FORESPEECH, n. A preface. [Not used.]
1. Wasted in strength; tired; exhausted.NWAD FORESPENT.2
2. Past; as life forespent. [Little used.]NWAD FORESPENT.3
FORESPURRER, n. One that rides before. [Not used.]
FOREST, n. [L. foris.]
1. An extensive wood, or a large tract of land covered with trees. In America, the word is usually applied to a wood of native growth, or a tract of woodland which has never been cultivated. It differs from wood or woods chiefly in extent. We read of the Hercynian forest, in Germany, and the forest of Ardennes, in France or Gaul.NWAD FOREST.2
2. In law, in Great Britain, a certain territory of woody grounds and pastures, privileged for wild beasts and fowls of forest, chase and warren, to rest and abide in, under the protection of the king, for his pleasure. In this sense, the word has no application in America.NWAD FOREST.3
Forest laws, laws for governing and regulating forests, and preserving game.NWAD FOREST.4
FOREST, v.t. To cover with trees or wood.
FORESTAFF, n. An instrument used at sea, for taking the altitudes of heavenly bodies; called also cross-staff.
FORESTAGE, n. An ancient service paid by foresters to the king; also, the right of foresters.
FORESTALL, v.t. [See Stall.]
1. To anticipate; to take beforehand.NWAD FORESTALL.2
Why need a man forestall his date of grief, and run to meet what he would most avoid?NWAD FORESTALL.3
2. To hinder by preoccupation or prevention.NWAD FORESTALL.4
I will not forestall your judgment of the rest.NWAD FORESTALL.5
3. In law, to buy or bargain for corn, or provisions of any kind, before they arrive at the market or fair, with intent to sell them at higher prices. This is a penal offense.NWAD FORESTALL.6
4. To deprive by something prior. [Not in use.]NWAD FORESTALL.7
FORESTALLED, pp. Anticipated; hindered; purchased before arrival in market.
FORESTALLER, n. One who forestalls; a person who purchases provisions before they come to the fair or market, with a view to raise the price.
FORESTALLING, ppr. Anticipating; hindering; buying provisions before they arrive in market, with intent to sell them at high prices.
FORESTALLING, n. Anticipation; prevention; the act of buying provisions before they are offered in market, with intent to sell them at higher prices.
FORESTAY, n. In a ship’s rigging, a large strong rope reaching from the foremast head towards the bowsprit end, to support the mast.
FORESTED, pp. Covered with trees; wooded.
1. In England, an officer appointed to watch a forest, preserve the game, and institute suits for trespasses.NWAD FORESTER.2
2. An inhabitant of a forest.NWAD FORESTER.3
3. A forest tree.NWAD FORESTER.4
FORESWAT, a. [See Sweat.] Exhausted by heat. Obs.
FORETACKLE, n. The tackle on the foremast.
FORETASTE, n. A taste beforehand; anticipation. The pleasures of piety are a foretaste of heaven.
1. To taste before possession; to have previous enjoyment or experience of something; to anticipate.NWAD FORETASTE.3
2. To taste before another.NWAD FORETASTE.4
FORETASTED, pp. Tasted beforehand or before another.
FORETASTER, n. One that tastes beforehand or before another.
FORETEACH, v.t. To teach beforehand.
1. To predict; to tell before an event happens; to prophesy.NWAD FORETELL.2
2. To foretoken; to foreshow.NWAD FORETELL.3
FORETELL, v.i. To utter prediction or prophecy.
All the prophets from Samuel, and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days. Acts 3:24.NWAD FORETELL.5
FORETELLER, n. One who predicts or prophesies; a foreshower.
1. To think beforehand; to anticipate in the mind.NWAD FORETHINK.2
The soul of every man perpetually does forethink thy fall.NWAD FORETHINK.3
2. To contrive beforehand.NWAD FORETHINK.4
FORETHINK, v.i. To contrive beforehand.
FORETHOUGHT, forethaut’. pret. of forething.
FORETHOUGHT, n. fo’rethaut.
1. A thinking beforehand; anticipation; prescience; premeditation.NWAD FORETHOUGHT.3
2. Provident care.NWAD FORETHOUGHT.4
FORETOKEN, v.t. To foreshew; to presignify; to prognosticate.
Whilst strange prodigious signs foretoken blood.NWAD FORETOKEN.2
FORETOKEN, n. Prognostic; previous sign.
FORETOOTH, n. plu. foreteeth. One of the teeth in the forepart of the mouth; an incisor.
1. The hair on the forepart of the head.NWAD FORETOP.2
2. That part of a woman’s headdress that is forward, or the top of a periwig.NWAD FORETOP.3
3. In ships, the platform erected at the head of the foremast. In this sense, the accent on the two syllables is nearly equal.NWAD FORETOP.4
FORETOP-MAST, n. The mast erected at the head of the foremast, and at the head of which stands the foretop-gallant-mast.
FOREVOUCHED, pp. Affirmed before; formerly told.
FOREWORD, n. The van; the front.
FOREWARN, v.t. forewaurn’.
1. To admonish beforehand.NWAD FOREWARN.2
I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear. Luke 12:5.NWAD FOREWARN.3
2. To inform previously; to give previous notice.NWAD FOREWARN.4
3. To caution beforehand.NWAD FOREWARN.5
FOREWARNED, pp. Admonished, cautioned or informed beforehand.
FOREWARNING, ppr. Previously admonishing or informing.
FOREWARNING, n. Previous admonition, caution or notice.
FOREWEND, v.t. To go before. Obs.
FOREWISH, v.t. To wish beforehand.
FOREWOMAN, n. A woman who is chief; the head woman.
FOREWORN, pp. [See Wear.] Worn out; wasted or obliterated by time or use.
FORFEIT, v.t. for’fit. [Low L. forisfacere, from L. foris, out or abroad, and facio, to make.]
To lose or render confiscable, by some fault, offense or crime; to lose the right to some species of property or that which belongs to one; to alienate the right to possess by some neglect or crime; as, to forfeit an estate by a breach of the condition of tenure or by treason. By the ancient laws of England, a man forfeited his estate by neglecting or refusing to fulfill the conditions on which it was granted to him, or by a breach of fealty. A man now forfeits his estate by committing treason. A man forfeits his honor or reputation by a breach of promise, and by any criminal or disgraceful act. Statutes declare that by certain acts a man shall forfeit a certain sum of money. Under the feudal system, the right to the land forfeited, vested in the lord or superior. In modern times, the right to things forfeited is generally regulated by statutes; it is vested in the state, in corporations, or in prosecutors or informers, or partly in the state or a corporation, and partly in an individual.NWAD FORFEIT.2
The duelist, to secure the reputation of bravery, forfeits the esteem of good men, and the favor of heaven.NWAD FORFEIT.3
FORFEIT, n. for’fit. [Low L. forisfactura.]
1. That which is forfeited or lost, or the right to which is alienated by a crime, offense, neglect of duty, or breach of contract; hence, a fine; a mulet; a penalty. He that murders pays the forfeit of his life. When a statute creates a penalty for a transgression, either in money or in corporal punishment, the offender who, on conviction, pays the money or suffers the punishment, pays the forfeit.NWAD FORFEIT.5
2. One whose life is forfeited. [Not in use.]NWAD FORFEIT.6
FORFEIT, part. a. used for forfeited. Lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure.
And his long toils were forfeit for a look.NWAD FORFEIT.8
FORFEITABLE, a. Liable to be forfeited; subject to forfeiture.
For the future, uses shall be subject to the statutes of mortmain, and forfeitable like the lands themselves.NWAD FORFEITABLE.2
FORFEITED, pp. Lost or alienated by an offense, crime or breach of condition.
FORFEITING, ppr. Alienating or losing, as a right by an offense, crime or breach of condition.
1. The act of forfeiting; the losing of some right, privilege, estate, honor, office or effects, by an offense, crime, breach of condition or other act. In regard to property, forfeiture is a loss of the right to possess, but not generally the actual possession, which is to be transferred by some subsequent process. In the feudal system, a forfeiture of lands gave him in reversion or remainder a right to enter.NWAD FORFEITURE.2
2. That which is forfeited; an estate forfeited; a fine or mulet. The prince enriched his treasury by fines and forfeitures.NWAD FORFEITURE.3
FORFEX, n. [L.] A pair of scissors.
FORGAVE, pret. of forgive, which see.
FORGE, n. [L. ferrum, iron.]
1. A furnace in which iron or other metal is heated and hammered into form. A larger forge is called with us iron-works. Smaller forges consisting of a bellows so placed as to cast a stream of air upon ignited coals, are of various forms and users. Armies have travelling forges, for repairing gun-carriages, etc.NWAD FORGE.2
2. Any place where any thing is made or shaped.NWAD FORGE.3
3. The act of beating or working iron or steel; the manufacture of metalline bodies.NWAD FORGE.4
In the greater bodies the forge was easy.NWAD FORGE.5
FORGE, v.t.
1. To form by heating and hammering; to beat into any particular shape, as a metal.NWAD FORGE.7
2. To make by any means.NWAD FORGE.8
Names that the schools forged, and put into the mouths of scholars.NWAD FORGE.9
3. To make falsely; to falsify; to counterfeit; to make in the likeness of something else; as, to forge coin; to forge a bill of exchange or a receipt.NWAD FORGE.10
FORGED, pp. Hammered; beaten into shape; made; counterfeited.
1. One that makes or forms.NWAD FORGER.2
2. One who counterfeits; a falsifier.NWAD FORGER.3
1. The act of forging or working metal into shape. In this sense, rarely or never now used.NWAD FORGERY.2
2. The act of falsifying; the crime of counterfeiting; as the forgery of coin, or of bank notes, or of a bond. Forgery may consist in counterfeiting a writing, or in setting a false name to it, to the prejudice of another person.NWAD FORGERY.3
3. That which is forged or counterfeited. Certain letters, purporting to be written by Gen. Washington, during the revolution, were forgeries.NWAD FORGERY.4
FORGET, v.t. pret. forgot. [forgat, Obs.]
1. To lose the remembrance of; to let go from the memory.NWAD FORGET.2
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits. Psalm 103:2.NWAD FORGET.3
2. To slight; to neglect.NWAD FORGET.4
Can a woman forget her sucking child? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Isaiah 49:15.NWAD FORGET.5
1. Apt to forget; easily losing the remembrance of. A forgetful man should use helps to strengthen his memory.NWAD FORGETFUL.2
2. Heedless; careless; neglectful; inattentive.NWAD FORGETFUL.3
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers. Hebrews 13:2.NWAD FORGETFUL.4
3. Causing to forget; inducing oblivion; oblivious; as forgetful draughts.NWAD FORGETFUL.5
1. The quality of losing the remembrance or recollection of a thing; or rather, the quality of being apt to let any thing slip from the mind.NWAD FORGETFULNESS.2
2. Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.NWAD FORGETFULNESS.3
A sweet forgetfulness of human care.NWAD FORGETFULNESS.4
3. Neglect; negligence; careless omission; inattention; as forgetfulness of duty.NWAD FORGETFULNESS.5
FORGETTER, n. One that forgets; a heedless person.
FORGETTING, ppr. Losing the remembrance of.
FORGETTING, n. The act of forgetting; forgetfulness; inattention.
FORGETTINGLY, adv. By forgetting or forgetfulness.
FORGIVABLE, a. [See Forgive.] That may be pardoned.
FORGIVE, v.t. forgiv’. pret. forgave; pp. forgiven. [L. remitto. See Give.]
1. To pardon; to remit, as an offense or debt; to overlook an offense, and treat the offender as not guilty. The original and proper phrase is to forgive the offense, to send it away, to reject it, that is, not to impute it, [put it to] the offender. But by an easy transition, we also use the phrase, to forgive the person offending.NWAD FORGIVE.2
Forgive us our debts.NWAD FORGIVE.3
If we forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you. Matthew 6:14.NWAD FORGIVE.4
As savages never forget a favor, so they never forgive an injury.NWAD FORGIVE.5
It is to be noted that pardon, like forgive, may be followed by the name or person, and by the offense; but remit can be followed by the offense only. We forgive or pardon the man, but we do not remit him.NWAD FORGIVE.6
2. To remit as a debt, fine or penalty.NWAD FORGIVE.7
FORGIVEN, pp. Pardoned remitted.
1. The act of forgiving; the pardon of an offender, by which he is considered and treated as not guilty. The forgiveness of enemies is a christian duty.NWAD FORGIVENESS.2
2. The pardon or remission of an offense or crime; as the forgiveness of sin or of injuries.NWAD FORGIVENESS.3
3. Disposition to pardon; willingness to forgive.NWAD FORGIVENESS.4
And mild forgiveness intercede to stop the coming blow.NWAD FORGIVENESS.5
4. Remission of a debt, fine or penalty.NWAD FORGIVENESS.6
FORGIVER, n. One who pardons or remits.
1. Pardoning; remitting.NWAD FORGIVING.2
2. a. Disposed to forgive; inclined to overlook offenses; mild; merciful; compassionate; as a forgiving temper.NWAD FORGIVING.3
FORHAIL, v.t. To draw or distress. [Not used.]
FORINSECAL, a. [L. forinsecus.] foreign; alien. [Little used.]
FORISFAMILIATE, v.t. [L. foris, without, and familia, family.]
To renounce a legal title to a further share of paternal inheritance. Literally, to put one’s self out of the family.NWAD FORISFAMILIATE.2
FORISFAMILIATION, n. When a child has received a portion of his father’s estate, and renounces all title to a further shar, his act is called forisfamiliation, and he is said to be forisfamiliated.
FORK, n. [L. furca.]
1. an instrument consisting of a handle, and a blade of metal, divided into two or more points or prongs, used for lifting or pitching any thing; as a tablefork for feeding; a pitchfork; a dungfork, etc. forks are also made of ivory, wood or other material.NWAD FORK.2
2. A point; as a thunderbolt with three forks. Shakespeare uses it for the point of an arrow.NWAD FORK.3
3. Forks, in the plural, the point where a road parts into two; and the point where a river divides, or rather where two rivers meet and unite in one stream. Each branch is called a fork.NWAD FORK.4
FORK, v.i.
1. To shoot into blades, as corn.NWAD FORK.6
2. to divide into two; as, a road forks.NWAD FORK.7
FORK, v.t.
1. to raise or pitch with a fork, as hay.NWAD FORK.9
2. To dig and break ground with a fork.NWAD FORK.10
3. To make sharp; to point.NWAD FORK.11
1. Raised, pitched or dug with a fork.NWAD FORKED.2
2. a. Opening into two or more parts, points or shoots; as a forked tongue; the forked lightning.NWAD FORKED.3
3. Having two or more meanings. [Not in use.]NWAD FORKED.4
FORKEDLY, adv. In a forked form.
FORKEDNESS, n. The quality of opening into two or more parts.
FORKHEAD, n. the point of an arrow.
FORKTAIL, n. A salmon, in his fourth year’s growth. [Local.]
FORKY, a. Forked; furcated; opening into two or more parts, shoots or points; as a forky tongue.
FORLORE, a. Forlorn. [Not in use.]
1. Deserted; destitute; stripped or deprived; forsaken. Hence, lost; helpless; wretched; solitary.NWAD FORLORN.2
Of fortune and of hope at once forlorn.NWAD FORLORN.3
To live again in these wild woods forlorn.NWAD FORLORN.4
For here forlorn and lost I tread.NWAD FORLORN.5
2. Taken away. Obs.NWAD FORLORN.6
When as night hath us of light forlorn.NWAD FORLORN.7
3. Small; despicable; in a ludicrous sense.NWAD FORLORN.8
Forlorn hope, properly, a desperate case; hence in military affairs, a detachment of men appointed to lead in an assault, to storm a counterscarp, enter a breach, or perform other service attended with uncommon peril.NWAD FORLORN.9
FORLORN, n. A lost, forsaken, solitary person.
FORLORNNESS, n. Destitution; misery; a forsaken or wretched condition.
FORLYE, v.i. To lye before. [Not used.]
FORM, n. [L. forma.]
1. The shape or external appearance of a body; the figure, as defined by lines and angles; that manner of being peculiar to each body, which exhibits it to the eye as distinct from every other body. Thus we speak of the form of a circle, the form of a square or triangle, a circular form, the form of the head or of the human body, a handsome form, an ugly form, a frightful form.NWAD FORM.2
Matter is the basis or substratum of bodies, form is the particular disposition of matter in each body which distinguishes its appearance from that of every other body.NWAD FORM.3
The form of his visage was changed. Daniel 3:19.NWAD FORM.4
After that he appeared in another form to two of them, as they walked. Mark 16:12.NWAD FORM.5
2. Manner of arranging particulars; disposition of particular things; as a form of words or expressions.NWAD FORM.6
3. Model; draught; pattern.NWAD FORM.7
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me. 2 Timothy 1:13.NWAD FORM.8
4. Beauty; elegance; splendor; dignity.NWAD FORM.9
He hath no form nor comeliness. Isaiah 53:2.NWAD FORM.10
5. Regularity; method; order. This is a rough draught to be reduced to form.NWAD FORM.11
6. External appearance without the essential qualities; empty show.NWAD FORM.12
7. Stated method; established practice; ritual or prescribed mode; as the forms of public worship; the forms of judicial proceeding; forms of civility.NWAD FORM.13
8. Ceremony; as, it is a mere matter of form.NWAD FORM.14
9. Determinate shape.NWAD FORM.15
The earth was without form, and void. Genesis 1:2.NWAD FORM.16
10. Likeness; image.NWAD FORM.17
Who, being in the form of God - Philippians 2:6.NWAD FORM.18
He took on him the form of a servant.NWAD FORM.19
11. Manner; system; as a form of government; a monarchical or republican form.NWAD FORM.20
12. Manner of arrangement; disposition of component parts; as the interior form or structure of the flesh or bones, or of other bodies.NWAD FORM.21
13. A long seat; a bench without a back.NWAD FORM.22
14. In schools, a class; a rank of students.NWAD FORM.23
15. The seat or bed of a hare.NWAD FORM.24
16. A mold; something to give shape, or on which things are fashioned.NWAD FORM.25
17. In printing, an assemblage of types, composed and arranged in order, disposed into pages or columns, and inclosed and locked in a chase, to receive an impression.NWAD FORM.26
18. Essential form, is that mode of existence which constitutes a thing what it is, and without which it could not exist. Thus water and light have each its particular form of existence, and the parts of water being decomposed, it ceases to be water. Accidental form is not necessary to the existence of a body. Earth is earth still, whatever may be its color.NWAD FORM.27
FORM, v.t. [L. formo.]
1. To make or cause to exist.NWAD FORM.29
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground. Genesis 2:7.NWAD FORM.30
2. To shape; to mold or fashion into a particular shape or state; as, to form an image of stone or clay.NWAD FORM.31
3. To plan; to scheme; to modify.NWAD FORM.32
4. To arrange; to combine in a particular manner; as, to form a line or square of troops.NWAD FORM.33
5. To adjust; to settle.NWAD FORM.34
Our differences with the Romanists are thus formed into an interest -NWAD FORM.35
6. To contrive; to invent; as, to form a design or scheme.NWAD FORM.36
7. To make; up; to frame; to settle by deductions of reason; as, to form an opinion or judgment; to form an estimate.NWAD FORM.37
8. To mold; to model by instruction and discipline; as, to form the mind to virtuous habits by education.NWAD FORM.38
9. To combine; to unite individuals into a collective body; as, to form a society for missions.NWAD FORM.39
10. To make; to establish. The subscribers are formed by law into a corporation. They have formed regulations for their government.NWAD FORM.40
11. To compile; as, to form a body of laws or customs; to form a digest.NWAD FORM.41
12. To constitute; to make. Duplicity forms no part of his character. These facts form a safe foundation for our conclusions. The senate and house of representatives form the legislative body.NWAD FORM.42
13. In grammar, to make by derivation, or by affixes or prefixes. L. do, in the preterit, forms dedi.NWAD FORM.43
14. To enact; to make; to ordain; as, to form a law or an edict.NWAD FORM.44
FORM, v.i. To take a form.
1. According to form; agreeable to established mode; regular; methodical.NWAD FORMAL.2
2. Strictly ceremonious; precise; exact to affectation; as a man formal in his dress, his gait or deportment.NWAD FORMAL.3
3. Done in due form, or with solemnity; express; according to regular method; not incidental, sudden or irregular. He gave his formal consent to the treaty.NWAD FORMAL.4
4. Regular; methodical; as the formal stars.NWAD FORMAL.5
5. Having the form or appearance without the substance or essence; external; as formal duty; formal worship.NWAD FORMAL.6
6. Depending on customary forms.NWAD FORMAL.7
Still in constraint your suffering sex remains, or bound in formal or in real chains.NWAD FORMAL.8
7. Having the power of making a thing what it is; constituent; essential.NWAD FORMAL.9
Of letters the material part is breath and voice; the formal is constituted by the motions and figure of the organs of speech.NWAD FORMAL.10
8. Retaining its proper and essential characteristic; regular; proper.NWAD FORMAL.11
To make of him a formal man again.NWAD FORMAL.12
FORMALISM, n. Formality. [The latter is generally used.]
1. One who observes forms, or practices external ceremonies. More generally,NWAD FORMALIST.2
2. One who regards appearances only, or observes the forms of worship, without possessing the life and spirit of religion; a hypocrite. A grave face and the regular practice of ceremonies have often gained to a formalist the reputation of piety.NWAD FORMALIST.3
1. The practice or observance of forms.NWAD FORMALITY.2
Formalities of extraordinary zeal and piety are never more studied and elaborate then in desperate designs.NWAD FORMALITY.3
2. Ceremony; mere conformity to customary modes.NWAD FORMALITY.4
Nor was his attendance on divine offices a matter of formality and custom, but of conscience.NWAD FORMALITY.5
3. Established order; rule of proceeding; mode; method; as the formalities of judicial process; formalities of law.NWAD FORMALITY.6
4. Order; decorum to be observed; customary mode of behavior.NWAD FORMALITY.7
5. Customary mode of dress; habit; robe.NWAD FORMALITY.8
6. External appearance.NWAD FORMALITY.9
7. Essence; the quality which constitutes a thing what it is.NWAD FORMALITY.10
The formality of the vow lies in the promise made to God.NWAD FORMALITY.11
8. In the schools, the manner in which a thing is conceived; or a manner in an object, importing a relation to the understanding, by which it may be distinguished from another object. Thus animality and rationality are formalities.NWAD FORMALITY.12
FORMALIZE, v.t. To model. [Not used.]
FORMALIZE, v.i. To affect formality. [Little used.]
1. According to established form, rule, order, rite or ceremony. A treaty was concluded and formally ratified by both parties.NWAD FORMALLY.2
2. Ceremoniously; stiffly; precisely; as, to be stiff and formally reserved.NWAD FORMALLY.3
3. In open appearance; in a visible and apparent state.NWAD FORMALLY.4
You and your followers do stand formally divided against the authorized guides of the church, and the rest of the people.NWAD FORMALLY.5
4. Essentially; characteristically.NWAD FORMALLY.6
That which formally makes this [charity] a christian grace, is the spring from which it flows.NWAD FORMALLY.7
FORMATION, n. [L. formatio.]
1. The act of forming or making; the act of creating or causing to exist; or more generally, the operation of composing, by bringing materials together, or of shaping and giving form; as the formation of the earth; the formation of a state or constitution.NWAD FORMATION.2
2. Generation; production; as the formation of ideas.NWAD FORMATION.3
3. The manner in which a thing is formed. Examine the peculiar formation of the heart.NWAD FORMATION.4
4. In grammar, the act or manner of forming one word from another, as controller from control.NWAD FORMATION.5
5. In geology, formation may signify a single mass of one kind of rock, more or less extensive, or a collection of mineral substances, formed by the same agent, under the same or similar circumstances; or it may convey the idea, that certain masses or collections of minerals were formed not only by the same agent, but also at the same time. In this latter sense the term is almost always employed.NWAD FORMATION.6
1. Giving form; having the power of giving form; plastic.NWAD FORMATIVE.2
The meanest plant cannot be raised without seeds, by any formative power residing in the soil.NWAD FORMATIVE.3
2. In grammar, serving to form; derivative; not radical; as a termination merely formative.NWAD FORMATIVE.4
FORMED, pp. Made; shaped; molded; planned; arranged; combined; enacted; constituted.
FORMEDON, n. [forma doni.] A writ for the recovery of lands by statute of Westminister.
FORMER, n. He that forms; a maker; an author.
FORMER, a. comp. deg.
1. Before in time; preceding another or something else in order of time; opposed to latter.NWAD FORMER.3
Her former husband, who sent her away, may not take her again to be his wife, after that she is defiled. Deuteronomy 24:4.NWAD FORMER.4
2. Past, and frequently ancient, long past.NWAD FORMER.5
For inquire, I pray thee, of the former age. Job 8:8.NWAD FORMER.6
3. Near the beginning; preceding; as the former part of a discourse or argument.NWAD FORMER.7
4. Mentioned before another.NWAD FORMER.8
A bad author deserves better usage than a bad critic; a man may be the former merely through the misfortune of want of judgment; but he cannot be the latter without both that and an ill temper.NWAD FORMER.9
FORMERLY, adv. In time past, either in time immediately preceding, or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore. We formerly imported slaves from Africa. Nations formerly made slaves of prisoners taken in war.
FORMFUL, a. Ready to form; creative; imaginative.
FORMIATE, n. [from L. formica, an ant.] A neutral salt, composed of the formic acid and a base.
FORMIC, a. [L. formica, an ant.] Pertaining to ants; as the formic acid, the acid of ants.
FORMICATION, n. [L. formicatio, from formico, or formica, an ant.]
A sensation of the body resembling that made by the creeping of ants on the skin.NWAD FORMICATION.2
FORMIDABLE, a. [L. formidabilis, from formido, fear.]
Exciting fear or apprehension; impressing dread; adapted to excite fear and deter from approach, encounter or undertaking. It expresses less than terrible, terrific, tremendous, horrible, and frightful.NWAD FORMIDABLE.2
They seemed to fear the formidable sight.NWAD FORMIDABLE.3
I swell my preface into a volume, and make it formidable, when you see so many pages behind.NWAD FORMIDABLE.4
FORMIDABLENESS, n. The quality of being formidable, or adapted to excite dread.
FORMIDABLY, adv. In a manner to impress fear.
FORMLESS, a. [from form.] Shapeless; without a determinate form; wanting regularity of shape.
1. A prescribed form; a rule or model.NWAD FORMULA.2
2. In medicine, a prescription.NWAD FORMULA.3
3. In church affairs, a confession of faith.NWAD FORMULA.4
4. In mathematics, a general expression for resolving certain cases or problems.NWAD FORMULA.5
FORMULARY, n. [from L. formula.]
1. A book containing stated and prescribed forms, as of oaths, declarations, prayers and the like; a book of precedents.NWAD FORMULARY.2
2. Prescribed form.NWAD FORMULARY.3
FORMULARY, a. Stated; prescribed; ritual.
FORNICATE, FORNICATED, a. [L. fornicatus, from fornix, an arch.] Arched; vaulted like an oven or furnace.
FORNICATE, v.i. [L. fornicor, from fornix, a brothel.]
To commit lewdness, as an unmarried man or woman, or as a married man with an unmarried woman.NWAD FORNICATE.3
If a brahman fornicate with a Nayr woman, he shall not thereby lose his cast.NWAD FORNICATE.4