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Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

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    INEBRIATED, pp. Intoxicated.

    INEBRIATING, ppr. Making drunk; intoxicating.

    INEBRIATION, n. Drunkenness; intoxication.

    INEBRIETY, n. Drunkenness; intoxication.

    INEDITED, a. [in and edited.] Unpublished.

    INEFFABLE, a. [L. ineffabilis; in and effabilis, from effor, to speak.] Unspeakable; unutterable; that cannot be expressed in words; usually in a good sense; as the ineffable joys of heaven; the ineffable glories of the Deity.

    INEFFABLENESS, n. Unspeakableness; quality of being unutterable.

    INEFFABLY, adv. Unspeakably; in a manner not to be expressed in words.

    INEFFECTIVE, a. [in and effective.] Not effective; not producing any effect, or the effect intended; inefficient; useless.

    The word of God, without the spirit, is a dead and ineffective letter.NWAD INEFFECTIVE.2

    1. Not able; not competent to the service intended; as ineffective troops; ineffective force.NWAD INEFFECTIVE.3

    2. Producing no effect.NWAD INEFFECTIVE.4

    INEFFECTUAL, a. [in and effectual.] Not producing its proper effect, or not able to produce its effect; inefficient; weak; as an ineffectual remedy; the Spaniards made an ineffectual attempt to reduce Gibraltar. [See Inefficacious.]

    INEFFECTUALLY, adv. Without effect; in vain.

    INEFFECTUALNESS, n. Want of effect, or of power to produce it; inefficacy.

    James speaks of the ineffectualness of some men’s devotion.NWAD INEFFECTUALNESS.2

    INEFFERVESCENCE, n. [in and effervescence.]

    Want of effervescence; a state of not effervescing.NWAD INEFFERVESCENCE.2

    INEFFERVESCENT, a. Not effervescing, or not susceptible of effervescence.

    INEFFERVESCIBILITY, n. The quality of not effervescing, or not being susceptible of effervescence.

    INEFFERVESCIBLE, a. Not capable of effervescence.

    INEFFICACIOUS, a. [L. inefficax; in and efficax, efficio, to effect; ex and facio, to make.]

    Not efficacious; not having power to produce the effect desired, or the proper effect; of inadequate power or force.NWAD INEFFICACIOUS.2

    Ineffectual, says Johnson, rather denotes an actual failure, and inefficacious, an habitual impotence to any effect. But the distinction is not always observed, nor can it be; for we cannot always know whether means are inefficacious, till experiment has proved them ineffectual; nor even then, for we cannot be certain that the failure of means to produce an effect is to be attributed to habitual want of power, or to accidental and temporary causes.NWAD INEFFICACIOUS.3

    Inefficacious is therefore sometimes synonymous with ineffectual.NWAD INEFFICACIOUS.4

    INEFFICACIOUSLY, adv. Without efficacy or effect.

    INEFFICACIOUSNESS, n. Want of power to produce the effect, or want of effect.

    INEFFICACY, n. [in and efficacy, L. efficacia.]

    1. Want of power to produce the desired or proper effect; inefficiency; as the inefficacy of medicines or of means.NWAD INEFFICACY.2

    2. Ineffectualness; failure of effect.NWAD INEFFICACY.3

    INEFFICIENCY, n. [in and efficiency.] Want of power or exertion of power to produce the effect; inefficacy.

    INEFFICIENT, a. [in and efficient.] Not efficient; not producing the effect; inefficacious.

    1. Not active; effecting nothing; as an inefficient force.NWAD INEFFICIENT.2

    INEFFICIENTLY, adv. Ineffectually; without effect.

    INELABORATE, a. Not elaborate; not wrought with care.

    INELASTIC, a. [in and elastic.]

    Not elastic; wanting elasticity; unelastic.NWAD INELASTIC.2

    INELASTICITY, n. The absence of elasticity; the want of elastic power.

    INELEGANCE, INELEGANCY, n. [See Inelegant.] Want of elegance; want of beauty or polish in language, composition or manners; want of symmetry or ornament in building; want of delicacy in coloring, etc.

    INELEGANT, a. [L. inelegans; in and elegans, from the root of eligo, to choose.] Not elegant; wanting beauty or polish, as language, or refinement, as manners; wanting symmetry or ornament, as an edifice; in short, wanting in any thing which correct taste requires.

    INELEGANTLY, adv. In an inelegant or unbecoming manner; coarsely; roughly.

    INELIGIBILITY, n. [from ineligible.] Incapacity of being elected to an office.

    1. State or quality of not being worthy of choice.NWAD INELIGIBILITY.2

    INELIGIBLE, a. [in and eligible.] Not capable of being elected to an office.

    1. Not worthy to be chosen or preferred; not expedient.NWAD INELIGIBLE.2

    INELOQUENT, a. [in and eloquent.] Not eloquent; not speaking with fluency, propriety, grace and pathos; not persuasive; used of persons.

    1. Not fluent, graceful or pathetic; not persuasive; as language or composition.NWAD INELOQUENT.2

    INELOQUENTLY, adv. Without eloquence.

    INELUCTABLE, a. [L. ineluctabilis.] Not to be resisted by struggling; not to be overcome. [Not used.]

    INELUDIBLE, a. [in and eludible.] That cannot be eluded or defeated.

    INENARRABLE, a. [L. inenarrabilis.]

    That cannot be narrated or told.NWAD INENARRABLE.2

    INEPT, a. [L. ineptus; in and aptus, fit, apt.]

    1. Not apt or fit; unfit; unsuitable.NWAD INEPT.2

    2. Improper; unbecoming; foolish.NWAD INEPT.3

    INEPTITUDE, n. Unfitness; inaptitude; unsuitableness; as an ineptitude to motion.

    INEPTLY, adv. Unfitly; unsuitably; foolishly.

    INEPTNESS, n. Unfitness.

    INEQUAL, a. [in and equal.] Unequal; uneven; various.

    INEQUALITY, n. [L. inoequalitas; in and oequalis, equal.]

    1. Difference or want of equality in degree, quantity, length, or quality of any kind; the state of not having equal measure, degree, dimensions or amount; as an inequality in size or stature; an inequality of number or of power; inequality of distances or of motions.NWAD INEQUALITY.2

    2. Unevenness; want of levelness; the alternate rising and falling of a surface; as the inequalities of the surface of the earth, or of a marble slab.NWAD INEQUALITY.3

    3. Disproportion to any office or purpose inadequacy; incompetency; as the inequality of terrestrial things to the wants of a rational soul.NWAD INEQUALITY.4

    4. Diversity; want of uniformity in different times or places, as the inequality of air or temperature.NWAD INEQUALITY.5

    5. Difference of rank, station or condition; as the inequalities of men in society; inequalities of rank or property.NWAD INEQUALITY.6

    INEQUIDISTANT, a. Not being equally distant.

    INEQUILATERAL, a. Having unequal sides.

    INEQUITABLE, a. [in and equitable.] Not equitable; not just.

    INEQUIVALVE, INEQUIVALVULAR, a. Having unequal valves.

    INERM, INERMOUS, a. [L. inermis; in and arma, arms.]

    Unarmed; destitute of prickles or thorns, as a leaf; a botanical word.NWAD INERM.2

    INERRABILITY, n. [from inerrable.] Exemption from error or from the possibility of erring; infallibility.

    INERRABLE, a. [in and err.] That cannot err; exempt from error or mistake; infallible.

    INERRABLENESS, n. Exemption from error; inerrability.

    INERRABLY, adv. With security from error; infallibly.

    INERRATIC, a. [in and erratic.] Not erratic or wandering; fixed.

    INERRINGLY, adv. Without error, mistake or deviation.

    INERT, a. [L. iners; in and ars, art. The English sense is drawn not from art, but from the primary sense, strength or vigorous action.]

    1. Destitute of the power of moving itself, or of active resistance to motion impressed; as, matter is inert.NWAD INERT.2

    2. Dull; sluggish; indisposed to move or act.NWAD INERT.3

    INERTION, n. Want of activity; want of action or exertion.

    These vicissitudes of exertion and inertion of the arterial system, constitute the paroxysms of remittent fever.NWAD INERTION.2

    INERTITUDE, n. The state of being inert, or a tendency to remain quiescent till impelled by external force to move.

    INERTLY, adv. Without activity; sluggishly.

    INERTNESS, n. The state or quality of being inert, or destitute of the power to move per se; that quality of passiveness by which bodies persist in a state of rest, or of motion given to them by external force. In the language of philosophy, this quality is called vis inertioe, or inertia.

    1. Want of activity or exertion; habitual indisposition to action or motion; sluggishness.NWAD INERTNESS.2

    In esse, [L.] in being; actually existing; distinguished from in posse, or in potentia, which denote that a thing is not, but may be.NWAD INERTNESS.3

    INESCATE, v.t. [L. inesco.] To bait; to lay a bait for.

    INESCATION, n. The act of baiting.

    INESTIMABLE, a. [L. inoestimabilis. See Estimate.]

    1. That cannot be estimated or computed; as an inestimable sum of money.NWAD INESTIMABLE.2

    2. Too valuable or excellent to be rated; being above all price; as inestimable rights. The privileges of American citizens, civil and religious, are inestimable.NWAD INESTIMABLE.3

    INESTIMABLY, adv. In a manner not to be estimated or rated.

    INEVIDENCE, n. Want of evidence; obscurity.

    INEVIDENT, a. [in and evident.]

    Not evident; not clear or obvious; obscure.NWAD INEVIDENT.2

    INEVITABILITY, n. [from inevitable.] to be avoided; certainty to happen.

    INEVITABLE, a. [L. inevitabilis; in and evitabilis, from evito, to shun.] Not to be avoided; that cannot be shunned; unavoidable; that admits of no escape or evasion. To die is the inevitable lot of man; we are all subjected to many inevitable calamities.

    INEVITABLENESS, n. The state of being unavoidable.

    INEVITABLY, adv. Without possibility of escape or evasion; unavoidably; certainly.

    How inevitably does immoderate laughter end in a sigh!NWAD INEVITABLY.2

    INEXACT, a. [in and exact.] Not exact; not precisely correct or true.

    INEXACTNESS, n. Incorrectness; want of precision.

    INEXCITABLE, a. [in and excitable.] Not susceptible of excitement; dull; lifeless; torpid.

    INEXCUSABLE, a. s as z. [L. inexcusabilis; in and excusabilis, excuso. See Excuse.] Not to be excused or justified; as inexcusable folly.

    INEXCUSABLENESS, n. The quality of not admitting of excuse or justification; enormity beyond forgiveness or palliation.

    This inexcusableness is stated on the supposition that they knew God, but did not glorify him.NWAD INEXCUSABLENESS.2

    INEXCUSABLY, adv. With a degree of guilt or folly beyond excuse or justification.

    INEXECUTION, n. Neglect of execution; non-performance; as the inexecution of a treaty.

    INEXERTION, n. [in and exertion.] Want of exertion; want of effort; defect of action.

    INEXHALABLE, a. [in and exhalable, L. exhalo.]

    Not to be exhaled or evaporated; not evaporable.NWAD INEXHALABLE.2

    INEXHAUSTED, a. [in and exhausted.]

    1. Not exhausted; not emptied; unexhausted.NWAD INEXHAUSTED.2

    2. Not spent; not having lost all strength or resources; unexhausted.NWAD INEXHAUSTED.3

    INEXHAUSTIBLE, a. [in and exhaustible.]

    1. That cannot be exhausted or emptied; unfailing; as an inexhaustible quantity or supply of water.NWAD INEXHAUSTIBLE.2

    2. That cannot be wasted or spent; as inexhaustible stores of provisions.NWAD INEXHAUSTIBLE.3

    INEXHAUSTIBLENESS, n. The state of being inexhaustible.

    INEXHAUSTIVE, a. Not to be exhausted.

    INEXISTENCE, n. [in and existence.]

    1. Want of being or existence.NWAD INEXISTENCE.2

    2. Inherence.NWAD INEXISTENCE.3

    INEXISTENT, a. [in and existent.] Not having being; not existing.

    1. Existing in something else.NWAD INEXISTENT.2

    INEXORABILITY, n. The quality of being inexorable or unyielding to entreaty.

    INEXORABLE, a. [L. inexorabilis; in and exorabilis, from exoro, to entreat; ex and oro, to pray.]

    1. Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; too firm and determined in purpose to yield to supplication; as an inexorable prince or tyrant; an inexorable judge.NWAD INEXORABLE.2

    2. Unyielding; that cannot be made to bend.NWAD INEXORABLE.3

    Inexorable equality of laws.NWAD INEXORABLE.4

    INEXORABLY, adv. So as to be immovable by intreaty.

    INEXPECTATION, n. State of having no expectation.

    INEXPECTED, a. Not expected. [Not in use.]

    INEXPEDIENCE, INEXPEDIENCY, n. [in and expedience.] Want of fitness; impropriety; unsuitableness to the purpose. The inexpedience of a measure is to be determined by the prospect of its advancing the purpose intended or not.

    INEXPEDIENT, a. [in and expedient.] Not expedient; not tending to promote a purpose; not tending to a good end; unfit; improper; unsuitable to time and place. Whatever tends to retard or defeat success in a good cause is inexpedient. What is expedient at one time, may be inexpedient at another.

    INEXPERIENCE, n. [in and experience.] Want of experience or experimental knowledge; as the inexperience of youth, or their inexperience of the world.

    INEXPERIENCED, a. Not having experience; unskilled.

    INEXPERT, a. [in and expert.] Not expert; not skilled; destitute of knowledge or dexterity derived from practice.

    In letters and in lawsNWAD INEXPERT.2

    Not inexpert.NWAD INEXPERT.3

    INEXPIALBE, a. [L. inexpiabilis. See Expiate.]

    1. That admits of no atonement or satisfaction; as an inexpiable crime or offense.NWAD INEXPIALBE.2

    2. That cannot be mollified or appeased by atonement; as inexpiable hate.NWAD INEXPIALBE.3

    INEXPIABLY, adv. To a degree that admits of no atonement.

    INEXPLAINABLE, a. That cannot be explained; inexplicable. [The latter word is generally used.]

    INEXPLEABLY, adv. Insatiably. [Not used.]

    INEXPLICABLE, a. [L. inexplicabilis; in and explico, to unfold.]

    That cannot be explained or interpreted; not capable of being rendered plain and intelligible; as an inexplicable mystery.NWAD INEXPLICABLE.2

    INEXPLICABLY, adv. In a manner not to be explained.

    INEXPLORABLE, a. [in and explorable, from explore.]

    That cannot be explored, searched or discovered.NWAD INEXPLORABLE.2

    INEXPRESSIBLE, a. [in and expressible, from express.]

    Not to be expressed in words; not to be uttered; unspeakable; unutterable; as inexpressible grief, joy or pleasure.NWAD INEXPRESSIBLE.2

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