IMPETUS, n. [L. supra.] Force of motion; the force with which any body is driven or impelled.
1. The force with which one body in motion strikes another.NWAD IMPETUS.2
IMPICTURED, a. Painted; impressed.
IMPIER. [See Umpire.]
IMPIERCEABLE, a. impers’able. [in and pierce.]
Not to be pierced or penetrated.NWAD IMPIERCEABLE.2
IMPIETY, n. [L. impietas; in and pietas, pius.]
1. Ungodliness; irreverence towards the Supreme being; contempt of the divine character and authority; neglect of the divine precepts. These constitute different degrees of impiety.NWAD IMPIETY.2
2. Any act of wickedness, as blasphemy and scoffing at the Supreme Being, or at his authority; profaneness. Any expression of contempt for God or his laws, constitutes an impiety of the highest degree of criminality. Disobedience to the divine commands or neglect of duty implies contempt for his authority, and is therefore impiety. Impiety, when it expresses the temper or disposition, has no plural; but it is otherwise when it expresses an act of wickedness, for all such acts are impieties.NWAD IMPIETY.3
IMPIGNORATE, v.t. To pledge or pawn. [Not in use.]
IMPIGNORATION, n. The act of pawning. [Not in use.]
IMPINGE, v.i. impinj’. [L. impingo; in and pango, to strike. See Pack.] To fall against; to strike; to dash against; to clash upon.
The cause of reflection is not the impinging of light on the solid or impervious parts of bodies.NWAD IMPINGE.2
IMPINGING, ppr. Striking against.
IMPINGUATE, v.t. [L. in and pinguis, fat.]
To fatten; to make fat. [Not in use.]NWAD IMPINGUATE.2
IMPIOUS, a. [L. impius; in and pius, pious.]
1. Irreverent towards the Supreme Being; wanting in veneration for God and his authority; irreligious; profane. The scoffer at God and his authority is impious. The profane swear is impious.NWAD IMPIOUS.2
When vice prevails and impious men bear sway,NWAD IMPIOUS.3
The post of honor is a private station.NWAD IMPIOUS.4
2. Irreverent towards God; proceeding from or manifesting a contempt for the Supreme Being; tending to dishonor God or his laws, and bring them into contempt; as an impious deed; impious language; impious writings.NWAD IMPIOUS.5
IMPIOUSLY, adv. With irreverence for God, or contempt for his authority; profanely; wickedly.
IMPIOUSNESS, n. Impiety; contempt of God and his laws.
IMPLACABILITY, IMPLACABLENESS, n. [from implacable.] The quality of not being appeasable; inexorableness; irreconcilable enmity or anger.
IMPLACABLE, a. [L. implacabilis; in and placabilis, from placo, to appease.]
1. Not to be appeased; that can not be pacified and rendered peaceable; inexorable; stubborn or constant in enmity; as an implacable prince.NWAD IMPLACABLE.2
2. Not to be appeased or subdued; as implacable anger; implacable enmity, malice or revenge.NWAD IMPLACABLE.3
IMPLACABLY, adv. With enmity not to be pacified or subdued; inexorably; as, to hate a person implacably.
IMPLANT, v.t. [in and plant, L. planto.]
To set, plant or infix for the purpose of growth; as, to implant the seeds of virtue, or the principles of knowledge in the minds of youth; to implant grace in the heart. [It is now seldom or never used in its literal sense for setting plants or seeds in the earth.]NWAD IMPLANT.2
IMPLANTATION, n. The act of setting or infixing in the mind or heart, as principles or first rudiments.
IMPLANTED, pp. Set, infixed in the mind, as principles or rudiments.
IMPLANTING, ppr. Setting or infixing in the mind, as principles.
The quality of not being plausible or specious.NWAD IMPLAUSIBILITY.2
IMPLAUSIBLE, a. s as z. [in and plausible.]
Not specious; not wearing the appearance of truth or credibility, and not likely to be believed; as an implausible harangue.NWAD IMPLAUSIBLE.2
IMPLAUSIBLY, adv. Without an appearance of probability.
IMPLEACH, v.t. [in and pleach.] To interweave. [Not in use.]
IMPLEAD, v.t. [in and plead.] To institute and prosecute a suit against one in court; to sue at law. The corporation shall have power to plead and be impleaded.
Let them implead one another. Acts 19:38.NWAD IMPLEAD.2
IMPLEADED, pp. Prosecuted; sued; subject to answer to a suit in court.
IMPLEADER, n. One who prosecutes another.
IMPLEADING, ppr. Prosecuting a suit.
IMPLEASING, a. Unpleasing. [Not in use.]
IMPLEDGE, v.t. To pawn. [Not used.]
IMPLEMENT, n. [Low L. implementum, from impleo, to fill; in and pleo.] may supply wants; particularly, as now used, tools, utensils, vessels, instruments; the tools or instruments of labor; the vessels used in a kitchen, etc.; as the implements of trade or of husbandry. [It is a word of very extensive signification.]
IMPLETION, n. [L. impleo, to fill; in and pleo.]
The act of filling; the state of being full.NWAD IMPLETION.2
The impletion is either in simple or compound flowers. The impletion of simple flowers, is by the increase either of the petals, or of the nectary.NWAD IMPLETION.3
IMPLEX, a. [L. implexus. See Implicate.]
Infolded; intricate; entangled; complicated.NWAD IMPLEX.2
Every poem is simple or implex; it is called simple, when there is no change of fortune in it; implex, when the fortune of the chief actor changes from bad to good, or from good to bad.NWAD IMPLEX.3
IMPLEXION, n. [See Implicate.] The act of infolding or involving; the state of being involved; involution. [Little used.]
IMPLICATE, v.t. [L. implico, implicatus; in and plico, to fold.]
1. To infold; to involve; to entangle. [Seldom used in its literal sense.]NWAD IMPLICATE.2
2. To involve; to bring into connection with; also, to show or prove to be connected or concerned; as, the evidence does not implicate the accused person in this conspiracy.NWAD IMPLICATE.3
IMPLICATED, pp. Infolded; involved.
1. Involved; connected; concerned; proved to be concerned or to have had a part.NWAD IMPLICATED.2
Twenty persons are implicated in the plot.NWAD IMPLICATED.3
IMPLICATING, ppr. Involving; proving to be concerned.
IMPLICATION, n. [L. implicatio, supra.]
1. The act of infolding or involving.NWAD IMPLICATION.2
2. Involution; entanglement.NWAD IMPLICATION.3
Three principal causes of firmness are, the grossness, the quiet contact, and the implication of the component parts.NWAD IMPLICATION.4
3. An implying, or that which is implied, but not expressed; a tacit inference, or something fairly to be understood, though not expressed in words.NWAD IMPLICATION.5
The doctors are, by implication of a different opinion.NWAD IMPLICATION.6
IMPLICATIVE, a. Having implication.
IMPLICIT, a. [L. implicitus, from implico, supra.]
1. Infolded; entangled; complicated.NWAD IMPLICIT.2
In his woolly fleeceNWAD IMPLICIT.3
I cling implicit. [Little used.]NWAD IMPLICIT.4
2. Implied; tacitly comprised; fairly to be understood, though not expressed in words; as an implicit contract or agreement.NWAD IMPLICIT.5
3. Resting on another; trusting to the word or authority of another, without doubting or reserve, or without examining into the truth of the thing itself. Thus we give implicit credit or confidence to the declarations of a person of known veracity. We receive with implicit faith whatever God has clearly revealed.NWAD IMPLICIT.6
IMPLICITLY, adv. By inference deducible, but not expressed in words; virtually; in reality, but not in name.
He that denies the providence of God, implicitly denies his existence.NWAD IMPLICITLY.2
1. By connection with something else; dependently; with unreserved confidence; without doubting, or without examining evidence. We are disposed to believe implicitly what a man of veracity testifies.NWAD IMPLICITLY.3
Learn not to dispute the methods of his providence, but humbly and implicitly to acquiesce in and adore them.NWAD IMPLICITLY.4
IMPLICITNESS, n. The state of being implicit; the state of trusting without reserve.
IMPLIED, pp. [See Imply.] Involved; contained virtually, though not expressed; as an implied promise.
IMPLIEDLY, adv. By implication.
IMPLORATION, n. Earnest supplication.
IMPLORE, v.t. [L. imploro; in and ploro, to cry out.]
1. To call upon or for, in supplication; to beseech; to pray earnestly; to petition with urgency; to entreat; as, to implore the forgiveness of sins; to implore mercy.NWAD IMPLORE.2
Imploring all the gods that reign above.NWAD IMPLORE.3
2. To ask earnestly; to beg.NWAD IMPLORE.4
IMPLORE, v.i. To entreat; to beg.
IMPLORE, n. Earnest supplication. [Not used.]
IMPLORED, pp. Earnestly supplicated; besought.
IMPLORER, n. One who prays earnestly.
IMPLORING, ppr. Beseeching; entreating; praying earnestly.
IMPLUMED, IMPLUMOUS, a. Having no plumes or feathers.
IMPLUNGE, v.t. implunj’. To plunge; to immerse.
IMPLY, v.t. [L. implico; in and plico, to fold. See Implicate.]
1. Literally, to infold or involve; to wrap up.NWAD IMPLY.2
2. To involve or contain in substance or essence, or by fair inference, or by construction of law, when not expressed in words.NWAD IMPLY.3
Where a malicious act is proved, a malicious intention is implied.NWAD IMPLY.4
When a man employs a laborer to work for him, or an agent to transact business for him, the act of hiring implies an obligation, and a promise that he shall pay him a reasonable reward for his services. Contracts are express or implied; express contracts are those in which an agreement or promise is expressed by words or in writing; implied contracts are such as arise from the presumption of law, or the justice and reason of the transaction.NWAD IMPLY.5
IMPLYING, ppr. Involving; containing in substance, or by fair inference, or by construction of law.
IMPOCKET, v.t. To pocket. [Not used.]
IMPOISON, v.t. s as z. [See Poison.]
1. To poison; to impregnate with poison; to corrupt with poison.NWAD IMPOISON.2
2. To embitter; to impair; as, grief impoisons the pleasures of life.NWAD IMPOISON.3
3. To kill with poison.NWAD IMPOISON.4
IMPOISONED, pp. Poisoned; corrupted; embittered.
IMPOISONING, ppr. Poisoning; corrupting; embittering.
IMPOISONMENT, n. The act of poisoning.
IMPOLARLY, adv. Not according to the direction of the poles. [Not used.]
IMPOLICY, n. [in and policy.] Inexpedience; unsuitableness to the end proposed; bad policy; defect of wisdom; a word applied to private as well as public affairs.
IMPOLITE, a. [in and polite.] Not of polished manners; unpolite; uncivil; rude in manners.
IMPOLITENESS, n. Incivility; want of good manners.
INPOLITIC, a. Not wise; devising and pursuing measures adapted to injure the public interest; as an impolitic prince or minister.
1. Unwise; adapted to injure the public interest; as an impolitic law, measure or scheme.NWAD INPOLITIC.2
2. Not wise in private concerns; pursuing measures ill suited to promote private welfare; not prudent.NWAD INPOLITIC.3
3. Not suited to promote private interest.NWAD INPOLITIC.4
IMPOLITICAL, for impolitic, is obsolete.
IMPOLITICLY, adv. Not wisely; not with due forecast and prudence; in a manner to injure public or private interest.
IMPONDERABILITY, n. Absolute levity; destitution of sensible weight.
Not having sensible weight.NWAD IMPONDERABLE.2
IMPOOR, v.t. [in and poor.] To impoverish. [Not in use.]
IMPOROSITY, n. [in and porosity.] Want of porosity; closeness of texture; compactness that excludes pores.
IMPOROUS, a. Destitute of pores; very close or compact in texture; solid.
IMPORT, v.t. [L. importo; in and porto, to bar. See Bear.]
1. To bring from a foreign country or jurisdiction, or from another state, into one’s own country, jurisdiction or state; opposed to export. We import teas and silks from China, wines from Spain and France, and dry goods from Great Britain. Great Britain imports cotton from American and India. We may say also that Connecticut, Massachusetts and Maine import flour from the middle states.NWAD IMPORT.2
2. To bear or convey, as signification or meaning; to mean; to signify; to imply. We are to understand by a term, what it clearly imports.NWAD IMPORT.3
3. To be of weight to; to be of moment or consequence to; to bear on the interest of, or to have a bearing on.NWAD IMPORT.4
Her length of sickness, with what else more seriousNWAD IMPORT.5
Importeth thee to know, this bears.NWAD IMPORT.6
If I endure it, what imports it you?NWAD IMPORT.7
IMPORT, n. That which is borne or conveyed in words; meaning; signification; the sense which words are intended to convey to the understanding, or which they bear in sound interpretation. Import differs from implication in this, that the meaning of a term or number of words in connection is less obscurely expressed. Import depends less on inference or deduction than implication, and is also applied more frequently to a single word. In all philosophical discussions, it is useful to ascertain the import of the terms employed. In the construction of laws and treaties, we are to examine carefully the import of words and phrases.
1. That which is imported or brought into a country from another country or state; generally in the plural. Our imports exceed our exports; the balance must be paid in specie; hence the scarcity of coin.NWAD IMPORT.9
2. Importance; weight; consequence. [Formerly accented on the second syllable.]NWAD IMPORT.10
IMPORTABLE, a. That may be imported.
1. Insupportable; not to be endured.NWAD IMPORTABLE.2
1. Weight; consequence; a bearing on some interest; that quality of any thing by which it may affect a measure, interest or result. The education of youth is of great importance to a free government. A religious education is of infinite importance to every human being.NWAD IMPORTANCE.2
2. Weight or consequence in the scale of being.NWAD IMPORTANCE.3
Thy own importance know.NWAD IMPORTANCE.4
Nor bound thy narrow views to things below.NWAD IMPORTANCE.5
3. Weight or consequence in self-estimation.NWAD IMPORTANCE.6
He believes himself a man of importance.NWAD IMPORTANCE.7
4. Thing implied; matter; subject; importunity. [In these senses, obsolete.]NWAD IMPORTANCE.8
IMPORTANT, a. Literally, bearing on or to. Hence, weighty; momentous; of great consequence; having a bearing on some interest, measure or result by which good or ill may be produced. Truth is important to happiness as well as to knowledge, but none so important as religious truth. The commerce of Great Britain is important to her navy, and her navy is important to her independence. Men often forget the important end for which they were created.
1. Bearing on; forcible; driving.NWAD IMPORTANT.2
He fiercely at him flew,NWAD IMPORTANT.3
And with important outrage him assailed.NWAD IMPORTANT.4
2. Importunate. [Not used.]NWAD IMPORTANT.5
IMPORTANTLY, adv. Weightily; forcibly.
1. The act or practice of importing, or of bringing from another country or state; opposed to exportation. Nations forbid the importation of commodities which are produced or manufactured in sufficient abundance at home.NWAD IMPORTATION.2
2. The ware or commodities imported.NWAD IMPORTATION.3
The importations, this season, exceed those of the last.NWAD IMPORTATION.4
3. Conveyance.NWAD IMPORTATION.5
IMPORTED, pp. Brought from another country or state.
IMPORTER, n. He that imports; the merchant who, by himself or his agent, brings goods from another country or state.
IMPORTING, ppr. Bringing into one’s own country or state from a foreign or distant state.
1. Bearing, as a signification; meaning.NWAD IMPORTING.2
2. Having weight or consequence.NWAD IMPORTING.3
IMPORTLESS, a. Of no weight or consequence. [Not used.]
IMPORTUNACY, n. The act of importuning; importunateness.
IMPORTUNATE, a. [L. importunus. See Importune.]
1. Bearing on; pressing or urging in request or demand; urgent and pertinacious in solicitation; as an importunate suitor or petitioner.NWAD IMPORTUNATE.2
2. Pressing; urgent; as an importunate demand.NWAD IMPORTUNATE.3
3. Inciting urgently for gratification; as importunate passions and appetites.NWAD IMPORTUNATE.4
IMPORTUNATELY, adv. With urgent request; with pressing solicitation.
IMPORTUNATENESS, n. Urgent and pressing solicitation.
IMPORTUNATOR, n. One that importunes. [Not in use.]
IMPORTUNE, v.t. [L. importunus; in and porto, to bear on.]
To request with urgency; to press with solicitation; to urge with frequent or unceasing application.NWAD IMPORTUNE.2
Their ministers and residents here have perpetually importuned the court with unreasonable demands.NWAD IMPORTUNE.3
IMPORTUNE, a. [L. importunus. Formerly accented on the second syllable.]
1. Pressing in request; urgent; troublesome by frequent demands; vexatious; unreasonable.NWAD IMPORTUNE.5
2. Unseasonable.NWAD IMPORTUNE.6
[This word is obsolete; being superseded by importunate, unless perhaps in poetry.]NWAD IMPORTUNE.7
IMPORTUNELY, adv. With urgent solicitation; incessantly; continually; troublesomely.
1. Unseasonably; improperly.NWAD IMPORTUNELY.2
IMPORTUNITY, n. [L. importunitas.]
Pressing solicitation; urgent request; application for a claim or favor, which is urged with troublesome frequency or pertinacity. Men are sometimes overcome by the importunity of their wives or children.NWAD IMPORTUNITY.2
IMPORTUOUS, a. [L. importuosus; in and portus.]
Without a port, haven or harbor.NWAD IMPORTUOUS.2
IMPOSABLE, a. That may be imposed or laid on.
IMPOSE, v.t. s as z. [L. impositum, from impono; in and pono, to put. Pono, as written, belongs to Class Bn; and posui, positum, to Class Bs. or Bd. The latter coincide with Eng. put.]
1. To lay on; to set on; to lay on, as a burden, tax, toll, duty or penalty. The legislature imposes taxes for the support of government; toll is imposed on passengers to maintain roads, and penalties are imposed on those who violate the laws. God imposes no burdens on men which they are unable to bear.NWAD IMPOSE.2
On impious realms and barb’rous kings imposeNWAD IMPOSE.3
Thy plagues--NWAD IMPOSE.4
2. To place over by authority or by force.NWAD IMPOSE.5
The Romans often imposed rapacious governors on their colonies and conquered countries.NWAD IMPOSE.6
3. To lay on, as a command; to enjoin, as a duty.NWAD IMPOSE.7
Thou on the deep imposest nobler laws.NWAD IMPOSE.8
Impose but your commands--NWAD IMPOSE.9
4. To fix on; to impute. [Little used.]NWAD IMPOSE.10
5. To lay on, as hands in the ceremony of ordination, or of confirmation.NWAD IMPOSE.11
6. To obtrude fallaciously.NWAD IMPOSE.12
Our poet thinks not fitNWAD IMPOSE.13
T’ impose upon you what he writes for wit.NWAD IMPOSE.14
7. Among printers, to put the pages on the stone and fit on the chase, and thus prepare the form for the press.NWAD IMPOSE.15
To impose on, to deceive; to mislead by a trick or false pretense; vulgarly, to put upon. We are liable to be imposed on by others, and sometimes we impose on ourselves.NWAD IMPOSE.16
IMPOSE, n. s as z. Command; injunction. [Not used.]
IMPOSED, pp. Laid on, as a tax, burden, duty or penalty; enjoined.
Imposes on, deceived.NWAD IMPOSED.2
IMPOSER, n. One who lays on; one who enjoins.
--The imposers of these oaths might repent.NWAD IMPOSER.2
IMPOSING, ppr. Laying on; enjoining; deceiving.
1. Commanding; adapted to impress forcibly; as an imposing air or matter.NWAD IMPOSING.2
--Large and imposing edifices, embosomed in the groves of some rich valley.NWAD IMPOSING.3
IMPOSING-STONE, n. Among printers, the stone on which the pages or columns of types are imposed or made into forms.
IMPOSITION, n. s as z. [L. impositio. See Impose.]
1. In a general sense, the act of laying on.NWAD IMPOSITION.2
2. The act of laying on hands in the ceremony of ordination, when the bishop in the episcopal church, and the ministers in congregational churches, place their hands on the head of the person whom they are ordaining, while one prays for a blessing on his labors. The same ceremony is used in other cases.NWAD IMPOSITION.3
3. The act of setting on or affixing to; as the imposition of names.NWAD IMPOSITION.4
4. That which is imposed; a tax, toll, duty or excise laid by authority. Tyrants oppress their subjects with grievous impositions.NWAD IMPOSITION.5
5. Injunction, as of a law or duty.NWAD IMPOSITION.6
6. Constraint; oppression; burden.NWAD IMPOSITION.7
Let it not be made, contrary to its own nature, the occasion of strife, a narrow spirit, and unreasonable impositions on the mind and practice.NWAD IMPOSITION.8
7. Deception; imposture.NWAD IMPOSITION.9
Being acquainted with his hand, I had no reason to suspect an imposition.NWAD IMPOSITION.10
8. A supernumerary exercise enjoined on students as a punishment.NWAD IMPOSITION.11
1. That which cannot be; the state of being not possible to exist. That a thing should be and not be at the same time, is an impossibility.NWAD IMPOSSIBILITY.2
2. Impracticability; the state or quality of being not feasible or possible to be done. That a man by his own strength should lift a ship of the line, is to him an impossibility, as the means are inadequate to the end. [See Impossible.]NWAD IMPOSSIBILITY.3
IMPOSSIBLE, a. [L. impossibilis; in and possibilis, from possum, to be able.]
1. That cannot be. It is impossible that two and two should make five, or that a circle and a square make five, or that a circle and a square should be the same thing, or that a thing should be, and not be at the same time.NWAD IMPOSSIBLE.2
2. Impracticable; not feasible; that cannot be done.NWAD IMPOSSIBLE.3
With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26.NWAD IMPOSSIBLE.4
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6.NWAD IMPOSSIBLE.5
There are two kinds of impossibilities; physical and moral. That is a physical impossibility, which is contrary to the law of nature. A thing is said to be morally impossible, when in itself it is possible, but attended with difficulties or circumstances which give it the appearance of being impossible. [See Possible, Practicable and Impracticable.]NWAD IMPOSSIBLE.6
IMPOST, n. [L. impositum, impono.]
1. Any tax or tribute imposed by authority; particularly, a duty or tax laid by government on goods imported, and paid or secured by the importer at the time of importation. Imposts are also called customs.NWAD IMPOST.2
2. In architecture, that part of a pillar in vaults and arches, on which the weight of the building rests; or the capital of a pillar, or cornice which crowns the pier and supports the first stone or part of an arch.NWAD IMPOST.3