelling approach; repulsive; raising abhorrence, aversion or dislike; disagreeable; as a forbidding aspect; a forbidding formality; a forbidding air.NWAD FORBIDDING.3
FORBIDDING, n. Hindrance; opposition.
FORBORE, pret. of forebear.
FORBORNE, pp. of forbear.
Few ever repented of having forborne to speak.NWAD FORBORNE.2
FORCE, n. [L. fortis. All words denoting force, power, strength, are from verbs which express straining, or driving, rushing, and this word has the elements of L. vireo.]
1. Strength; active power; vigor; might; energy that may be exerted; that physical property in a body which may produce action or motion in another body, or may counteract such motion. By the force of the muscles we raise a weight, or resist an assault.NWAD FORCE.2
2. Momentum; the quantity of power produced by motion or the action of one body on another; as the force of a cannon ball.NWAD FORCE.3
3. That which causes an operation or moral effect; strength; energy; as the force of the mind, will or understanding.NWAD FORCE.4
4. Violence; power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power. Let conquerors consider that force alone can keep what force as obtained.NWAD FORCE.5
5. Strength; moral power to convince the mind. There is great force in an argument.NWAD FORCE.6
6. Virtue; efficacy. No presumption or hypothesis can be of force enough to overthrow constant experience.NWAD FORCE.7
7. Validity; power to bind or hold. If the conditions of a covenant are not fulfilled, the contract is of no force. A testament is of force after the testator is dead. Hebrews 9:17.NWAD FORCE.8
8. Strength or power for war; armament; troops; an army or navy; as a military or naval force: sometimes in the plural; as military forces.NWAD FORCE.9
9. Destiny; necessity; compulsion; any extraneous power to which men are subject; as the force of fate or of divine decrees.NWAD FORCE.10
10. Internal power; as the force of habit.NWAD FORCE.11
11. In law, any unlawful violence to person or property. This is simple, when no other crime attends it, as the entering into another’s possession, without committing any other unlawful act. It is compound, when some other violence or unlawful act is committed. The law also implies force, as when a person enters a house or inclosure lawfully, but afterwards does an unlawful act. In this case, the law supposes the first entrance to be for that purpose, and therefore by force.NWAD FORCE.12
Physical force, is the force of material bodies.NWAD FORCE.13
Moral force, is the power of acting on the reason in judging and determining.NWAD FORCE.14
Mechanical force, is the power that belongs to bodies at rest or in motion. The pressure or tension of bodies at rest is called a mechanical force, and so is the power of a body in motion. There is also the force of gravity or attraction, centrifugal and centripetal forces, expansive force, etc.NWAD FORCE.15
FORCE, v.t.
1. To compel; to constrain to do or to forbear, by the exertion of a power not resistible. Men are forced to submit to conquerors. Masters force their slaves to labor.NWAD FORCE.17
2. To overpower by strength.NWAD FORCE.18
I should have forced thee soon with other arms.NWAD FORCE.19
3. To impel; to press; to drive; to draw or push by main strength; a sense of very extensive use; as, to force along a wagon or a ship; to force away a man’s arms; water forces its way through a narrow channel; a man may be forced out of his possessions.NWAD FORCE.20
4. To enforce; to urge; to press.NWAD FORCE.21
Forcing my strength, and gathering to the shore.NWAD FORCE.22
5. To compel by strength of evidence; as, to force conviction on the mind; to force one to acknowledge the truth of a proposition.NWAD FORCE.23
6. To storm; to assault and take by violence; as, to force a town or fort.NWAD FORCE.24
7. To ravish; to violate by force, as a female.NWAD FORCE.25
8. To overstrain; to distort; as a forced conceit.NWAD FORCE.26
9. To cause to produce ripe fruit prematurely, as a tree; or to cause to ripen prematurely, as fruit.NWAD FORCE.27
10. To man; to strengthen by soldiers; to garrison. Obs.NWAD FORCE.28
To force from, to wrest from; to extort.NWAD FORCE.29
To force out, to drive out; to compel to issue out or to leave; also, to extort.NWAD FORCE.30
To force wine, is to fine it by a short process, or in a short time.NWAD FORCE.31
To force plants, is to urge the growth of plants by artificial heat.NWAD FORCE.32
To force meat, is to stuff it.NWAD FORCE.33
FORCE, v.i.
1. To lay stress on. Obs.NWAD FORCE.35
2. To strive. Obs.NWAD FORCE.36
3. To use violence.NWAD FORCE.37
1. Compelled; impelled; driven by violence; urged; stormed; ravished.NWAD FORCED.2
2. a. Affected; overstrained; unnatural; as a forced style.NWAD FORCED.3
FORCEDLY, adv. Violently; constrainedly; unnaturally. [Little used.]
FORCEDNESS, n. The state of being forced; distortion.
1. Impelled by violence; driven with force; acting with power.NWAD FORCEFUL.2
Against the steed he threw his forceful spear.NWAD FORCEFUL.3
2. Violent; impetuous.NWAD FORCEFUL.4
FORCEFULLY, adv. Violently; impetuously.
FORCELESS, a. Having little or not force; feeble; impotent.
FORCEMEAT, n. A kind of stuffing in cookery.
FORCEPS, n. [L.] Literally, a pair of pinchers or tongs.
In surgery, an instrument for extracting any thing from a wound, and for like purposes.NWAD FORCEPS.2
A pair of scissors for cutting off or dividing the fleshy membranous parts of the body.NWAD FORCEPS.3
1. He or that which forces, drives or constrains.NWAD FORCER.2
2. The embolus of a pump; the instrument by which water is driven up a pump.NWAD FORCER.3
1. Powerful; strong; mighty; as a punishment forcible to bridle sin.NWAD FORCIBLE.2
2. Violent; impetuous; driving forward with force; as a forcible stream.NWAD FORCIBLE.3
3. Efficacious; active; powerful.NWAD FORCIBLE.4
Sweet smells are most forcible in dry substances when broken.NWAD FORCIBLE.5
4. Powerful; acting with force; impressive; as forcible words or arguments.NWAD FORCIBLE.6
5. Containing force; acting by violence; as forcible means.NWAD FORCIBLE.7
6. Done by force; suffered by force. The abdication of James, his advocates hold to have been forcible.NWAD FORCIBLE.8
7. Valid; binding; obligatory. [Not used.]NWAD FORCIBLE.9
8. In law, forcible entry is an actual violent entry into houses or lands.NWAD FORCIBLE.10
Forcible detainer, is a violent withholding of the lands, etc. of another from his possession.NWAD FORCIBLE.11
Forcible abduction, is the act of taking away wrongfully, as a child without the consent of the father, a ward without the consent of the guardian, or any person contrary to his or her will.NWAD FORCIBLE.12
1. By violence or force.NWAD FORCIBLY.2
2. Strongly; powerfully; with power or energy; impressively.NWAD FORCIBLY.3
The gospel offers such considerations as are fit to work very forcibly on our hopes and fears.NWAD FORCIBLY.4
3. Impetuously; violently; with great strength; as a stream rushing forcibly down a precipice.NWAD FORCIBLY.5
1. Compelling; impelling; driving; storming; ravishing.NWAD FORCING.2
2. Causing to ripen before the natural season, as fruit; or causing to produce ripe fruit prematurely, as a tree.NWAD FORCING.3
3. Fining wine by a speedy process.NWAD FORCING.4
1. In gardening, the art of raising plants, flowers, and fruits, at an earlier season than the natural one, by artificial heat.NWAD FORCING.6
2. The operation of fining wines by a speedy process.NWAD FORCING.7
FORCIPATED, a. [from forceps.] Formed like a pair of pinchers to open and inclose; as a forcipated mouth.
1. A place in a river or other water, where it may be passed by man or beast on foot, or by wading.NWAD FORD.2
2. A stream; a current.NWAD FORD.3
Permit my ghost to pass the Stygian ford.NWAD FORD.4
FORD, v.t. To pass or cross a river or other water by treading or walking on the bottom; to pass through water by wading; to wade through.
FORDABLE, a. That may be waded or passed through on foot, as water.
FORDED, pp. Passed through on foot; waded.
FORDING, ppr. Wading; passing through on foot as water.
FORDO, v.t. To destroy; to undo; to ruin; to weary. [Not in use.]
1. Properly, advanced, or being in advance of something in motion or progression; as the fore end of a chain carried in measuring land; the fore oxen or horses in a team.NWAD FORE.2
2. Advanced in time; coming in advance of something; coming first; anterior; preceding; prior; as the fore part of the last century; the fore part of the day, week or year.NWAD FORE.3
3. Advanced in order or series; antecedent; as the fore part of a writing or bill.NWAD FORE.4
4. Being in front or towards the face; opposed to back or behind; as the fore part of a garment.NWAD FORE.5
5. Going first; usually preceding the other part; as the fore part of a ship, or of a coach.NWAD FORE.6
FORE, adv. In the part that precedes or goes first.
In seamen’s language, fore and aft signifies the whole length of the ship, or from end to end, from stem to stern.NWAD FORE.8
Fore, in composition, denotes, for the most part, priority of time; sometimes, advance in place.NWAD FORE.9
For the etymologies of the compounds of fore, see the principal word.NWAD FORE.10
FOREADMONISH, v.t. To admonish beforehand, or before the act or event.
FOREADVISE, v.t. s as z To advise or counsel before the time of action or before the event; to preadmonish.
FOREALLEDGE, v.t. foreallej’. To alledge or cite before.
FOREAPPOINT, v.t. To set, order or appoint beforehand.
FOREAPPOINTMENT, n. Previous appointment; preordination.
FOREARM, v.t. To arm or prepare for attack or resistance before the time of need.
1. To foretell; to prognosticate.NWAD FOREBODE.2
2. To foreknow; to be prescient of; to feel a secret sense of something future; as, my heart forebodes a sad reverse.NWAD FOREBODE.3
FOREBODEMENT, n. A presaging; presagement.
1. One who forebodes; a prognosticator; a soothsayer.NWAD FOREBODER.2
2. A foreknower.NWAD FOREBODER.3
FOREBODING, ppr. Prognosticating; foretelling; foreknowing.
FOREBODING, n. Prognostication.
FOREBRACE, n. A rope applied to the fore yard-arm to change the position of the foresail.
FOREBY, prep. [fore and by.] Near; hard by; fast by. Obs.
1. To foresee; to provide against.NWAD FORECAST.2
It is wisdom to forecast consequences.NWAD FORECAST.3
2. To scheme; to plan before execution.NWAD FORECAST.4
He shall forecast his devices against the strong holds. Daniel 11:24.NWAD FORECAST.5
3. To adjust; contrive or appoint beforehandNWAD FORECAST.6
The time so well forecast.NWAD FORECAST.7
FORECAST, v.i. To form a scheme previously; to contrive beforehand.
Forecasting how his foe he might annoy.NWAD FORECAST.9
FORECAST, n. Previous contrivance; foresight, or the antecedent determination proceeding from it; as a man of little forecast.
FORECASTER, n. One who foresees or contrives beforehand.
FORECASTING, ppr. Contriving previously.
FORECASTLE, n. A short deck in the forepart of a ship above the upper deck usually terminated in ships of war with a breast-work; the foremost part forming the top of the beak-head, and the hind part reaching to the after part of the fore chains.
FORECHOSEN, a. forcho’zn. Preelected; chosen beforehand.
FORECITED, a. Cited or quoted before or above.
FORECLOSE, v.t. s as z. To shut up; to preclude; to stop; to prevent.
The embargo with Spain foreclosed this trade.NWAD FORECLOSE.2
To foreclose a mortgager, in law, is to cut him off from his equity of redemption, or the power of redeeming the mortgaged premises, by a judgment of court.NWAD FORECLOSE.3
[To foreclose a mortgage is not technically correct, but is often used.]NWAD FORECLOSE.4
1. Prevention.NWAD FORECLOSURE.2
2. The act of foreclosing, or depriving a mortgager of the right of redeeming a mortgaged estate.NWAD FORECLOSURE.3
FOREDATE, v.t. To date before the true time.
FOREDATED, pp. Dated before the true time.