INCH-MEAL, n. [inch and meal.] A piece an inch long.
INCHOATE, v.t. [L. inchoo.] To begin. [Little used.]
INCHOATE, a. Begun; commenced.
It is neither a substance perfect, nor a substance inchoate.NWAD INCHOATE.3
INCHOATELY, adv. In an incipient degree.
INCHOATION, n. The act of beginning; commencement; inception.
The setting on foot some of those arts in those parts, would be looked on as the first inchoation of them. [Little used.]NWAD INCHOATION.2
INCHOATIVE, a. Noting beginning; inceptive; as an inchoative verb, otherwise called inceptive.
INCIDE, v.t. [L. incido; in and coedo, to strike.]
To cut; to separate; as medicines.NWAD INCIDE.2
INCIDENCE, n. [L. incidens; incido, to fall on; in and cado, to fall.]
1. Literally, a falling on; whence, an accident or casualty.NWAD INCIDENCE.2
2. The manner of falling on, or the direction in which one body falls on or strikes another. The angle which the line of falling, or the direction of a moving body striking another, makes with the place struck, is called the angle of incidence. When rays of light striking a body are reflected, the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal.NWAD INCIDENCE.3
In equal incidences there is a considerable inequality of refractions.NWAD INCIDENCE.4
INCIDENT, a. Falling; casual; fortuitous; coming or happening occasionally, or not in the usual course of things, or not according to expectation or in connection with the main design.
As the ordinary course of common affairs is disposed of by general laws, so man’s rarer incident necessities and utilities should be with special equity considered.NWAD INCIDENT.2
A proposition introduced by who, which, whose, whom, etc. is called an incident proposition; as, Julius, whose surname was Caesar, overcame Pompey.NWAD INCIDENT.3
1. Happening; apt to happen; as intemperate passions incident to human nature; diseases incident to a climate; misfortunes incident to the poor.NWAD INCIDENT.4
2. Appertaining to or following the chief or principal. A court baron is incident to a manor.NWAD INCIDENT.5
INCIDENT, n. That which falls out; an event; casualty.
1. That which happens aside of the main design; an episode or subordinate action.NWAD INCIDENT.7
No person, no incident in a play but must be of use to carry on the main design.NWAD INCIDENT.8
INCIDENTAL, a. Happening; coming without design; casual; accidental; as an incidental conversation; an incidental occurrence.
1. Not necessary to the chief purpose; occasional.NWAD INCIDENTAL.2
By some persons, religious duties appear to be regarded as an incidental business.NWAD INCIDENTAL.3
INCIDENTAL, n. An incident. [Little used.]
INCIDENTALLY, adv. Casually; without intention; accidentally. I was incidentally present when the conversation took place.
1. Beside the main design; occasionally.NWAD INCIDENTALLY.2
I treat either purposely or incidentally of colors.NWAD INCIDENTALLY.3
INCIDENTLY, adv. Occasionally; by the way. [Not used.]
INCINERATE, v.t. [L. in and cinis, cineris, ashes]
To burn to ashes.NWAD INCINERATE.2
INCINERATING, ppr. Reducing to ashes by combustion.
INCINERATION, n. The act of reducing to ashes by combustion.
INCIPIENCY, n. Beginning; commencement.
INCIPIENT, a. [L. incipiens, incipio; in and capio, to take.]
Beginning; commencing; as the incipient stage of a fever; incipient light or day.NWAD INCIPIENT.2
INCIRCLET, n. A small circle.
INCIRCUMSCRIPTIBLE, a. That cannot be circumscribed or limited.
INCIRCUMSPECTION, n. [in and circumspection.] Want of circumspection; heedlessness.
INCISE, v.t. s as z. To cut in; to carve.
INCISED, a. [L. incisus, from incido, to cut.]
Cut; made by cutting; as an incised wound; incised lips.NWAD INCISED.2
INCISELY, adv. In the manner of incisions or notches.
INCISION, n. s as z. [L. incisio, from incido, to cut.]
1. A cutting; the act of cutting into a substance.NWAD INCISION.2
2. A cut; a gash; the separation of the surface of any substance made by a sharp instrument. The surgeon with his knife makes an incision in the flesh, and the gardener, in a tree; but we do not say, an incision is made with a plow or a spade; at least such phraseology is unusual.NWAD INCISION.3
3. Separation of viscid matter by medicines.NWAD INCISION.4
INCISIVE, a. Having the quality of cutting or separating the superficial part of any thing.
Incisive teeth, in animals, are the fore teeth, the cutters.NWAD INCISIVE.2
INCISOR, n. [L.] A cutter; a fore tooth, which cuts, bites or separates.
INCISORY, a. Having the quality of cutting.
INCISURE, n. [L. incisura.] A cut; a place opened by cutting; an incision.
INCITANT, n. [from incite.] That which excites action in an animal body.
INCITATION, n. [L. incitatio. See Incite.]
1. The act of inciting or moving to action; incitement.NWAD INCITATION.2
2. Incitement; incentive; motive; that which excites to action; that which rouses or prompts.NWAD INCITATION.3
INCITE, v.t. [L. incito; in and cito, to call, to stir up.]
1. To move the mind to action by persuasion or motives presented; to stir up; to rouse; to spur on.NWAD INCITE.2
Antiochus, when he incited Prusias to join in war, set before him the greatness of the Romans.NWAD INCITE.3
2. To move to action by impulse or influence.NWAD INCITE.4
No blown ambition does our arms incite.NWAD INCITE.5
3. To animate; to encourage.NWAD INCITE.6
INCITED, pp. Moved to action; stirred up; spurred on.
INCITEMENT, n. That which incites the mind or moves to action; motive; incentive; impulse.
From the long records of a distant age,NWAD INCITEMENT.2
Derive incitement to renew thy rage.NWAD INCITEMENT.3
INCITER, n. He or that which incites or moves to action.
INCITING, ppr. Exciting to action; stirring up.
In general, incite denotes to operate on the mind or will; excite has the same sense, but it extends also to the passions and to material substances; as, to excite action in the heart and arteries.NWAD INCITING.2
INCIVIL, a. [in and civil.] Uncivil; rude; unpolite. [But uncivil is generally used.]
INCIVILITY, n. Want of courtesy; rudeness of manners towards others; impoliteness.
1. Any act of rudeness or ill breeding; with a plural. Loud laughter and uncomely jests in respectable company, are incivilities and indecencies.NWAD INCIVILITY.2
INCIVILLY, adv. Uncivilly; rudely.
INCIVISM, n. [in and civism.] Want of civism; want of love to one’s country or of patriotism; unfriendliness to the state or government of which one is a citizen.
INCLASP, v.t. To clasp; to hold fast.
INCLAVATED, a. Set; fast fixed.
INCLE, n. A kind of tape made of linen yarn.
INCLEMENCY, n. [L. inclementia. See Clemency.]
1. Want of clemency; want of mildness of temper; unmercifulness; harshness; severity; applied to persons.NWAD INCLEMENCY.2
2. Roughness, boisterousness; storminess; or simply raininess; severe cold, etc.; applied to the weather. We were detained by the inclemency of the weather.NWAD INCLEMENCY.3
INCLEMENT, a. Destitute of a mild and kind temper; void of tenderness; unmerciful; severe; harsh.
1. Rough; stormy; boisterous; rainy; rigorously cold, etc.; as inclement weather; inclement sky.NWAD INCLEMENT.2
INCLINABLE, a. [L. inclinabilis. See Incline.]
1. Leaning; tending; as a tower inclinable to fall.NWAD INCLINABLE.2
2. Having a propension of will; leaning in disposition; somewhat disposed; as a mind inclinable to truth.NWAD INCLINABLE.3
INCLINATION, n. [L. inclinatio. See Incline.]
1. A leaning; any deviation of a body or line from an upright position, or from a parallel line, towards another body; as the inclination of the head in bowing.NWAD INCLINATION.2
2. In geometry, the angle made by two lines or planes that meet; as, the inclination of axis of the earth to the place of the ecliptic is 23 deg. 28 feet.NWAD INCLINATION.3
3. A leaning of the mind or will; propension or propensity; a disposition more favorable to one thing than to another. The prince has no inclination to peace. The bachelor has manifested no inclination to marry. Men have a natural inclination to pleasure.NWAD INCLINATION.4
A mere inclination to a thing is not properly a willing of that thing.NWAD INCLINATION.5
4. Love; affection; regard; desire; with for. Some men have an inclination for music, others for painting.NWAD INCLINATION.6
5. Disposition of mind.NWAD INCLINATION.7
6. The dip of the magnetic needle, or its tendency to incline towards the earth; also, the angle made by the needle with the horizon.NWAD INCLINATION.8
7. The act of decanting liquors by stooping or inclining the vessel.NWAD INCLINATION.9
INCLINATORILY, adv. Obliquely; with inclination.
INCLINATORY, a. Having the quality of leaning or inclining.
INCLINE, v.t. [L. inclino; in and clino; Eng. to lean.]
1. To lean; to deviate from an erect or parallel line toward any object; to tend. Converging lines incline toward each other. A road inclines to the north or south. Connecticut river runs south, inclining in some part of its course to the west, and below middletown, it inclines to the east.NWAD INCLINE.2
2. To lean; in a moral sense; to have a propension; to be disposed; to have some wish or desire.NWAD INCLINE.3
Their hearts inclined to follow Abimelech. Judges 9:3.NWAD INCLINE.4
3. To have an appetite; to be disposed; as, to be inclined to eat.NWAD INCLINE.5
INCLINE, v.t. To cause to deviate from an erect, perpendicular or parallel line; to give a leaning to; as, incline the column or post to the east; incline your head to the right.
1. To give a tendency or propension to the will or affections; to turn; to dispose.NWAD INCLINE.7
Incline our hearts to keep this law.NWAD INCLINE.8
Incline my heart to thy testimonies. Psalm 119:36.NWAD INCLINE.9
2. To bend; to cause to stoop or bow; as, to incline the head or the body in acts of reverence or civility.NWAD INCLINE.10
INCLINED, pp. Having a leaning or tendency; disposed.
Inclined plane, in mechanics, is a plane that makes an oblique angle with the plane of the horizon; a sloping plane.NWAD INCLINED.2
INCLINER, n. An inclined dial.
INCLINING, ppr. Leaning; causing to lean.
INCLINING, a. Leaning.
INCLIP, v.t. [in and clip.] To grasp; to inclose; to surround.
INCLOISTER, v.t. [in and cloister.] To shut up or confine in a cloister. [But cloister is generally used.]
INCLOSE, v.t. s as z. [L. inclusus, includo; in and claudo, or cludo.]
1. To surround; to shut in; to confine on all sides; as, to inclose a field with a fence; to inclose a fort or an army with troops; to inclose a town with walls.NWAD INCLOSE.2
2. To separate from common grounds by a fence; as, to inclose lands.NWAD INCLOSE.3
3. To include; to shut or confine; as, to inclose trinkets in a box.NWAD INCLOSE.4
4. To environ; to encompass.NWAD INCLOSE.5
5. To cover with a wrapper or envelop; to cover under seal; as, to inclose a letter or a bank note.NWAD INCLOSE.6
INCLOSED, pp. Surrounded; encompassed; confined on all sides; covered and sealed; fenced.
INCLOSER, n. He or that which incloses; one who separates land from common grounds by a fence.
INCLOSING, ppr. Surrounding; encompassing; shutting in; covering and confining.
INCLOSURE, n. The act of inclosing.
1. The separation of land from common ground into distinct possessions by a fence.NWAD INCLOSURE.2
2. The appropriation of things common.NWAD INCLOSURE.3
3. State of being inclosed, shut up or encompasses.NWAD INCLOSURE.4
4. A space inclosed or fenced; a space comprehended within certain limits.NWAD INCLOSURE.5
5. Ground inclosed or separated from common land.NWAD INCLOSURE.6
6. That which is inclosed or contained in an envelop, as a paper.NWAD INCLOSURE.7
INCLOUD, v.t. [in and cloud.] To darken; to obscure.
INCLOUDED, pp. Involved in obscurity.
INCLOUDING, ppr. Darkening; obscuring.
INCLUDE, v.t. [L. includo; in and cludo, to shut up.]
1. To confine within; to hold; to contain; as, the shell of a nut includes the kernel; a pearl is included in a shell. [But in these senses we more commonly use inclose.]NWAD INCLUDE.2
2. To comprise; to comprehend; to contain. The history of England necessarily includes a portion of that of France. The word duty, includes what we owe to God, to our fellow men, and to ourselves; it includes also a tax payable to the government.NWAD INCLUDE.3
INCLUDED, pp. Contained; comprehended.
INCLUDING, ppr. Containing; comprising.
INCLUSION, n. s as z. [L. inclusio.] The act of including.
INCLUSIVE, a. Inclosing; encircling.
1. Comprehended in the number or sum; as form Monday to Saturday inclusive, that is, taking in both Monday and Saturday.NWAD INCLUSIVE.2
INCLUSIVELY, adv. Comprehending the thing mentioned; as from Monday to Saturday inclusively.
INCOAGULABLE, a. [in and coagulable.] That cannot be coagulated or concreted.
INCOERCIBLE, a. [in and coercible, from coerce.]
Not to be coerced or compelled; that cannot be forced.NWAD INCOERCIBLE.2
INCOEXISTENCE, n. [in and coexistence.] A not existing together. [Not common.]
INCOG, adv. [contracted from incognito.]
In concealment; in disguise; in a manner not to be known.NWAD INCOG.2
INCOGITANCY, n. [L. incogitantia; in and cogito, to think.]
Want of thought, or want of the power of thinking.NWAD INCOGITANCY.2
INCOGITANT, a. Not thinking; thoughtless.
INCOGITANTLY, adv. Without consideration.
INCOGITATIVE, a. [in and cogitative.] Not thinking; wanting the power of thought; as, a vegetable is an incogitative being.
INCOGNITO, adv. [L. incognitus; in and cognitus, known.]
In concealment; in a disguise of the real person.NWAD INCOGNITO.2
INCOGNIZABLE, a. incon’izable. [in and cognizable.]
That cannot be recognized, known or distinguished.NWAD INCOGNIZABLE.2
The Lettish race, not a primitive stock of the Slavi, but a distinct branch, now become incognizable--NWAD INCOGNIZABLE.3
1. Want of coherence; want of cohesion or adherence; looseness or unconnected state of parts, as of a powder.NWAD INCOHERENCE.2
2. Want of connection; incongruity; inconsistency; want of agreement, or dependence of one part on another; as the incoherence of arguments, facts or principles.NWAD INCOHERENCE.3
3. Inconsistency; that which does not agree with other parts of the same thing.NWAD INCOHERENCE.4
INCOHERENT, a. [in and coherent.]
1. Wanting cohesion; loose; unconnected; not fixed to each other; applied to material substances.NWAD INCOHERENT.2
2. Wanting coherence or agreement; incongruous; inconsistent; having no dependence of one part on another; as, the thoughts of a dreaming man, and the language of a madman, are incoherent.NWAD INCOHERENT.3
INCOHERENTLY, adv. Inconsistently; without coherence of parts; as, to talk incoherently.
Want of coincidence or agreement.NWAD INCOINCIDENCE.2
INCOINCIDENT, a. [in and coincident.]
Not coincident; not agreeing in time, place or principle.NWAD INCOINCIDENT.2
INCOLUMITY, n. [L. incolumitas.] Safety; security.
The quality of being incapable of being burnt or consumed.NWAD INCOMBUSTIBILITY.2
INCOMBUSTIBLE, a. [in and combustible.] Not to be burnt, decomposed or consumed by fire. Amianth is an incombustible substance.
INCOME, n. in’cum. [in and come.] That gain which proceeds from labor, business or property of any kind; the produce of a farm; the rent of houses; the proceeds of professional business; the profits of commerce or of occupation; the interest of money or stock in funds. Income is often used synonymously with revenue, but income is more generally applied to the gain of private persons, and revenue to that of a sovereign or of a state. We speak of the annual income of a gentleman, and the annual revenue of the state.
1. A coming in; admission; introduction. [Not in use.]NWAD INCOME.2
INCOMING, n. [in and come.] Income; gain.
Many incomings are subject to great fluctuations.NWAD INCOMING.3
The quality or state of a thing, when it has no common measure with another thing, or when the same thing will not exactly measure both.NWAD INCOMMENSURABILITY.2
Having no common measure. Two lines are incommensurable, when, compared to each other, they have no common measure, that is, no measure that will exactly measure both. oth. Quantities are incommensurable, when no third quantity can be found that is an aliquot part of both.NWAD INCOMMENSURABLE.2
1. Not admitting of a common measure.NWAD INCOMMENSURATE.2
2. Not of equal measure or extent; not adequate. Our means are incommensurate to our wants.NWAD INCOMMENSURATE.3
INCOMMENSURATELY, adv. Not in equal or due measure or proportion.
That cannot be commixed or mutually mixed.NWAD INCOMMISCIBLE.2
INCOMMIXTURE, n. A state of being unmixed.
INCOMMODE, v.t. [L. incommodo; in and commodo, con and modus.]
To give inconvenience to; to give trouble to; to disturb or molest in the quiet enjoyment of something, or in the facility of acquisition. It denotes less than annoy, vex or harass. We are incommoded by want of room to sit at ease. Visits of strangers at unseasonable hours, incommode a family. Often we are incommoded by a fashionable dress.NWAD INCOMMODE.2
INCOMMODED, pp. Put to inconvenience; molested.
INCOMMODING, ppr. Subjecting to trouble or inconvenience.
INCOMMODIOUS, a. [L. incommodus.] Inconvenient; not affording ease or advantage; unsuitable; giving trouble, without much injury. A seat in church, or the site of a house may be incommodious.
INCOMMODIOUSLY, adv. In a manner to create inconvenience; inconveniently; unsuitably.