INTERRER, n. [from inter.] One that inters or buries.
INTERREX, n. [L. inter and rex, king.] A regent; a magistrate that governs during an interregnum.
INTERROGATE, v.t. [L. interrogo; inter and rogo, to ask.]
To question; to examine by asking questions; as, to interrogate a witness.NWAD INTERROGATE.2
INTERROGATE, v.i. To ask questions.
INTERROGATED, pp. Examined by questions.
INTERROGATING, ppr. Asking questions of one; examining by questions.
INTERROGATION, n. The act of questioning; examination by questions.
1. A question put; inquiry.NWAD INTERROGATION.2
2. A note that marks a question; as, does Job serve God for naught?NWAD INTERROGATION.3
INTERROGATIVE, a. Denoting a question; expressed in the form of a question; as an interrogative phrase or sentence.
INTERROGATIVE, n. A word used in asking questions; as who? what? which? why?
INTERROGATIVELY, adv. In the form of a question.
INTERROGATOR, n. One who asks questions.
INTERROGATORY, n. A question or inquiry. In law, a particular question to a witness, who is to answer it under the solemnities of an oath. This may be in open court or before commissioners.
INTERROGATORY, a. Containing a question; expressing a question; as an interrogatory sentence.
INTERRUPT, v.t. [L. interrumpo, interruptus; inter and rumpo, to break.]
1. To stop or hinder by breaking in upon the course or progress of any thing; to break the current or motion of; as a fall of rain interrupted our journey. There was not a tree nor a bush to interrupt the charge of the enemy. The speaker was interrupted by shouts of acclamation. We apply the word both to the agent and to his progress. We say, an alarm interrupted the speaker, or his arguments or discourse.NWAD INTERRUPT.2
2. To divide; to separate; to break continuity or a continued series. The road was on a plain, not interrupted by a single hill, or interrupted here and there by a hill.NWAD INTERRUPT.3
INTERRUPT, a. Broken; containing a chasm.
INTERRUPTED, pp. Stopped; hindered from proceeding.
INTERRUPTEDLY, adv. With breaks or interruptions.
INTERRUPTER, n. One that interrupts.
INTERRUPTING, ppr. Hindering by breaking in upon.
1. The act of interrupting, or breaking in upon progression.NWAD INTERRUPTION.2
2. Breach of any thing extended; interposition; as an isle separated from the continent by the interruption of the sea.NWAD INTERRUPTION.3
3. Intervention; interposition.NWAD INTERRUPTION.4
Lest the interruption of time causedNWAD INTERRUPTION.5
4. Stop; hinderance; obstruction caused by breaking in upon any course, current, progress or motion. An interruption may be temporary or durable. The work of the Erie canal has suffered few interruptions from storms and floods. The lava met with no interruption till it descended to the foot of the mountain. The author has met with many interruptions in the execution of his work. The speaker or the argument proceeds without interruption.NWAD INTERRUPTION.6
5. Stop; cessation; intermission.NWAD INTERRUPTION.7
INTERSCAPULAR, a. [L. inter and scapula, the shoulder-blade.] Situated between the shoulders.
INTERSCIND, v.t. [L. inter and scindo.] To cut off.
INTERSCRIBE, v.t. [L. inter and scribo.] To write between.
INTERSECANT, a. [L. intersecans, interseco; inter and seco, to cut.] Dividing into parts; crossing.
INTERSECT, v.t. [L. interseco; inter, between, and seco, to cut.]
To cut or cross mutually; to divide into parts. Thus two lines or two planes may intersect each other. The ecliptic intersects the equator.NWAD INTERSECT.2
INTERSECT, v.i. To meet and cross each other; as, the point where two lines intersect. [This is elliptical.]
INTERSECTED, pp. Cut or divided into parts; crossed.
INTERSECTING, ppr. Cutting; crossing; as lines.
INTERSECTION, n. [L. intersectio.] The act or state of intersecting.
1. The point or line in which two lines or two planes cut each other.NWAD INTERSECTION.2
INTERSEMINATE, v.t. [L. interseminatus; inter, between, and semino, to sow.] To sow between or among. [Little used.]
INTERSERT, v.t. [L. intersero; inter, between, and sero, to throw.]
To set or put in between other things.NWAD INTERSERT.2
INTERSERTION, n. An insertion, or thing inserted between other things.
INTERSPACE, n. [inter and space.] A space between other things.
INTERSPERSE, v.t. interspers’. [L. interspersus; inter, between, and spargo, to scatter.] To scatter or set here and there among other things; as an able argument interspersed with flowers of rhetoric. Intersperse shrubs among trees.
INTERSPERSED, pp. Scattered or situated here and there among other things.
INTERSPERSING, ppr. Scattering here and there among other things.
INTERSPERSION, n. The act of scattering or setting here and there among other things.
INTERSTELLAR, a. [L. inter and stella, a star.] Situated beyond the solar system.
INTERSTICE, n. [L. interstitium; inter and sto, to stand.]
1. A space between things; but chiefly, a narrow or small space between things closely set, or the parts which compose a body. We speak of the interstices between the teeth, or between the parts of wood or stone.NWAD INTERSTICE.2
2. Time between one act and another; interval.NWAD INTERSTICE.3
INTERSTINCTIVE, a. Distinguishing. [Not used.]
INTERSTITIAL, a. Pertaining to or containing interstices.
INTERSTRATIFIED, a. Stratified among or between other bodies.
INTERTALK, v.t. intertauk’. To exchange conversation. [Not used.]
INTERTANGLE, v.t. To intertwist; to entangle.
INTERTEXTURE, n. [L. intertextus; inter and texo, to weave.] act of interweaving, or the state of things interwoven.
INTERTIE, INTERDUCE, n. In carpentry, a small timber between summers.
INTERTROPICAL, a. [inter and tropical.] Situated between the tropics.
INTERTWINE, v.t. [inter and twine.] To unite by twining or twisting one with another.
INTERTWINED, pp. Twined or twisted one with another.
INTERTWINING, ppr. Twining one with another.
INTERTWIST, v.t. [inter and twist.] To twist one with another.
INTERTWISTED, pp. Twisted one with another.
INTERTWISTING, ppr. Twisting one with another.
INTERVAL, n. [L. intervallum; inter and vallum, a wall, or vallus, a stake.]
1. A space between things; a void space intervening between any two objects; as an interval between two columns, between two pickets or palisades, between two houses or walls, or between two mountains or hills.NWAD INTERVAL.2
2. Space of time between any two points or events; as the interval between the death of Charles I. of England and the accession of Charles II.; the interval between two wars. Hence we say, an interval of peace.NWAD INTERVAL.3
3. The space of time between two paroxysms of disease, pain or delirium; remission; as an interval of ease, of peace, of reason.NWAD INTERVAL.4
4. The distance between two given sounds in music, or the difference in point of gravity or acuteness.NWAD INTERVAL.5
5. A tract of low or plain ground between hills, or along the banks of rivers, usually alluvial land enriched by the overflowings of rivers, or by fertilizing deposits of earth from the adjacent hills. [De. Belknap writes this intervale; I think improperly.]NWAD INTERVAL.6
INTERVEINED, a. [inter and vein.] Intersected as with veins.
Fair champaign with less rivers interveined.NWAD INTERVEINED.2
INTERVENE, v.i. [L. intervenio; inter and venio, to come.]
1. To come or be between persons or things; to be situated between. Thus the Atlantic intervenes between Europe and America; the Mediterranean intervenes between Europe and Africa.NWAD INTERVENE.2
2. To come between points or time or events; as the period that intervened between the treaty of Ryswick and the treaty of Utrecht.NWAD INTERVENE.3
3. To happen in a way to disturb, cross or interrupt. Events may intervene to frustrate our purposes or wishes.NWAD INTERVENE.4
4. To interpose or undertake voluntarily for another. A third party may intervene and accept a bill of exchange for another.NWAD INTERVENE.5
INTERVENE, n. A coming between. [Not used.]
INTERVENIENT, a. Coming or being between; intercedent; interposed. [Little used.]
INTERVENING, ppr. or a. Coming or being between persons or things, or between points of time; as intervening space or time; intervening events or misfortunes; intervening peace.
1. A state of coming or being between; interposition. Light is not interrupted by the intervention of a transparent body.NWAD INTERVENTION.2
2. Agency of persons between persons; interposition; mediation; any interference that may affect the interests of others.NWAD INTERVENTION.3
Let us decide our quarrels at home without the intervention of a foreign power.NWAD INTERVENTION.4
3. Agency of means or instruments; as, effects are produced by the intervention of natural causes.NWAD INTERVENTION.5
4. Interposition in favor of another; a voluntary undertaking of one party for another. A bill of exchange may be accepted by the intervention of a third person in behalf of the drawer or of one of the indorsers.NWAD INTERVENTION.6
INTERVENUE, n. Interposition. [Not used.]
INTERVERT, v.t. [L. interverto; inter and verto, to turn.]
To turn to another course or to another use. [Little used.]NWAD INTERVERT.2
INTERVIEW, n. [inter and view.] A mutual sight or view; a meeting; usually a formal meeting for some conference on an important subject; hence the word implies a conference or mutual communication of thoughts. The envoy had an interview with the king or with the secretary of foreign affairs. The parties had an interview and adjusted their differences.
INTERVOLVE, v.t. intervolv’. [L. intervolvo; inter and volvo, to roll.] To involve one within another.
INTERVOLVED, pp. Involved one within another; wrapped together.
INTERVOLVING, ppr. Involving one within another.
INTERWEAVE, v.t. pret. interwove; pp. interwoven. [inter and weave.]
1. To weave together; to intermix or unite in texture or construction; as threads of silk and cotton interwoven.NWAD INTERWEAVE.2
2. To intermix; to set among or together; as a covert of interwoven trees.NWAD INTERWEAVE.3
3. To intermingle; to insert together; as, to interweave truth with falsehood.NWAD INTERWEAVE.4
INTERWEAVING, n. Intertexture.
INTERWISH, v.t. [inter and wish.] To wish mutually to each other. [Little used.]
INTERWORKING, n. The act of working together.
INTESTABLE, a. [L. intestabilis; in and testabilis; testis, a witness; testor, to testify.]
Not capable of making a will; legally unqualified or disqualified to make a testament; as, a person unqualified for want of discretion, or disqualified by loss of reason, is intestable.NWAD INTESTABLE.2
INTESTACY, n. [from intestate.] The state of dying without making a will or disposing of one’s effects.
INTESTATE, a. [L. intestatus; in and testatus, testor, to make a will.]
1. Dying without having made a will. When a man dies intestate, his estate is committed for settlement to administrators.NWAD INTESTATE.2
2. Not devised; not disposed of by will; as an intestate estate.NWAD INTESTATE.3
INTESTATE, n. A person who dies without making a will.
INTESTINAL, a. [from intestine.] Pertaining to the intestines of an animal body; as the intestinal tube or canal.
INTESTINE, a. [L. intestinus, from intus, within.]
1. Internal; inward; opposed to external; applied to the human or other animal body; as an intestine disease.NWAD INTESTINE.2
2. Internal with regard to a state or country; domestic, not foreign; as intestine feuds; intestine war; intestine enemies. It is to be remarked that this word is usually or always applied to evils. We never say, intestine happiness or prosperity; intestine trade, manufactures or bills; but intestine broils, trouble, disorders, calamities, war, etc. We say, internal peace, welfare, prosperity, or internal broils, war, trade, etc. This restricted use of intestine seems to be entirely arbitrary.NWAD INTESTINE.3
INTESTINE, n. Usually in the plural, intestines. The bowels; the canal or tube that extends, with convolutions, from the right orifice of the stomach to the anus.
INTHIRST, v.t. inthurst’. [in and thirst.] To make thirsty. [Not used.]
INTHRALL, v.t. [in and thrall.] To enslave; to reduce to bondage or servitude; to shackle. The Greeks have been inthralled by the Turks.
She soothes, but never can inthrall my mind.NWAD INTHRALL.2
INTHRALLED, pp. Enslaved; reduced to servitude.
INTHRALLMENT, n. Servitude; slavery; bondage.
INTHRONE, v.t. [in and throne.] To seat on a throne; to raise to royalty or supreme dominion. [See Enthrone, which is the more common orthography.]
INTHRONIZATION, n. The act of enthroning. [Not in use.]
INTHRONIZE, v.t. To enthrone. [Not in use.]
INTIMACY, n. [from intimate.] Close familiarity or fellowship; nearness in friendship.
INTIMATE, a. [L. intimus, superl. of intus, or interus, within.]
1. Inmost; inward; internal; as intimate impulse.NWAD INTIMATE.2
2. Near; close.NWAD INTIMATE.3
He was honored with an intimate and immediate admission.NWAD INTIMATE.4
3. Close in friendship or acquaintance; familiar; as an intimate friend; intimate acquaintance.NWAD INTIMATE.5
INTIMATE, n. A familiar friend or associate; one to whom the thoughts of another are entrusted without reserve.
INTIMATE, v.i. To share together. [Not in use.]
INTIMATE, v.t. [Low L. intimo, to intimate, to register, to love entirely, to make one intimate, to enter, from intimus.]
To hint; to suggest obscurely, indirectly or not very plainly; to give slight notice of. He intimated his intention of resigning his office.NWAD INTIMATE.9
‘Tis heaven itself that points out an hereafter,NWAD INTIMATE.10
And intimates eternity to man.NWAD INTIMATE.11
INTIMATED, pp. Hinted; slightly mentioned or signified.
INTIMATELY, adv. Closely; with close intermixture and union of parts; as two fluids intimately mixed.
1. Closely; with nearness of friendship or alliance; as two friends intimately united; two families intimately connected.NWAD INTIMATELY.2
2. Familiarly; particularly; as, to be intimately acquainted with facts or with a subject.NWAD INTIMATELY.3
INTIMATING, ppr. Hinting; suggesting.
INTIMATION, n. Hint; an obscure or indirect suggestion or notice; a declaration or remark communicating imperfect information. Our friend left us without giving any previous intimation of his design.
INTIME, a. [L. intimus.] Inward; internal. [Not used.]
INTIMIDATE, v.t. [L. timidus, fearful; timeo, to fear.]
To make fearful; to inspire with fear; to dishearten; to abash.NWAD INTIMIDATE.2
Now guilt once harbor’d in the conscious breast,NWAD INTIMIDATE.3
Intimidates the brave, degrades the great.NWAD INTIMIDATE.4
INTIMIDATED, pp. Made fearful; abashed.
INTIMIDATING, ppr. Making fearful; abashing.
INTIMIDATION, n. The act of making fearful; the state of being abashed.
INTINCTIVITY, n. [L. in and tinctus, dipped, stained.]
The want of the quality of coloring or tinging other bodies. Fuller’s earth is distinguished from colorific earths by its intinctivity.NWAD INTINCTIVITY.2
INTIRE, INTIRELY,. [See Entire and its derivatives.]
INTITLE. [See Entitle.]
INTO, prep. [in and to.] Noting entrance or a passing from the outside of a thing to its interior parts. It follows verbs expressing motion. Come into the house; go into the church; one stream falls or runs into another. Water enters into the fine vessels of plants.
1. Noting penetration beyond the outside or surface, or access to it. Look into a letter or book; look into an apartment.NWAD INTO.2
2. Noting insertion. Infuse more spirit or animation into the composition.NWAD INTO.3
3. Noting mixture. Put other ingredients into the compound.NWAD INTO.4
4. Noting inclusion. Put these ideas into other words.NWAD INTO.5
5. Noting the passing of a thing from one form or state to another. Compound substances may be resolved into others which are more simple; ice is convertible into water, and water into vapor. Men are more easily drawn than forced into compliance. We reduce many distinct substances into one mass. We are led by evidence into belief of truth. Men are often enticed into the commission of crimes. Children are sometimes frightened into fits, and we are all liable to be seduced into error and folly.NWAD INTO.6
INTOLERABLE, a. [L. intolerabilis; in and tolerabilis, tolero, to bear.]
1. Not to be borne; that cannot be endured; as intolerable pain; intolerable heat or cold; an intolerable burden.NWAD INTOLERABLE.2
2. Insufferable; as intolerable laziness.NWAD INTOLERABLE.3
INTOLERABLENESS, n. The quality of being not tolerable or sufferable.
INTOLERABLY, adv. To a degree beyond endurance; as intolerably cold; intolerably abusive.
INTOLERANCE, n. [from intolerant.] Want of toleration; the not enduring at all or not suffering to exist without persecution; as the intolerance of a prince or a church towards a religious sect.
INTOLERANT, a. [L. in and tolero, to endure.]
1. Not enduring; not able to endure.NWAD INTOLERANT.2
The powers of the human body being limited and intolerant of excesses.NWAD INTOLERANT.3
2. Not enduring difference of opinion or worship; refusing to tolerate others in the enjoyment of their opinions, rights and worship.NWAD INTOLERANT.4
INTOLERANT, n. One who does not favor toleration.
INTOLERATED, a. Not endured; not tolerated.
INTOLERATION, n. Intolerance; refusal to tolerate others in their opinions or worship.
INTOMB, v.t. intoom’. [in and tomb.] To deposit in a tomb; to bury.