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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    HYPOTHECATE, v.t. [L. hypotheca, a pledge; Gr. to put under, to suppose.]

    1. To pledge, and properly to pledge the keel of a ship, that is, the ship itself, as security for the repayment of money borrowed to carry on a voyage. In this case the lender hazards the loss of his money by the loss of the ship, but if the ship returns safe, he received his principal, with the premium or interest agreed on, though it may exceed the legal rate of interest.NWAD HYPOTHECATE.2

    2. To pledge, as goods.NWAD HYPOTHECATE.3

    HYPOTHECATED, pp. Pledged, as security for money borrowed.

    HYPOTHECATING, ppr. Pledging as security.

    HYPOTHECATION, n. The act of pledging, as a ship or goods, for the repayment of money borrowed to carry on a voyage; otherwise called bottomry.

    HYPOTHECATOR, n. One who pledges a ship or other property, as security for the repayment of money borrowed.

    HYPOTHESIS, n. [L. from Gr. a supposition; to suppose.]

    1. A supposition; a proposition or principle which is supposed or taken for granted, in order to draw a conclusion or inference for proof of the point in question; something not proved, but assumed for the purpose of argument.NWAD HYPOTHESIS.2

    2. A system or theory imagined or assumed to account for what is not understood.NWAD HYPOTHESIS.3

    HYPOTHETIC, HYPOTHETICAL, a. Including a supposition; conditional; assumed without proof for the purpose of reasoning and deducing proof.

    HYPOTHETICALLY, adv. By way of supposition; conditionally.

    HYRSE, n. hirs. Millet.

    HYRST, n. A wood. [See Hurst.]

    HYSON, n. A species of green tea from China.

    HYSOP, HYSSOP, n. hy’sop. [L. hyssopus; Gr. It would be well to write this word hysop.] A plant or genus of plants, one species of which is cultivated for use. The leaves have an aromatic smell, and a warm pungent taste. Hyssop was much used by the Jews in purification.

    HYSTERIC, HYSTERICAL, a. [Gr. from the womb.] Disordered in the region of the womb; troubled with fits or nervous affections.

    HYSTERICS, n. A disease of women, proceeding from the womb, and characterized by fits or spasmodic affections of the nervous system.

    A spasmodic disease of the primae viae, attended with the sensation of a ball rolling about the abdomen, stomach and throat.NWAD HYSTERICS.2

    HYSTEROCELE, n. [Gr. the womb, and a tumor.] A species of hernia, caused by a displacement of the womb. A rupture containing the uterus.

    HYSTERON PROTERON, n. [Gr. last, and first.] A rhetorical figure, when that is said last which was done first.

    HYSTEROTOMY, n. [Gr. the uterus, and a cutting.] In surgery, the Cesarean section; the operation of cutting into the uterus for taking out a fetus, which cannot be excluded by the usual means.

    HYTHE, n. A port. [See Hithe.]

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